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ENROLL NO. – 19/245326

ROLL N0 – 230022



I feel immensely delighted. To present the report. On our summer

internship program, which was at iconics Kolkata. Kolkata, in this report, I
had presented all the important and appropriate data about my learning.

I tried to make this report appealing and simple to understand. The depth
of the learning experience. Will be increased by the thorough.

Explanation of each report issue in order to complete the data with earlier
data students can develop their knowledge and expertise. In a variety of
areas by working on projects as part of their academic careers.

Students can demonstrate their abilities. And skills through projects. They
can also get practical knowledge. Of a variety of new subjects. That they
otherwise would not have been able to comprehend

I express my sincere gratitude to everyone who has contributed to the
successful completion of my internship report on "Digital Marketing
Practices in the Corporate Sector."

First and foremost, I extend my heartfelt thanks to [Supervisor's Name], my

internship supervisor, for their guidance, support, and valuable insights
throughout the entire duration of the internship. Their expertise and
encouragement significantly enriched my understanding of the dynamic
field of digital marketing.

I would also like to thank the entire team at [Company Name], especially
[Specific Colleagues' Names], for providing me with a conducive learning
environment and allowing me to actively participate in various digital
marketing initiatives. The hands-on experience and collaborative
atmosphere have been instrumental in shaping my knowledge and skills.

My gratitude extends to the faculty at the University of Kota for their

continuous support and encouragement. Special thanks
toMs/Mr………………………………………, my academic mentor, for their
guidance and feedback during the preparation of this report.

I am thankful to my family and friends for their unwavering support and

encouragement throughout this internship journey. Their understanding
and motivation played a crucial role in my success.

Lastly, I would like to express my appreciation to anyone else who directly

or indirectly contributed to this internship report.

Thank you all for being part of this enriching experience.


I hereby declared that the project report. Practice of digital Marketing in

corporate world.Is based on my research that? I conducted while pursuing the
internship. From the under guidance of. Ms. MOULI ROY.

I assert that my research led to the assertions. And conclusion expressed.

I also confirmed that the work I produced for the report. Was original and that
it has the general approval of my supervisor.
The work. Has not been accepted by this university or any other University of
India abroad for consideration for any other degree or diploma.

I followed the university’s guidelines. when writing the report,


Chapter 1.



Internship is the process of working as an assistant to gain practical

experience and skills in an occupation in order to expose the students of the
actual working environment internship has been included as a compulsory
requirement for the successful completion of two year mba.
International business.
A management program with the provision of four semester comprising of
four Weeks industrial training. Internship is an opportunity to observe, learn
and understand the corporate culture acquired knowledge and skills in the
respective field which helps the students in their future career
development. It is carried out in the organization which suits the area of

Internship provides the opportunity to understand how the knowledge

acquired through the lectures group discussion and formal study is applied
in real working situation. It is the best way of knowledge gaining as it
provides experience.

Similarly, the assigned responsibilities during the internship. Help to

enhance the interpersonal and communication skills to boost up the
confidence level as well. Even though the interns are not the employees of
the organizations, they are given as opportunity to work as if they are the
The interns do what the staff of the organization have to do. However, they
do not have obligations or authority over anything. The intern did his
internship in under icon digital media company Kolkata.

The intern was given the opportunity to observe and learn about the digital
marketing practices which are inculcated in the corporate sector.


This report is a short description of my 2 months internship carried out as

compulsory component of MBA – IB . the internship was carried out within the
organization iconix (Kolkata) in 2023. Since I am interested in digital marketing
world as the recent world is revolving around everything digitally and digital
marketing has boomed drastically in recent times. So my work was
concentrated on how companies make use of digital marketing for promoting
thewir product or services digitally on a large platform.

So as an intern I formulated several learning goals which I wanted to achieve: A

digital marketing company works to leverage online platforms and technologies
to promote products or services, build brand awareness, and drive customer
engagement. The goals of a digital marketing company typically align with the
overall marketing objectives of its clients. Here's an overview of how a digital
marketing company operates and the common goals it aims to achieve:

 To understand the functioning and working conditions of a digital

marketing company.
 To see what it is like to work in a professional environment
 To see if this kind of work is a possibility for my future career
 To use my gained skills and knowledge
 To see what skills and knowledge I still need to work in a professional
 To learn about the organizing Of a research project Planning preparation
permission etc
 To learn about research methodologies (Field methods/ methods to
analyze data)
 To get field work experience collect data in an environment unknown to
 To gain experience in working in another Field and with different people
from another company
 To enhance my communication skills

 To build a network

This internship report contains my activities that have have contributed

to achieve a number of my stated goals in the following chapter a
description of the organization iconix

And the activities is given after this a reflection of my functioning the

unexpected circumstances and the learning goals achieved during the
internship are described finally

I gave a conclusion on the internship experience according to my

learning goals.
1.3Rational of the study.

In college, we’ll learn the organizational structure only in theoretical basis.

Internship is the place where how theoretical knowledge are useful in real
life scenarios. For that, student need to prepare. Resumes, right cover
letters and go through interviews as if they were applying for the job.
This gives students valuable experiences in the preparation for employment.

The internship allows opportunities for the development of practical skins

and conducts wear professional criticism is both immediate and

It all. Furnishes students with opportunities to observe and understand

connections between coursework and skills needed to perform effectively in
a given profession. Finally, internship aid in the identification of knowledge
and the skills essential for doing well in a particular profession.

1.4Scope of the study.

Generally, an internship consists of an exchange of services for experience

between the student and an organization internship program is a good
opportunity to show our learning skills that we get from our school and
Students can also use an internship to determine if they have an interest in
a particular area.
It helps to build curriculum vitae (CV) by day for the student.

For the preparation of this report, both primary and secondary verses of
data are used. The secondary data I collected from annual reports,
brochures, website of GST difference, financial magazines, published
documents, also the information in this report is written on the process of
experience gained by the attorney in the company during the period of
While preparing the report, I took help from company staff and group
discussions with friends of unsaturated departmental staff as a primary
source for the secondary data.
I used Digital media marketing. website, CBS website financial express.
Digital marketing other sources. And websites.

1.6Organization selection.

Selection of the organization is one of the most revival tasks. However, the
specialization of the student and finance has made digital marketing a
better option for doing internship. Since digital marketing is related to
financial transactions and the media used digitally, it would be easy to
understand various dimensions needed to serve. Like. Web designing. For
the bottom board name.
Local reach cost effectiveness brand awareness effective targeting multiple
strategies multiple content types. Affiliate marketing, social media
optimization, email marketing, search engine marketing, economics of scale
and indirect network, etc.
Besides this one should have strong reference to get enrollment in the
organization. So because of the reference of the college, iconics, digital
marketing, private limited and company has been selected for internship on
digital marketing practices in the corporate world.


The duration of internship. Has been defined for five weeks by the Kota
University. The intern has completed internship from September 12 th 2023, to
13th November, 2023 in “ICONIX MARKETING PVT. LTD. “

1.8Limitations of the study.

Even though great support was provided by the organization and the staff to
the intern during the internship period to make the work environment
conductive, they had to face various difficulties during the internship. Due
to various unavoidable constraints, the report Could do not complete justice
to the study.

The interns in the organization are more focused to assess their supervisors.
It restricts the amount of information and the level of complex work
assigned to its intern, owing the confidentiality and competence issues. It is
because of this interns get to learn mostly by observation and some amount
of discussion with supervisor only.

The report. Is limited to the department in which the intern is placed. It

might not be able to provide the comprehensive knowledge of the overall
functioning of the company.
Chapter 2.

Industry profile

Digital Marketing in India is spread to almost all business sectors. Some E-

Marketing applications are shopping and order tracking, online banking,
payment systems, and content management.

The power of digital marketing allows geophysical barriers to disappear,

making all consumers and businesses on earth potential customers and

It is known for its ability to allow businesses to communicate and form a

transactions anywhere and anytime.

The Digital Marketing industry in India is a booming career today.

A country with a rapidly growing economy is expected to have very high

significant growth in Digital marketing careers.

Growth of the Digital Marketing Industry in India

The growth in digital marketing trends in India is making a very substantial
impact on marketing and advertisement.

The big picture of the Digital Marketing industry in India cannot be complete if
a short preview of the past digital marketing statistics is not made.

Going back to history, the International Journal of Advanced Research

Foundation reveals the following stats on digital marketing in India-

Between 1971 and 1972, The ARPANET is used to arrange a sale between
students at the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, the earliest example of electronics or digital commerce.

 1979: Michael Aldrich demonstrates the first online shopping system.

 1981: Thomson Holidays UK is the first business-to-business online
shopping system to be installed.
 1996: India MART B2B marketplace was established in India.
 2007: Flipkart was established in India. Every E-marketing or
commercial enterprise uses majorly digital means for their marketing
In 2011, the digital marketing industry in India report statistics revealed that
advertising via mobile phones and tablets was 200% lower than in the
following years. During this year, the net worth was $2 billion.

The growth was geometric, as it rose to $6 billion in 2014. In 2022 Indian

advertising market reached $11 billion and is expected to rise more and reach
$14 billion by 2024.

The competitive growth demands more improvement in career work, and

professionals are being added to the field.

The total investment increase from 2012 to 2022 was 1.5 billion dollars over the
preceding years. There has been impressive growth up till this present moment.

The digital marketing in India PPT report by the International Journal of

Advanced Research Foundation revealed that India had seen a golden period in
the Internet sector between 2012 to 2022.

With incredible growth opportunities and secular growth adoption for E-

Commerce, Internet Advertising, Social Media, Search, Online Content, and
Services relating to digital marketing.

Today, the digital marketing industry in India is growing at its peak and is still
continuous. Many factors are responsible for this growth.

The use of communication tools has dramatically changed in the year past—no
one ever thought to have a credible deal online.

The below digital marketing in India report indicates the digital marketing

The belief was that online information is virtual information full of lies.

No one could listen to any online advertisement, not talk about purchasing
groceries, furniture, or clothes. The story has changed.
Everything from marketing to sales can be done online. This is due to the trust
restored to online communication in India.

This has helped the marketing initiatives. The revolution is from the
communication industries.

The low cost of the handset is now available, making it possible for India to
have about 692 million internet users at present, and expected to rise to 900
million by 2025.

This ultimately creates a fascinating business opportunity to sell to a growing


Moreover, the development of digital marketing in India is evident in the

marketing shift from anonymity to identity. Interaction on the Internet now
looks more physical as opposed to the anonymity of identity in the past.

Also, marketing information is moving along the same line as

entertainment.The people of India needed an exciting spirit always. This targets
their interest in marketing information.Several factors have contributed to the
growth of digital marketing in India.

Before now, internet usage was only meant for the wealthy.

There is now a significant change in the lifestyle of the middle class.

The Very majority now have access to the internet in India & are looking
forward to online advertising in India.

Internet and 3G penetration revolutionized the marketing scenario for both

consumers and marketers.

It was discovered that lifestyle and standard of living changes had increased
consumption, quality, and pattern of consumption. The quality of use in the
urban centers of India is on the high side.

This is because the majority don’t have time for shopping. Apart from struggles
to earn money, people want other things to be done at their convenience.
A few Stats talking about the Growth of the Digital Marketing Industry in

The following survey from people indicates the size of the Digital Marketing
industry in India:

 34% of the companies already had an integrated digital marketing

strategy in 2016
 72% of marketers believed that the traditional marketing model was
no longer sufficient, which would increase the company’s revenue by
30% by the end of 2017.
Traditional marketing vs digital marketing
In 2017, 80% of businesses increased their digital marketing budget, which
may surpass the IT budget.

Only the illiterates could not access the potential of digital marketing because of
the accessibility to computing devices and computer education.

In a survey of 1000 marketers, 52% reported that their budget would increase,
and the remaining 48% think the budget will be the same in 2023.

Many people in this category still don’t trust the online payment method, and
they lack training in English and other foreign languages to market online in
global markets.

Current Scenario of Digital Marketing Industry in India Statistics

Digital marketing is one of the most important aspects of any business today.

It allows businesses to connect with potential and current customers through

various digital channels, such as social media, email, and search engines.

In India, digital marketing is overgrowing, with the Indian digital marketing

industry in 2025 expected to be worth $160 billion, suggests a Goldman Sachs

The current scenario is fascinating. A growing number of businesses and

entrepreneurs are recognizing the potential of digital marketing and using it to
grow their businesses.
The number of digital marketing agencies in India is also increasing as more
businesses seek expert help to create and execute effective digital marketing

By 2023, the number of dynamic Indian web clients will be around 666 million.
As a result of lockdowns in India’s online business industry, Global Data
predicts that the market will reach 7 trillion rupees by 2023.

Through the COVID crisis, marketers and advertisers on digital platforms have
seen an increase in investment.

Today, even the world’s largest companies are rethinking their marketing
budgets to focus more on digital.

The Indian e-commerce market is projected to reach Rs 7 trillion by 2023 due to

the pandemic and multiple lockdowns, which suggests that digital marketing is
How much time do Indians spend online?

According to the Ericsson ConsumerLab report, Indians now spend an average

of 3.4 hours per day online—this is in addition to students or employees who
may spend up to another 3 hours for online classes or work.

To be specific, smartphone users said they spent 5 hours and 24 minutes every
day on their devices.

During the pandemic, as many as 46% of users engaged with e-learning


Internet browsing (about 89 minutes a day) and watching short or long video
content (about 92 minutes a week) were two practical uses of time.
Around 10% of the online time was also used for voice calls.

In India, more people seem to use smartphones than laptops or PCs to access the
internet. 52% of surveyed users said they preferred smartphones.

Many factors could decide that, including the ownership of a laptop and access
to a wired broadband service.

This has also meant that 4 in every 5 smartphone users are interested in buying
ready for 5G in 2021 and beyond.

There is also a strong connection with mobile service providers such as Airtel,
Reliance Jio, and Vi.

Every seventh smartphone user thinks their current service provider for prepaid
or postpaid connectivity is the market leader in most areas, according to the
Ericsson ConsumerLab poll.

Furthermore, more than 58% of respondents in the ConsumerLab survey

thought their selected mobile provider would be the industry leader for 5G

Shopping is increasingly conducted online, with a worldwide trend to do so.

“Before the epidemic, online shopping accounted for around 34% of all
consumer product purchases worldwide, including fashion, technology, and
home décor.
This increased to 53% during the epidemic. Consumers predict that internet
purchasing will be a more common feature in their following average shopping
needs,” according to the study.

Hence, all this suggests that brands and businesses will have to consider digital
marketing industry in India as a critical part of their marketing strategy.

This is because the trend of Indians spending more time online is only set to
grow in the years to come.

In-Demand Digital Marketing Skills in India

Mobile Marketing

A digital marketing overview reveals that Social media has been supporting

Over the years, it has been noticed that 92% of social media users are from
mobile devices.

This enables the size of digital marketing industries and expands the horizon of
India’s online advertising or digital marketing industry.

According to the research made by the Internet and Mobile Association of India
(IAMAI, 2008), communication has become a real mass communication tool
having about 286 million accounts in 2008.

The Indian telecommunications market has tremendous growth opportunities

and, according to IAMAI, is projected to exceed 500 million by 2010.

According to TRAI, the mobile subscriber base in India grew to 980.81 million
users in the second quarter of 2015.

The adoption of mobile devices is getting higher day by day. SMS marketing is
a proper mass market media channel across many demographics before mobile
internet and mobile devices convergence.
Video Marketing

The growing need for visual content turned video marketing into one of India’s
most appealing digital marketing in 2017.

Email Marketing

Email marketers of some of the most successful marketing agencies claim a

return of $40 for every dollar they invest.

The digital marketing overview discovered that well-targeted email marketing

would be one of the most effective ways of ensuring conversions in 2024.

As shown in the figure below, email is one of the most effective methods for
digital marketing, as there is a facility to disburse messages to millions of
people at a time.

Online marketing
Search & SEO Marketing

Search & seo marketing

Search engine optimization and Paid Marketing are among the most popular
skills suggested in digital marketing in India pdf of industry experts. For
successful digital marketers, these skills are mandatory.

As much as changes exist in search engines, marketers are also trying to shift
their ways of targeting audiences to meet up with the current evolution in the
Digital Marketing industry in India.

Apart from the above channels through which the online advertising & digital
marketing Industry in India takes place, activities in the Digital Marketing
industry in India are not limited to social media, email, content, search engine,

Digital marketing is done in-house, where companies might hire people for their
own or clients’ digital marketing needs. A company may outsource to specialist
digital marketing agencies or give to consultants.

Influencer marketing:
It is a form of digital marketing focusing on specific key individuals rather than
the target market as a whole.

These individuals, known as ‘influencers‘, are typically people with a large

social media following who are considered experts in their field.

As per industry trends, influencers will grow manifolds in digital marketing in


Affiliate marketing:

It is a type of digital marketing in which a company pays a commission to

another company for generating leads or sales from its customers.

It is also known as performance-based marketing.

It can be used to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to a website, or generate


Content marketing:

It is a type of digital marketing focused on creating and distributing valuable,

relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience
— and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.It is an ongoing process
that includes content writing, curating, publishing, and distributing content to
attract and engage an audience.
Company profile

Iconics began in 2014 with a shared vision to bring the clients into the digital
age and help them prepare for what the future held since then iconics has
grown into a team of 18 truly passionate digital content creators growth
focused marketers and human centric storytellers through a combination of
strategy creative technology and media the goal is to ignite scalable and
sustainable growth and refine the way in which band connects with people.
They analyse the sales funnel to find the digital sweet spots and gaps to ensure
that’s why every interaction along the customer journey is effective. These
interactions are constantly measured and optimized to deliver better results.
Ultimately they believe to drive scalable and sustainable growth, each
interaction should be delivered through a combination of emotive storytelling,
and intelligent planning. They have built the model on nearly 10 years of
experience with over 100+ clients and over 8 branches.

The service provided are:

 Internet marketing
 Web design
 Brand decisions
 E-commerce solutions
 Digital marketing consulting
 Website and seo management
 Creative graphic solutions
 Social media engagement
 Online advertising management
 Event promotion and management
They are mostly expert in :
 Hotel and resort promotion
 Restaurant promotion
 Financial advisor promotions
 Event promotion

Head office
53,Subodh Garden , Bansdroni,
Tollygunge, Kolkata,
West Bengal, 700070
In today's digital age, the importance of digital marketing in corporate
internships cannot be overstated. As businesses continue to embrace the power
of the internet, digital marketing has become a vital tool for promoting products
and services, driving brand awareness, and increasing customer engagement.
This literature review aims to explore the role of digital marketing in corporate
internships, with a specific focus on the experiences and opportunities provided
by Iconix, a digital marketing agency based in Kolkata.

In today's digital age, the importance of digital marketing in corporate

internships cannot be overstated.

As businesses continue to embrace the power of the internet, digital marketing

has become a vital tool for promoting products and services, driving brand
awareness, and increasing customer engagement.

This literature review aims to explore the role of digital marketing in corporate
internships, with a specific focus on the experiences and opportunities provided
by Iconix, a digital marketing agency based in Kolkata.

Understanding Digital Marketing

Digital marketing, also known as online marketing or web marketing, involves

leveraging electronic media to promote products and services in the market.

It encompasses a wide range of strategies, including search engine optimization

(SEO), social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, and more.

The primary objective of digital marketing is to attract customers and enable

them to interact with businesses through various digital channels.

The Rise of Digital Marketing

The field of digital marketing has experienced significant growth over the past
few decades. With the advent of the internet and the increasing reliance on
digital technologies, businesses have recognized the need to establish a strong
online presence.

This has paved the way for the emergence of digital marketing as an essential
component of corporate internships.

The Benefits of Digital Marketing Internships

Corporate internships in digital marketing offer numerous benefits for both the
interns and the organizations they work with.

For interns, it provides an opportunity to gain practical experience in executing

digital marketing campaigns, analyzing data, and using various tools and
platforms. These internships also allow interns to develop important skills such
as communication, creativity, and problem-solving.

On the other hand, organizations benefit from the fresh perspectives and
innovative ideas brought by interns.

Interns can contribute to the development of digital marketing strategies, assist

in implementing campaigns, and provide valuable insights into target audience
behaviors. Additionally, internships provide organizations with an opportunity
to identify and nurture top talent for potential future employment.

The Impact of Digital Marketing on Corporate Internships

The rapid evolution of digital marketing has had a profound impact on corporate
internships. Interns now have the chance to work on cutting-edge digital
marketing projects, utilizing advanced tools and technologies.

This exposure not only enhances their technical skills but also equips them with
a deep understanding of the digital landscape, which is invaluable in today's
business world.

Moreover, digital marketing internships at Iconix, Kolkata, allow interns to

explore various aspects of the field, including SEO, social media management,
content creation, and campaign analytics. This broad exposure enables interns to
develop a well-rounded skill set and discover their areas of interest and
expertise within the digital marketing landscape.
Iconix: A Leading Digital Marketing Agency in Kolkata

Iconix, a renowned digital marketing agency based in Kolkata, provides

exceptional internship opportunities for aspiring digital marketers. With a strong
focus on innovation and creativity, Iconix offers interns the chance to work on
real-world projects for a diverse range of clients.

The agency's collaborative and supportive work environment ensures that

interns receive guidance and mentorship from experienced professionals.

Through their internship at Iconix, interns gain hands-on experience in

developing and executing digital marketing strategies, managing social media
accounts, conducting market research, and analyzing campaign performance.

This practical exposure allows interns to apply their theoretical knowledge in a

dynamic and fast-paced industry.

The Importance of Internships in Digital Marketing

Internships play a crucial role in preparing individuals for successful careers in

digital marketing. They provide a bridge between academic learning and real-
world application, allowing interns to put their skills to the test and gain
valuable industry experience.

Internships also serve as a platform for building professional networks and

establishing connections with industry experts.

At Iconix, interns not only gain practical skills but also have the opportunity to
learn from experienced professionals who are at the forefront of the digital
marketing industry. This exposure to industry best practices and emerging
trends ensures that interns are well-equipped to navigate the ever-changing
digital landscape.

Overcoming Challenges in Digital Marketing Internships

While digital marketing internships offer numerous opportunities, they also

come with their fair share of challenges. Interns may face obstacles such as
limited resources, tight deadlines, and the need to constantly adapt to new
However, these challenges can be overcome through effective communication,
teamwork, and a commitment to continuous learning.

Iconix addresses these challenges by providing interns with a supportive and

collaborative environment. Regular feedback sessions, training programs, and
mentorship opportunities ensure that interns receive the guidance and support
they need to thrive in their roles.


In conclusion, digital marketing plays a pivotal role in corporate internships,

offering valuable opportunities for interns to gain practical experience and
develop essential skills. Iconix, a leading digital marketing agency in Kolkata,
provides interns with a platform to work on real-world projects and learn from
industry experts.

Through their internships, individuals can navigate the ever-evolving digital

landscape, contribute to innovative marketing strategies, and establish a strong
foundation for a successful career in digital marketing.

Internships in digital marketing are not just about learning; they are about
experiencing the dynamic and ever-changing world of digital marketing

By embracing the challenges, seizing opportunities, and harnessing their

creativity, interns can make a significant impact in the field of digital marketing
and shape the future of the industry


The term digital marketing refers to the user websites apps, mobile devices,
social media search engines and other. Digital means to promote and sell
products and services. Digital marketing started to become popular within the
widespread adoption of the Internet in the 1990s. Digital marketing involves
many of the same principles as traditional marketing and is often considered an
additional way for companies to approach consumers and understand their
behavior. Companies often combine traditional and digital marketing
techniques in their strategies, but digital marketing also comes with this own
set of challenges.

Key takeaways,
 digital marketing promotes products and services through channels such
as websites, mobile devices and social media platforms.

 Digital marketers have a number of tools to measure their effectiveness

of their campaigns.

 One of the biggest challenges digital marketing faces how to set

themselves apart in a world that is over saturated with digital ads and
other distractions.
How digital Marketing works.

Marketing compasses a wide range of techniques and media that

companies can use to promote their products and services to potential
consumers and improve their market share to be successful.
It requires a combination of advertising and sales, savvy, professional
marketers take on these tasks, either internally at individual companies
or externally at marketing firms that.

Firms that may serve many different clients companies once focused on
marketing through print television and radio, because that was all they
had. Although these options still exist, the Internet gave companies
another way to reach consumers and gave rise to digital marketing.

The new technologies and trends forced companies. To change their

marketing strategies and rethink their budgets. E mail became a popular
marketing tool in the early days of digital marketing. Then the focus
shifted to digital search engines like Netscape, which allowed businesses
to tag and keyword atoms to get themselves noticed. The development
of social platforms like Facebook made it possible for companies to track
user data and deliver their messages to very specific audiences.

Smartphones and other portable devices now make it easier for

companies to market their products and services to consumers wherever
those consumers happen to be a 2022 Pew Research Center study found
that 76% of American adults had made online purchase using their

Types of digital marketing channels.

Digital marketing channels have evolved since the 1990s and continued to do
so. Here are eight of the most common channels in use today. Website
marketing companies often use their own website as the centerpiece of the
digital marketing activities. The most effective websites represent the brand
and its products and services in a clear and memorable way A website today
must be fast loading mobile friendly and easy to navigate.

Paper click advertising.

Paperclick advertising enables marketers to reach audiences on news and
other websites of digital platforms through paid ads. Marketers can send up
PPC campaigns on Google, Bing, LinkedIn X formally, Twitter, Pinterest and
Facebook, and show their ads to people searching terms related to their
products or services.
These campaigns can segment users based on their demographic
characteristics. Are there particular interests or location, the most widely used
services for ppc or Google ads and Facebook ads.

Content marketing.
The goal of content marketing is to reach potential customers through the use
of written visual or video content that interests them. The content is usually
published on a website and then promoted through social media, email
marketing, search engine optimization or even paper click campaigns.
Content marketing attempts to be more subtle than advertising and the
product of service and the sponsor is attempting to market may may not be.
Conspicuously highlighted.

Email marketing.
Eman marketing, still one of the most effective digital marketing channels.
Channels through many people associated with spam and read such messages
accordingly. Many digital marketers use their other digital marketing channels
to make collect names for their email lists. Then through email marketing, they
try to turn those leads into customers.

Social media marketing.

The primary goals of a social media marketing campaigns are to build brand
awareness and establish trust as you go deeper into social media marketing.
You can use it to obtain leads and as is direct marketing or sales channel
promoted post and tweets are two examples of social media marketing.

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the oldest forms of marketing and the digital world
has given it new life in affiliate marketing companies and individual influences
promote other companies, products and get a commission every time a scale is
made or a fresh lead is added to the lists.
Many well known companies include Amazon have affiliated programs that pay
out millions of dollars to affiliate. That helps sell their products.

Key performance indicators kpis on digital marketing.

Digital marketers use key performance indicators kpis, just like traditional
marketers. Kpis led them measure the long term performance of their
marketing initiative and compared those to their competitors efforts. The
following are some of the most common Kpis that marketers can use to gorge
how well they are doing.
 Click through rate. This kpi is commonly used to measure the
effectiveness of online advertising by counting the number of people
who clicked on a particular ad as a percentage of all the people who
might have seen it.

 Conversation rate the conversation rate goes even further than the click
through rate to compare the percentage of people who took some
desired action, such as making a purchase to the total audience that a
particular ad or promotion reached.

 Social media traffic. This tracks how many people interact with the
company’s social media profiles. It includes like followers, views, shares
or other.

 Website traffic this metrics tracks how many people visits are companies,
websites during a event period of time, among other users, it can. Help
companies judge how effective their marketing efforts are at driving
consumers to their site.

Digital marketing challenges.

The digital world possesses special challenges for marketers. For

example, digital channels. Proliferate rapidly, and marketers have to keep
up on them and figure out how to use them effectively.
Marketers can also find it challenging to analyze and make productive
uses of the huge amount of data they can capture through these
platforms Perhaps most important consumers are increasingly inundated
which digital ads and other distractions will get more and more difficult
to capture their attention.

What is a digital marketing agency?

A digital marketing agency is a company that deals exclusively in

marketing to consumers and businesses through digital channels. This
includes creating and launching campaigns for clients through social
media, pay per click, advertising, videos and custom websites, among
other means.

What skills are needed in digital marketing?

Strong communication skills are essential if a marketer is going to be
successful in telling a company a product story to potential customers,
data analytics skills are also important for understanding how well a
marketing campaign is performing and where it might be Improved.
Finally, social media skills are another must.

What is implicit bias in digital marketing?

Implicit bias, also known as unconscious bias, refers to messages that

unintentionally convey negative stereotypes or derogatory attitudes
towards. Certain groups. In recent years, it has come in for particular
notice in the field of advertising in marketing, in digital marketing, it may
manifest itself in something as simple as the choice of stock photos for a
marketing campaign. For instance, without even thinking about it,
companies may use image of open microsexual white individuals While
excluding black indigenous and other people of color. Along with those
of different body types and abilities, while digital marketers often use
supposedly unbiased algorithms to help craft their campaigns, those
algorithms are created by human beings who may bring their own
unconscious biases to them.

Digital marketing provides a lot of strength in the world of corporate to its
employees and the full sector, which are. Improved conversation rates
customer engagement increased roi, increased engagement, measurable
results, brand development, cost effective, lead generation, brand awareness,
global reads, social currency, analytics, demographic targeting, effective
targeting interact with customers, low operating cost, personalization,
trackable results, variety in digital marketing strategies, wider reach, flexibility,
multiple content types, competition, customer base.


Some of the drawbacks of digital marketing in the corporate sector are security
and privacy issues, time consuming, high competition complaints and feedback
dependability on technology skills, requirement, global competition, negative
testimonials, cost maintenance, reliance on technology. Etc.

Some of the opportunities Of digital marketing in the field. In the field of

corporate are email marketing, content marketing, search engine optimization,
search engine marketing, social media marketing, Analytics, digital marketing
manager influenced some marketing affiliate marketing, native advertising,
cost efficiency, marketing automation, better customer service.
And experience conversation rate optimization Web designer content writing
copywriting mobile marketing advertising video marketing advertising expert
inbound marketing seo expert creating a budget etc


Some of the threats which are included in digital marketing and in the relative
field are phishing, Malware. Determines ddos attacks. Inside a threat. Privacy
protection, security hacker security competition.

The bottom line.

The bottom line is that the ways in which people consume media on the 21 st
century have caused marketers to put increased and sometimes exclusive
emphasis on digital platform for their campaigns. While digital marketing uses
many of the same techniques as traditional marketing through print television
and radio and though it has many strength weakness, opportunities and
threats which we have concluded through SWAT analysis it also has its own set
of tools and marketers need to master in order to succeed.
Impact of digital marketing on various sectors.

Today, our society is driven by digital technology. The impact is such that there
are places in the world where the residents may not have clean water, but they.
Own smartphones. Another incredible influence on people’s lives nowadays is
digital marketing.

It affects people’s interactions, work, purchases and habits. Today, our society
is driven by digital technology, The impact is such that there are places in the
world where the residents may not have clean water, but they own
smartphones. Another included influence on people’s lives nowadays is digital
marketing. It affects people’s interactions, work purchases and habits. The
digital marketing world is a gateway for potential customers to feel like a part
of the brand. It offers the opportunity to feel connected with the businesses
and clients to. See the content from the brand regularly.

The best digital marketing consultants ensure to maintain a firm grasp on the
utilization of the digital universe, which will maximize the brand’s impact and
brand awareness. This entices potential customers to try out the products and
services that they earlier. Wouldn’t have known about. There are about three
billion people across the globe who are social, who use social networking. Sites
every day in a study conducted by a marketing firm.

It was found that people are more likely to follow brands than celebrities on
social media on the picture sharing site Instagram. Around 80% of the users
follow at least one brand.

Therefore, it’s clearly high time that digital media relies to boost brands each
along with other activities that are beneficial to the businesses. Here are some
benefits of digital media and its impact on the businesses that avail it.
Increase in brand awareness.

Today, more than half of the world’s popular days uses social media platforms
that make social media a natural place to connect with highly targeted
potential buyers. This can increase the brand awareness that your brand
deserves about 60% of Instagram users have said that they have come across
new products on this social media networking site. It means that the customers
do not just connect. With brands that they already know about, but also with
the new ones that they discover on social media platforms, generation of leads,
digital media is a low commitment way for new customers to show an interest
in a business and its products getting leads is a very important advantage.
Social media brings to any business they signify that customers are interested
in the brand and its products boost.

In sales you can sell anything on social media and excellent digital marketing
strategy can bring in good business and opportunities for a brand. The number
of products who People who use social media as one of the is on the rise and
social media tools continue to evolve. This will make social media network
increasingly important for ecommerce and product search grow. Viral. The
content gets exposed to new audiences when people start liking, sharing and
commenting on the photos. Once the content is shed in a network and the
network follows suits, the content starts to spread across the entire Internet
and gets thousands and millions of shares. Such exposure is beneficial because
all the like shares and commands reflect an existing connection with the

If a person sees that an article has been lagged by a friend, **** **** is likely
to check out what is being said, even if they have never heard of company
before. In a world that produces content more than anybody can consume a
social share by a friend works like. A pre screening engage customers and
audience. Social media platforms are an opportunity for brands to interact
directly with customers and vice versa. Traditional media was one race tweet
when it come to communication. Social media allows for a dialog between the
brand and its audience. So if you want your followers to be engaged, you need
to be engaged yourself. It is essential to stay active and answer the comments
and questions on the brand social media posts in an appropriate and
professional manner. There you have it, the digital marketing benefits for
business. Till now, it’s evident that digital marketing is necessary for the
business, Digital marketing allows small businesses to define and reach their
exact target audience through tools like social media advertising and Google
ads businesses can narrow down their audience based on demographics,
interests and behaviors. In conclusion, by harnessing the diverse range of
digital marketing services available, businesses scan strategically position
themselves to reach their target audience.

Foster engagement and achieve tangible growth results. If you are looking to
opt for digital marketing services, there are multiple digital marketing
companies around the. Glob the globe. And the cities often digital marketing

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