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Explore 17 (2021) 463 468

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Original Research

Effects of self-acupressure on pregnancy-related constipation:

A single-blind randomized controlled study
€ l, MD, PhD, Assistant Professorb,2
Ayça Şolt Kirca, PhD, Assistant Professora,1,*, Derya Kanza Gu
Kırklareli University School of Health, MidwiferyDepartment Kırklareli, Turkey
Medipol University School of Medicine Health, Gynecology and Obstetric Department, Istanbul, Turkey


Article History: Objectives: This study aimed to demonstrate that acupressure could be used to relieve the symptoms of con-
Received 2 June 2020 stipation during pregnancy.
Revised 14 July 2020 Design: Single-blind randomized controlled trial
Accepted 23 July 2020
Setting: Private Medipol Nisa Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
Intervention: This trial including 120 women aged 20 years was conducted from November 2019 to Febru-
ary 2020. The participating women who were in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd trimester of their pregnancy, had single-
ton pregnancy and had a complaint of constipation were randomized into the acupressure (n = 75) and
control groups (n = 75). The women in the acupressure group applied 15 min of self-acupressure to the TH-6
Education acupuncture point twice a day for one week. The women in the control group received no intervention
Main outcome measures: Constipation levels of the participants in the two groups were assessed before and
after the procedure using the Constipation Severity Instrument
Results: In the present study, after the application of self-acupressure, the severity of constipation decreased
significantly in the acupressure group compared to the control group (before treatment: 41.36 § 6.5 vs.
37.56 § 6.17 respectively, after treatment: 26.08 § 7.93 vs. 36.88 § 5.93, respectively, p < 0.01)
Conclusion: Although it is safe to use medical drugs in constipation associated with pregnancy, can’t reduce it
to the extent desired. This study's evidence indicates that self-administered acupressure can effectively alle-
viate the symptoms of constipation in clinical practice.
© 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Introduction progesterone during pregnancy. Other factors influencing constipa-

tion during pregnancy are the enlargement of the uterus, decreased
In pregnancy, among gastrointestinal system (GIS) complaints, physical activity, stress, consumption of iron and calcium supple-
constipation is second only to nausea.3,4 In their systematic review, ments, inadequate fluid intake, and changes in diet.3,7 9 In their pro-
Rungsiprakan et al. (2015) determined that the prevalence of consti- spective study, Van Brummen et al. (2006) found that pregnant
pation during pregnancy ranges from 11% to 44%.1 The results of a women in the first trimester (8.9%) suffered more constipation prob-
study conducted in Turkey found the prevalence of constipation lems than women in their third trimester (4.5%).10 In Derbyshire
among pregnant women to be 38.8% 47%.5,6 Several factors are et al.’s (2006) study, the feeling of both difficulties in defecating and
responsible for the development of constipation during pregnancy. In incomplete emptying of the bowel was found to be high in all trimes-
pregnancy, the internal abdominal pressure is increased, and the ters of pregnancy.11 In a study conducted by Shamim and Begum
muscles (anal sphincters and levator ani muscle) that are primarily (2019) with 332 pregnant women, 62.3% of participants suffered
responsible for the defecation process and supporting the pelvic from pregnancy-related constipation.12
organs and the urethra are subjected to structural changes.4 Another Although exercise, increased dietary fibre, and consuming more
factor in decreasing bowel movements is the increase in the hormone water are recommended to alleviate constipation during pregnancy,
pharmacological drugs (laxatives) are often used for therapeutic pur-
poses,3,13 but the administration of these drugs may have negative
* Corresponding and First author, Kirklareli University School of Health, Midwifery
Department Kirklareli, Turkey. effects on the health of both mother and baby.3,14,15 Therefore, com-
E-mail addresses: (A. Ş. Kirca), plementary and alternative medicine has drawn more attention,
(D. Kanza Gu € l). especially in recent years. Many women prefer to use non-pharmaco-
Orcid 0000-0001-6733-5348
logical methods, such as acupuncture, acupressure, aromatherapy,
Orcid 0000-0001-8879-9299
1550-8307/© 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
464 € l / Explore 17 (2021) 463 468
A. Ş. Kirca and D. Kanza Gu

homoeopathy, and herbal laxatives instead of pharmaceuticals.16 19 cancer,19,25,27,28 no attention has been paid to the application of acu-
Acupressure is one of these methods. Acupressure is a manipulative pressure to reduce pregnancy-related constipation or to teaching this
treatment method that ensures the essential balance of life energy practice so the person can perform it on herself. With regard to these
(Qi) through applied pressure on more than 365 and 2000 acupunc- few evidence, we hypothesized that the woman's ability to perform
ture points via 14 main energy pathways (meridians) on the this application by herself may have reduce the need for laxatives
skin.20,22,42 Qi is the vital energy found everywhere in the universe used to eliminate constipation, and this will enable the woman to
and also all individuals are born with qi. The meridians like the perceive her health improve and develop a perception of self-
branches of a tree. The meridians provide that direct the flowing of healing.21,24
Qi all around the body.22 If qi is disrupted, the body fails to maintain This single-blind randomized controlled experimental study was
balance then diseases may occur. Acupressure helps to establish bal- intended to evaluate the effects of self-acupressure on pregnant
ance by helping the regulation of blood circulation and providing the women's self-reported constipation symptoms in Turkey.
necessary qi energy for the body. Also, acupressure promotes the bal-
anced by releasing of many chemicals, such as beta-endorphin, sero- Methods
tonin, dopamine, and adrenaline, into the blood.20 22,40,41 After that
when the body restores balance, pain, constipation, nausea, vomiting Research design and participants
and the other symptoms will reduce.20 23,25
Acupressure is an easy-to-apply, non-invasive, cost-effective, and The study was conducted as a single-blind randomized controlled
safe method that can be applied by a specialist or by a patient after trial. The study population included pregnant women who presented
being taught the technique.23,24 A review of previous studies in the to the maternity outpatient clinics of the private Medipol Nisa Hospi-
literature revealed that acupressure application increased the intesti- tal in Istanbul, between November 9, 2019, and February 29, 2020,
nal motility of tested individuals and improved the symptoms of for pregnancy follow-up. The average number of pregnant women
constipation.2,19,25 27 There are several acupressure points (LIV3, who presented to the hospital was 600 per month. The appropriate
ST36, SP15, CV12, CV4, ST25, SP14, ST37, and TH-6) related to reduc- sample size for the study was calculated using G*Power software
ing constipation symptoms.19,25,29,30 In the current study, the Triple (version Because there were no studies in previous literature
Heather Meridian (TH-6) acupressure point (which in four finger- of the application of acupressure to reduce constipation during preg-
widths above the wrist on the back of the forearm) was chosen nancy, the Cohen standard effect size (between medium and large
because it is easy to find, and the pregnant women can apply self- effect) determined the sample size for the study to be 0.55. Thus,
acupressure on this point. In the literature review, although a consid- according to the two-sided hypothesis, standard effect size: 0.55,
erable amount of research can be found devoted to the investigation Type I margin of error 0.05, power analysis 0.80 (a = 0.05,
of how acupressure reduces constipation in women with chronic 1 b = 0.80) and a one-to-one distribution of the groups, the minimal
constipation, patients undergoing hemodialysis, and patients with sample size was calculated as 106 (n = 53 for each group). To allow

Fig.. 1. Diagram showing the recruitment of pregnant women and progression throughout the trial.
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for losses during the study, it was decided to include 75 people in Constipation Severity Instrument (CSI): The CSI, developed by
each group. After excluding 23 participants who had used laxatives Varma et al. (2008), is used to assess defecation frequency, intensity,
and seven who withdrew, the results for the remaining 120 pregnant problems/difficulty in defecating, and symptoms of constipation.31
women were analyzed (Fig. 1). The scale is divided into three sections: obstructive defecation,
Pregnant women who met the inclusion criteria were included in colonic inertia, and pain. The minimum and maximum scores possi-
the study. Participants were randomly assigned to the acupressure ble in each of the three sections are 0 to 28, 0 to 29, and 0 to 16,
(Group 1) and the control (Group 2) groups with a simple random num- respectively; therefore, the lowest and highest possible total scores
ber generator program ( are 0 and 73, respectively. There is no cutoff point for the scale—an
generator.aspx). In the program, given the number of participants to be increasing score reflects increasing severity of constipation. Kaya and
included in the sample and the number of groups, the box with the min- Turan confirmed the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of
imum value was numbered “1,” and the box with the maximum value the CSI in 2010.32 The Cronbach’s alpha value of the scale was 0.92
was numbered “2.” Then, the "allow duplicate entries" box was selected both in the original study and in the present study.
as "True." Finally, “set the seed” value was set to 1. According to the ran-
dom numbers table at the end of the procedure, the first entry was “2.” Data collection procedure
Therefore, the first volunteer was assigned number 2 (control group).
The second entry was "2." Hence, the second volunteer was also Maternal Information Form and CSI: To prevent bias, a midwife
assigned number 2 (control group), and so on. Volunteer No. 150 was who was working in the outpatient clinic but not involved in the
assigned the 150th number in the list, which was "1," so the 150th vol- study administered the completion of the forms, which took approxi-
unteer was assigned to the acupressure group (Group 1). mately 20 min. All pregnant women who met the inclusion criteria
The midwives and gynaecologists working in outpatient clinics were informed about the procedures to be performed before the
were different every day. To prevent bias, a midwife working in the application of treatment. They were further advised that they could
outpatient clinic that day but not involved in the study oversaw the withdraw from the study at any time, and they signed the informed
participants in filling out the Maternal Information Form and the consent forms. Researcher registered a list of the groups.
Constipation Severity Instrument (CSI) one week before and one Acupressure application steps for Group 1: The participants who
week after the week of treatment. The obstetrician and the midwife had been assigned to the study group were taken to a private training
working in the outpatient clinic that day were informed about the room in the outpatient clinics and divided into groups of two or three
purpose of the study and the procedure of acupressure application. women. Illustrated brochures containing information about acupres-
But the obstetrician and the midwife who administered the question- sure were handed out to the participants, and they watched a short
naires did not receive details about the TH-6 point and its effects. The video recorded by the researcher on how to perform acupressure.
obstetrician did not know which group (acupressure or control) the Then, the researcher who had been trained in acupressure demon-
participating pregnant women were assigned, thus, avoiding psycho- strated to the participants on which point, how often, and how to
logical influences on either group of participants minimized the pla- apply pressure on her body. Due to the location of the TH-6 point
cebo effect. Mobile phone interviews were conducted by the (four finger-widths above the wrist on the back of the forearm,
researcher, the pregnant women who met the study criteria and Fig. 3), the use of an acupressure wristband, magnets, or other devi-
assigned to the experimental group were told on which day they will ces is not practical; therefore, the participants were trained to apply
receive training. Thus, experiment and control groups never met pressure using only their fingers and with sufficient force to see a col-
each other. Also, the participants were informed about the purpose our change in their nail bed colour. Finally, the women were allowed
of the study and the procedure of acupressure application. But the to find the point and practice the technique on their own. Training
participants did not receive details about the TH-6 point and its the acupressure group and practicing the technique took approxi-
effects. The acupressure specialist and the pregnant women in the mately 40 45 min. It should be mentioned that, due to the location
acupressure group first met during the training. of the TH-6 point, acupuncture was not performed to minimize inva-
In the retrospective power analysis using the G*Power software after sive applications during pregnancy and to allow the women to con-
data collection, the power was calculated as 100% for the acupressure tinue taking part in routine prenatal care.
and control groups based on the mean scores for the CSI and 5% alpha Number, time, duration, type, and technique of the application:
margin of error. The sample size of the study was considered sufficient. The researcher demonstrated how to find the TH-6 point. The partici-
Inclusion criteria: Pregnant women between ages 20 and 40 years, pants were told to apply acupressure on both points for 15 min twice
in any trimester of gestation, with a singleton pregnancy, being pri- a day, in the morning and evening, for a week (40 45 s of heating
mipara or multipara, and scoring  37 on the CSI scale were included and massaging, then 2.5 min of pressure, and 30 s of rest). The partic-
(To ensure that the degree of constipation problems in the test group ipants were asked to be alone in a quiet room for the application and
and the control group would be similar, the scale’s mean score was to use a stopwatch during the application. If ıt is necessary, the par-
calculated, and only women scoring higher than the mean were ticipants were provided phone numbers enabling them to contact
included in the study). the researchers 24/7.
Exclusion criteria: Women with a chronic disease, such as diabe- Application steps for the control group: Because participants in
tes, hypertension, thyroid disorders, chronic constipation, sigmoid the control group could not use pharmacological or non-pharmaco-
colon (enlarged or colon resection), and the like, those taking the logical methods, they did not undergo any intervention. They were
medication regularly, those with verbal communication difficulties, given the phone numbers of the two researchers whom they could
with current use of pharmacological or non-pharmacological meth- contact at any time, day or night, or advised to come to the hospital,
ods to reduce constipation, and those undergoing psychiatric treat- if necessary, in case their condition became serious.
ment (pharmacotherapy or psychotherapy) were excluded. The pre- and post-application CSI scores of the participants in both
groups were evaluated statistically (one week before initiating was
Data collection tools identified as CSI-1, one-week post-procedure was identified as CSI-2).

Maternal Information Form: The form, prepared by the research- Data analysis
ers based on relevant literature, consisted of 10 items regarding the
participants’ socio-demographic characteristics, diet, daily water con- The IBM SPSS v.23 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) software package
sumption, and participation in sports activities. was used to analyze descriptive statistics, numbers, percentages,
466 € l / Explore 17 (2021) 463 468
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arithmetic mean, and standard deviation. The results of the Shapir- Table 2
o Wilk test demonstrated that the scores derived from the scale Intra- and inter-group comparisons of the mean CSI scores obtained by the partici-
pants in the acupressure and control groups.
were normally distributed. The Chi-square test was used to compare
the categorical data. In the comparison of the groups the first, miss- Acupressure Group Control Group (n = 75) t* P2
ing value analysis was performed. Loss data were estimated with (n = 75)
both EM and Regression analysis and similar results were obtained. CSI-1 41.36 § 6.5 37.56 § 6.17 t = 3.673 <0.001
Finally, the analysis was completed. While the independent samples CSI-2 26.08 § 7.93 36.88 § 5.93 t= 9.449 <0.001
t-test was used for inter-group comparisons, the dependent samples t** t = 15.013 t = 1.256
P1 <0.001 .213
t-test was used for the intra-group comparisons. The Mann Whit-
ney U test was used for comparison of data with non-normal distri- t* = Independent samples t-test, t** = Dependent samples t-test.
bution. To present the results of the analysis, median values p1: Comparison of CSI-2 results completed with Expectation-Maximization (EM)
method with CSI-1 results,.
(minimum-maximum) were used for the data with non-normal dis- p2: Comparisons between groups
tribution, mean § standard deviation was used for data with normal CSI: Constipation Severity Scale
distribution, and frequency (percentage) was used for the categori- CSI-1: Before intervention, CSI-2: After intervention.
cal data. A p-value of < 0.05 was established as statistically signifi-
cant. Our analyses were based on the ‘Intention to Treat (ITT)’ high-fibre foods, amount of fluid intake, duration and intensity of
principle. participation in physical activity (sports) (p > 0.05, Table 1).
In the present study, the results of intra-group and inter-group com-
parisons of constipation levels of the participants in the acupressure
Ethical considerations group, who underwent acupressure intervention, and of participants in
the control group, who did not assess twice using the CSI tool, are given
Approval for the study was obtained from Istanbul Medipol Uni- in Table 2. The intra-group comparisons of the CSI scores of the partici-
versity Clinical Researches Ethics Committee (Reference number: pants in the acupressure group demonstrated that their post-application
10,840,098 604.01.01-E.60992, Decision number: 928, Date:8/11/ mean score (26.08 § 7.93) was lower than their pre-application mean
2019). All the procedures were performed by rules about studies score (41.36 § 6.5) and that the difference was highly significant
involving human participants by considering the ethical standards of (p < 0.001, Table 2). As for the control group, there was no statistical dif-
the institutional and/or national research committee. ference between their pre- and post-study CSI scores (37.56 § 6.17 and
36.88 § 5.93, respectively) (p > 0.05, Table 2).
Results The inter-group comparisons of the CSI scores demonstrated that
the pre-application mean CSI score of the participants in the acupres-
The findings of the study are charted below in Tables 1 and 2, and sure group (41.36 § 6.5) was significantly higher than that of the par-
Fig. 2: ticipants in the control group (37.56 § 6.17) (p < 0.001, Table 2).
Comparison of the women’s socio-demographic and descriptive However, the post-application means CSI score of the participants in
characteristics reveal that the two groups were similar in terms of the acupressure group (26.08 § 7.93) was significantly lower than
age, educational status, employment status, number of pregnancies, that of the participants in the control group (36.88 § 5.93)
gestational age, type of diet (principal and snacks), a diet including (p < 0.001, Table 2, Fig. 2).

Table 1
Comparison of the socio-demographic and descriptive characteristics (the number of meals, amount of water consumed, duration of sports) of the groups

Acupressure Group (n=75) (min-max) Control Group (n=75) (min-max) Total Group (n=150) (min-max) Test Statistics p*
Age 30 (22 - 41) 29 (21 - 40) 30 (21 - 41) U= 2453 0.175

n % n % n % X2 p**

Number of Pregnancy
Primiparous 38 50.7 46 61.3 84 56
Multiparous 37 49.3 29 38.7 66 44 1.732 0.188
1.trimester 21 28 19 25.3 40 26.7
2.trımester 19 25.3 27 36 46 30.7 2.054 0.358
3.trımester 35 46.7 29 38.7 64 42.7
Education status
Primary education 9 12 7 9.3 16 10.7 3.132 0.20
High school 45 60 55 73.3 100 66.7 9
University 21 28 13 17.3 34 22.7
Work status
Housewife 48 64 52 69.3 100 66.7 0.481 0.786
Self-employment 14 18.7 12 16 26 17.3
Officer 13 17.3 11 14.7 24 16
Fibre food
Yes 48 64 42 56 90 60 1.000 0.317
No 27 36 33 44 60 40
Active sports
Yes 37 49.3 31 41.3 68 45.3 0.986 0.325
No 38 50.7 44 58.7 82 54.7
Number of main meals 3 (2 - 4) 3 (2 - 5) 3 (2 - 5) U_2703 0.570*
Number of snacks 2 (0 - 4) 2 (1 - 3) 2 (0 - 4) U=2737 0.743*
Water (glass) 3 (1 - 6) 3 (2 - 5) 3 (1 - 6) U=2570 0.339*
Sport (hour) 7 (2 - 0) 7 (2 - 0) 7 (2 - 0) U=2539 0.258*
* Mann Whitney U test
** Chi-square test statistics
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Fig.. 2. Average and number deviation graph of the total scores before and after the procedure according to the groups.

Discussion (2017) experimental study conducted with 56 female patients with

functional constipation, difficulty in defecating, and diminished quality
This study, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, is the first trial of life who underwent acupuncture were significantly improved, com-
ever, carried out to evaluate the efficacy of acupressure in partici- pared to a control group.37 According to the results of a randomized
pants with constipation during pregnancy. As a result of this random- controlled experimental study in which Zhou et al. (2019) administered
ized controlled study, acupressure applied to TH-6 acupuncture point 28 sessions of electro-acupuncture to 415 of 822 women suffering from
reduced the symptoms of constipation during pregnancy. The results chronic constipation, the application regulated bowel movements of the
were discussed within the framework of the results of other studies women with serious functional constipation, enabling them to defecate
in which acupressure and acupuncture were applied to pregnant more comfortably and not experience further constipation problems for
women experiencing constipation. 12 weeks after the treatment.19 In their randomized controlled study,
The similarity of the groups in terms of their socio-demographic Yang et al. (2019) applied auricular acupuncture to 120 primiparous
and descriptive characteristics (age, number of pregnancies, trimes- puerpera who underwent cesarean section and found that the incidence
ter, educational status, working status, a diet including high-fibre of constipation in these women was lower than in women who did not
foods, amount of fluid consumed, and active participation in sports) undergo auricular acupuncture.38 The results of the present study are
supports the reliability of the study. The results are similar to those of consistent with those of similar studies.
other national and international studies.6,11,12,33 36 Results of various studies conducted to date have supported the
In the present study, the CSI scores of the participants who applied use of acupressure, which is among the traditional and alternative
self-acupressure dropped significantly compared to those of the control therapy methods for the treatment of diseases. In the literature, it
group. In a study conducted with 30 women, Chen et al. (2013) has been reported that no complications detract from the effective-
reported that constipation symptoms decreased significantly in women ness and reliability of this method. In the present study, application
who received electro-acupuncture treatment compared to women who of self-acupressure to the TH-6 point by the participant’s controlled
did not.26 According to the results of Shin and Park’s (2016) randomized intestinal peristalsis and gastrointestinal system functions increased
controlled study conducted with 52 women with constipation effects production and re-secretion of body fluid, and increased blood,39
from chemotherapy for breast cancer, constipation symptoms decreased which contributed to a significant drop in their CSI scores. Therefore,
significantly in the participants who were administered auricular acu- acupressure can be recommended as an effective method to reduce
pressure, compared to participants in a control group.27 In Chen et al.'s the symptoms of pregnancy-related constipation.


The results of this randomized controlled study apply only to the

women surveyed, and they cannot be generalized to other women.
The first limitation of the study was that the training took longer
than planned. The researcher demonstrated how to apply self-acu-
pressure to the TH-6 point to each participant individually. Due to
the location of the TH-6 point, it took a long time for the participants
to find exactly where to apply the pressure during training. The sec-
ond limitation is that the study was performed voluntary; all the
women recruited volunteered to participate in the study, which
increased the duration of the study. The third limitation was the rela-
tively small sample size. The fourth limitation of the study was to not
apply any method to the participants in the control group. Therefore,
the interview time with this group was shorter than the experimen-
Fig.. 3. TH-6 acupuncture point. tal group. The fifth limitation was that the time allocated to the
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