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Alternative Dispute Resolution

HRPD- 710 [001]

Submitted by Group 1:
Angelia Phillips (301315876)
Avni Ashwani Sharma (301307194)
Mayuri Sivanesan (300801641)
Patsy Enriquez Rodriguez (301295488)
Rhea Susan Verghese (301304653)

Submitted to:
Prof. Moreen Jones Weekes

August 4th, 2023

Inventory of Skills and Activities of Mediation - #3

In order to establish the tone for the entire process of dispute resolution, the justification for who gets
to speak first is crucial. Often, in order to reduce immediate tensions, the side with a larger emotional
charge or a greater feeling of urgency will be granted the chance to speak first. As an alternative, a
reasonable starting point may be found, guaranteeing a methodical and thorough conversation.

Striking a balance between allowing for the expression of emotions and keeping the major concerns
in focus is necessary to limit narrative. Parties are advised to express their issues succinctly and refrain
from overly sentimental storylines in order to keep the discourse from veering off topic.

Effective conflict resolution starts with active listening. Understanding is improved and
misunderstandings are reduced by encouraging each side to recap or reflect back what the other has
stated. This encourages empathy and a feeling of validation, which creates a setting that is favourable
to resolving the issue.

Examining the effects of newly discovered knowledge on earlier events is essential. This facilitates a
more nuanced outcome and deepens understanding among the parties.

Addressing the underlying reasons of the conflict requires identifying significant interests and
interpersonal concerns. In order to develop a more cooperative approach, this enables the parties to
concentrate on shared concerns and potential areas of collaboration.

A thorough resolution that addresses every facet of the problem is encouraged by compiling a well-
balanced and comprehensive list of issues to be concerned about.

By ensuring that the most important issues are dealt with first, setting priorities for the resolution
process helps to structure the process and maximize the success of conflict resolution efforts.

In order to build an inclusive workplace where each side feels heard and understood, it is important
to respond to different conflict styles in an appropriate manner that recognizes and respects individual

Building trust and confidence in the resolution process requires confirming identities and remaining
impartial. If the parties believe their identities are acknowledged and the mediator is impartial, they
are more inclined to communicate openly.

Finally, by examining underlying issues, the mediator can develop insights into the conflict's underlying
causes, making it easier to come up with focused solutions. In conclusion, using these several
approaches ensures a thorough, sympathetic, and beneficial approach to dispute resolution.

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