Oral II (Language) - 20231004 - 210922 - 0000

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1st Term

Relationships: Problems
Casual acquaintance: Business partner:

True friends:
Loyal to:
Colleagues: - Disloyal to...
Complete and unswerving loyalty.
Allies: (staunchest ally)
Critical of:
Be deeply critical of...

Talk behind our backs:

Honest with:
- Dishonest with...
Be scrupulously honest

Breakdowns: Expressions and Colllocations

Split up:

Genuine misunderstanding:
Having its ups and downs:

Bumpy relationship:

Broken home:

Don’t see eye to eye:

Family feud:

Turned sour:
Being Married

Be made for each other: Walk away:

Tie the knot: In the heat of the moment:

Meet sb. halfway: Store sth. up:

Drive a wedge between Live in each other’s pockets:

Go through a
Clear the air: bad / sticky patch:
Being Single
Hold sb. back: Brake up:

Pile up:

Do as you please:

Answer to sb. (for sth.): I’d (far) sooner be... :

Mess sb. around / about: I’d give anything to... :

I’d give my right arm to... :

Let sb. down:

Finish with sb.:

Not bear thinking about:

Passions: Reactions and Emotions
Crave / have a craving for: Defuse:

Hanker / have a hankering for: Placate:

Thirst / have athirst for / Conciliate:

hunger for:
Yearns to:
Yearn to do / yearn for /
have a yearning for sth.

To covet / coveted:
Being Extremly Expressions:
Happy Very Happy
To rejoice: Full of the joys of spring:

Exultant: Be thrilled to bliss:

Jubilant: Be on top of the world:

Rapture: Be floating / walking on air:

Bliss: Blissfully happy / Be over the moon:

ignorant / unaware
Describing People
2nd Term
Organizing Verbs with Other Particles - 1
Give away: Get over:
1) To gift (free samples) 1) To recover (sb’s death)
2) To reveal a secret 2) To recover (illness)
3) To donate 3) To communicate
Stand by: Run Over:
1)To wait / be in reserve (police) 1) To hit with the car
2) To support 2) To review
3) To believe 3) To go quickly
Go through: Get back:
1) To revise (notes) 1) To return
2) To experience 2) To receive back
3) To be completed 3) To move away
Call for: Fall for:
1) To pick up sb. (car) 1) To be deceived
2) To demand sth. 2) To fall in love
3) To require. 3) To believe
Organising Verbs with Other Particles - 2
Get by: Get at:
2) To manage (to face any problem) 1) To discover (the truth)
3) To get passed (to be able to 2) To find /reach
move nearer somewhere) 3) To criticize sb.
Go by: Go for:
1) Passage of time 1) To choose
2) To be guided (broken clock) 2) To attack (dog)
3) To move / pass 3) To find attractive
Stand for: Come across:
1) To tolerate (any argument) 1) To find by chance
2) Meaning (acronym) 2) To give impression of being...
3) Related to beliefs 3) To be understood (writing)
Deal with: Take back:
1) To handle 1) To return sth.
2) To talk about 2) To regret sth. you said
3) To do business with 3) took me back: To remind sth/sb
Go off: Go on:
Expired food, exploded bomb To continue.
or the clock starts ringing. Go for:
Go by: To choose.
Passage of time. Go with:
Go through: To combine.
To experience Go into:
Go ahead: To discuss.
To move on or keep on doing. Go up:
Go down with: - To move upwards.
To become ill. - To increase.
Go down: Go out:
To receive news. To move out.
Go about: Go without:
- To deal with / tackle sth. To live deprived of something
such as salt, enough sleep, etc.
Put on a (brave) face: Put (sth./sb.) forward:
To act as if you were feeling that. To propose.
Put on: Put sb. through:
To pressent (Romeo & Juliet). To pass a call.
Put sb. off: Put sth. on:
To disconcentrate sb. To put clothes on.
Put off: Put on (weight)
To cause dislike. Put in for sth.:
Put up with: To submit a request.
To tolerate. Put down sth. (his suffering):
Put sb. up: To finish sth
To offer a place to live / sleep Put sth. away:
To accomodate sb. To put back in the place.
Put sb. out: Put sth. back: To put it back
To bother sb. to where it belongs.
Put sb. up to sth.: To persuade sb. to do sth.
Take back (what you said): Take after:
To retract To resemble sth./sb. of your family.
Take up: Take sth. apart:
To start a new activity. To disassemble sth.
Take off: Take sb. back:
- To depart. To remind you of something.
- To remove. Take over:
Take out (a loan): To take in charge.
To ask for money. Be taken aback:
To be shocked.
Take down: Take on:
To remove. - To assume
- To employ sb.
Take my breath away: Take in:
To amaze sb. To be deceived.
Take to:
Bring sb. up:
To raise. (upbringing sb.)
Bring sth. back:
To move sth. back to its place.
Be brought on: (it must have brought on by some kind of allergy).
To be caused by sth.
Bring back (memories):
To remind you of sth.
Bring sb. round:
To wake up someone who had lost consciousness.
Bring out:
To publish/release sth. as a book, film, etc.
Bring sth./sb. along:
To carry sth./sb. with you.
Bring down (the government):
To overthrow /defeat any powerful figure.
Turn back:
To return.
Turn out: (He turned out to be a good guy).
To conclude.
Turn into: (The theatre turned into a library).
To change.
Turn up:
To show up / appear.
Turn sth. on / off:
To make sth. start or stop working.
Turn to sb.:
To ask for advice or help.
Turn sth. down:
To decline / refuse sth.
Keep up:
To mantain / continue.
Keep off:
To avoid certain things such as spicy food.
Keep on about sth.:
To insist on sth.
Keep sth. back:
To avoid telling sth.
Keep up with sth.: (latest fashion)
To be updated / to follow the news about sth.
Keep at it:
To continue.
Keep sth. away: (This is supposed to keep mosquitoes away).
To keep distance.
Keep (prices) down:
To contain / repress / maintain low.
Look forward to + ing:
To await with enthusiasm.
Look through sb.: (She looked through me and pretended I wasn’t there).
To pretend not to see sth./ sb.
Look down on sb.: To look up to sb.:
To consider sb. inferior. To admire sb.
Look sth. up:
Trying to find sth.
Look round:
To inspect / seek / look for sth.
Look into sth.:
To investigate sth.
Look after sb.:
To take care of sb. / sth.
Look in: I look in on the way home and see how is she.
To pay a short visit.

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