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Let’s go roll.
Winter, winter.
In the snow.

2. Snow on the ground.

Snow on the tree.
Snow on the house.
Snow on me!

3. Snowflakes are nice,

Snowflakes are white.
They fall by day,
They fall at night.

4. Snowflakes falling
One by one,
Time to play,
And have some fun.
Build a snowman
Snowballs, too,
Come and see what you can do.

5. Snowflakes are falling on the ground,

On our houses and in our town.
On my nose and in my hair,
Snowflakes are falling everywhere.

6. This is the season

When mornings are dark,
And birds do not sing
In the forest and park.
This is the season
When children ski,
And Santa Clause
Brings a Christmas tree.
7. The snow is falling,
The wind is blowing,
The ground is white
All day and night.

It is winter, it is cold,

Father Frost is very old.

He has got a big red nose

And a big red sack of toys!

What a miracle I see?

– Dance around the Christmas Tree.

Many children have come together

They are not afraid of weather!

They are clapping hands and dance

With a song they’re meeting us

New Year Tree (Новорічна ялинка)

There is shining a big star,

Look at it, it is not far!

You can touch it with your hand!

Colored lights are bright and gay

They are red and blue and grey.

There are balls and many toys

Hanged by little girls and boys

New Year Tree is very pretty

Sends us many New Year’s greetings!

If I were… (Якби я був…)

If I were a Santa Clause

I would touch your cheek and nose

I would draw a magic rose

And present you many toys

I would build for you new palace

And you’d be my charming Alice!

Giving gladness is my work

I’m a Merry Christmas Fog.

Working hard from year to year

I’ll bring you the New Year!

Snowflakes are falling on the ground,
On our houses and in our town.
On my nose and in my hair,
Snowflakes are falling everywhere.

Сніжинки падають на землю,
На наші будинки і в нашому місті.
На мій ніс і на моє волосся,
Сніжинки падають кругом.

The snow is falling

The snow is falling,
The wind is blowing,
The ground is white
All day and night.
Сніг йде
Сніг йде,
Вітер дує,
Земля біла
Весь день і всю ніч.
Winter, winter
Winter, winter,
Let’s go skate.
Winter, winter,
Don’t be late.
Winter, winter,
Let’s go roll.
Winter, winter,
In the snow.
Winter, winter!
Winter, winter!

When Santa comes to our house

I would like to peek,
But I know, he’ll never come –
Until I fall asleep.

What’s your name?

I’m Santa Claus,
Where’s your home?
Not very close?
Is behind it there that wall?
No, it’s at the far North Pole!

Santa Claus is very old.

Santa Claus’s land is cold.
In his sleigh reindeer with two
He brings presents every year.

Santa, Santa, I want a doll.

Santa, Santa, I want a ball!
Are you a good girl or boy?
If you are, you can have a toy!
Father Frost or Santa Claus, please, this way!
Funny Hare, with your paws come to play!
There are pretty decorations in the hall.
We have sent the invitations to you all.
Wear, please, your or mask cloak with joy.
We’ll dance and sing, and joke to enjoy.
Santa Claus likes to be present at the ball.
And gives his gifts and presents to us all.
All the time we are having fun – there is no pause.
Welcome here and everyone Santa Claus!

Merry, Merry Christmas

Is likely to come.
Merry, Merry Christmas,
You are welcome!
Snow in the window,
Much confetti.
Bright-blue, red and yellow
Lights on the tree.

Smiling eyes and faces,

Sweet music in the hall.
I think someone places
Happiness here for all.

Merry, Merry Christmas

Is likely to come,
Merry, Merry Christmas
You are welcome!
Winter comcs, chills tell us so
On blowing winds, rides the snow
Circling restressly in the breeze,
Layering our grounds, covering our trees.
Its secret purpose, now unfolds
Protecting our lands from fhe cold.
But the snow must melt where it lies
And disappear as winter dies.


by Jim Smith
C is for the Christ child lying in a manger.
H is for the Holy One who saved us all from danger.
R is Him to Remember who died that we may live.
I is to Inspire us that we may always give.
S is for Joyful Songs and sacred hymns that praise.
T is to Thank the Lord us for showing the way.
M is for the Miracles that bless us each day.
A is for the Almighty who always puts us first.
S is for the Shepherd who guides us on the Earth.

I Heard a Bird Sing

I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December,
A magical thing
And sweet to remember.
'We are nearer to Spring
Than we were in September,'
I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December.
Oliver Herford
New Year
A year to be glad in,
And not to be sad in,
To gain in, to give in,
A happy new year.
A new year for trying,
And never for sighing,
A new year to live in,
Oh, hold it most dear.

Now is here —
A fine new start
For a whole new year.
The snow comes down
In the dark of night.
When we awake
The world is white.
In January
When there's snow,
We get our sleds
And away we go.

Little January
Tapped at my door today.
And said, 'Put on your winter wraps,
And come outdoors to play.'

Little January
Is always full of fun;
Today we coasted down the hill,
Until the set of sun.

Little January
Will stay a month with me
And we will have such jolly times —
Just come along and see.
Winifred C. Marshall

January opens
The box of the year
And brings out days
That are bright and clear.
And brings out days
That are cold and gray,
And shouts, 'Come see
What I brought today!'
Leland B. Jacobs

January sparkles.
January's bold.
January huffs and puffs.
January's cold.

February Twilight
I stood beside a hill
Smooth with new-laid snow,
A single star looked out
From the cold evening glow.

There was no other creature

That saw what I could see —
I stood and watched the evening star
As long as it watched me.
Sara Teasdale

The Snow
It reaches to the fence,
It wraps it, rail by rail,
Till it is lost in fleeces;
It flings a crystal veil...
Emily Dickinson

Snow at Night
The snow fell gently all the night.
It made a blanket soft and white.
It covered houses, flowers and ground,
But did not make a single sound.

Holding hands out in the snow
Slowly on our way we go
Leaving little paths behind
For the winter owl to find.

Snow Towards Evening

Suddenly the sky turned gray,
The day,
Which had been bitter and chill,
Grew soft and still.
From some invisible blossoming tree
Millions of petals cool and white
Drifted and blew
Lifted and flew,
Fell with the falling night.
Melville Cane

We are little icicles
Melting in the sun.
Can you see our tiny teardrops
Falling one by one?

The Snowman
One day we built a snowman,
We built him out of snow;
You should have seen how fine he was,
All white from top to toe.

We poured some water over him,

To freeze his legs and ears;
And when we went indoors to bed,
We thought he'd last for years.

But, in the night a warmer kind

Of wind began to blow;
And Jack Frost cried and ran away,
And with him went the snow.

When we went out next morning

To bid our friend 'Good Day',
There wasn't any snowman there...
He'd melted right away!

The Snowman
I made a great tall snowman
With two huge coal black eyes,
And just to reach around his neck
Took two of Daddy's ties.
I put a hat of mother's
Upon his rounded head,
And then I ran and left him
And hurried off to bed.
When I awoke next morning
Imagine my surprise —
My snowman had run away
And left his hat, ties, and eyes!

A Chubby Little Snowman

A chubby little snowman
Had a carrot nose,
Along came a rabbit
And what do you suppose?
That hungry little bunny,
Looking for his lunch,
Ate the snowman's carrot nose...
Nibble, nibble, CRUNCH!

Little Snowman
I'm a little snowman round and fat,
Here are my mittens,
Here is my hat.
Add a little scarf and a carrot nose.
You stand so tall when the cold wind blows.
The Snowman Song
I am a little snowman.
I am so fat and round.
I started from a snowflake
That fell upon the ground.
I have two buttons for my eyes,
A great big scarf of red,
I have a carrot for a nose,
A hat upon my head.
Watch me as
I melt to the ground.

Snow Ball
I made myself a snow ball
As perfect as could be,
I thought I'd keep it as a pet
And let it sleep with me.
I made it some pyjamas
And a pillow for its head,
Then, last night, it ran away,
But first — it wet the bed.
Shel Silverstein

Snowflakes, snowflakes falling down,
On the trees and on the ground.
I will build a man of snow,
Tall black hat and eyes of coal.
If the sun comes out today,
I will watch you melt away!

The warm south wind is taking a nap,
Zip up your coat and put on your hat.
So Mr. North Wind won't nip at your toes,
Put on warm boots and warm winter clothes.
Put on your gloves to protect your fingers,
Now Mr. North Wind's cold won't linger.

Goodbye Winter
Goodbye winter,
Goodbye winter,
Goodbye winter,
Please go away!

Five Little Inuit

Five little Inuit fishing in the ice,
The first one said,
'I'm glad we're being nice.'
The second one said,
'There's a polar bear over there.'
The third one said,
T don't care.'
The fourth one said,
'I'm going to my igloo.'
The fifth one said,
T think I'm going with you.'
Then, wooh, went the wind,
And out went the light,
And the five little Inuit
Skated out of sight.

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