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Sunday, August 13, 2006


$200 + $30 (multi-rebuys)
$302,800 PRIZE POOL

John Kimmons Wins Without Any Final Table

Event #10 $500 + $50 Limit Hold’em got underway promptly at 4:15pm, with 187
entries and a prize pool of $93,500. The “Road to Millions” event which started at noon
was down to 4 tables while some of the players were jumping from one event to the other
as they got knocked out of the “Millions”. The final table did not start until close to 2am
with nine players due to a double bustout during the final table bubble play.
The final table was re-drawn, with the average chip stack at $41,500, and an ante of
$100 and blinds of $1,000/$2,000. The first elimination came on hand #16 where Freddy
Legaspi, a local pro, raised from UTG and was re-raised all-in from Joe Saccone, of
Venice, CA. Freddy quickly called and showed his A-10. Joe held pocket Kings and the
flop was K-Q-4. Joe takes a commanding lead with his top set but Freddy has a gutshot
straight draw to the Jack. The turn is a Jack, and Freddy pulled ahead with his made
straight. The river does not pair the board, and Freddy takes the pot with the straight. Joe
Saccone, of Venice, CA, finishes in 9th place earning $1,635 and was feeling the sting of
getting Kings cracked even though he successfully avoided the Ace on the board.
The next knockout punch occurred a lengthy thirty hands later when Vic Oganisyan
open raised on the button and was 3-bet by Joe D. in the big blind. Vic called and the
flop was K-6-8. The postflop betting put Vic all-in, and he showed Jh-10h. Joe D. gave
the bad news to Vic and showed his pocket Aces. Vic needed runner-runner, and the turn
is a brick deuce-- Vic is drawing dead. The river King completes the hand, and Vic
Oganisyan was eliminated in 8th place earning $1,870.
Four hands later, on hand #51, Eric Arreca raised from the cutoff, and the button, Geoff
Wright, playing his 3rd final table of the Legends, 3-bet and Eric called. The board was 2-
8-10-3-9 and Eric check-called on each street. Eric was all-in on the river, and Geoff
showed his AA and Eric mucked his hand without showing. Eric Arreca ended his
tournament in 7th place earning $2,335.
On hand #60, Adam Kagin, from Henderson, NV, got in a raising war with Joe D.
resulting in Adam being all-in before the flop. Adam showed 10-10 and Joe D. showed
his suited connector Qc-Tc. The flop was Ac-Jh-3c. The turn was another Ace and Joe
D.’s hand improves to the flush on the river with the 9c. Adam Kagin finished in 6th place
and took $3,270 of the prize pool.
On the very next hand, Alan Steinberg, the short stack, raises all-in on the button for his
last chips. The small blind, Geoff Wright, called and the big blind folded. Alan showed
Ah-3s, and Geoff revealed his pocket pair of 4’s. The board was 10-8-3-6-Q. Alan
paired up but it was bottom pair. Alan was eliminated in 5th place and earned $4,205.
Hand #62 would be the third hand in-a-row that resulted in a player’s elimination.
Freddy Legaspi raised all-in from the small blind. The big blind, Van Nguyen, called and
Freddy showed his AKo. Van Nguyen showed 8-10 and the flop was 5-Q-J. The turn
was another Queen, and the river 9 completed Van’s gutshot straight which sent Freddy to
the rail in disbelief. Freddy finished in 4th place and pocketed $5,610 plus the coveted
Legends of Poker gold ring.
At 4:30am, the final three players discussed a chip count deal. The numbers were
calculated and all players agreed. Joe D. had the substantial chip lead and was declared
the winner. Each player discussed the feasibility of playing in the No Limit event which
will start in about 12 hours. We’ll see if they make it-- they definitely have the buy-in
money, but will they be awake at 4:15pm?
-Jay “Bugsy” Siegel

John Kimmons is general contractor from Reseda, California. He has been playing
poker for about three years and plays both tournaments and cash games. John’s game of
choice is Limit Hold’em and he plays $30/$60 & $40/$80. This is John’s first
tournament win although he has cashed in several tournaments before. He was taught
Hold’em by a good friend and has read countless books on the subject. His favorite book
is “The Tao of Poker” by Larry W. Phillips. This book and his business ownership has
allowed him to better control his “character defects” and treat people better at the poker
table. “Poker is an emotional game, and I sometimes get frustrated and take it out on
others.” said Kimmons. John would like to dedicate this win to his good friend Mike
Bowen, who provided John with the introduction, education, and understanding of
Hold’em. Mike, you should have seen all his chips—truly outstanding.


1. John Kimmons $207,000
2. Luis Calvo $146,000
3. Anthony “bbwolf”Guadagni $143,000
4. Men “The Master” Nguyen $142,000
5. Soksary Heal $141,000
6. William Ayon $131,000
7. Gaetano Lo Grande $123,000
8. Joe Haddad $107,000
9. Antonio Abesamis $104,000
10. Hassan Kamoie $ 87,000
1st John Kimmons Reseda, CA $109,000
2 Luis Calvo. Miami, FL $ 52,990
3rd Anthony “bbwolf” Guadagni Los Angeles, CA $ 26,040
4 Men “The Master” Nguyen Bell Gardens, CA $ 15,445
5th Soksary Heal Los Angeles, CA $ 12,115
6 William Ayon Los Angeles, CA $ 9,085
7th Gaetano Lo Grande Los Angeles, CA $ 7,570
8th Joe Haddad Los Angeles, CA $ 6,055
9 Antonio Abesamis Los Angeles, CA $ 4,545
10th Hassan Kamoie Los Angeles, CA $ 3,330

PLAY-OFF POINTS (as of 8/13/06)
Name Total
1. Geoffrey Wright 117
2. Freddy Legaspi 108
3. Al Barbieri 89
4. Philip Penn, Sr. 75
5. Michael Krescanko 70
6. Raed Abukartomy 68
7t. Robert Najera 65
7t. Joe Kimmons 65
9. Omar Vachhani 63
10. Patrick Hsu 61

Omaha Hi-Lo
$500 + $50
Monday, August 14, 2006 4:15pm
Tournament Results:

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