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SCHEDULE © Profit or Loss From Business LOMB No. 1545-0074 (Form 1040) (Sele Proprietorship) D022 > Go to for instructions and the latest information tional Aoverun Serie | Attach to Form 1040, 1040-SR, 1040-NR, or 1041; partnerships generally must file Form 1085. | _Saaverce No, 089 Nave otpoowor Soca scary mumber (58) Camila Haris 4048-466 ‘A Principal busmess or profession, neluding product or sence (eee ratuctions) B tner cage tom matuctons > 7 Bisness rane: ino separate business name, ave Dank B Enptye mania EN pl Communication Speaks Foundation, tne afars|s[ale]o [3 [9] E Business address Gncluding sulte or roomro} » 925 Rifenhouse Way, City, tow or post oc, state, and ZIP code ‘Atlanta Ga 80316, F Accounting metres: (9 Clcssh (2 LlAcenal @) CJotertpest) > — & Did you mately partciote inthe operation ofthis business curing 20207 I°No," see insscons orimton losses” EL W@® ENS Htyou tated or acquired this busines ding 2020, check here ro | Did you make ay payments in 2020 that woul requre you to fle Forms 10887 Se instuctons Dyes Ne 4s," id you or il you le reaqured Fermi) 10987 Ces Ne Tncome 1) Grou recep orale, See irarctona fori 1 and check te box fia ince was reported to you on Ferm W-2 andthe “Statuary employee" box on tha orm was checked Ol Ls raser00 2 Retums and alowances 2 00 3 SubtactIne 2 rom ne 1 2 Tar 00 4 Costof goods sold rom tne 2) 4 0 5 Gross profit. Subtract ine 4 famine 3 5 7ast7 00 6 Otrerncome, including federal and tae gasoine ofl ax cect or refund (see nstuctins) 6 0 7 Gross income, Add ies 5 and 6 >i 72547.00 EEIGHIL Expenses. Enter expenses for business use of your home only on ine 30, Advertsing 2 2,200.00 18 Ofice expense fee nevustons) [18 00.00 © Carand ck excenses (se 18 Pensionand prot-haing pins. 19 ra insrtons) 2 | 20 Rentor ease (se isitons 10° Commissions andiees [10 000.00) 2 Vehicles. machine and ecqupent | 200 oo 14 conct mr (ee intucion) [4 06] & Otherbusiness property 20b 320.00 12 Depietion 2 00] 21. Repairs and maintenance 21 5,400.00 " Depreciston and section 179 22 Supplies (not included in Part tl) 2 4,000.00 included in Part il) (see 23 Taxes and icenses 28 2,300.00 iatucton) 12 00] 24 Travel and meats 14 Employes beret programs Trav aa 00 (eiertranenine 19). | 14 0] & Daductble meat 15 insurance trerthan rests) [5 20] ingtvetons 24 oo 16 interes (0 nstrtons 25° Utes 25 7300.00 2 Motgage sto bans, to) | 68 0| 26 Wages fess employment creis). [28 7350.00 omer 160 20] 27a Other expenses rom ine 48). [Ta 4.350.00 17-__Losal and poesioatsences_ [a7 Sa00.0o] _b_Reserved for fture use 2b 28 Total expenses before expenses for business use o Fare. Ad nes 8 trough 27a > Tas 37 920.00 29° Tertave prof or fos). Subtract ine 28 rom ine 7 FA 15,378.00 30 Expenses for business us of your hore, Oo nat report these expenses skewers. Atach Form 8828 unless using ne simpifed metho. See insvuctors Simplified method flrs nt: Erter he otal square footage off your home: an the par of your home ued for business Use he Spe Mathod Workseet inthe ineructons ogre the aroun te err on Ine 30 2» oo 31. Net prof or Goss). Subtract Ine 30 rom ne 28 + Ifa proft, enter on both Schedule + (Form 1040) ine 3, and on Schedule SE, ne 2.0 ou checked the box on Ine 1, ee nsructon) Estates and uss, enter on Form 104, ne 3 n 8373.00 + Hraloss, you must 90 line 92 82 Ifyou have alos, check the box that describes your investment in this activity, See instructions. + Ityou checked 32a, enter the loss on both Schedule 1 (Form 1040), line 3, and on Schedule SE, line 2, (you checked the box online 1, see the ine 31 instruction) Estates and trusts, enter on Form 1041, line 3 + Ityou checked 32b, you must attach Form 6198. Your loss may be limited. For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the separate instructions, Gu Ne. TRF ‘Schedule G Form 1040) 2020, 2a 1 Atlinvestmentisatrak 2p [Some investment is pot ati Sete em 4 2020 vase Cost of Goods Sold (eee matucTons] Ey 34 35 36 a7 38 39 40 a 2 Methods) used to value closing inventory: J] Cost L] Lowerafcost ormarket_ © [] Other (attach explanation) Was there any change in determining quantiles, costs, or valuations between opening and clsing inventory? I1¥es,” attach explanation Doves [Ne Inventory at begining of year. if citferent or last year’s closing inventory, attach explanation Purchases less cost of terns withdrawn for personal use Cost of labor. De not include any amounts paid te yourselt Materials and supplies Other costs ‘Add lines 35 through 38 Inventory at end of year ef & f fe fe Cost of goods sold, Subtract ne 41 from line 40, Enter the result here and on ine + Information on Your Vehicle. Complete this part only if you are claiming car or truck expenses on line 9 and are not required to file Form 4562 for this business. See the instructions for line 13 to find out if you must file Form 4562. 4s 48 at b ‘When dd you place your vehicle in service for business purposes? (monthdayiyess) Cf the total number of mils you drove your vehicle during 2020, enter the number of miles you used your vehicle for Business ceewecmseisnnee & Commuting 508 instructions) cones © Other ‘Was your vehicle availble for personal use during oft-duty hours? Dives [Ne Do you (or your spouse) have another vehicle avaiable for personal use?, Dyes [Ne eo you have evidence to suppor your deduction? OYes [Ne I1-¥os. isthe evidence writen? Dyes [Ne ‘Other Expenses. List below business expenses not included on ines 6-26 orline 30. a Total other expenses. Enter here and on ne 7a @ ‘Schedule C (Form 1040) 2020,

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