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Jonathan Leddy’s film

Filming my foodbank by interviewing people who work there and helping people who
don't have enough food for their families. I will also include how to do charities fo
people in need.
Teaching people different ways on how to help others in need of food and doing
charities for people in need as well. I will also give examples on how I did a charity for
people who don't have clean water. Donating money for people in need of supplies to
survive and people who dont have homes or cant afford any places to live people who
don't have clean water will be able to get clean water to change their lives people who
don't have enough food for their families giving people food so that they can feed their
families people who lost homes and supplies donating money to charities for people in
Maui donation charities for people in need of clean water to cause less diseases and for
survival it can help prevent less diseases that are in unclean water will be able to change
peoples lives when they get clean water I got a letter from someone I have changed their
lives by donating money to them and now they are able to get clean water rather than
instead of walking to get water for their families one way to help them is by giving
something up and making a charity finding different ways on how to create charities for
people in need people in Maui who lost their homes and supplies donating money for
people in need, interviewing people for the capstone and showing what I do in the food
bank, showing people how they can help to do things like these for people in need.
donating money for people in need, interviewing people for the capstone and showing what
I do in the food bank, showing people how they can help to do things like these for people
in need.

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