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WOLFNESS - Preserving the natural heritage of wolves:

a multidisciplinary approach towards effective and socially

acceptable management of wolf-dog hybridization across Europe
Paolo Ciucci, University of Rome La Sapienza (Coordinator)

• V. Salvatori - Institute of Applied Ecology, Italy • A. Ordiz - University of León, Spain

• C. Vernesi - Fondazione Edmund Mach, Italy • C. Vilà - Estacion Biológica de Doñana, Spain
• T. Skrbinsek - University of Ljubljana, Slovenia • R. Caniglia - Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and
• M. Johansson - Lunds Universitet, Sweden Research, Italy
• F. Amici - University of Leipzig, Germany • A. Sjölander-Lindqvist - University of Gothenburg, Sweden
• R. Godinho - Associacao Biopolis, Portugal • M. Naderi - Koç University, Turkey
• C. Nowak - Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, • W. Reggioni - Appennino Tosco-Emiliano National Park, Italy
• Why wolf-dog hybridization (WDH)?
• Project motivation
Management of WDH in Europe is lagging
• several unanswered research questions
• lack of consensus/awareness on management goals/approaches
• lack of scientific evidence on effectiveness of management options
• issue socially and ethically controversial
• weak legal framework
• …
• Key issues/questions
1. How to acquire reliable knowledge on WDH in wild wolf
2. What does it mean for a wolf to have admixed ancestry
(expected phenotypic effects)?

3. How to practically tackle WDH as a management issue?

4. How to improve the social and legal dimension of WDH?

5. How to impact policy and engage stakeholders?
• Multidisciplinary approach with
strong applied outcomes



WDH Sampling/
Ethics/ monitoring
Social values wolf

Normative Field
and legal evaluation of
framework PHC
WOLFNESS - Preserving the natural heritage of wolves


© Bruno De Amicis

WOLFNESS - Preserving the natural heritage of wolves

Actions Partners What to do: Expected results

6.1.1 Exchange and coordination with All partners - Present the project at the next plenary meeting - Summary of annual meetings with the EU
the EU Platform on Coexistence (8/6/2023) stakeholder platform
between People and Large - Hold an interactive session or survey among members - draft guidance document for management of
Carnivores of the EU Platf WDH)
- Share objectives and ask for any input - permanent updates on Wolfness in the EU
Platform on Coexistence between People and
Large Carnivores web page (bulletin?)
6.2.2 Development of a European policy All partners - Present the project progress at the LCIE meeting (2- - draft of guidance document to share with LCIE
support document, including two 5/10/23) and EU stakeholders' platform
examples of integrated national - Share project with LCIE WG on Hybrids
policies with the project's findings - Contribute to the revision of the LCIE PSS with literature
(see 6.2.4) review (decision to take: is LCIE PSS the guidance
document we want? Might not be approved by other
6.2.3 Presentation of the technical and All partners - Share LCIE PSS and/or Guidance document with EU D13: Revised draft of guidance document to be
policy support document to the DG Platform presented to the EU DG Environment and the
Environment - Organise a webinar with EU Parliament nad for DG ENV European Parliament (Month 30)
M11: Draft guidelines for WDH management
are sent to EU stakeholders’ platform and LCIE
for review (Month 27)
- Minutes of meeting with EC DG Env and
European Parliament

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