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VOL 2.

Common phrases and idioms

1. A coin ip - When people have to decide between two things, they might do a coin

2. I will level with you - to tell someone the truth about something/ be frank/ be open
with someone
3. Bamboozeled - to ll or cheat/ when you are fooled

4. To hone your skills - to polish your skills

5. Nerve recking - something very nervous and worrying

6. To tiptoe around - carefully avoid discussing or dealing with (a di cult or sensitive

7. I am at my wits end - to be so worried, confused, or annoyed that you do not know
what to do next: I'm at my wits' end. I don't know how to help him. (нервы сдают)

8. A Buzzkill/ a wet blanket - something or someone

that spoils people's feelings of excitement, enjoyment, or pleasure

9. Down-to-earth - practical, reasonable, and friendly

10. A pain in the neck - someone or something that is very annoying

11. To get cold feet - to suddenly become too frightened to do something you
had planned to do, especially something important such as getting married

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