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Treat Diving

The game of “Treat Diving” is easy and multi-purpose. It helps you build
value for rewards, and you’ll learn what your dog is “crazy” about. You’ll
get to see how your dog’s arousal state grows his value for playing. In the
game we introduce the “search” cue to help your dog understand when it’s
okay for him to look for food on the ground and when it’s not. It’s okay when
you give your dog permission! Utilizing the “power of permissions” is a vital
element of great dog training. Along with the foundations of ItsYerChoice,
“Treat Diving” helps your dog have clarity on how he can easily earn what
he wants by making good choices.

“Treat Diving” is also an important game for you to hone your dog training mechanics. By strategically using your
rewards with good training mechanics, you will get “transfer of value” from the food to you and to a dog bed or mat.
You’re on your way to being the brilliant dog trainer we know you can be!

Prepare your training den in advance without your dog being present. You will need:
• A video camera and tripod (you could use your mobile device, resting in cardboard roll you have cut into).
• A timer.
• A non slippery floor.
• A mat or dog bed (if you have an advanced dog, you could use a crate or Hot Zone for your dog to start from).
• A hungry dog.
• 5 containers, each containing various types of treats.
If you are new to videoing, we’ve got two blog resources for you.

• How To Embrace Videoing Your Dog Training
• Practical Videoing Tips

© Not to be re-printed without the written permission of Susan Garrett and Say Yes Dog Training Inc. Copyright 2020
How to Play
Make sure you keep sessions SUPER short. Set your timer. If a dog is more tentative, the session should be for 30-45
seconds maximum with a break between sessions. More confident dogs could go for 1-2 minutes maximum!

Stage One
The goal of the first stage is to have your dog confidently diving for treats that you throw.
• Grab 3-5 treats from the first bowl.
• Without moving, toss a cookie on the floor and encourage your dog to chase it.
• During this stage, change the treats you are using so you can evaluate your dog’s value for the treat. When you
change, note the name of the treat, so you have a good record of what treats your dog loves most.
• Repeat throwing a treat for your dog. Do this until your dog is excited to chase the food!
• When your dog is excited to chase the treat and is “treat diving”, you are ready for Stage Two.
• Stay at Stage One for as long as you need so your dog has confidence with the game.
Stage Two
The steps are the same as Stage One with a KEY progression. You are introducing the “search” cue. You can use a
word of your choice, but make sure it is very distinct for your dog and not like any other word or cue you use.
• Repeat the steps in Stage One but say the word “search” before you throw the treat. Remember to not move.
• It’s super important to say “search” BEFORE you toss the cookie! “Search” is the permission to your dog to look
for food on the floor.
• Repeat using different value treats. Say the word “search” and then throw the cookie for him to chase.
• When your dog is excited to chase the various treats, progress to Stage Three. It’s your dog who sets the pace and
he will tell you by his engagement with the game when he is ready to move on to more.
• By now you will have tested all your treats, so rank them in the order of how much your dog loves them.
Important: The order of events is saying “search” and then throwing the treat. The word should always come before
the cookie throw.

Say “search” and then throw the treat.

© Not to be re-printed without the written permission of Susan Garrett and Say Yes Dog Training Inc. Copyright 2020
Stage Three
In this stage, we are introducing a mat or dog bed. Use a mixture of treats. Even if you have a treat your dog was ‘so-
so’ about a treat, mix it in.
• Give your cue “search” and toss the treat on the mat.
• Repeat several times, occasionally throwing a treat away from the mat for your dog to chase.
• Your dog will start gravitating to the mat or bed as you are getting a ‘transfer of value’ to the mat or bed.
• You can build value for any bed, but initially start with the one.
• When your dog is always coming back to the mat, toss the treat off the mat, saying “search” first, to have him
leave it.

Game Recap
• It’s critical to have non slippery floor to grow confidence.
• Video your sessions!
• Keep sessions short. Use a timer.
• Use a journal to list the value of the rewards.
• Play 3-5 times a day.
• Only progress to the next stage when your dog has confidence and is having fun.

Your Dog Training Mechanics

• Are you standing still before you throw?
• Do you say the cue while standing still and before you throw?
• Are you evaluating your dog's confidence?
• Are you assessing the value of each type of treat?

© Not to be re-printed without the written permission of Susan Garrett and Say Yes Dog Training Inc. Copyright 2020
Notes: _________________________________________________________________________________________























© Not to be re-printed without the written permission of Susan Garrett and Say Yes Dog Training Inc. Copyright 2020

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