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Environmental Impact Assessment Review 51 (2015) 1–9

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Environmental Impact Assessment Review

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Evaluation of noise pollution in urban traffic hubs—Noise maps

and measurements
Paulo Eduardo Kirrian Fiedler, Paulo Henrique Trombetta Zannin ⁎
Laboratory of Environmental and Industrial Acoustics and Acoustic Comfort, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A study was made of some of the main traffic hubs in a Latin American metropolis, in order to determine the pres-
Received 13 August 2014 ence or absence of noise by means of noise measurements and acoustic mapping. To characterize noise in the
Accepted 30 September 2014 evaluated road stretches, 232 measurements were taken at different points. The Predictor software package
Available online 21 October 2014
was used for the noise mapping calculations. Noise sensitive areas, e.g., hospitals, were identified in the evaluated
road stretches. Noise maps were calculated for two hospitals, showing the current levels of noise that reach their
Noise pollution
facades. Hypothetical scenarios were simulated by making changes in the composition of traffic and total number
Noise mapping of vehicles, and an assessment was made of the potential influence of these modifications in reducing the noise
Traffic hubs levels reaching the facades of the buildings in question. The simulations indicated that a 50% reduction in total
Traffic flow traffic flow, or a 50% reduction in heavy vehicle traffic flow, would reduce the noise levels by about 3 dB(A).
Road traffic noise © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2. Materials and method

Noise in cities is a global problem which has been studied extensive- 2.1. Study location
ly around the world [1–14]. Today, urban noise is considered a public
health problem [15–19]. The setting of this study is the city of Curitiba, whose Structural Road
Currently, the city of Curitiba (in southern Brazil) has a population of System is ternary, comprising: a central bus lane flanked on each side by
over 1.8 million [20], making it one of Brazil's and Latin America's a lane for ordinary vehicle traffic. Curitiba's main Structural Sectors
largest metropolises. According to the National Traffic Department, (traffic hubs) are: South, East and West (see Fig. 1).
the city has a vehicle fleet of 1,314,000, which is equivalent to a ratio The purpose of this study is to evaluate environmental noise on
of 0.73 vehicle/inhabitant. stretches of road in the city's main traffic hubs, based on in situ measure-
This study examined the environmental impact of noise generated ments and the calculation of acoustic maps. Because the hubs are quite
by road traffic in a large city in Latin America, based on in situ measure- extensive, stretches of road varying from 2.4 to 3.5 km were chosen,
ments of sound pressure levels and sound mapping. which are depicted in Fig. 2.
The object of this study is the main urban traffic hubs in the city of Stretch 1, which is approximately 2700 m long and is part of
Curitiba. Along these road stretches, we sought to identify so-called the Structural Sector South, comprises four neighborhoods. This is an es-
“noise sensitive areas” such as hospitals, and based on acoustic maps, sentially commercial area containing banks, schools, offices, a museum,
identify the noise levels that reach these buildings. Through acoustic shopping malls and a bus terminal, so daily traffic in this region is very
maps, a reference scenario was evaluated that represents the current intense.
state of urban noise in these traffic hubs. Three distinct hypothetical sce- Stretch 2 is approximately 2400 m in length and covers three neigh-
narios were also simulated to evaluate the noise that reaches the afore- borhoods. It is a prime area of the city with a large concentration of res-
mentioned sensitive areas. idential buildings, as well as stores, schools, a shopping mall and a bus
Lastly, a comparison was made of the reference scenario and the hy- terminal.
pothetical scenarios, and the effectiveness of simulated noise control Stretch 3 is about 2700 m long and encompasses three neighbor-
measures in the hypothetical scenarios was evaluated. hoods. Pedestrian and vehicle traffic of both residents and non-
residents who work in this central region of Curitiba is intense.
Stretch 4 is approximately 3500 m long and covers 4 neighbor-
⁎ Corresponding author.
hoods. This stretch is a predominantly residential, but it also serves
E-mail addresses:, as an important transport corridor linking the city center to outlying
(P.H.T. Zannin). neighborhoods.
0195-9255/© 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 P.E.K. Fiedler, P.H.T. Zannin / Environmental Impact Assessment Review 51 (2015) 1–9

Fig. 1. Major road traffic hubs in the city of Curitiba: Structural Sector West, Structural Sector East, and Structural Sector South (adapted from [21]).

2.2. Noise measurements 2.3. Noise mapping

The noise along the stretches was characterized based on 232 Acoustic maps are very useful tools for diagnosing and evaluating
measurements taken at different locations. On average, 60 points urban noise levels [13,14,25–30]. Noise maps of a given area are cal-
were evaluated along each stretch. The measurements were taken culated based on a number of geometrical, physical, traffic and
on virtually every street, both along the hubs and the streets perpen- acoustic parameters. Georeferenced cartographic data, such as to-
dicular to them, to ensure that the acoustic maps would be as repre- pography (contour lines at 5-meter intervals), the street layout and
sentative as possible of the noise levels in the areas of this study. orthophoto maps of the region were obtained from a database called
Fig. 3 shows the location of the measuring points on Stretch 1. Curitiba Digital—Edition 2006/CD, from the Curitiba Institute for
The noise measurements were taken as recommended by the Urban Research and Planning, and were imported into the Predictor
Brazilian standard for noise assessment in communities [22] and also software.
following the recommendations of Parts 1 and 2 of the ISO 1996 stan- The vehicle counting was done manually and simultaneously with
dard [23,24]. The equipment and software program used in the noise the measurements of equivalent sound levels, Leq, and each measure-
analysis were: 1) sound analyzers (B&K 2238 and B&K 2250), and ment was taken for 10 min, as recommended in the current literature
2) Predictor 8.11 software for acoustic map calculations. All the noise [12–14,34].
measurements were taken in good weather (without rain or strong To determine the average speed of vehicles on the streets and roads
wind). The measurements were taken in the daytime (07:01 to under analysis, we considered the maximum speed allowed, which
19:00), between April and August 2012, with simultaneous traffic ranges from 50 to 60 km on the main roads and 30 to 40 km on second-
counts at different times on week days. ary roads and streets.
P.E.K. Fiedler, P.H.T. Zannin / Environmental Impact Assessment Review 51 (2015) 1–9 3

Fig. 2. Road stretches evaluated in Curitiba's main traffic hubs—Stretch 1, Stretch 2, Stretch 3 and Stretch 4 (adapted from [21]).

2.4. Calibration of the acoustic maps Figs. 4 to 7 show the noise level measured at each measuring point.
The line cutting across the graph at 65 dB(A) represents the limit
This calibration involves checking if the noise levels generated by the allowed by Curitiba Municipal Law No. 10.62533 on permissible day-
calculation model are consistent with noise levels measured in the field. time noise levels in urban environments in the city's Structural Trans-
This comparison is made by adding receivers to the model, at the points port Sectors. The line across the graph at 55 dB(A) indicates the legal
where measurements were taken. The larger the area, the more re- limit for daytime noise in the noise sensitive areas such as hospitals
ceivers should be placed in it. The maps were calibrated with the mea- and schools.
sures, and the difference between the measured and simulated Leq In Figs. 4–7, the upper line at 65 dB(A) shows the legal noise limit
should be lower than the 4.6 dB(A) recommended by the EU Working permitted at the measuring points located in the Structural Sectors
Group on the Assessment of Environmental Noise (WG-AEN) [31]. and represented by the blue bars. The lower line at 55 dB(A) indicates
the legal noise limit at the points measured in the noise sensitive
areas, which are represented by gray bars.
2.5. Noise mapping calculations The results obtained for each of the four analyzed stretches indicate
sound pressure levels exceeding the legal limits. Among the measure-
The calculations to obtain acoustic maps require the demarcation of an ments taken at the 232 points, only 45 showed noise levels of up to
area of calculation. After this step, the Predictor software generates a grid 65 dB(A), which is the limit established by Curitiba Municipal Law
noise map whose distance between points on the grid is defined by the 10625 [33] for the city's Structural Sectors. The situation in the noise
user. Grids of 15 × 15 m or 20 × 20 m generate acceptable approxima- sensitive areas is even more critical, since only 4 points showed noise
tions, with the advantage of greater processing speed, but may sacrifice levels reaching the limit of 55 dB(A).
some of the details of results in more densely populated areas. Thus, the Of the 232 measured points, 171 showed noise levels exceeding
grid size adopted here was 10 × 10 m. For maps of noise sensitive areas 65 dB(A), which is the upper limit allowed for the evaluated areas
such as hospitals, the grid resolution was 2 × 2 m. The height of the grid [33]. Maschke [6] stated that 65 dB(A) is the sound level limit for
was 4 m, as recommended by the Environmental Noise Directive [32]. noise exposure of an urban population, which underlines the serious-
ness of the acoustic situation in the segments of the urban traffic hubs
evaluated here.
3. Results and discussion Fig. 8 shows the noise maps of the traffic hubs evaluated in this
study. Noise maps are important tools for managing urban noise, be-
The model was calibrated by checking if the sound levels generated cause they provide a broad overview of the problem of noise pollution.
by the model were consistent with those measured in the field. This The traffic hubs evaluated here contain many noise sensitive areas
comparison was made by adding receivers to the model, at the points such as those surrounding schools, universities, hospitals and outpatient
where the measurements were taken. The maps were calibrated with clinics. Some of these institutions were therefore selected for a more de-
the measurements, and the difference between the measured and sim- tailed evaluation based on acoustic maps of the noise levels reaching the
ulated Leq was lower than the 4.6 dB(A) recommended by the WG-AEN facades of these buildings. Two hospitals were selected in the noise sen-
(2002) [31]. Table 1 describes the difference between the simulated Leq sitive areas: a) Hospital 1 in Stretch 1, and b) Hospital 2, in Stretch 3 (see
and the Leq measured at some of the 232 measuring points. Fig. 2). The sound levels that reach the facades of hospitals were
4 P.E.K. Fiedler, P.H.T. Zannin / Environmental Impact Assessment Review 51 (2015) 1–9

Fig. 3. Location of the measuring points in Stretch 1.

analyzed from noise maps representing a reference scenario, i.e., the hypothetical measures aimed at reducing the aforementioned noise
current noise levels that reach these buildings. After calculating the ref- levels reaching the hospital facades. These hypothetical situations are
erence noise maps, additional noise maps were calculated presenting identified as Scenarios 1, 2 and 3, and are described below.
Scenario 1 simulates a hypothetical situation in which the current
Table 1 total number of vehicles circulating in the traffic hubs is reduced by
Measured and simulated equivalent noise levels—Leq dB(A). 50%. The other parameters (average speed, type of pavement, etc.)
Measuring point Measured Simulated Difference between measured were kept identical to the reference scenario.
Leq Leq and simulated Leq—dB(A) Scenario 2 simulates a 50% reduction in the total number of heavy
6 70.6 72.0 −1.4
vehicles, specifically of trucks that circulate in the urban traffic hubs.
10 71.7 74.0 −2.3 Scenario 3 simulates a 56% increase in total vehicle traffic over the
14 69.9 71.5 −1.6 next 10 years. Data published by the statistics division of the National
19 72.1 75.3 −3.2 Traffic Department indicates a 56% increase in the number of vehicles
23 75.2 76.5 −1.3
circulating in Curitiba over the last five years. This information led us
27 74.7 77.4 −2.7
31 71.7 70.8 0.9 to assume a similar growth in the number of vehicles, albeit over a lon-
34 73.6 77.8 −4.2 ger time interval, i.e., a growth of 56% in ten years.
38 76.3 75.6 0.7 Figs. 9 and 10, respectively, show the results of the reference scenar-
42 65.8 68.8 −3.0 io and simulated Scenario 1 involving a 50% reduction in total vehicle
50 73.1 77.6 −4.5
55 59.2 60.6 −1.4
traffic in the areas surrounding the two hospitals.
56 69.1 71.8 −2.7 The results of the simulations show a decrease of about 3 dB(A) at
57 65.9 69.5 −3.6 the facades of the two hospitals after the implementation of the 50% re-
60 72.8 74.0 −1.2 duction in the total vehicle flow. However, this does not solve the
P.E.K. Fiedler, P.H.T. Zannin / Environmental Impact Assessment Review 51 (2015) 1–9 5

Structural Sectors (SS)

Noise sensitive areas

Fig. 4. Equivalent sound pressure levels, Leq, measured in Stretch 1.

Structural Sectors (SS)

Noise sensitive areas

Fig. 5. Equivalent sound pressure levels, Leq, measured in Stretch 2.

Structural Sectors (SS)

Noise sensitive areas

Fig. 6. Equivalent sound pressure levels, Leq, measured in Stretch 3.

6 P.E.K. Fiedler, P.H.T. Zannin / Environmental Impact Assessment Review 51 (2015) 1–9

Structural Sectors (SS)

Noise sensitive areas

Fig. 7. Equivalent sound pressure levels, Leq, measured in Stretch 4.

problem of noise pollution in the areas in question, since the noise levels not solve the problem of noise pollution surrounding the hospitals,
reaching the hospitals' facades remain higher than those permitted by since the noise levels reaching the their facades are still higher than
Curitiba legislation, which is a Leq of 55 dB(A) [33]. those allowed by Curitiba legislation, which is a Leq of 55 dB(A) [33].
Figs. 11 and 12, respectively, show the results of the reference sce- Figs. 13 and 14, respectively, show the results of the reference sce-
nario and simulated Scenario 2 involving a 50% reduction in heavy vehi- nario and simulated Scenario 3 involving an increase of 56% in total ve-
cle traffic in the areas surrounding the two hospitals. hicle traffic.
Again, although the results of the simulations show a decrease of The results of these simulations indicate an increase in noise
about 3 dB(A) at the facades of the two hospitals, this reduction does levels in the order of 3 dB(A) at the facades of the two hospitals.

Fig. 8. Noise maps of the urban traffic hubs (structural transport sectors) of Curitiba.
P.E.K. Fiedler, P.H.T. Zannin / Environmental Impact Assessment Review 51 (2015) 1–9 7

Fig. 9. Noise mapping of the façade of Hospital 1: Left: Reference scenario; Right: Scenario 1.

Fig. 10. Noise mapping of the façade of Hospital 2: Top: Reference scenario; Bottom: Sce- Fig. 12. Noise mapping of the façade of Hospital 2: Top: Reference scenario; Bottom: Sce-
nario 1. nario 2.

This increase further aggravates the problem of noise pollution 4. Conclusions

that already exists in these noise sensitive areas in question.
This makes it even more difficult to control the noise immissions, The results of the measurements and simulations in the stretches of
making it practically impossible to achieve the legal limit of L eq the urban traffic hubs evaluated here indicate that their acoustic situa-
55 dB(A)[33]. As can be seen in the noise maps, the noise levels tion is critical, since it is characterized by noise pollution. This noise pol-
reaching some of the facades exceed the legal limit by about lution has a negative impact, particularly considering that high noise
20 dB(A). levels affect noise sensitive areas such as hospitals, among others.

Fig. 11. Noise mapping of the façade of Hospital 1: Left: Reference scenario; Right: Scenario 2.
8 P.E.K. Fiedler, P.H.T. Zannin / Environmental Impact Assessment Review 51 (2015) 1–9

Fig. 13. Noise mapping of the façade of Hospital 1: Left: Reference scenario; Right: Scenario 3.

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