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This document provides essential information for the accurate completion of the AMBA MBA Self-
Assessment Form (SAF).

All of the tables provided in the SAF template should be completed in full.

The SAF is designed as a data / Statement document and is not the place for long narratives.


Please complete all details requested in the SAF in full. It is essential that all tables are completed in
the standard template provided, unless indicated.

You are only required to complete the Institution section once per application; please then complete
a new Programme section for each MBA programme offered by the Business School, including
different delivery modes or locations.

You may add additional rows or columns to any tables as required. Please maintain linear page
numbering throughout the document.

If you have any questions about completing the documentation, please contact the Accreditation
representative assisting your School.

Part A: The MBA Portfolio

1. Complete the table for all programmes seeking accreditation, including all programmes bearing the
title ‘MBA’. Delivery modes should fit within the following definitions: FT = Full Time / PT = Part Time
/ MD = Modular / BL = Blended / DL = Distance or Online.

Part B: The Institution

Section 1: The Institution

d.iii All degree programmes delivered by the Business School should be listed in this table, regardless
of which programmes are being submitted for accreditation. MBM = Master’s in Business and
Management e.g. pre-experience, generalist master’s degrees.

g. In order to comply with EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDBP) please do not name
individual faculty members but use a unique ID number instead. The peer review panel may refer to
the individual faculty (using the unique ID number) if they have any specific queries during the
assessment visit.

Text last updated: November 2022

List all faculty employed by the Business School including those that do not teach on the MBA and
other accredited programmes. Please identify in the column headed ‘status’ how faculty are
categorised at your institution (for example full time, part time, visiting, practitioner). Where faculty
members currently teach on the MBA, these should be identified in the last column.

Section 4: Impact

No notes required.

Part C: The MBA Programme/s

Section 2: The Student Cohort Experience

a.ii The following definitions should apply in the completion of this table:

Applications: number of students applying for a particular programme, usually defined by the
submission of an application form.

Offers: number of acceptances that institutions issue to applicants.

Enrolments: number of students accepting the institution’s offer to them to study on a

programme (new to this intake).

a.iii Complete the table as required using the following definitions:

Pass: number of students that have qualified for the degree award

Referral: number of students re-taking one or more modules / courses in which they have
previously failed;

Deferral: number of students retaking one or more modules / courses due to other valid
extenuating circumstances (e.g. illness or approved extension of studies);

Withdrawal: number of students who have formally exited the programme, either through
failure or resignation.

For each intake, the total of the columns (“Withdrawn”+”Deferral”+”Referral”+”Pass”) should be

consistent with the figure given for the number of students enrolled (“Enrolments”) in Table 5.a.ii.

c In order to comply with EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDBP) please do not name individual
students but use a unique ID number instead. If there are any queries the peer review panel may
request further information about individual students (using the unique ID number) during the
assessment visit.

NSE refers to Non-standard entry i.e. those students admitted without a prior undergraduate degree.

Text last updated: November 2022

Section 3: MBA Design, Curriculum & Assessment

d.1 These tables should be completed to include ALL courses/modules that comprise the programme.
Contact hours are defined as compulsory interaction between the learning group and faculty, which
in traditional delivery modes would be delivered completely synchronously. Synchronous and
asynchronous contact hours should be separately identified as indicated. Please see the AMBA criteria
glossary for more detailed definitions. Assessment should ideally be displayed in percentages e.g. 20%
class participation/30% assignment/50% exam.

d.3 The first column lists the subject areas required for a general management degree under Criterion
3.9. The second column should be completed to include the titles of courses within the programme
where at least one of the areas identified in the first column are significantly covered within the
curriculum (programme mapping).

e. Mandatory integrative elements should be recorded in this table. The Assessment column should
state whether this is assessed – and if so on a graded or pass / fail basis, and whether it is credit
bearing. Activities which are not compulsory for all students should not be included.

9.a A pathway diagram visually shows the structure and delivery pattern of the programme. It can
take many forms and an example is shown in the “Example SAF” document. Please create an individual
diagram denoting the pathway for each programme for which accreditation is sought.

Text last updated: November 2022

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