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In your opinion what makes a person an artist?

- a person with the talent and the skills to conceptualize and make creative works.
What is an artist?
-an artist is a person who performs all forms f creative arts. It is believed that through art the
artist can create a change in society.

Renowned artist
Vincent van gogh: starry night
-Ducth post impressionist painter who is among the famous and influential figures in the
history of western art.
Michelangelo di lodovico Buonarroti simoni: creation of adam
He was known simply as Michelangelo, was an Italian sculptor, painter, architect and poet of
the high renaissance born in the republic of Florence, who exerted an unparalleled influence
on the development of western art.
Importance of an artist – artist are the most important members of the society because they
help us to envision our thoughts that may not be tolerated by our society.
According to Leonardo da vinci “ art is the queen of all sciences communicating knowledge to
the \
generations of the world’’.
Art is an excellent way toward self-expression and self-exploration, regardless of
whether you are the one producing or enjoying art.

An artist is not an artisan and vice versa

- An artisan is a worker who practices a trade or a craft. It is synonymous to craftsman.
An artisan organize themselves into guilds (shoemakers, textiles, carpenters, and
weapon makers) these became prevalent during the middle ages.
Show some image of artisan during middle age
Guild were a type of social fellowship, an association structured with rules, customs,
rights, and responsibilities.
associations of craftsmen and merchants formed to promote the economic interests of their
members as well as to provide protection and mutual aid.
Artisans through their skills make and install things that can be used at home, offices,
and industries. Help fix things for individuals, business, governmental and non government
organization. Artisan are sources of blue collar jobs that can reduce unemployment, poverty
and social vices.

Artist vs artisan different

An artist is dedicated only to the creative side making visually pleasing work only for the
enjoyment and appreciation of the viewer, but with no functional value.

Artisan is essentially a manual worker who makes items with his or her hands, and who
through skill, experience and talent can create things of great beauty as well as being

Characteristics of an artist and of an artist and of artisan

Artistic value
Artist- the object has a clear artistic value
Artisan- the object has an artistic value
Artistic value involves those valuable properties artists commonly try to imbue in
their works and that critics and appreciations commonly look for or seek out

Functional value
Artist- the object has no functional value
Artisan- the object has a functional value.

Artist- the object has a lot of aesthetic value and is appreciated for this quality as it pleases
the individual.
Artisan- the object though utilitarian (has function) has certain aesthetic attributes to it.
 Clothing design.
 Furniture making (also called cabinet making)
 Homeware design (such as Knifemaking)
 Watchmaking / Clockmaking.
 Food production.
 Tool making.

Mediums and techniques in art

A medium is the material which the artist uses to communicate and translate his feelings,
ideas or thoughts. Technique, on the other hand, refers to the manner in which the artist
controls his medium to achieve the desired effect.
I. Visual
A. Tempera- paints are mineral pigments mixed with egg yolk or egg white and ore.
B. Tapestry- This is a fabric consisting of a wrap upon which colored threads are
woven by hand to produce a design
Show an image of tempera and tapestry
C. Charcoal- these are carbonaceous materials obtained by heating wood or other
organic substances in the absence of air.
D. Silverpoint- in this medium, the artist draws a silver stylus on specially prepared
paper to produce a thin grayish line. ( this is popular during the renaissance
Show picture of charcoal and silver point.
E. Print- anything printed on a surface that is a direct result of duplicating process.

II- Sculpture
A. Stone – the hard substance formed from mineral and earth material.
B. Jade- a fine green stone which is used widely in ancient China.
C. Metal- includes any of a class of elementary substances as gold, silver, or
copper, characterized by ductility, conductivity, and peculiar luster.
D. Bronze- a by-product of metal consisting of consisting of copper and thin, and
is one of the most universally popular metals and sculptures.
E. Brass- an alloy of copper and zinc, although not popularly used because of its
limitations as a medium.
Show a picture of stone jade metal broze and brass

A. Strings- instrument that produce sounds through vibrating strings, and are played
either by plucking, bowing or striking.
B. Winds- instruments that produce sounds through air blow into a tube through a
C. Brass- these are similar to winds. The distinction lies in the kind of sounds they
make, as brass instruments usually make bright or deep sounds, not because they
are made of brass.
D. Percussion- instrument that produce sounds through striking or beating. Percussions
usually serves as the backbone of any musical ensemble.
Show pictures of strings winds brass and percussion.

The end……………………….

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