Boots ROI HAP Module 4 Workbook

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Healthcare Advisor

Building knowledge, skills
and behaviours

Stage 2: Module 4

Module 4:

Section 1
Minor injuries
(click to go to this section)

Section 2
Health promotion
(click to go to this section)

Section 3
Smoking cessation
(click to go to this section)

Section 4
Women’s health
(click to go to this section)

Section 5
Family planning
(click to go to this section)

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unless indicated to the contrary, including but not limited to text,
graphics, design and photographs are the copyright of The Boots
Your review
Company PLC. You may not reproduce, modify, copy, use, transmit or (click to go to this section)
distribute, in any form or by any means, any of the material or
content of this document for commercial purposes without the prior
written consent of The Boots Company PLC 05/18.

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Minor injuries
Module 4 Section 1:
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Module 4 Section 1: Minor injuries

Learning outcomes
By the end of this section you will be able to:

• Describe the difference between strains and sprains

• Identify customers with minor injuries who should be referred

• Recommend suitable products for customers with minor injuries

• Advise your customers on the products they should keep at home in case of injury

• Advise on sources of information about prohibited or monitored substances in sport

Activity 4.1.1 (5 mins)

Talk to your pharmacist about situations you might encounter in your pharmacy when customers seek first aid or
treatment for minor injuries. Identify when you should call the pharmacist or first aider and when it is appropriate
to recommend a product. Make sure you know who the first aiders are in your store.

Section 1: Minor injuries Healthcare Academy 4

Back to Contents Healthcare Advisor Programme

Activity 4.1.2 (5 mins)

Look at the range of products available in your pharmacy or on to help with strains and sprains. Pick up
the products and look at the information on the packs to help you identify how and when you would use each
product, paying particular attention to the Boots Pharmaceutical Products. Think about the benefits for
customers and ideas for preventative measures and/or advice. You should be able to identify related products to
help find the best regime for your customer’s needs. Make notes in the table below using the following
headings to help you.

Compression bandages and supports

Ice / cooling products

Heat / warming products

Activity 4.1.3 (5 mins)

Check out customer leaflets, display material and other relevant reference sources to help find alternative
products for your customer to help with sprains, strains and bruises, list such products in the space below.

Section 1: Minor injuries Healthcare Academy 5

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Activity 4.1.4 (10 mins)

Look at the wide range of products in the first aid section or on for cuts and grazes. Pick up the
products and look at the information on the packs to help you identify how and when you would use each
product. Think about the benefits for your customers and ideas for advice. You should be able to identify related
products to help you find the best regime for your customer’s needs. Talk to your pharmacist about the products
you should recommend. Make notes in the space below.

Product name Uses Benefits and advice

Activity 4.1.5 (10 mins)

Look at the range of first aid kits that you stock in your pharmacy or available on Look at the
information on the outer packaging to help you identify the contents of each pack. Make a note of the different
items in a kit, then looking in the first aid section identify an alternative product that a customer could buy if they
needed to replace an item from their first aid kit. Make notes in the space below.

Item name Alternative product

Section 1: Minor injuries Healthcare Academy 6

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Activity 4.1.6 (10 mins)

A woman walking down the stairs this morning slipped and hurt her wrist when reaching out to
grab the railing. She believes she sprained her wrist as it is mildly sore and swollen. She also
grazed her arm as she fell and she needs some advice and help. Complete the questions below
and discuss your answers with your pharmacist.

What is it that this customer wants?

What is important to help you recommend a product?

What would you recommend?

Pick 2 products which you could recommend to this customer and fill out CARE below:

Product 1 Product 2

••• C ••• C

x A x A


! E ! E

What else can you do to ensure you are providing personalised and tailored solutions to your customer?

Section 1: Minor injuries Healthcare Academy 7

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Activity 4.1.7 (20 mins)

Having worked through this section on minor injuries and first aid, complete the following activity to put your
learning into practice. Imagine you are asked to help a customer choose a selection of products to keep at home in
case of minor injuries to anyone in their family and for general first aid. Think about all the kinds of minor injuries
covered in this section and fill in the following table, using Boots brands where appropriate. Think about what you
will say to customers when you recommend the products. As part of this activity, you may want to find out from
your pharmacist, or other colleagues, what the bestselling products are in your store. Complete the following table
and remember to use the CARE framework when selling these products:

••• C Counsel x A Avoid R Read ! E Escalate

Product name What is it for? Selling benefits

Section 1: Minor injuries Healthcare Academy 8

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Self-check questions
It’s now time to check your understanding of the section you have just been working through. Try to answer
the questions that follow, before checking your answers with those provided at the end of the section. If you
need to refresh your knowledge after this self-check activity, re-read the relevant part of the section.

Circle the correct answer to the following questions:

1. Which of the following statements about burns and scalds is FALSE?
A You should refer any burn that is larger than the size of the hand of the person affected
B You should not apply any creams, ointments, oils or grease to a new burn or scald
C Electrical burns can cause damage inside the body even if there is little damage to the skin
D A blister caused by a burn should be pricked or burst to help speed up the healing process
E Boots Faster Healing Burn Plaster Kit can be recommended to help cool minor burns and scalds and
to promote healing

2. Which of these would be used to treat a sprain?

A Ice
B Pseudoephedrine
C Caffeine
D Loperamide
E Aspirin

3. In the space below write step-by step directions to explain the PRICE approach to treating sprains or

Section 1: Minor injuries Healthcare Academy 9

Back to Contents Healthcare Advisor Programme

Case Study 1
A young man limps to the counter and asks where you keep the bandages. He tells you he
twisted his ankle playing football yesterday and now it is swollen and sore. He has no other
symptoms and is not taking any other medication. He is able to put his weight on it so he
doesn’t think it’s too bad, he just wants it to get better as quickly as possible.

What is it that this customer wants?

What is important to help you recommend a product?

What would you recommend?

Pick 2 products which you could recommend to this customer and fill out CARE below:

Product 1 Product 2

••• C ••• C

x A x A


! E ! E

What else can you do to ensure you are providing personalised and tailored solutions to your customer?

Section 1: Minor injuries Healthcare Academy 10

Back to Contents Healthcare Advisor Programme

Now look at the section review and make notes under each heading. Then refer back to the learning
outcomes at the beginning of this section and check that you feel you have met each of them. If not, return
to the relevant part of the text and read it again, then discuss any queries with your pharmacist.

Section review
What I learned

How I can apply what I learned

Talking points to discuss with pharmacist

What I will do differently

Section 1: Minor injuries Healthcare Academy 11

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Health Promotion
Module 4 Section 2:
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Module 4 Section 2: Health Promotion

Learning outcomes
By the end of this section you will be able to:

• Describe the principles and the importance of Health Promotion

• Use the Cycle of Change model and brief interventions to motivate customers to change their behaviour

• Outline the measurements that can be taken to assess health and wellbeing (e.g. blood pressure,
• Explain to customers the principles of a healthy lifestyle

• Recognise the importance of healthy lifestyle and its association with type 2 diabetes

• Describe how Boots provides personalised and tailored solutions to customers to assist with weight
• Describe how Boots provides personalised and tailored solutions to customers in the area of heart health

Activity 4.2.1 (5 mins)

Talk to your pharmacist to find out how they use the Cycle of Change and Brief Interventions to motivate
customers to change behaviours e.g. smoking cessation, weight loss etc.

Section 2: Health Promotion Healthcare Academy 13

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Activity 4.2.2 (15 mins)

Look at the range of blood pressure monitors you have for sale in your store or available on Read the
information leaflets to familiarise yourself with how they work. Make notes in the box below, paying particular
attention to how to use them (e.g. patient sitting comfortably with relaxed arm in line with heart). Also make note
of the different benefits for each of the different blood pressure monitors.

Activity 4.2.3 (10 mins)

At Boots we want to support our customers to look and feel good and looking after their heart health is part of
this. Look in your pharmacy and on, talk to more experienced healthcare colleagues and your pharmacist
and identify any services or products which can be offered to your customers to provide a personalised and
tailored solution to heart health. Make note in the space below of the type of service or product, its benefit to the
customer and any additional advice you can provide your customer.

Activity 4.2.4 (10 mins)

Using the Food Pyramid as a guide, design a menu for yourself providing three meals for one day which follow
recommendations for a healthy and balanced diet. Write your suggested menu in the space below.

Section 2: Health Promotion Healthcare Academy 14

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Activity 4.2.5 (15 mins)

Look at the protein products available in the weight management section of the healthcare section and on
Make a note in the space below of the name of the product, who it can be recommended to and how it should be
taken. Discuss these products with your pharmacist.

Product name Who can it be recommended to? How to take

Activity 4.2.6 (15 mins)

Look at the products and services available for weight management in your pharmacy, or available on
Some of these products may be medical devices and will not always be suitable for a customer. Complete the table
below to help you learn more about these products available and discuss your answers with your pharmacist.

Product name Medical device What the product Not recommended for Advice to provide to
(Yes/ No) claims to do customer

Section 2: Health Promotion Healthcare Academy 15

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Activity 4.2.7 (10 mins)

A customer enquires about losing weight. She has a BMI of 30kg/m2 and works at a desk job.
She was told to eat healthier but she’s struggling as she has been quite stressed at work lately
and has resorted to getting food on the go. She does not take any other medicines. Answer the
questions below and discuss you answers with your pharmacist.

What is it that this customer wants?

What is important to help you recommend a product?

What would you recommend?

Pick 2 products which you could recommend to this customer and fill out CARE below:

Product 1 Product 2

••• C ••• C

x A x A


! E ! E

What else can you do to ensure you are providing personalised and tailored solutions to your customer?

Section 2: Health Promotion Healthcare Academy 16

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Activity 4.2.8 (15 mins)

Familiarise yourself with the Alcohol Awareness leaflet available in the pharmacy which is used to help with
promoting safe alcohol consumption and identifying customers looking for support or information relating to
alcohol misuse in your pharmacy. Complete the screening questionnaire in the Alcohol Awareness leaflet with a
colleague. Video examples of opening conversations and Brief Interventions relating to alcohol can be found on
the Alcohol Awareness hub on Boots Live.

Make notes in the space below and discuss your answers with your pharmacist.

Section 2: Health Promotion Healthcare Academy 17

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Self-check questions
It’s now time to check your understanding of the section you have just been working through. Try to answer
the questions that follow, before checking your answers with those provided at the end of the section. If you
need to refresh your knowledge after this self-check activity, re-read the relevant part of the section. Circle
the correct answer to the following questions:
1. Which of the following is not a known risk factor for heart disease?
A High cholesterol
B Asthma
C Smoking
D Stress
E Diabetes

2. Which of the following readings represents a normal blood pressure?

A 140/90
B 90/60
C 120/80
D 160/100
E 130/95

3. Using the Cycle of Change, at which stage is a person most likely to react positively to being offered
lifestyle advice?
A Pre-contemplation
B Contemplation
C Preparation
D Action
E Maintenance and Relapse

4. Which of the following statements would be INCORRECT when advising someone on a healthy, balanced
A Eat three meals a day (including breakfast)
B Drink 6 – 8 glasses of water a day
C Eat fibre-rich foods
D Increase the proportion of saturated fats in meals
E Limit alcohol intake

5. Which of the following is NOT a modifiable risk factor for developing cardiovascular disease (CVD)?
A Being overweight
B High blood pressure
C Family history of CVD
D Lack of physical exercise
E High cholesterol

Section 2: Health Promotion Healthcare Academy 18

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6. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

A LDL is also known as ‘good cholesterol’
B High triglyceride levels in blood is risk factor for heart attack
C Processed/convenience foods often have high saturated fat content
D Eating oily fish may help lower cholesterol
E High cholesterol can be treated with lipid lowering medicines

7. Briefly describe the concept of Health Promotion, and how it relates to your role.

8. List five things you can do to help keep your heart healthy.

9. Briefly describe the main principles of the Food Pyramid.

10. How is BMI (Body Mass Index) calculated?

12. List three diseases that obese people are at a higher risk of developing.

Section 2: Health Promotion Healthcare Academy 19

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Case Study 1
A customer asks you for help as she has just weighed herself on the Healthy Weight Check
machine in the pharmacy and knows that she is overweight, her BMI is 29. She has a friend’s
wedding in 6 weeks and would like to lose 4kg before this event.

What is it that this customer wants?

What is important to help you recommend a product?

What would you recommend?

Pick 2 products which you could recommend to this customer and fill out CARE below:

Product 1 Product 2

••• C ••• C

x A x A


! E ! E

What else can you do to ensure you are providing personalised and tailored solutions to your customer?

Section 2: Health Promotion Healthcare Academy 20

Back to Contents Healthcare Advisor Programme

Now look at the section review and make notes under each heading. Then refer back to the learning
outcomes at the beginning of this section and check that you feel you have met each of them. If not, return
to the relevant part of the text and read it again, then discuss any queries with your pharmacist.

Section review
What I learned

How I can apply what I learned

Talking points to discuss with pharmacist

What I will do differently

Section 2: Health Promotion Healthcare Academy 21

Back to Contents

Smoking cessation
Module 4 Section 3:
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Module 4 Section 3: Smoking

Learning outcomes
By the end of this section you will be able to:

• List five health risks from smoking

• Describe the Cycle of Change people go through when trying to give up smoking

• List common factors that motivate people to stop smoking

• Recommend appropriate OTC smoking cessation products, based on the amount a person smokes

• Describe the Stop for Good smoking cessation service

• Identify customers who should be referred to the pharmacist

• Give advice and ongoing support to your customers

Activity 4.3.1 (5 mins)

Think about the benefits of stopping smoking. You may be able to reflect on personal experience, or that of family
or friends. Think about how people look, the words they use, and how they may be feeling. Make a list of all the
benefits you can think of below.

Section 3: Smoking cessation Healthcare Academy 23

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Activity 4.3.2 (5 mins)

Have a look at the Stop For Good Service flyer and Thinking about Stopping leaflet, which can be given to
customers who want or are thinking about stop smoking. Make a note of the key benefits of joining such a service
in the space below.

Talk to a more experienced colleague who is also a trained Stop for Good Advisor about the Boots Stop for Good
Service Rewards Programme. Make a note of the key information relating to this service in the space below
including the steps involved in the customer journey.

Discuss with the supervising pharmacist or your tutor pharmacist how you can become trained in providing this
service to customers.

Make a note of the training you are required to complete and when you plan to complete it.

Section 3: Smoking cessation Healthcare Academy 24

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Activity 4.3.3 (10 mins)

Go to the smoking cessation section on the medicines counter back wall and shop floor and examine the
products. Pick up the products and look at the information on the packs to help you identify the form and strength,
doses, and special precautions and/or advice for customers. You may want to use an OTC reference source to help
you with this activity. Complete the following table and remember to use the CARE framework when selling these

••• C Counsel x A Avoid R Read ! E Escalate

Product name Form and strengths Dose, special precautions and/or advice

Section 3: Smoking cessation Healthcare Academy 25

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Activity 4.3.4 (20 mins)

All of the customers in the table below are trying to stop smoking. None of them has tried anything so far, neither
are they taking any other medicines. Fill in the table with the product(s) you would recommend along with your
reasons and the benefits for the customer. Discuss your completed table with a more experienced colleague or
your pharmacist.

Customer What would you Why, what are the benefits Personalised and tailored advice
recommend? for this customer? you would give this customer

Smokes 30
cigarettes a day and
craves a cigarette
as soon as they get

Smokes cigarettes
socially when out
drinking with

Enjoys a cigarette
after meals and
when drinking a cup
of coffee

Smokes 15
cigarettes a day and
has first cigarette of
the day at about

Smokes a cigar
each evening after

Smokes 20
cigarettes a day,
gave up last year
but relapsed after 4

Section 3: Smoking cessation Healthcare Academy 26

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Self-check questions
It’s now time to check your understanding of the section you have just been working through. Try to answer
the questions that follow, before checking your answers with those provided at the end of the section. If you
need to refresh your knowledge after this self-check activity, re-read the relevant part of the section.

Circle the correct answer to the following questions:

1. The following are all possible withdrawal symptoms from stopping smoking EXCEPT:
A Weight loss
B Dizziness
C Headaches
D Sleep disturbances
E Irritability

2. Which of the following is NOT a stage in the Cycle of Change?

A Pre-contemplation
B Preparation
C Reflection
D Action
E Maintenance

3. A smoker who is thinking of quitting is at which stage in the Cycle of Change?

A Pre-contemplation
B Contemplation
C Preparation
D Reflection
E Action

4. Which of the following customers asking for NRT would NOT require referral to the pharmacist?
A 18 year old woman
B 16 year old boy
C Diabetic customer
D Pregnant woman
E 32 year old customer who takes inhalers for asthma

5. Which of the following NRT products has the slowest onset of action?
A Patches
B Inhaler
C Lozenges
D Gum
E Strips

Section 3: Smoking cessation Healthcare Academy 27

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6. List what the 5 As stand for when making a Brief Intervention

7. What are the differences between a 24-hour and a 16-hour patch?

8. How would you advise someone to use nicotine chewing gum?

9. List three reasons why someone decides to stop smoking?

10. How do nicotine lozenges work?

11. Give four pieces of advice you would give to a customer who wishes to give up smoking.

Section 3: Smoking cessation Healthcare Academy 28

Back to Contents Healthcare Advisor Programme

Case Study 1
A man comes in and looks at the NRT products available OTC. When you approach him you
discover he has been thinking of stopping smoking for a while. He smokes 20-25 cigarettes a
day but doesn’t have his first cigarette until mid-morning. He smokes a lot at work as he gets
quite stressed and finds it calms him down. A lot of his friends smoke, especially when they
go out. He finds he sometimes gets breathless when playing football.

What is it that this customer wants?

What is important to help you recommend a product?

What would you recommend?

Pick 2 products which you could recommend to this customer and fill out CARE below:

Product 1 Product 2

••• C ••• C

x A x A


! E ! E

What else can you do to ensure you are providing personalised and tailored solutions to your customer?

Section 3: Smoking cessation Healthcare Academy 29

Back to Contents Healthcare Advisor Programme

Case Study 2
A lady comes in for something for a chesty cough, which she has had for over a week and
doesn’t seem to be getting any better. You can see a packet of cigarettes in her handbag.

What is it that this customer wants?

Is there a health promotion opportunity with this customer?

What is important to help you recommend a product?

What would you recommend?

Pick 2 products which you could recommend to this customer and fill out CARE below:

Product 1 Product 2

••• C ••• C

x A x A


! E ! E

What else can you do to ensure you are providing personalised and tailored solutions to your customer?

Section 3: Smoking cessation Healthcare Academy 30

Back to Contents Healthcare Advisor Programme

Now look at the section review and make notes under each heading. Then refer back to the learning
outcomes at the beginning of this section and check that you feel you have met each of them. If not, return
to the relevant part of the text and read it again, then discuss any queries with your pharmacist.

Section review
What I learned

How I can apply what I learned

Talking points to discuss with pharmacist

What I will do differently

Section 3: Smoking cessation Healthcare Academy 31

Back to Contents

Women’s health
Module 4 Section 4:
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Module 4 Section 4: Women’s health

Learning outcomes
By the end of this section you will be able to:

• List the main causes of thrush, bacterial vaginosis and cystitis

• Describe the symptoms of thrush, bacterial vaginosis and cystitis

• Identify customers who should be referred to the pharmacist

• Recommend suitable products for customers suffering from thrush, bacterial vaginosis and cystitis

• Describe personalised and tailored solutions for these customers, including advice on prevention and

Activity 4.4.1 (20 mins)

Go to the thrush section on the medicines counter back wall and/or self-selection area and examine the
products. Pick up the products and look at the information on the packs to help you identify the ingredients,
doses, and special precautions for customers or additional information. You may want to use an OTC reference
source to help you with this activity. Have a look at the patient information leaflets to help you understand how
you use the products. Fill in the following table.

Product name Active ingredient(s) Dose Special precautions and / or

advice for customers

Section 4: Women’s health Healthcare Academy 33

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Activity 4.4.2 (5 mins)

Check out customer leaflets, display material and other alternative reference sources to help find alternative
products for your customer, note these in the space below.

Activity 4.4.3 (5 mins)

Speak to your pharmacist and find out what they say to customers when recommending products for thrush.
Practise what you would say with your colleagues; where you recommend products and give advice. Ask for
their feedback.

Tip: Remember to listen to and observe colleagues, as they recommend and sell medicines.

Section 4: Women’s health Healthcare Academy 34

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Activity 4.4.4 (15 mins)

Go to the healthcare section on the shop floor and and examine the products available for bacterial
vaginosis. Pick up the products and look at the information on the packs to help you identify the form, whether it is
a tool for diagnosis or a treatment, and special precautions and/or advice for customers. You may want to use an
OTC reference source to help you with this activity. Complete the following table and remember to use the CARE
framework when selling these products:

••• C Counsel x A Avoid R Read ! E Escalate

Product name Diagnosis or treatment Dose, special precautions and/or advice

Activity 4.4.5 (5 mins)

Think about the symptoms people experience when they have cystitis. You may be able to reflect on personal
experience, or that of family or friends, or customers you have served. Think about the words they use, and how
they may be feeling.
Make a list of the symptoms you identified, and compare it with the list that follows in the guide.

Section 4: Women’s health Healthcare Academy 35

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Activity 4.4.6 (15 mins)

Go to the cystitis section on the medicines counter back wall and/or self-selection area and examine the
products. Pick up the products and look at the information on the packs to help you identify the ingredients,
doses, and special precautions for customers or additional information. You may want to use an OTC reference
source to help you with this activity. Fill in the following table and remember to use the CARE framework when
selling these products:

••• C Counsel x A Avoid R Read ! E Escalate

Product name Active ingregient(s) Dose Special precautions and /

or advice for customers

Activity 4.4.5 (5 mins)

Speak to your pharmacist and find out what they say to customers when requested for advice about cystitis.
Practise what you would say, with your colleagues; where you recommend products and give advice. Ask for
their feedback.

Tip: Remember to listen to and observe colleagues, as they recommend and sell medicines.

Section 4: Women’s health Healthcare Academy 36

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Activity 4.4.8 (5 mins)

Think about what you have learnt about cystitis in this section and the advice you could give to your customers.
In the space below, make a note of the advice you could give under two headings: things the customer should
do and things they should avoid.

Do Avoid


Section 4: Women’s health Healthcare Academy 37

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Self-check questions
It’s now time to check your understanding of the section you have just been working through. Try to answer
the questions that follow, before checking your answers with those provided at the end of the section. If you
need to refresh your knowledge after this self-check activity, re-read the relevant part of the section.

Circle the correct answer to the following questions:

1. For which of the following customers with symptoms of thrush could you recommend a suitable
A A 28 year old male customer
B A 35 year old woman who has never had thrush before
C A 21 year old woman with a yellow/green coloured vaginal discharge
D A pregnant 35 year old whose symptoms started today
E A 42 year old woman who has intense itching and a thick white discharge and had thrush before

2. For which of the following customers with symptoms of cystitis could you recommend a symptomatic
A A 28 year old female who has burning pain when passing urine
B A 40 year old male who has had symptoms for one day
C An 18 year old female with vaginal discharge
D A pregnant 35 year old whose symptoms started today
E A customer who has been taking a sodium citrate preparation for 2 days

3. In the space below list three causes of bacterial vaginosis.

4. List three pieces of advice you could give to your customer to help them prevent further attacks of

5. List three causes of cystitis.

6. List three pieces of preventative advice you could give to your customer when selling a cystitis relief

Section 4: Women’s health Healthcare Academy 38

Back to Contents Healthcare Advisor Programme

Case Study 1
A woman in her mid-thirties asks you to recommend something for thrush. Her friend said she
could just buy a tablet from the pharmacy. She describes her symptoms as very itchy and
uncomfortable ‘down below’. On questioning you discover she has a small amount of white
discharge. Last year when she had thrush the doctor gave her a cream that seemed to work
well. She is not pregnant or diabetic. She takes no regular medication although she has just
finished a course of antibiotics from her dentist.

What is it that this customer wants?

What is important to help you recommend a product?

What would you recommend?

Pick 2 products which you could recommend to this customer and fill out CARE below:

Product 1 Product 2

••• C ••• C

x A x A


! E ! E

What else can you do to ensure you are providing personalised and tailored solutions to your customer?

Section 4: Women’s health Healthcare Academy 39

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Case Study 2
One of your regular customers, who normally pops in to buy lunch on the way to work, stops
you on the shop floor to ask for your help. She quietly tells you she thinks she has ‘caught
cystitis’. When you ask her what symptoms she is suffering from she says she feels like going to
the toilet all the time and when she does, it burns. This started yesterday. She remembers
having similar symptoms a few years ago and the pharmacist gave her something that helped.
She is worried that she has a sexually transmitted infection. She is not taking any other
medication and appears to be in her mid-twenties.

What is it that this customer wants?

What is important to help you recommend a product?

What would you recommend?

Pick 2 products which you could recommend to this customer and fill out CARE below:

Product 1 Product 2

••• C ••• C

x A x A


! E ! E

What else can you do to ensure you are providing personalised and tailored solutions to your customer?

Section 4: Women’s health Healthcare Academy 40

Back to Contents Healthcare Advisor Programme

Now look at the section review and make notes under each heading. Then refer back to the learning
outcomes at the beginning of this section and check that you feel you have met each of them. If not, return
to the relevant part of the text and read it again, then discuss any queries with your pharmacist.

Section review
What I learned

How I can apply what I learned

Talking points to discuss with pharmacist

What I will do differently

Section 4: Women’s health Healthcare Academy 41

Back to Contents

Family planning
Module 4 Section 5:
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Module 4 Section 5: Family planning

Learning outcomes
By the end of this section you will be able to:

• Describe the process of conception, including the time of maximum fertility for women

• Outline the different methods of contraception available

• Describe how to manage an enquiry or request for the Boots Emergency Contraception Service

• Explain to customers the principles of pregnancy testing and how the test kits are used

• Describe the products available to help couples planning a family

Activity 4.5.1 (5 mins)

Speak to your pharmacist about how you will deal with requests for emergency contraception. Discuss what you
will say to your customer and how you will inform the pharmacist. Make notes in the space below.

Section 5: Family planning Healthcare Academy 43

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Activity 4.5.2 (10 mins)

Check out the materials, leaflets and products available in store or on which are available to diagnose
sexually transmitted infections. Make notes in the space below including name of product, infections tested for
and service provided with product.

Consider the following questions and discuss your answers with your pharmacist:

How will a customer who asks for products to test for STIs be feeling and how can you put them at ease?

What patients should be referred to the pharmacist?

Activity 4.5.3 (5 mins)

Speak to a more experienced colleague or your pharmacist and find out what they say to customers when giving
advice and recommending pregnancy test kits. Practise what you would say and do, with your colleagues. Ask
for their feedback. Tip: Remember to listen to and observe colleagues, as they recommend and sell pregnancy
test kits

Section 5: Family planning Healthcare Academy 44

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Activity 4.5.4 (15 mins)

Look at the protein products available in the weight management section of the healthcare section and on Make a note in the space below of the name of the product, who it can be recommended to and how it
should be taken. Discuss these products with your pharmacist.

Product name Who can it be recommended to? How to take

Activity 4.5.5 (20 mins)

Examine the pregnancy test kits you stock in store and on Note their features and benefits and how
the end result is observed. For each product make a note of when the test can be carried out.

Product name When can you use it? Additional information

Section 5: Family planning Healthcare Academy 45

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Activity 4.5.6 (15 mins)

Go to the family planning section of your in store and on and look at the ovulation test kits and fertility
monitors you stock. Look at the information on the packs to help you identify the main benefits of each product.
Also, think about how you would explain the different features and benefits of the various products to your
customers. There may be demonstration kits available in your pharmacy. Make notes in the table below.

Product Selling benefits

Activity 4.5.7 (15 mins)

Speak to a more experienced colleague or your pharmacist and find out how requests for Maternity TENS
machine are managed in your pharmacy. Find out what more experienced colleagues say to customers when
giving advice and recommending maternity TENS machines. Practise what you would say and do, with your
colleagues. Ask for their feedback.

Section 5: Family planning Healthcare Academy 46

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Self-check questions
It’s now time to check your understanding of the section you have just been working through. Try to answer
the questions that follow, before checking your answers with those provided at the end of the section. If you
need to refresh your knowledge after this self-check activity, re-read the relevant part of the section.

Circle the correct answer to the following questions:

1. Which of the following is NOT a possible cause of fertility problems?
A Taking folic acid
B Being overweight
C Being underweight
D Smoking
E Consuming alcohol

2. Which hormone spikes 24 - 36 hours just prior to ovulation?

A Oestrogen
B Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
C Luteinising Hormone (LH)
D Progestogen

3. List two advantages and two disadvantages for using condoms as a method of contraception

4. List four factors affecting female fertility

Section 5: Family planning Healthcare Academy 47

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Case Study 1
A young woman approaches you to ask you to help her choose an ovulation kit. She says that
she and her partner have been trying for a baby for the last 3 months. When you ask her more
questions she tells you she has heard about a testing kit, which will tell her when she is most
likely to conceive. She is not taking any other medication and is 28 years old. She does not
smoke and neither does her partner.

What is it that this customer wants?

What is important to help you recommend a product?

What would you recommend?

Pick 2 products which you could recommend to this customer and fill out CARE below:

Product 1 Product 2

••• C ••• C

x A x A


! E ! E

What else can you do to ensure you are providing personalised and tailored solutions to your customer?

Section 5: Family planning Healthcare Academy 48

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Now look at the section review and make notes under each heading. Then refer back to the learning
outcomes at the beginning of this section and check that you feel you have met each of them. If not, return
to the relevant part of the text and read it again, then discuss any queries with your pharmacist.

Section review
What I learned

How I can apply what I learned

Talking points to discuss with pharmacist

What I will do differently

Section 5: Family planning Healthcare Academy 49

Back to Contents

Your review
Stage 2: Module 2
Back to Contents Healthcare Advisor Programme

Module 4:
Your end of module 4 review
Your tutor must sign the declaration on this page confirming that you have successfully completed all the
required elements of this module as outlined on this page; before you start Module 3.

Your tutor must review all activities within all sections of this module workbook.

Performance standards
You must ensure that you have demonstrated that you work in a manner that meets each standard as
outlined in the Stage 2 Performance Standards on a consistent basis.

I (tutor name)

confirm that (trainee name)

• Has successfully completed all the activities in all the sections of this module workbook
• Is successfully demonstrating, on a consistent basis the required standards as detailed in
the Stage 2 Performance Standards

Signature (tutor) Role title

Print name (tutor) PSI registration number


Your review Healthcare Academy 51

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Stage 2: Module 2
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Stage 2: Module 4

Section 1: Minor injuries

1. D
2. A
3. See Sprains and Strains Treatment section

Case study
What is it that this customer wants?
He wants to find the correct product to treat his injury and to help heal it as quickly as possible..

What is important to help you recommend a product?

His symptoms suggest a sprain or strain and he has no symptoms that would require referral. He only
injured himself yesterday so his ankle will be in the inflammation stage of the healing process. He is not
taking any other medication.

What would you recommend?

A support bandage to help control the inflammation and an analgesic such as ibuprofen or paracetamol.

What else can you do to ensure you are providing personalised and tailored advice to your customer?
All the following advice would be relevant to your customer:
• Following the PRICE principle of first aid such as using an ice pack on the joint, resting the ankle as much
as possible and sitting with it elevated will help reduce the swelling and speed up the healing process.
Avoid HARM (heat, alcohol, running and massage)
• To seek medical advice if no improvement is seen after four days
• An ankle support could be worn to protect and support the area whilst exercising
• Always stretch and warm up properly before exercising
• Keep an ice pack or cooling gel pack in the freezer in case of future injury

Appendix Healthcare Academy 53

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Section 2: Health promotion

1. B 7. See Health Promotion definition
2. C 8. See Heart Health section
3. B 9. See Healthy Eating section
4. D 10. See Weight Management section
5. C 11. See Weight Management section
6. A

Case study 1
What is it that this customer wants?
This customer wants advice about the best way to lose weight.
A customer asks you for help as she has just weighed herself on the Healthy Weight Check machine in the
pharmacy and knows that she is overweight, her BMI is 29. She has a friend’s wedding in 6 weeks and
would like to lose 4kg before this event.
What is important to help you recommend a product?
As this customer has asked for help in trying to lose some weight she has moved from the contemplation to
the preparation stage of the ‘Cycle of Change’. This means you are in a great position to offer support,
advice and information to help her move into the action stage of the Cycle of Change. Use the 5 As: ask,
advise, assess, assist and arrange to make a brief intervention.

What would you recommend?

Ask her questions about her lifestyle such as diet and exercise. Is there a specific reason why she has now
decided to try and lose weight and has she tried to lose weight before? All this information will help you to
ensure the advice you give this customer will be around her lifestyle. Depending on this information then
you should give advice on healthy eating, remember the Food Pyramid and portion size. Emphasise the
importance of regular physical exercise which should be increased gradually. What type of regular exercise
will suit her? Give the customer a leaflet on healthy eating or other information you have in store.

As they are not taking any other medication and are healthy you could recommend some products which are
available to support customers trying to lose weight, which you will find in the healthcare section of your

What else can you do to ensure you are providing personalised and tailored advice to your customer?
It is very important to encourage the customer to put a realistic plan in place, something which will work for
her. Highlight the benefits of weight loss such as feeling and looking good but also the health benefits of
weight loss such as reducing the risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. Weight loss should be
gradual as this is the best way of maintaining this loss.

Appendix Healthcare Academy 54

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Section 3: Smoking cessation

1. A 7. See Treatment section
2. C 8. See Treatment section
3. B 9. See ‘Why does someone decide to stop smoking?’ section
4. A 10. See Treatment section
5. A 11. See Treatment section
6. Ask, advise, assess, assist and arrange

Case study 1
What is it that this customer wants?
Something that will help him to stop smoking whilst relieving withdrawal symptoms.
What is important to help you recommend a product?
Use of WWHAM to get a full picture. Find out if he has tried anything in the past.
See what type of product he would prefer to use.
What would you recommend?
Nicotine gum, as he only has his first cigarette mid-morning. He would need the high strength as he smokes
more than 20 cigarettes a day. The Stop for Good service could be recommended to this customer.
What else can you do to ensure you are providing personalised and tailored advice to your customer?
If this customer decides to avail of the Stop for Good service he will then get lots of advice, hints tips and
motivation to help him keep on track and stop smoking for good.
Give him lifestyle advice that will help him to successfully quit and remind him of the benefits he will start to
feel – he’ll be fitter for playing football.

Case study 2
What is it that this customer wants?
Something to treat her cough.
Is there a Health Promotion opportunity with this customer?
Having spotted the pack of cigarettes in this customer’s pocket the obvious Health Promotion opportunity
here would be related to smoking cessation, if you find out that the customer does smoke, using the 5 As of
Brief Intervention to determine what stage of the Cycle of Change they are in.
What is important to help you recommend a product?
Use of WWHAM to get a full picture. Find out if he has tried anything in the past.
See what type of product he would prefer to use.
What would you recommend?
An appropriate chesty cough product. Dependent on her answer to the smoking question, that could lead
you into a discussion around her smoking and whether she has ever thought or tried to give up. You could
link her chesty cough to her smoking and offer appropriate advice, depending on where she is in the Cycle of
What else can you do to ensure you are providing personalised and tailored advice to your customer?
If appropriate, inform her of the Stop for Good service and how a support programme can increase a
person’s likelihood to stopping smoking for good. If she is not ready to give up smoking now then at least
she is aware that you are a point of advice that she can come to when she wants to try to quit.

Appendix Healthcare Academy 55

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Section 4: Women’s health

1. E 4. See Thrush - Prevention section
2. A 5. See Cystitis – Causes section
3. See Bacterial Vaginosis section 6 See Cystitis – Prevention section

Case study 1
What is it that this customer wants?
She wants a convenient and effective treatment to relieve her symptoms. She describes the intense itching
as the most troublesome symptom.

What is important to help you recommend a product?

Her symptoms suggest thrush and she has no symptoms that would require referral. She has had thrush
diagnosed before by a doctor and she has not had more than two episodes in the last six months. She is not
diabetic or pregnant and she is not currently taking any medication. Her friend told her she could buy a tablet
so it is important to explain to her that there is a capsule that you can take by mouth to treat thrush but that
this is only available on prescription. However there are alternative products available OTC.

What would you recommend?

A vaginal pessary such as Canesten 500mg Pessary and a topical cream such as Canesten 2% Thrush
Cream to calm the external itching.

What else can you do to ensure you are providing personalised and tailored advice to your customer?
The cause of her thrush is likely to be the course of antibiotics she has just finished. You could also advise
her to avoid wearing tight fitting or synthetic clothes as thrush thrives in warm conditions, so loose fitting
clothes and cotton underwear will help.

Case study 2
What is it that this customer wants?
She wants you to be discreet and recognise she wants to talk privately about her cystitis. She wants an
effective treatment to relieve her symptoms and some information about the condition.

What is important to help you recommend a product?

Her symptoms suggest cystitis and she has no symptoms that would require referral. She has only had the
symptoms for a short period of time. She is not taking any other medication and is not pregnant.

What would you recommend?

A sodium or potassium citrate preparation taken as a course over two days. She could take Boots Cranberry
capsules regularly to maintain the health of the urinary tract and possibly prevent similar problems in the

What else can you do to ensure you are providing personalised and tailored advice your customer?
It is important that she increases her fluid intake. Drinking around 1.2 litres (6-8 glasses) of water a day is
generally good for your health. Also avoid alcohol. She should avoid drinking caffeine, citrus drinks and
alcohol. You could reassure her that cystitis is not a sexually transmitted infection and has many possible

Appendix Healthcare Academy 56

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Section 5: Family planning

1. A 3. See ‘summary of condoms as contraceptive method’ table
2. C 4 See Planning for a Family section

Case study
What is it that this customer wants?
She wants an effective ovulation prediction kit to tell her when she is most fertile and so likely to conceive.

What is important to help you recommend a product?

They have only been trying for 3 months. Neither of them are smokers.

What would you recommend?

A Boots Ovulation Prediction Kit. You should also give her a guide as to the days during the month that she
should use the product.

What else can you do to ensure you are providing personalised and tailored advice to your customer?
All the following advice would be relevant to your customer:
• An average fertile couple can take three to six months to conceive so don’t worry if you don’t get
pregnant straight away
• Start taking folic acid to help prevent birth defects
• Cut down or stop drinking alcohol to improve fertility
• Eat a balanced diet and try to achieve your ideal weight
• Try to avoid stress so taking time out to relax is important

Appendix Healthcare Academy 57

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