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Indian J Pediatr

DOI 10.1007/s12098-017-2477-z


Bacterial Infections of the Central Nervous System

Renu Suthar 1 & Naveen Sankhyan 1

Received: 27 March 2017 / Accepted: 5 September 2017

# Dr. K C Chaudhuri Foundation 2018

Abstract Bacterial infections of the central nervous system PART A: Generalized Infection
(CNS) continue to be an important cause of morbidity and
mortality in children. The spectrum of bacterial infection of Acute Bacterial Meningitis
CNS includes; focal or multifocal infections like brain ab-
scesses or subdural empyema; or more generalized or diffuse Introduction
infections like pyogenic meningitis or ventriculitis. Focal and
generalized infections may co-exist in an individual patient. The commonest bacterial infection of the central nervous sys-
Prompt and adequate antibiotic therapy and occasionally neu- tem (CNS) in children is bacterial meningitis. Bacterial men-
rosurgical interventions are the cornerstone of effective man- ingitis is the inflammation of the meninges affecting the pia,
agement. The recent emergence of several multidrug-resistant arachnoid, and subarachnoid space in response to bacteria and
bacteria poses a threat to the effective management of bacterial bacterial products [1]. According to the global burden of dis-
CNS infections. Several adjunctive anti-inflammatory and ease report 2010, bacterial meningitis led to 400,000 deaths,
neuroprotective therapies are being tried, however; none has and it is among the top 10 leading causes of deaths due to
made a remarkable impact on the outcome. Consequently, communicable diseases [2].
bacterial CNS infections in children still remain a challenge
to manage. In this review, authors discuss the current updates
on the diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of bacterial infec- Epidemiology
tions of the CNS in children (post-neonatal age group).
The incidence of bacterial meningitis is approximately 3 cases
per 100,000 persons in the developed countries, but the dis-
Keywords Neuroinfections . Pyomeningitis . Intracranial ease is at least 10-times more common in the developing
suppuration . Pyogenic brain abscess . Bacterial meningitides countries [3]. The incidence, morbidity and mortality rates
of bacterial meningitis vary and depend on several factors,
such as age, geographical region, causative organism and im-
munization status [4]. The epidemiology of bacterial menin-
gitis has seen a recent change with the introduction of effective
* Naveen Sankhyan
conjugate vaccines [4]. A decline in vaccine serotypes as the
cause of meningitis is a clear indicator of vaccine efficacy [5,
Pediatric Neurology and Neurodevelopment Unit, Department of
6]. However, in the low-income countries; because of poor
Pediatrics, Advanced Pediatric Centre, Post Graduate Institute of vaccination coverage, the disease continues to affect a large
Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh 160012, India number of children.
Indian J Pediatr

Etiological Agents Friderischsen syndrome is seen in children with fulminant

meningococcemia. It is characterized by acute onset febrile
Almost all microbial agents pathogenic to humans have the illness, large petechial hemorrhagic rash, disseminated intra-
potential to cause bacterial meningitis in children, but only a vascular coagulation, and cardiovascular collapse [11]. In
small number of organisms account for most of the cases. presence of shock, meningeal signs can be overlooked.
H. influenzae type b, S. pneumoniae, N. meningitidis, group Seizures occur in 30–40% of children with meningitis, usually
B Streptococcus, Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes within first 3 d of illness. Approximately 15% children devel-
are the most common organisms responsible for most cases of op focal neurological deficits, including cranial nerve palsies,
acute bacterial meningitis in infants and children (Table 1) [7]. hemiparesis, and ataxia. Syndrome of Inappropriate
Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion and diabetes insipidus are
Predisposing Risk Factors for Bacterial Meningitis other common complications [7].
The differential diagnosis of the triad of fever, headache,
Epidemiology of community acquired bacterial meningitis is and stiff neck includes viral meningoencephalitis tubercular
changing especially in the developed countries due of large meningitis, cryptococcal meningitis other fungal meningitis,
scale implementation of childhood vaccination programs. chemical meningitis, meningitis associated with inflammatory
However; due to lack of effective vaccination program against diseases, cerebral abscess, and subarachnoid hemorrhage. In
H. influenzae and S. pneumoniae, children in the developing infants febrile seizures can present similar to bacterial menin-
countries are at high risk for serious invasive diseases by these gitis and a CSF examination is necessary to rule out serious
organisms. Several other environmental, host related factors bacterial meningitis. Acute febrile encephalopathy in children
and co morbid conditions increase the risk for bacterial men- can occur due to several other non-infectious etiologies.
ingitis (Table 2) [8]. Metabolic encephalopathy, inborn errors of metabolism
(IEM), epilepsy, epileptic encephalopathy, Dravet syndrome,
Clinical Presentation of Bacterial Meningitis sepsis, septic shock, and intra cranial hemorrhage can mimic
acute bacterial meningitis. In older children, autoimmune en-
The clinical manifestations of acute bacterial meningitis can cephalitis, FIRES (febrile infection related epilepsy syn-
be very subtle, non-specific or even absent especially in the drome), metabolic encephalopathy, IEM, acute disseminated
neonates and infants. Infants and children present with fever, encephalomyelitis (ADEM) and acute hemorrhagic and ische-
neck rigidity, lethargy, irritability, headache, nausea, vomiting, mic stroke can mimic acute bacterial meningitis in children.
and photophobia (Table 3). In one study, the classical triad of
fever, neck stiffness and altered sensorium was seen in only Diagnosis
44% patients [9]. Signs like rash, neck stiffness and encepha-
lopathy are late features [10]. Nuchal rigidity is the classical The diagnosis of bacterial meningitis rests on CSF analysis
sign of meningitis, however, it can be absent in infants and in and culture (Table 4). Lumbar puncture is a safe procedure
the early stage of the illness. The presence of a diffuse ery- unless contraindicated due to suspicion of focal brain swell-
thematous maculopapular rash may be an early manifestation ing, raised intracranial pressure, cardio-respiratory compro-
of meningococcemia or viral fever. Purpuric and petechial mise, and risk of bleeding or local infection. Do not delay
rash over the legs and trunk is suggestive of lumbar CSF examination in children with suspected bacterial
meningococcemia. Such rash can also be seen with scrub ty- meningitis.
phus, staphylococcal bacterial endocarditis or Echo virus in- Elevated CSF pressure in the range of 20–50 cm of water in
fection [7]. Sepsis and septic shock may be seen in about 20– common in bacterial meningitis. The appearance of CSF in
40% of patient with meningitis [11]. Waterhouse- bacterial meningitis can be normal to cloudy or turbid. The

Table 1 Most common etiological agents of bacterial meningitis according to the age group

Age group Common organisms

<7 d Group B Streptococci, E. coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Enterobactericae

>7 d – <2 mo Neonatal pathogens plus
S. pneumoniae, N. meningitidis, H. influenzae type b, Staphylococcus aureus
2 mo – 23 mo S. pneumoniae, N. meningitides, H. influenzae type b, Non typhoidal salmonella,
2 y to 5 y S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, N. meningitidis
Adolescents S. pneumoniae, N. meningitidis
Indian J Pediatr

Table 2 Predisposing risk factors for acute bacterial meningitis

Organism Age group Predisposing risk factors

S. pneumoniae Young age Day care attendance, unvaccinated, sinusitis, otitis media, fracture of nasal
cribriform plate, cochlear transplant, dermal skin sinus, fistulous
communication with CNS, asplenia, diabetes, nephrotic syndrome,
HIV, complement factor deficiency, hematological malignancy,
humoral immune deficiency
H. influenzae Infants, young children, adults Unvaccinated, day care attendance, sinusitis, otitis media, HIV, splenectomy,
asplenia, diminished humoral immunity, and complement factor deficiency
N. meningitidis Infants, adolescents/young adults Crowding, unvaccinated, common complement pathways deficiency,
and elderly >65 complement inhibitor treatment, asplenia, splenectomy, HIV infection
Listeria monocytogenes Neonates, elderly >50 y Immunodeficiency state, HIV, diabetes, liver disease, malignancy
Staphylococci All age CSF shunts, neurosurgical procedure, lumbosacral dermal sinuses,
Gram negative organisms All ages Health care associated infections, lumbosacral dermal sinuses,
meningomyelocele, neurosurgical procedure, CSF shunts

CNS Central nervous system, HIV Human immunodeficiency virus

CSF appears turbid in the presence of >200 WBC, >400 RBC, >15 mg/dl in the ventricular CSF is abnormal. The CSF gram
bacteria or elevated proteins [12]. The CSF sample for cytol- stain examination allows for rapid and accurate identification of
ogy needs to be examined immediately as WBC’s in CSF the organism. The gram stain is positive in 70% of untreated
tends to disintegrate within 90 min. A CSF cell count of >10 cases of bacterial meningitis. Most smears are positive in cases
neutrophils is abnormal. In 90% cases of bacterial meningitis with >105 CFU/ml. CSF culture is the gold standard for the
CSF cell count is >100 WBC/μl in CSF and 60–70% cases diagnosis of bacterial meningitis and is positive in 80–90% of
have >1000 WBC/μL CSF. The CSF classically shows neu- patients with acute community-acquired bacterial meningitis
trophilic predominance. However, early in the course, lym- before the start of treatment. However, if the patient has re-
phocytic predominance may be seen in 10% of the patients ceived intravenous antibiotics; the CSF culture can be sterile.
[13]. CSF glucose of less than 40 mg/dl is seen in 60% pa- Blood cultures identify the causative organism in 50–80% of
tients with bacterial meningitis. patients [15]. Do not forget sending blood cultures before ini-
An accurate estimation of CSF glucose with serum glucose tiation of antibiotic therapy. The yield of blood cultures de-
is more informative, a ratio of < 0.5 is indicative of bacterial creases by 20% or more if the patient has been pretreated with
meningitis, and is seen in 70% patients with bacterial meningi- antibiotics [15].
tis [14]. CSF protein of >50 mg/dl in the lumbar CSF and Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using special bacterial
primers to detect the nucleic acid of S. pneumoniae, N.
meningitidis, H. influenzae, E. coli, S. agalactie and Listeria
Table 3 Clinical features suggestive of acute bacterial meningitis in monocytogenes is commercially available. However, the clinical
neonates and children usefulness of PCR is limited as culture results are often available
Age Clinical symptoms Signs within 24 h. PCR is more useful in patients who have been
group treated with prior antibiotics and in whom the cultures are neg-
ative [11, 16].
Neonates Temperature instability, Bulging fontanelle, poor state
lethargy, listlessness, high to state variability, seizures
pitch cry, irritability, feed CSF in Partially Treated Pyogenic Meningitis Children,
refusal, poor suck,
who have been treated with parenteral antibiotics before diag-
vomiting, diarrhea,
respiratory distress nosis, tend to have negative CSF gram stain and cultures. CSF
Infants Fever, irritability, nausea, Bulging fontanelle, glucose tends to normalize by day 3 of intravenous antibiotics
vomiting, lethargy, shrill encephalopathy, neck and CSF protein concentration tends to stay elevated till day
cry, altered sensorium, stiffness, retrocollis,
10. CSF cell count tends to decrease with antibiotic therapy,
respiratory distress seizures, focal neurological
deficits however, in >50% patients, a persistently elevated count can
Children Fever, neck stiffness, Nuchal rigidity, be seen till 7–10 d of antibiotics [17].
headache, irritability, encephalopathy, purpuric
lethargy, altered sensorium, or petechial rash, seizures,
seizures, photophobia, rash focal neurological deficits Neuroimaging The diagnosis of bacterial meningitis is clini-
cal and confirmation is done with CSF analysis. Imaging adds
Indian J Pediatr

Table 4 Typical CSF findings in bacterial meningitis and viral meningitis

CSF parameter Normal Bacterial meningitis Aseptic/Viral meningitis

CSF pressure <10 cm H2O >18 cm H2O Normal or mild elevation

Appearance Clear Cloudy Clear
CSF cells <5 cells, lymphocytes >1000/mm3, predominant neutrophils 10-1000/mm3, lymphocytosis
CSF protein <40 mg/dl >50 mg/dl Normal or mild elevation
CSF glucose >60 mg/dl <40 mg/dl >45 mg/dl
CSF to serum glucose ratio >0.6 <0.4 >0.6
Gram stain Negative Positive in 70-90% untreated patients Negative
CSF lactate Normal >3.8 mmol/L Normal

CSF Cerebrospinal fluid

very little to the diagnosis of uncomplicated meningitis. The not made an impact on clinical care of children with bacte-
value of neuroimaging lies in excluding other pathological rial meningitis.
processes and in the investigation of complications (Fig. 1).
MRI is superior to CT scan in the identification of complica- Management
tions in children with bacterial meningitis.
Do not delay antibiotics if you are clinically suspecting
meningitis. The initial management includes stabilization
Other Diagnostic Markers Rapid diagnostic tests such as of the child, taking care of airway, breathing, and circula-
latex agglutination test have very poor sensitivity in gram tion. Immediately after obtaining samples for blood culture
stain and culture negative cases. Serum procalcitonin and appropriate empirical antibiotics should be started
C-reactive protein have been used to differentiate between (Table 5). A delay in the initiation of antibiotics is associ-
viral and bacterial meningitis. Promising marker for differ- ated with increased mortality and a poor neurological out-
entiating bacterial meningitis from viral meningitis include come. In one study, a delay of 6 h was associated with an
serum and CSF procalcitonin [18]. Other potential markers eight-fold rise in mortality [19]. However, the initial empir-
in the CSF include cortisol, heparin binding protein, IL6, ical antibiotics can cause alteration in the CSF picture and
IL12, IL1b, IL10, TNF-alpha, complement component B gram stain and cultures can be negative after antibiotics.
[8]. These markers are limited to research setting and have Empirical antibiotics should not be delayed while
waiting for a lumbar puncture or a CT. The choice of em-
pirical cover should be based on history, risk factors, im-
mune status, and local antibiotic resistant pattern. A third
generation cephalosporin is generally the empiric agent of
choice. The decision to add vancomycin depends on the
rate of resistance to third-generation cephalosporins. In
areas where the prevalence of cephalosporin-resistant
S. pneumoniae is low (< 1% resistance), a third-
generation cephalosporin (either cefotaxime or ceftriaxone)
usually suffices as empirical treatment. In young infants
and children with T-cell immunodeficiency ampicillin
should be given to cover for L. monocytogenes. Antibiotic
therapy should be with intravenous agents to achieve high
CSF concentrations. There is no role of oral antibiotics in
children with suspected meningitis. It is also essential to use
directed antibiotic therapy once the causative organism and
antibiotic susceptibilities are available [10].

Corticosteroids and Other Anti-inflammatory Agents

Fig. 1 T1W post-contrast Axial MRI of the brain in a child with acute
bacterial meningitis showing meningeal enhancement and multiple areas Among experimental animals corticosteroids reduced brain
of post contrast enhancement suggesting areas of cerebritis and edema, reduced intracranial pressure, and stabilized the
infarctions blood-brain barrier. The stabilization for blood-brain
Indian J Pediatr

Table 5 Suggested empirical

antibiotic therapy in children with Predisposing factor Organism Empirical antimicrobial therapy
bacterial meningitis
0–4 wk Enteric gram negative Ampicillin + gentamicin
bacilli, Ampicillin + cefotaxime
L. monocytogenes,
Streptococcus pneumoniae,
S. agalactie
1–3 mo E. coli, Ampicillin + gentamicin
L. monocytogenes, Ampicillin + cefotaxime
S. agalactie,
S. pneumoniae,
H. influenzae,
N. meningitidis
3 mo–18 y S pneumoniae, Ceftriaxone or cefotaxime
H. influenzae,
N meningitidis
Immunocompromised state (Vancomycin + ceftriaxone) + ampicillin
(in those with T cell defects)
Head trauma S. pneumoniae, H. Vancomycin + ceftriaxone
Neurosurgery, CSF shunt, or head Gram negative bacilli, Ceftazidime/meropenum + cloxacillin or
trauma Staphylococcus aureus, vancomycin
Coagulase negative

CSF Cerebrospinal fluid

barrier reduces the concentration of antibiotics in the CSF. children is variable; and depends on the nature and sever-
Reduced concentrations of antibiotics within the CSF jeop- ity of the complications as well as the response to
ardize antibacterial effectiveness. Hence, the role of corti- treatment.
costeroids as adjuvant treatment in acute bacterial menin-
gitis remains controversial. A Cochrane review regarding
the steroid therapy in bacterial meningitis found no benefit Complications
in outcome in poorly resourced centers [20]. However, cor-
ticosteroids significantly reduced hearing loss and neuro- The course of bacterial meningitis can be complicated by a
logical sequelae, but did not reduce overall mortality in number of intracranial and occasionally extracranial compli-
high-income countries [21]. Dexamethasone (0.15 mg/kg cations (Table 6, and Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4). Raised intracranial
every 6 h) is recommended for children (over 6 wk of pressure (ICP), cerebral edema, electrolyte imbalance, sepsis,
age) with H. influenzae meningitis and is suggested to be
Table 6 Immediate and long-term complications of bacterial
started before or along with the first dose of antibiotic [22]. meningitis
In meningitis due to other organisms, its role is less well
defined to allow for universal guidelines. Immediate complications Long-term complications

Cerebral edema Deafness

Duration of Antibiotics For non-complicated cases of bac-
Raised intracranial pressure Neuronal damage
terial meningitis duration of antibiotics depend upon the
Hyponatremia Focal sensorimotor deficits
nature of the pathological organism. For S. pneumoniae it
SIADH Intellectual disability
is 10–14 d, for H. influenza 7–10 d, for N. meningitidis 5–
Sepsis, septic shock Cortical blindness
7 d and for group B streptococci and gram-negative bacilli
Disseminated intravascular coagulation Epilepsy
14–21 d [10]. When an organism is not identified and the
Seizures Learning disability
course is uncomplicated a 10–14 d therapy should suffice.
Hydrocephalus Behavioral problems
However, in children with a gram positive organism and
Extraaxial fluid collection
resistant organisms repeat CSF may be required to docu-
ment therapeutic response and neuroimaging to see for Subarachnoid
intracranial complications. The antibiotic duration in these
Indian J Pediatr

to accumulate in subdural spaces, surgical drainage of the

fluid is indicated.


Rifampin or ceftriaxone should be given to all close contact

with meningococcal meningitis. Chemoprophylaxis with ri-
fampin is recommended to all close contacts of
H. influenzae meningitis. For healthcare personnels, chemo-
prophylaxis is recommended only for those whose mouth or
nose is directly exposed to large particle droplets/secretions
from the respiratory tract of a probable or confirmed case of
meningococcal disease during acute illness until completed
24 h of systemic antibiotics.

Fig. 2 T1 axial post contrast images of the brain of an infant showing

right ventriculomegaly and ependymal enhancement suggestive of PART B: Focal Suppurative Bacterial Infection
ventriculitis. Note the whole of left cerebral hemisphere is converted in of the Nervous System
a cystic area, with peripheral contrast enhancement and thinning of the
cortical mental Brain Abscess

septic shock and disseminated intravascular coagulation are Brain abscess is an intraparenchymal suppurative collection of
common complications in the acute stage of bacterial menin- pus in the brain. The incidence has been estimated at 0.3 to 1.3
gitis. Seizures in the initial stage are secondary to the cortical per 100,000 people per year [24]. Typically, it begins with an
irritation; however in the later part of illness, suggest compli- area of focal cerebritis evolving into a collection of pus
cations like infarcts, empyema and abscess. Persistent fever surrounded by a well-defined vascularized capsule. Bacterial
despite adequate antibiotics suggests presence of suppurative invasion of the brain and subsequent abscess formation can be
complication such as subdural empyema, brain abscess and due to the direct spread of infection or through hematogenous
ventriculitis. Progressive increase in the head size of an infant, spread (Table 7) [25]. Bacterial invasion from contiguous foci
or persistent signs of raised ICP suggest evolving hydroceph- (otitis media, sinusitis, mastoiditis) can occur and most frequent
alus or ventriculitis. A repeat CSF may be warranted in chil- organisms are streptococcus species, staphylococcus or can be
dren with persistent fever spikes, gram negative organism and polymicrobial (anaerobes and gram-negative organisms). The
staphylococcus meningitis. Hematogenous spread of bacteria can occur from an underlying
cardiac, pulmonary disease, or a distant site of infection like
skin, subcutaneous tissue, paranasal sinuses, and teeth. These
Raised Intracranial Pressure (ICP) Almost all children with lesions are often multiple, mulitloculated, poorly encapsulated
bacterial meningitis tend to have raised intracranial pressure. and located at gray matter and white matter junction. Abscesses
Clinical signs suggestive of raised ICP are progressively wors- can also occur following a neurosurgical procedure or trauma. In
ening encephalopathy, dilated, poorly reactive pupils, abnor- such a situation the common organisms are skin-colonizing bac-
malities of ocular movements, irregular breathing, bradycar- teria such as Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus
dia, and hypertension. Papilledema does not develop early in epidermidis. Most common organisms isolated from 491 brain
the disease. Persistently elevated raised ICP may lead to her- abscess pus cultures are streptococci (40%), staphylococcus
niation. Raised ICP should be managed aggressively with se- (12%) and enterobacteriace (25%) and bacterioids (21%) [26].
dation and analgesia, head-end elevation and ventilation.
Mannitol or 3% saline infusion can be used to treat raised Pathogenesis
ICP. Invasive ICP monitoring can be used in the children with
coma. Around 30–40% children have seizures during the After gaining access to the brain parenchyma, in the first stage
course of acute bacterial meningitis. Seizures should be man- of ‘early cerebritis’ (1–4 d), there is a central necrotic area with
aged according to status epilepticus protocol. surrounding white matter edema due to perivascular inflam-
A subdural collection can occur in patients with bacterial matory response. Subsequently, the necrotic center reaches its
meningitis and most common organism is the S. pneumoniae maximum size (late cerebritis, 4–10 d), and a capsule is
[23]. Most extra-axial fluid collections resolve without inter- formed through the accumulation of fibroblasts and neovas-
vention. If fever and clinical signs persist, and fluid continues cularization (early capsule formation, 11–14 d). The capsule
Indian J Pediatr

thickens with an abundance of reactive collagen, but inflam- secondary to raised intracranial pressure. Symptoms and signs
mation and edema extend beyond the capsule (late capsule in the newborn or infants can be very non specific and mislead-
formation >14 d) [26]. ing. A very high index of suspicion is required for diagnosis.
Temperature instability, fever, irritability, lethargy, refusal to
Clinical Features feed, vomiting, bulging anterior fontanelle and encephalopathy
can be pointers towards diagnosis of brain abscess [28].
The clinical presentation of a brain abscess depends upon site,
number, size of the lesion and associated mass effect. The clas- Diagnosis
sic triad of brain abscess is fever, headache, and focal neuro-
logical deficits. Other common manifestations are headache, Do not delay a neuroimaging in children with suspected brain
nausea, vomiting, and encephalopathy. Seizures are a common abscess. A contrast enhanced CT scan is a quick method for
presenting feature in approximately 25–35% of children [27]. detecting the site, size, and the number of abscesses. The
Focal neurological deficits depend on the site of lesion; frontal contrast CT scan will show a ring enhancing lesion with cen-
lobe abscess can present with behavioral changes and tral hypodensity and surrounding edema (Fig. 4). A contrast
hemiparesis; posterior fossa lesions present with lower cranial MRI is more sensitive for the diagnosis of brain abscess. It
nerve palsies, ataxia, gait problems, and encephalopathy shows a T1 hypointense and T2 hyperintense center,

Table 7 Predisposing conditions,

microbial isolates and most likely Predisposing condition Organism Site of abscess
sites of bacterial abscess
Contiguous spread of bacteria
Paranasal sinusitis Streptococcus species
Frontal sinus Peptostreptococci Frontal lobe
Sphenoid sinus Bacteriods species Frontal lobe,
Mastoid sinus S. aureus cavernous sinus
Enterobacteriaceae Temporal lobe and
Otitis media and Streptococci Temporal lobe and
mastoiditis Peptostreptococci cerebellum
Middle ear Bacteriods
Open head trauma or S. aureus Contiguous site
neurosurgery S. epidermidis
Facial and scalp infections S. aureus Contiguous site
Neonatal meningitis Proteus mirabilis
Hematogeneous spread of bacteria
Cardiac disease Streptococci Middle cerebral
Congenital cyanotic heart Peptostreptococci artery territory
Bacterial endocarditis S. aureus
Streptococcus species
Lung abscess, empyema Fusobacterium, actinomyces, prevotella, bacterioids,
and bronchiectasis nocardia
Streptococcus species
Dental infections Mixed infections with fusobacterium, actinomyces,
prevotella, bacterioids, nocardia
Streptococcus species
Indian J Pediatr

Fig. 3 Axial post contrast T1W MRI of the brain showing subdural
Fig. 4 Axial CECT of the brain showing multiple brain abscesses in the
empyema in an infant with bacterial meningitis
basi-frontal region with perilesional edema. The child had sinusitis

surrounded by areas of T2 hyperintensity suggestive of edema

and post contrast images show a ring enhancement of the wall unless contraindicated. Total excision was recommended pre-
of the lesion. The differential diagnoses are hematoma, fungal viously but now has a limited role. Any abscess >2.5 cm in
abscess, tumor and infective granuloma. size, abscess abutting the ventricular wall should be subjected
Advanced MRI imaging such as diffusion-weighted imag- to immediate aspiration.
ing (DWI) has a high sensitivity and specificity for the diag- Once the organism is identified in the cultures, the antibiotic
nosis of an abscess and helps in differentiation from a tumor. therapy can be modified to achieve the most effective therapy.
The cellular pus in the center of the abscess produces a low However, 27% brain abscesses are polymicrobial in nature and
ADC value, and DWI shows diffusion restriction with central a broad spectrum antibiotic is advised until cultures from brain
bright signal [29]. abscess itself are available or repeated blood cultures are sterile.
Blood culture may be positive in 25% patients, particularly The duration of antimicrobial therapy is 6–8 wk. Cranial neu-
in patients with a hematogenous spread of infection [28]. roimaging should be repeated immediately if there is neurolog-
Lumbar puncture is not recommended because of the risk of ical deterioration, after 1–2 wk if there is no clinical improve-
brain herniation. An underlying dental, paranasal sinus, ear, or ment and biweekly once recovery is evident until 3 mo.
skin foci should be cultured, and surgically explored if re- Complications of brain abscess are raised ICP, herniation, hy-
quired. Brain abscess tissue and material obtained through drocephalus, rupture and ventriculitis (Fig. 4) [30].
diagnostic and therapeutic aspiration must be sent for gram Adjunctive glucocorticoids therapy helps in reducing the
stain, bacterial, anerobic, fungal and tubercular cultures. cerebral edema. However, steroid therapy reduces the antibi-
otics passage in the CSF and their use is limited to cases with
marked raised ICP and brain herniation.

Antibiotics should be started on clinical suspicion of brain Subdural Empyema

abscess and should be broad spectrum. The choice of initial
antibiotics should be based on the most likely cause of the Subdural empyema (SDE) is a collection of pus between the
disease, on the risk factors, predisposing conditions, and the dura mater and the arachnoid mater. In infants, subdural em-
pattern of antimicrobial susceptibility. The empirical antibi- pyema is a complication of purulent meningitis and in chil-
otics include cefotaxime or ceftriaxone and metronidazole dren, subdural empyema is focal and secondary to direct ex-
and vancomycin [29]. In immunocompromised individuals, tension from contiguous foci [31]. Cranial surgery, trauma
empirical cover should include antifungal agents. (depressed skull fractures), infected hematoma and subdural
Neurosurgical intervention is imperative for diagnostic aspi- effusion, middle ear and sinus infection and septic thrombo-
ration and therapeutic drainage. With modern stereotactic neu- phlebitis, all predispose to subdural empyema. The common
rosurgical techniques, any abscess >1 cm in size is amenable causative organisms are anerobes, aerobic Streptococci,
for the aspiration. Stereotactic aspiration should be performed Staphylococci, H. influenzae, S. pneumoniae, and other
for the purpose of diagnostic aspiration and decompression gram-negative bacilli. The most common organisms in
Indian J Pediatr

intracranial SDE secondary to paranasal sinusitis are anerobic strategies and novel therapeutic approaches may improve
and microaerophilic streptococci, in particular, those of the outcomes. However, adequate primary prevention using
S. milleri group (S. milleri and S. anginosus) [31]. vaccines is the mainstay to reduce their burden.
The classical triad of SDE includes fever, sinusitis, and
neurological deficits. Headache, nausea, vomiting, seizures, Contributions RS: Reviewed the literature, wrote the manuscript; NS:
Reviewed the literature, and finalized the manuscript.
mental status changes and focal neurological signs are other
clinical features. If untreated, symptoms may progress to
Compliance with Ethical Standards
drowsiness, stupor, and eventually, coma. Examination shows
meningismus, contralateral hemiplegia, and cranial nerve Conflict of Interest None.
palsies [32].
The diagnosis of SDE is based on neuroimaging and aspi- Source of Funding None.
ration of pus. On contrast enhanced CT scan, SDE appears as a
hypodense area over the hemisphere or along the falx. The
margins are better delineated with the infusion of contrast References
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