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SYLLABUS sTICS AND LINEAR PROGRAMMING (BS-202) Applicable from the Academ UNIT! Sample Spaces and Events, Counting PROBABILITY, STATI ic Session 2021-22 asics: Probability and Statistical models, , 1 4 echniques, Tete eaitioas ‘and Axioms of Probability, Unions of Events and Addition ules, Conditional Probability, Intersections of Events and Multiplication and Total robability Rules, Independence, Bayes’ Theorem, Random Variables iscrete and Continuous Random Variables and Distributions: Probability istributions and Probability Mass/density Functions, Cumulative Distribution unctions, Mean and Variance of a Random Variable, Discrete and continuous Uniform Nistribution, Binomial Distribution, Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions, lypergeometric Distribution, Poisson Distribution. Normal Distribution, Normal \pproximation to the Binomial, and Poisson Distributions, Exponential Distribution, erlang and Gamma Distributions, Weibull Di: stribution, Lognormal Distribution, Beta Distribution. | UNIT I Joint Probability Distributions for Two Random Variables, Conditional Probability istributions and Independence, Joint Probability Distributions for Two Random ariables, Covariance and Correlation, Common Joint Distributions, Linear Functions f Random Variables, General Functions of Random Variables, Moment-Generating Functions. Numerical Summaries of Data, Stem-and-Leaf Diagrams, Frequency Distributions and Histograms, Box Plots, Time Sequence’ Plots, Scatter Diagrams, Probability Plots. Point Estimation, Sampling Distributions and the Central Limit Theorem without proof, General Concepts of Point Estimaticn, Methods of Point Estimation, Statistical Intervals for a Single Sample. UNIT Ill Hypotheses Testing for a Single Sample: Tests on the Mean ofa Normal Distribution with Variance Known / Unknown, Tests on the Variance and Standard Deviation of a Normal Distribution, Tests on a Population Proportion, Testing for Goodness of Fit, Nonparametric tests (Signed, Wilcoxon), Similarly Statistical Inference for Two Samples. Regression and Correlation: Linear Regression, Least Squares Estimators, Hypotheses esting oie siaple Tone regression, Confidence Intervals, Adequacy of m , Correlation, Transformed Variables, Logistic Ri ion. Si y t linear regression including aspects of MLR. eb ithaca fe UNIT IV ; a mming: Introduction, formulation of problem, Graphical method, ‘anonical and Standard form of LPP, Simplex method, Duality concept, Dual simplex method, Transportation and Assignment problem. Syllabus ‘APPLIED MATHEMATICS-IV (ETMA-202) Instruction to Paper Setters: Maximum Marg 1. Question No.1 should be compulsory end cover the entre syllabus. This question ‘have objective or short answer type questions, It should be of 25 marks, hoy 2. Apert from Question No.1 resto the paper shall consist of four units as per the Every unit should have too questions Howrver, student may be asked to att, Ma 1 questo from each wnil. Each question should be 12.5 marks ate og UNIT Partial Differential Equation: linear partial dlferental equations wi cocfen, homogeneous and nonhomogeneous linear equations, Moe Sxpaatin of variables Laplace equnton wave equation and hea flow ened tesian coordinates only with inital and boundary value. TH INo. of Assignment protien! Duality concept, Dual simple (71) (No. of Hire 11) [ACCORDING TO NEW SYLLABUS (2021-22) FOURTH SEMESTER (B.TECH) PROBABILITY, STATISTICS AND LINEAR PROGRAMMING [BS-202] UNIT-1 Qi. Refer to Q1 (b) of Applied Maths - IV 2015 (Pg. No, 15-2015) Q.2 Refer toQ.4(a) of Applied Maths - IV 2016 (Pg. No, 22-2015) @3. Refer to Q4 (bof Applied Maths -IV 2015 (Pg. No. 23-2015) Q4. Refer to Q.5 (a) of Applied Maths - IV 2015 (Pg. No 23-2015) Q5. Refer to Q.5 (b) ‘of Applied Maths - IV 2015 (Pg. No. 25-2015; Q6. Refer to Q.1 (c) of Applied Maths - IV 2016 (Pg. No. 2-2016) Q.7. Rofer to Q 3 (b) af Applied Maths - IV 2016 (Pg. No. 6-2016) Q8. Refer to Q.4 (a) of Applied Maths - IV 2016 (Pg. No. 6-2016) 9. Refer to Q.4 (b) of Applied Maths - IV 2016 (Pg. No, 7-2016) Q.10. Refer to Q.1 (b) of Applied Maths - TV 2016 (Pg. No. 21-2016) QL. Refer t0.Q 4 (a) of Applied Maths - IV 2016 (Pg. No. 26-2016) Q:12, Refer to Q.1 (d) of Applied Maths - IV 2017 (Pg. No. 3-2017) Q.13. Refer to Q.3 (a) of Applied Maths - IV 2017 (Pg. No. 5-2017) Q.14. Refer to Q.4 of Applied Maths - IV 2017 (Pg. No. 8-2017) QAL5. Refer to Q.4 (a) of Applied Maths - IV 2017 (Pg. No. 19-2017) @A6. Refer to Q.4 (b) of Applied Maths - IV 2017 (Pg. No. 20-2017) Q.17. Refer to Q.1 (d) of Applied Maths - IV 2018 (Pg. No. 3-2018) Q.18. Refer to Q.3 (a) of Applied Maths - IV 2018 (Pg. No, 4-2018) @.10. Refer to.Q4 (b) of Applied Maths - IV 2018 (Pg. No. 17-2018) Q.20. Refer to Q.4 of Applied Maths - IV 2019 (Pg. No. 7-2019) Q.21. Refer to Q.1 (b) of Applied Maths - IV 2019 (Pg. No. 10-2019) Q.22. What is law of Total Probability? An urn contains 5 red balls and 2 green balls. A ball is drawn. If it’s green a red ball is added to the urn. The original ball is not returned to the urn. Then a second ball is drawn. What is the probability the second ball is red? (PU-2017) Ans. Law of Total Probability: Let E,, E,,..E, be n mutually exclusi exhaustive events, with non-zero probabilities, ? ‘a random, eae aa Ba = arbitrary event of the sample space of the above random experiment with P(A) > 0, then P(A) = P(E, PAPE) + PCE,) PVE, ... + PCE.) PVE,) Bag contains 5R, 2G. First balls drawn in 7& ways, hepeee It turns to be green red ball is added. Bo, 4 Plof first draw) = sot x —& 16... Sc, 21 tf randam varias olor abinomialdatributionB (25, POL 1 16 a 25 Now = 9,23. 4 Bee Bl Se a oF Q25. IfX and ¥ are independent Poisson variates such that P(X = 1) « POX | #2) and PCY « 2) = P(Y =3). Find the variances of X-2Y. (PU 2019) Ans. PK=x| = oH PIy=y| = 7H” a PIX=1) = PIX=2] > he+= “He >i =2 Piven = prvatio He He yea Also Ver = 2 =2,Var(=ne3 We know if X and ¥ are independent variates, then ‘VariaX + bY] = o* VariX) +6" Ver(Y? Hence © VariX—2¥) = 1° VarQ0+ (2? Var (1) ‘ = nde 4nd 18 K live 2021 Q.26. An integer is chosen at random from the first 200 positive ‘What is the probability that the integer choson is divisible by 6 or gy ‘Ans. $ consists of 200 element ie, S = {1,2,9, .. 200) nis) = 200 Fourth Semester, Probability, Statistics and Linear Programming Let A be set of numbers divisible by 6 A = (6,12, 18, . 198) mA) = 33, Pay= 2S Let B be set of numbers divisible by 8 ce B = (8, 1624,..200) mB) = 25, PB)= 2 AB = numbers divisible by both 6 and 8 ANB = (24,48,72,96,120,144,168, 192) ANB) = 8 PANB)= 8 By Addition Theorem 200 PAUB) = P(A)+PIB)- PAN B) es Proportional of the account is over Rs. 150? Gin Wn Proportional of account is between Rs, 100 ands 150? proportional of account is between Rs. 60 and Ra, 90? ‘Ans. Standard normal variate 2 = X=! @ When X = 150, 2 = 280_120 aa =O Consider night of 2 = 0.75 ‘Area to right ofz = 0 in 05 \ 26 Apower supply unit for a computer Less the area between tween z= O and z= #0 ‘Area torghtto2 0m bane rH 22.60% of account have balance exces of Ra. 160. (ii) When X= 100, 2 = 100=120 0 100 Sa e085 “ when X = 160, 2 = 150=120 a 0.75 0 #5075 LP. University {B Tech-Akaah Books on-1 =- band z= 0in0A915 poten 2-2 Aree otwoen 2=0 0nd Z 0.75 is 0.2735 i 53 an bets een 2 = 0,5 104 = 0.1 i8 0.1916 + 0.2795 405, ott rset cee sunts have average balance of 90-120 __0.75 (ii When X= 90.2 7p 46.5% of aces when X60, 22 meenz =0to2 =~ 151s 0.4932 Ain pone = 0.5 4 02704 ‘Total aren = 0.4932 — 0.2704 = 0.1598 ot OG of accounts between Rs. 60 and Res: $0. component is assumed to follow 200 hrs. What is the probability T1507 ‘ribution with snean life of 1 yo exponential dist ‘that the component will (i) Fail in the first 300 hrs? (ii) Survive more than 1500 irs? iii) Last between 1200 hrs and 1500 hrs? ‘Ans. Given 2 = 1200 {i) Probability that the component will fail in the first 300 brs is P(X < 300) = 1-<20"=" |e = 10.7788, = 0.2212 (Gi) POX 2 1500) = eterm 0.2865, G8) Prater 2 Plinside] = 1~Ploutsidel 1 = [POX s 1200) + PIX 15001] Now POX s 1200) = 1 = 0.6321 POX 2 1500) = eH = 0.2635 2 Plinside) ~ 1 ~ {0.6321 + 0.2865] = 0 0813 Q29. The income tax of a man is exponentially distributed with the probability density function given by lx) = 7om forx>0 =0, x0 lad ie |

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