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TASK #1: Give 30 reasons why research is important in our daily lives. I will double check and
will not accept if you just copy-pasted your answer from the internet. Please answer in English.

Why is research important in our daily lives?

 1.It is important in our innovation and solution.
 2.It helps us understand the Problem and situation in our economy.
 3.It Gives us hope when it comes to find ways to solve conflicts.
 4.It broader our Banks of Knowledge.
 5.It Breaks the stigma of intuition of most the people.
 6.Gives Credibility in our findings.
 7.It Predicts the future itself that may occur.
 8.It gives us conveniency in our daily lives.
 9.To Know the truth as the overall basis of research
 10.Because Research is a never-ending search of study.
 11.Research put away the superstitious Beliefs that gives us hope and truth.
 12.It gives us framework to study.
 13.To have an unbiased opinion.
 14.To challenge yourself in a critical study.
 15.Presents new ideas and discovery Possibilities.
 16.To know the limitless Possibilities in life in the study of research.
 17.Research Clarifies Biases.
 18.Promotes analytical and logical Thinking.
 19.Research Empowers people to solve their own Problems.
 20.Research raise standard of living.
 21.Research prevents scarcity.
 22.Research Advances our Civilization
 23.Research is a signed Progressive and Democratic society.
 24.Because of research we have technology.
 25.Research hones basic life skills and makes learning a lifelong endeavor.
 26.Research helps our government to formulate policies.
 27.Research gives protection and conservation in our environment and animals.
 28.Research helps us know the history and origins of life forms of our planet.
 29.It helps us to develop in our interrelation
 30.It has different ways on testing the knowledge that has been discovered.

TASK #2: In research, it is important to analyze your study well. Why? To see what are the
problems in your research and to further improve it. Therefore, for this task number 2, you need
to analyze the given research papers using the SWOT Analysis. To have a short background
about the SWOT Analysis, below is a photo describing this term.
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Now, student, you need to analyze the given research below using the SWOT Analysis. Make
sure to explain well what are the STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, OPPORTUNITIES, and
THREATS of that specific research.

1. Jeepney Modernization
2. Bullying
3. Fake News
4. Nick Joaquin
5. Parental Involvement

TASK #3: For your task number 3, you need to give the definition of given research terms below
-- 2-3 sentences per item. Make sure to define it based on your own knowledge and thoughts.
You may search for the words but do not COPY/PASTE it. Take time to paraphrase and
formulate your own definition based on your research. I will not consider your answers if you just
automatically copy/pasted it from the internet.

1. Case study- it is the study to know the significant chronological record one’s person’s
2. Correlation- a comparison between two connected variables.
3. Data- Reliable source as the keystone of a research.
4. Focus Group- is a rotation interview that involve with few people.
5. Framework- the fundamental order basis of the research in a concept or text.
6. Group Behavior- the traits actions of a person within the group.
7. Hypothesis- it is a thinking that gives intuition and trial and error to be proven.
8. Independent Variable- a variable that can stand alone.
9. Methodology- is a style process the way to use in a specific study.
10. Mixed Methods- a scanning of research that comparing with bot quantitative and
11. Naturalistic Observation- a simple observation we can do anytime.
12. Null Hypothesis0 it means the population and data are the same.
13. Population- is a group of people who may shared common attributes itself.
14. Probability- it is a selection of chances in a random participant.
15. Questionnaire- a sets of text that full of question
16. Statistical Analysis- a numerical scanning of a research.
17. Theory- it is a part of thesis that should have hypothesis first in-order to strain the result
of a research.
18. Treatment- how to capture or gather the data itself.
19. Validity- sources of research should be latest and not had been passed.
20. Variable- a statistical computation in making of a research.

TASK #4: Essay Writing

 Write a 500-word essay about the given topics below. Do not try to plagiarize any works
from the internet. I will be checking the accuracy of your work. You can search for ideas
on the internet, but do not copy/paste anything about the given topic. You need to learn
how to write an essay on your own.

1. Pandemic in the Philippines
2. Social classes in the Philippines and Inequality
3. Poverty in the Philippines

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