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Proposal on performance appraisal of dashen bank of Ethiopia

Performance appraisal is a crucial process in organizations as it helps evaluate and measure employees' job
performance and contributions to the organization. It also serves as a basis for making important decisions
such as promotions, rewards, and training needs. Dashen Bank of Ethiopia is one of the leading banks in
the country, and it is essential for the organization to have an effective performance appraisal system in
place. This proposal aims to assess the current performance appraisal system in Dashen Bank and provide
recommendations for improvement. By conducting an in-depth analysis, reviewing relevant literature,
and considering best practices, this proposal aims to develop a comprehensive and efficient performance
appraisal system that aligns with the bank's goals and objectives.. (David Finkelstein, Alistair McCleery)

Background of Dashen Bank of Ethiopia

Dashen Bank is one of the leading banks in Ethiopia, providing a range of financial services to individuals
and businesses. It was established in 1995 and has since grown to become the largest private bank in
the country, with a strong presence in both urban and rural areas. The bank offers various products and
services, including deposit accounts, loans, foreign exchange, and digital banking solutions. Dashen Bank
has a wide network of branches and ATMs across Ethiopia, which enables it to reach a large customer
base. The bank is known for its strong commitment to customer service and its focus on innovation and
technological advancements in the banking sector. With a dedicated workforce and a customer-centric
approach, Dashen Bank has become a trusted institution in the Ethiopian banking industry.. (Tarekegn
Tamiru Woldesenebt)

Importance of Performance Appraisal in Dashen Bank

Performance appraisal plays a crucial role in the effective functioning of Dashen Bank. It serves as a
systematic process by which the performance of employees is assessed and evaluated. This process not
only provides valuable feedback to employees regarding their performance but also helps in identifying
areas of improvement and development. Performance appraisal also serves as a basis for making important
decisions regarding promotions, training, and career development opportunities within the organization.
According to , a well-designed performance appraisal system can enhance employee motivation, commit-
ment, and job satisfaction. Furthermore, it allows management to identify and recognize high-performing
employees, which can help in retaining top talent. Failure to establish an effective performance appraisal
system can result in decreased employee morale, dissatisfaction, and decreased overall organizational
productivity. Thus, implementing a comprehensive performance appraisal system is crucial for the success
of Dashen Bank.. (Robbi Rahim, Nasib Marbun)

Proposed Performance Appraisal System for Dashen Bank

To improve the current performance appraisal system at Dashen Bank, it is proposed to implement a com-
prehensive and balanced approach that considers both individual and organizational goals. This proposed
system will utilize a combination of objective and subjective measures to evaluate employee performance.
Objective measures include quantifiable metrics such as sales targets achieved, customer satisfaction
ratings, and efficiency in completing tasks. Subjective measures, on the other hand, will include the evalu-
ation of soft skills, teamwork, and leadership abilities through self-assessments, supervisor assessments,
and peer evaluations. By using a mix of objective and subjective measures, the proposed performance
appraisal system will provide a holistic view of employee performance, enabling the identification of
individual strengths and areas for improvement. This approach will promote fairness, transparency, and
employee engagement, ultimately leading to improved overall performance and organizational success
for Dashen Bank.. (WM. Yenwe)

Benefits and Challenges of the Proposed Performance Appraisal System

One of the benefits of the proposed performance appraisal system is that it provides a structured
framework for evaluating employee performance. This system establishes clear performance expectations
and criteria, which can help employees understand what is expected of them and how their performance
will be assessed. Additionally, the use of standardized performance measures can ensure that evaluations
are fair and consistent across employees and departments. This can help to minimize bias and subjectivity
in the appraisal process, increasing perceptions of fairness and reducing potential for discrimination .
However, implementing a new performance appraisal system can also present challenges. For example,
managers may need to invest time and resources in training on how to effectively evaluate employee
performance and provide meaningful feedback. Additionally, employees may resist the change if they
perceive the new system as unfair or if they have concerns about how their performance will be judged ..
(Arup Varma, Pawan S. Budhwar, Angelo S. DeNisi)

In conclusion, the proposed performance appraisal system for Dashen Bank of Ethiopia aims to address
the current challenges faced by the bank and improve its overall performance evaluation process. By
implementing a 360-degree feedback approach, the bank will be able to gather comprehensive feedback
from a variety of sources, including supervisors, peers, and subordinates, which will provide a more
accurate assessment of employee performance. Additionally, the introduction of performance indicators
aligned with the bank's strategic goals will help ensure that individual performance is contributing to the
bank's overall success. Moreover, investing in training and development programs will further enhance
employee skills and capabilities, leading to improved organizational performance. It is recommended that
Dashen Bank carefully considers the implementation plan and communication strategies to ensure suc-
cessful adoption of the proposed system. With adequate support and commitment from top management,
this performance appraisal system has the potential to drive increased employee engagement, motivation,
and productivity within the organization.. (William Dean Howells)
- WM. Yenwe. 'A Case Study on Cloud Computing Architecture Design for Bank Industry.' SSRN,

- Nasib Marbun. 'PICEI 2022.' Proceedings of the 1st Pedagogika International Conference on Edu-
cational Innovation, PICEI 2022, 15 September 2022, Gorontalo, Indonesia, Robbi Rahim, European
Alliance for Innovation, 9/27/2023

- Tarekegn Tamiru Woldesenebt. 'Comparative Studies on Financial Performance of Commercial Banks

in Ethiopia. Problems and Prospects.' GRIN Verlag, 1/25/2019

This essay was written by Samwell AI.

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