Ejercicio 2. Caracterización del mercado.docx (английский (американский) )

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Module 04 - Commercial Research
UF1. Business research planning

UF 1
Exercise 2
Analysis of the environment

The objective of this activity is to identificate which elements of the macroenvironment
may represent an opportunity or threat for a given company.


From the information that you can find on the Internet and, especially, the one that
exists on its corporate website, analyze the following points about McDonald's:

a) An analysis of the company's macro-environment, focusing on the Spanish

market, identifying the challenges it faces according to the:
a. Technological factors
b. Economic factors
c. Political-legal factors
d. Socio-cultural factors
e. Demographic factors
f. Environmental factors

b) It identifies the threats it faces and the opportunities it faces.


It will represent 2.5% of the practical grade of UF 1.


1. The report must be submitted in Word, Arial font, size 10, single-spaced.

2. The presentation should be sent to the teacher's e-mail address.

3. Failure to observe sections 1 and 2 invalidates the work and will not be
corrected, so students will get a 0 and will have to repeat the exercise.

4. Complete sections at least to qualify for a 5 (if any of them is not completed,
the practice will not be approved and must be repeated again):
Module 04 - Commercial Research
UF1. Business research planning
a. All the points (a and b) are mandatory.

5. Modality: Individual

6. Delivery and commentary of the exercise: at the September 29 session

7. The grade will be divided by the following percentages among the following
a) 50%.
b) 50%

8. Failure to deliver within the established periods means a 0 in the evaluation

of the internship.

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