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Using HeavyBid In Building


H Lee Still

2004 User’s Group Meetings

HB8 - 1

z Owner Bid Number

z Bid (Sequence) Number
z Summary Sorts
z Subdivided Bid Items
z Assembler
z Activity Codebook
z Library Estimates

H Lee Still Using HeavyBid in Building Construction

HB8 - 2
Assembly/Calculation Routines

H Lee Still Using HeavyBid in Building Construction

HB8 - 3
Owner – Client Number

H Lee Still Using HeavyBid in Building Construction

HB8 - 4
Bid/Sequence Number

H Lee Still Using HeavyBid in Building Construction

HB8 - 5
Summary Sorts

H Lee Still Using HeavyBid in Building Construction

HB8 - 6
Library Jobs

H Lee Still Using HeavyBid in Building Construction

HB8 - 7
Assembly Instructions
Setup Menu Assembly/Calculation Routines
Set up Assembly/Calculation Routines to be used in estimate entry for adding or updating activity and resource
information in your estimate. Set up Calculations in Routines to be used for calculating numeric values for an
activity or resource. Set up Components in Routines to be used to add or update activities and resources in
your estimate. Assembly/Calculation Routines let you use a single process in estimate entry for the tasks of
updating or adding activities and resources to your estimate with calculated values based on your inputs.

There are two kinds of Routines:

Calculation Routines - let you calculate and update individual numerical quantities for activities or
resources. HeavyBid installs with several of these Routines. (These Routines are based on and similar to
the Classic Calculation Routines.
Assembly Routines - let you add or update activities and resources in your estimate with calculated values based
on your inputs. Assembly Routines contain both Calculations and Components.

Note The Standard Calculation Routines (the routines that are installed with HeavyBid) cannot be changed. To
change the routines, first use the Copy button to copy the calculations and formulas into new routines. Then,
change the calculations and formulas in the new routines.

TIP: Assembly/Calculation Routines are specific to the estimate you are working with. Changes have no effect
on any other estimate's Routines. Create (or change) Routines in master estimates and they will
automatically be copied into every new estimate.

H Lee Still Using HeavyBid in Building Construction

HB8 - 8
Assembly Instructions (cont’d.)
To create a new Routine . . .
1. Select Setup Menu > Assembly/Calculation Routines.
2. Type in a name for Routine.
3. Type a brief description for the Routine into Desc. This information appears in selection lists for Routines
so that you can more easily identify the Routine you wish to select.
4. Select Activity Only if the Routine is used as a Calculation Routine (which is used to update individual
numerical values for an activity or resource). Do not select Activity Only if you are creating an Assembly
Routine (which is used to create or update Activities and resources).
5. Tab past the Cursor Field (you need to create Calculation Items before you will know what to put here.)
6. Click and select a picture file to be shown with the Calculations (optional).
7. Create Calculation Items as needed (see instructions below).
8. Create Component Items as needed (see instructions below).
9. If Activity Only is selected, click for Cursor Field. Select the default Calculation Item to be used to update
an activity or resource value in Estimate Entry (optional).

H Lee Still Using HeavyBid in Building Construction

HB8 - 9
Assembly Instructions (cont’d.)
To Set up Calculations . . .
1. Select or create a Routine (see instructions above).
2. Select the Calculation tab.
3. Identify input values needed for your calculation(s). Ex. To calculate cubic yards, you will need input values
for Length, Width and Height.
4. Create an Input type (I) Calculation Item for each input value from step 3.
– Select a blank row on the Calculation tab.
– Type "I" for Type>>.
– Type a number into Item. Use numbers like 10, 20, 100, 200, etc., to allow room for inserting
additional Items if needed.
– Type in a brief Description for the item. Description is important because it will help to identify the
Item when creating Formulas in later steps (and it will be seen in Activity or Biditem notes).
– Type an appropriate unit into Unit.
– Repeat for each input Item.
5. Create a Result type (R) Calculation that contains a Formula.
– Select a blank row on the Calculation tab.
– Type "R" for Type>>.
– Type a number into Item. Use numbers like 10, 20, 100, 200, etc. to allow room for inserting
additional Items if needed.
– Type in a brief Description for the Calculation. Description is important because it will help to
identify the Calculation when creating Formulas (and it will be seen in Activity or Biditem notes).
– Type an appropriate unit into Unit.
– Click Formula >> and type in a formula. Click Save Formula to save the Formula.

H Lee Still Using HeavyBid in Building Construction

HB8 - 10
Assembly Instructions (cont’d.)
To Set up Calculations (cont’d.)

6. Review your work. Make corrections by selecting the field to correct and then making the change. If
needed, delete the Calculation by Right-Clicking anywhere on the Calculation's row, select Delete Row, and
then select Yes.
Note Calculations cannot be deleted if they are listed in Formulas. Remove a Calculation from all Formulas
before attempting to delete it.

H Lee Still Using HeavyBid in Building Construction

HB8 - 11
Assembly Instructions (cont’d.)
To Set up Components . . .
1. Select or create a Routine (see instructions above).
2. Check Activity Only if the Routine will only affect Activities (or their resources) that are already in the
estimate. Uncheck Activity Only if the Routine is to be used to create new Activities.
3. Set up Calculations to be used for Components (see instructions above).
4. Select the Component tab.
5. Select Item on a blank row and type in a number. Use numbers like 10, 20, 100, 200, etc., so you can insert
other Components later if needed. Components will be listed in order by the Item number.
6. Type in information for Group and Method that identify and describe the Component.
If you want the Component to add new activities to the estimate, perform steps 7 and 8. You should
create these kind of Components first.

7. Click Activity>> to select a code from the Activity Codebook. Or you can type a code in manually. In
Assembly/Calculation Routine Entry, if Activity>> has a code, the component can be used to create an
activity with this code. If the code matches one in the Activity Codebook, information from the Activity
Codebook will then be added to the estimate's Activity.
8. Click Actv Quan >> to select the Calculation to be used to determine the Activity quantity.
If you want the Component to add (or change) crew information, perform steps 9 to 11.

9. Click Crew>> to select a crew to be used to update the Activity. You can filter to select from all crews in Setup
or only from the crews used in other activities in the current estimate.

H Lee Still Using HeavyBid in Building Construction

HB8 - 12
Assembly Instructions (cont’d.)

To Set up Components (cont’d.)

10. Click Prod Type >> to select the productivity measure for the Crew in the Activity.
11. Type the crew production rate into Production.
If you want the Component to create resources, perform steps 12 and 13.

12. Click Material >> and select a material or resource from the Material/Other Resource Codebook or from the
13. Local Material in the current estimate.
14. Click Matl Quan >> to select the Calculation to be used to update the Resource quantity.
15. Repeat steps 5-13 for additional Components as needed.
16. Review your work. Make corrections by selecting the field to correct and then making the change. If needed,
delete the Component by Right-Clicking anywhere on the Component's row, select Delete Row, and then
select Yes.

H Lee Still Using HeavyBid in Building Construction

HB8 - 13
Assembly Instructions (cont’d.)
To select the Routine to work with, click and select from the list. Or you can type the name into Routine.

Create a new Routine by typing in a name (up to 20 characters). The name cannot contain spaces.

Type in descriptive text for the Routine. This text will appear in selection lists for Routine, helping to identify the
Routine you wish to select at that time.

Activity Only
Check this box if you wish to create a Calculation Routine (a Routine that is only used to update individual activity or
resource numerical values). Uncheck the box if you wish to create an Assembly Routine (which can add activities
and resources to Biditems).

Ex. You are creating a Routine that has Calculations for concrete forms. The Routine will only be used to
calculate and update resource quantities related to concrete forms. You would check the box for Activity
Ex. You are creating a Routine that will add all of the activities and their resources for a standard mobilization
Biditem. You would uncheck the box for Activity Only.

H Lee Still Using HeavyBid in Building Construction

HB8 - 14
Assembly Instructions (cont’d.)
Select to allow multiple lines of calculation to be created in the Assembly/Calculation Routine Entry screen. This
allows you to produce separate calculations for individual areas of work but output a single summary total for all of
the work.

Ex. You are estimating a job that includes several concrete pours. Selecting Multi-Line here will allow you to
create calculations in Assembly/Calculation Routine Entry for each pour and then return a single quantity for
the total amount of concrete.

Cursor Field
(Optional) Click to select the default Calculation Item to be used to update a field in Estimate Entry. The "cursor
field" is any field in Estimate Entry that you have clicked into or tabbed into so that you can change the value. When
you are in the Assembly/Calculation Routine Entry screen and click OK, you will have an option to put the value
from the Cursor Field's Calculation Item into the Estimate Entry's "cursor field".

Note Select the Calculation Item you are most likely to use. You can override this selection on the
Assembly/Calculation Routine Entry screen later, if needed.

(Optional) Click to select a drawing (a bitmap file) to display when using the calculations for this
Routine in the Assembly/Calculation Entry screen.

H Lee Still Using HeavyBid in Building Construction

HB8 - 15
Assembly Instructions (cont’d.)
Calculation Tab
Set up Calculation Items to be used for calculating numeric values for activities or resources. You must have at
least one Calculation Item in a Routine.

Type >>
Select the Type for the Calculation Item. Calculation Items can be either an Input type (I) or a Result type (R).

An Input Calculation Item will require the user to type in data when using the Routine in the Assembly/Calculation
Routine Entry screen.

A Result Calculation Item will contain a Formula definition for calculating values based on other Calculation Items.

Type in an Item number from 1 to 9999. Calculation Items are listed in ascending order by Type and Item. Use
Item numbers in multiples of 10 or 100 to leave room to insert additional items if needed.

Note Type and Item together make a unique identifier for the Calculation Item. Unique identifiers are used when
defining Formulas (see Formula >> below).

Ex. The Type for a Calculation Item is 'R'. The Item number is 30. The unique identifier for the
Calculation Item is 'R30'. 'R30' is used in a Formula to refer to this Calculation Item.

H Lee Still Using HeavyBid in Building Construction

HB8 - 16
Assembly Instructions (cont’d.)
Calculation Tab (cont’d.)
Type in a short description of the Calculation Item. This description will appear in the Formula Entry screen to help
identify Calculation Items.

Type in the default units for the calculation item. When the calculation item is used to update a resource quantity,
this value will be also be placed in the appropriate Units field for the resource.

Formula >>
Define the formulas for calculation items. Formulas are math equations used to calculate values related to
numerical activity or resource values. You can only add formulas to Calculation Items of type R (Results).

Click on the calculation item you wish to define a formula for and then click on Formula >> to display the Formula
Entry screen.

H Lee Still Using HeavyBid in Building Construction

HB8 - 17
Assembly Instructions (cont’d.)
Calculation Tab (cont’d.)
Inter. Result
Check the box if you do not want to see 'Intermediate Results' calculations on the Assembly Entry screen or in the
Activity or Biditem notes. Intermediate Results calculations are calculations that will never be used to update activity
or resource values directly. Instead, they are used to simplify other calculations in the Assembly.

'Intermediate Results' calculations are useful in two situations. The first is when a single calculation has too many
characters to fit in a single Formula field.

The second situation for using 'Intermediate Results' calculations is when a calculation can be used as an
intermediate calculation for two or more other calculation items.

Ex. You notice that 5 of your 'R' calculation items (results items) include the sub-equation '( I20 * 4 ) / ( I30 / I40)' as
a part of their formula definition. Create an 'Intermediate Results' item by creating Calculation Item 'R1' that
contains this sub-formula and then replace the sub-equation in the other Results Items' formulas with 'R1'.

Note: Results Calculation Items will be calculated in the order in which they are listed. Be sure that any
'intermediate results' items you create are listed BEFORE you reference them in other Results Calculation

H Lee Still Using HeavyBid in Building Construction

HB8 - 18
Assembly Instructions (cont’d.)
Component Tab
About Components . . .
Most of the following fields are optional. You can enter values into some of them or all of them, depending on what
you want the Component to be used for.

If you want the Component to add an activity to the estimate, fill in the Activity >> and Actv Quan >> fields.

If you want the Component to add (or update) crew information, fill in the Crew >>, Prod Type >> and Production

If you want the Component to add resources, fill in the Material >> and Matl Quan >> fields.

(Required) Type in an Item number for the component. Use any number from 1 to 9999. Use multiples of 10 or 100
to allow for inserting additional components later. Components will be listed in ascending order by Item.

Group, Method
(Optional) Type in descriptions (up to 20 characters each) for Group and Method which make up a unique definition
for a component.

Ex: An example of a Group would be 'Footing'. Methods for this Group could be 'Continuous'
and 'Column'.

H Lee Still Using HeavyBid in Building Construction

HB8 - 19
Assembly Instructions (cont’d.)
Component Tab (cont’d.)
Activity >>
(Optional) Click Activity>> to select an activity from the Activity Codebook. Or you can type in your own activity
code. Usually, Components with Activity Codes should be listed before Components that do NOT have Activity

Note You cannot put a code here unless Activity Only is unchecked.

Actv Quan >>

Click Actv Quantity>> to select the calculation item to be used to update an Activity Quantity.

Crew >>
(Optional) Click Crew>> to select a Crew for an activity.

Prod Type >>

(Optional) Click Prod Type>> to select the productivity type for the Crew.

(Optional) Type in the expected production for the Crew.

H Lee Still Using HeavyBid in Building Construction

HB8 - 20
Assembly Instructions (cont’d.)
Component Tab (cont’d.)
Material >>
(Optional) Click Material>> to select a material from the Material Codebook or a local material.

Matl Quan >>

Click Matl Quantity>> to select the Calculation Item to be used to update a Material Quantity.

H Lee Still Using HeavyBid in Building Construction

HB8 - 21
Activity Codebooks

H Lee Still Using HeavyBid in Building Construction

HB8 - 22
Subdivided Bid Items

H Lee Still Using HeavyBid in Building Construction

HB8 - 23

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