Chapter 13 Statistics

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"Statistics is the study of collection, organisation, analysis and interpretation

of data".
What is Data?
A piece of information in the form of facts or figures collected or represented
for any specific purpose is called Data.
Central Tendency
There are three measures of central tendency :-
(i) Mean (ii) Median (iii) Mode

Mean of Grouped Data

The Mean is the sum of values of all the observations divided by the total no.

of observations .

Direct Assumed Mean Step-Deviation

Method Method Method
If a variate X takes values x1 , x2, ..., xnwith corresponding frequencies f1 , f2 , f3 , ...,fn

respectively, then arithmetic mean X is given by
f1 x1 + f2 x2+ ... + fn xn

f1 + f2 + ... + fn
/ i i

Example: Find the mean of the following distribution:

x: 4 6 9 10 15
f: 5 10 10 7 8
SOLUTION: Calculation of Arithmetic Mean
xi fi fi x i
4 5 20
6 10 60
9 10 90
10 7 70
15 8 120
Total fi = 40 fi x i = 360

= 360 = 9
i i
Mean = X =


STEP I Prepare frequency table with first column consisting of the values of
variate and second column the corresponding frequencies.
STEP II Multiply the frequency of each row with the corresponding values of
variable to obtain third column fi x i .
STEP III Find the sum of all entries in column III to obtain Σfi xi = N
STEP IV Find the sum of all frequencies in column II to obtain Σfi = N
STEP V Use the formula:
i i

i i
Mean, +


NOTE (i)The number 'a' is generally known as the assumed mean and is generally
chosen from the values of class marks i.e x i .
(ii)'di ' are deviations calculated as xi - a. Class mark = UL +2 LL

STEPI Prepare frequency table with first column consisting of the values of class
intervals and second column of corresponding frequencies.
STEP2 Calculate all class marks values i.e x i 's by using its formula.
STEP3 Choose a number 'a' from values of xi 's and take deviations di = x i - a. Write
these deviations in the fourth column.
STEP4 Multiply the frequencies in column 2 with corresponding deviations d i in
column 4 to prepare column 5 of fi di and find their sum Σf id i.
STEP5 Use the formula:
i i
= +

Example: Find the mean of the following frequency distribution:

Class-interval: 10-25 25-40 40-55 55-70 70-85 85-100

Frequencies: 2 3 7 6 6 6


i i
Mean, = +

. = 47.5 + 14.5 = 62

i i


STEP1 Prepare frequency table with first column consisting of the values of class
intervals and second column of corresponding frequencies.
STEP2 Calculate all class marks values i.e x i 's by using its formula.
STEP3 Choose a number 'a' and take deviations d i = x i - a. Write these deviations

in the fourth column.
STEP4 Choose a number 'h' generally common factor of all d i's in IV column,
divide deviations di by h to get u i . Write these u i 's against corresponding
di 's in the Vth column.
STEP5 Multiply the frequencies in 2 column with the corresponding u i's in V col.
to prepare VI column fi u i .
STEP5 Use the formula: i i


Example: Find the mean of the following frequency distribution:

Class-interval: 10-25 25-40 40-55 55-70 70-85 85-100

Frequencies: 2 3 7 6 6 6


i i


= . = 47.5 + 14.5 = 62
Mode of Grouped Data
The Mode is the value that appears most often in a set of data values i.e the value
of the observation having the maximum frequency.

Mode = l + 1
_ ×
1 0 2

where l = lower limit of the modal class,

h = size of the class interval (assuming all class sizes to be equal),
f1 = frequency of the modal class,
f0= frequency of the class preceding the modal class,
f2 = frequency of the class succeeding the modal class.
NOTE Modal class is the class which is having the maximum frequency among all
the observations .
Example: A survey conducted on 20 households in a locality by a group of
students resulted in the following frequency table for the number
of family members in a household:

Find the mode of this data.
SOLUTION: Here the maximum frequency is 8 and the class which is corresponding
to this frequency is 3 - 5. So, the modal class is 3 - 5.
Now, l = 3, f1 = 8, f0 = 7, f2 = 2, h = 2

Mode = l + _ _ ×
1 0 2

=3+ 8-7
× 2 = 3 + 2/7 = 3.286
Median of Grouped Data
The Median is the middle value of the given number of observations which
divides it into exactly two parts.

n cf
2 ×
Median = l +

where l = lower limit of median class,
n = number of observations,
cf = cumulative frequency of class preceding the median class,
f = frequency of median class,
h = class size (assuming class size to be equal)
NOTE Median class is the class whose cumulative frequency is greater than or
nearer to n/2.
Example: Find the median of the given data:


SOLUTION: Here, n = 53 so, n/2 = 53/2 = 26.5

Now, 60 - 70 is that class whose cumulative frequency (cf) 29 is
greater than or nearest to n/2 i.e 26.5.
Therefore, 60 - 70 is the median class.
so, n/2 = 26.5, l = 60, cf = 22, f = 7, h = 10
Now, by using the above formula we can calculate the
value of median easily.
26.5 - 22
Median = 60 + × 10
= 60 + 45/7
= 60 + 6.4
= 66.4
So, about half the students have scored marks less than 66.4, and the other
half have scored marks more than 66.4.

Relation Among Mean, Median and Mode
There is a empirical relationship between the three measures of central tendency:
3 Median = Mode + 2 Mean

Example: Find mode, using an empirical relationship, when it is given that mean
and median are 10.5 and 9.6 respectively.
By using the relation, we can find the value of mode
Mode = 3 Median - 2 Mean
= 3(9.6) - 2(10.5)
= 28.8 - 21.0
= 7.8

Hence, mode = 7.8

*After studying from

these notes

*Note: Worksheet important questions of all typology with answers is

provided as a separate PDF on website

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