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we JSL International (Trinidad) Limited HSE Department ‘Training & Awarenss Topic:_ RISK ASSCSemeNT Time Started: '3O HP ~ Time Completed: 1San es No |__Name (First, Last) | Signature Position Date 1 1S eegenne: ce Suree loz Zeal 2 fa! z begewee! or/ou /) i 4 5 6 Z 8 9g 10 TT 2B 13 14 15 Discussion Presenter, S> Sec bene vote, 2 four/ yp Page 20f JSLHSE o¢Pr 2018 Softy Culture iniative -, JL International (Trinidad) Limited he Form: J-HSEF-46 ‘Training Feedback Form LA Bees s a Course Name: Esevsecen Treaanug ~ Facilitator's): 7. $7 Lbegue Date: 23 -o/= 1 Please rate the following questions by circling the appropriate number: Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly disagree agree The information presented was very useful 1 2 3 ‘The materials were easy to understand 1 2 @ 4 The facilitator was well prepared 1 2 2 4 ‘The facilitator was able to command my 1 2 @ 4 attention The audiovisual materials were appropriate 1 2 @ 4 The equipment was in good working order 1 2 ® 4 The course length was appropriate 1 2 ® 4 The classroom environment helped leaming 1 2 @ 4 The information was relevant to my job 1 2 @ 4 | feel more confident leaving than when I 1 2 ® 4 arrived with the information I received ay expecilsts werd 1 2 Oo +s ‘What did you like most about this course? Hiner What did you like least about this course? Your recommendations: —_— Name (Optional). agg cr? Thank you for your honest comments. We will use them for continuous improvement! JSL International (Trinidad) Limited J-HSEF-46 OSH Act 2004 rev 2006 introduced the explicit requirement for risk assessment. Regulation 25G requires that: Employers with 25 or more employees to record the significant findings of their risk assessment > HSO71 - Guidance on the Conduct and Management of Operational Risk Assessment for UKCS Offshore Oil and Gas Operations. Issue 1 (2012) Definitions + tama Asource or stustion with 2 potential forharm to humans, property and damage of eruronmene ora combination of these Danger eave exposure to hazard bk A comboaton of ikainoed of ecurence and severity of Injury or damage. + Alarp stow As Reasonably Appesbe Overview of Risk Management System + Definition of Hazards + Classification of Hazards + Potential Sources of Hazards + Basic components of Risk Management Risk Management Process Classify Actives (Work, Product, Services) Identify Hazard ‘Assess The Risk (Consequences) Fisk Control (Corrective Actions) Review Risk Control 4/30/2014 Work Place Hazards Classification Example of Havards + “Mechanical - sharp points & edges, overload. + Electrical Insulation damaged or cover broken + Blological_- Exposed, airborne/blood bome : microorganism, + Chemical - Expose to carcinogens chemical + Exgonomics - ©xpose to unnatural postures + Psychological Stress or violet at workplace. Hazard Identification Hazard Identification Program includes: ‘= analyze all aspects of the work, include Non routine activities e.g, Repair, Maintenance, Use of Hazardous Substances ‘+ Review all accident / incident / near-miss records = Create a teams of professionals who work in various dept. Hazard Identification cont. Hazard Identification Program includes: Look at foreseeable unusual conditions (eg possible impact on hazard control procedures that may be unavailable in an emergency situation) Look at the way the work is organised ar “earried ‘out include experience and age of people doing the work, systems being used, etc) ‘Examine risks to staf, subcontractors, visitors, cleaners, maintenance & public and how long will they be exposed Hazard Identification cont. Hazard Identification Program includes: sbexign and construction of new facies ‘New Equipment isadded tothe process When nev legislation is introduced comprise groups of employees who may havea different level of risk suchas young or unexperienced ‘oersons with dicailties, or new or expectant mothers 4/30/2014 Assessing the Risk Rsk Assessment is systomatie proces for developing ‘Knowledge and understanding about hazards and risks 0 that sound decisions canbe taken to introduce controls, Risk assessment asits in determini + hat levels of harm ean occur + How harm can oceur Tha likelihood that harm wil occu + Who, what may be affected ‘risk assessment wil provide knowledge to make informed decisions about controling hazards and risks. The rk assessment needs to be talored to the tuaton andto the ‘organization in which iis conducted; Risk Assessment Methodology * Select task to be analysed + Reduce the task to steps + Evaluate the risk at each step ‘+ Develop and implement the Risk Assessment + Monitor and Review Access the Risk ln assessing the rss, three essential steps are ‘hen: 4.The probability or likelihood ofan incident ‘occurring is evaluated. 2. The severity ofthe potential consequences is calculated or estimated. {3 Based on these two factors, the risks ae assigned priority for risk control through the use ofa risk rating Risk Scoring 4/30/2014 Risk Control EL- Eliminate + SL-Substitute + 1S- isolation + EC- Engineering Control + AC- Administration Control + PPE- Personal Protection Equipment Risk Control con’t &e; EL - stop work, cover hazard... SL. - use other route, other materia. IS - put up temporary barrier, EC - construct permanent wall, AC - put up notice, job rotation,.. PPE - gloves, respirator, Risk Control con’t Avoid. the threat associated with an opportunity is tao high relative tothe potential reward, it may be appropriate to drop the ides. Transfer shift risk to third parties include buying Insurance; using nancial instruments Iitigate. To increase the chances of achieving objectives, Accept. Companies may be able t live with some risks, y 2} 3) 4) 5} 6 7” Risk Control con’t Avoid or eliminate the riskif possible Transfer the risk insurance, contract, rental) Use safety polices, safety manual, rules, procedures ‘Staff training and orientation Use informed consent/acknowledgement of risk forms Document al inspections and safety taining Conduct thorough accident investigations, use claim adjuster 4/30/2014 Risk Control Review Checking contolsirvlves the same methods a inthe nti hazard entifiaion ste, and create he op in whch ‘workplace heath and slety measures are mantained, Common methods used to check te efectveness of cons ate: ‘inspecting he workgice *Consuting employers ‘Testing and messing + Using avaabi nformation ‘Analyzing recots and data _any fares in current conto should became apparent these ‘hacks are made ona regular bass. Maxed wll gw be ALAR, Maintaining Risk Control antag efetiv coral to withstand the pacts of chenged operating conditions equres a number of ting tobe pin ae. The floming elements ae necerary to maint eecte contol + Alcatel occountbilty for helt nd safety ecounabity must be early alocsted et areu eves of ‘management ensure procedures ate follows ane mained + Regular consultation - sk corse mi ce where there isinital and ongoing conuttion wth employees end FSS + tfective communication —ris control ae me wectne where owes ae communesed i appropri guage and rs ndsmtol ee wes. Maintaining Risk Control ‘sed procs cing oto ol at roi rs of Srrirn rmene en wad sie RECAP OF THE RISK ASSESSMENT PROCESS 4/30/2014 Principle of Crocodile + Identify the risk Principle of Crocodile + Evaluate the risk Principle of Crocodile + Eliminate the risk Principle of Crocodile + Substitute the risk 4/30/2014 rene lple crocodile Principle of Crocodile * Isolate the risk * Use Personal Protective Equipment Principle of Crocodile ‘COURT OF APPEAL RULING 2008 FOF elseennniRun away t Risk Assessments are meant to be an exercise by which an employer examines and evaluates all risks entailed in the operation and takes steps to minimise ‘those risks”. In the opinion of the court gz the risk assessment is a blue print for action. 4/30/2014 Break Out Session + Divide into groups: + Attempt a Risk Assessment (TBRA) 4. FLT Usage 2. Manual Handling 3. Using Knife to Cut Meat Assessment Records + Records may be stored in electronic as well as paper form, + Records should be kept for a minimum of 3 years (egal action) KEY POINTS TO REMEMBER “+ Risk assessment proportionate to the risk involved. + What is realy required versus what you feel have to do to eliminate the fear of litigtion/prosecution if things go wrong. + It is action that makes the difference Thank You For Your Attention ! Any Questions 4/30/2024 QandA Define Risk Assessment, Define Hazard. Define ALARP. Define Risk Management Sequence. Identify Risk Control System. Q&A Risk Assessment 10

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