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Counterterrorism strategies

An overview
Assignments, etc
Group assignment
See groups and areas/countries on Canvas (in “People-
If you didn’t pick a region, email me your choice of group (not
all groups have open spaces)

Some class time to discuss (later/in the future) but start getting
each other’s contacts now/soon
Introducing the reading
Please see the updated syllabus on Canvas (Announcements)
and pick a day where others are *not* presenting
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Counterterrorism strategies
Questions so far?
Counterterrorism strategies
Byman (overview)
The UN’s CT strategy (introduction)
Next class: historical counterterrorism
Terrorism: Definitions, research, etc
No global definition (with legal consequences)
No consistent in-state definition, even
Eg. United States
Research: quantitative (large-scale/statistical
analysis) and qualitative
Challenges/limitations of T research
majority research from/in the West
Lack of research on far-right
Media’s disproportionate focus on Muslim
perpetrators = shapes public opinion
“Terrorism”= more serious consequences
(even if less/no violence)
State violence is understudied
Strategies (Byman)
Introduction of reading
Summary of strategies
(1) crushing terrorist groups directly with massive force;
(2) targeting terrorist leaders for death and arrest;
(3) relying on allies to strike terrorist groups;
(4) containing the terrorist group to limit its effectiveness
and encourage internal divisions;
(5) improving defenses against terrorism;
(6) delegitimating the group’s cause;
(7) conciliating terrorists; and
(8) going after supposed root causes of terrorism.

Byman, 2019
What is under
threat here?
US interests for CT?
CT effective?
Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron told reporters
the UK had sent a "clear message" and that it
will "continue to degrade" the Houthis' ability
to carry out attacks.
Asked whether the strikes could escalate
tensions in the Middle East, Lord Cameron said
it was the Houthis who were escalating the
situation and he was "confident" the previous
strikes had been effective.
He went on to say the Houthis' narrative that
the strikes were related to the war between
Israel and Hamas "shouldn't be accepted", and
the UK wants to see a "swift end to the
conflict" in Gaza.
Limitations of Byman?
United Nations and CT
What can the UN do?
Post 9/11 only (UN’s CT strategy)
“Four pillars”
The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy in the form of a resolution and an
annexed Plan of Action ( A/RES/60/288 ) is composed of four pillars, namely:
1. Measures to address the conditions conducive to the spread of terrorism.
2. Measures to prevent and combat terrorism.
3. Measures to build States’ capacity to prevent and combat terrorism and to strengthen the role of the
United Nations system in that regard.
4. Measures to ensure respect for human rights for all and the rule of law as the fundamental basis
of the fight against terrorism.

Set norms and guidelines
Urge states/other entities to act in particular
Emphasize all actors have to follow IHL
Use funding to support prevention/countering
violent extremism programs
Different UN orgs
*cannot* initiate military force!
Assignments, etc
Group assignment
See groups and areas/countries on Canvas
If you didn’t pick a region, sign up for one of the
groups that has open spaces or email me which group
Class time to discuss (later/in the future)
Introducing the reading
Please see the updated syllabus on Canvas and pick a
day where others are *not* presenting
Shared Google sheet -link in “Discussions” on Canvas
Go to “22 Jan” page on same sheet and sign up there

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