Internal Disease - Final

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1. Etiological factor of chronic bronchitis?

industrial dusts
2. Chronic cough for chronic bronchitis?
3 consecutive months a year for 2 consecutive years
3. Cough specific for acute bronchitis?
Cough with kind abrasion of retrosternal pain
4. Main etiology of acute bronchitis
Viral infection
5. Acute bronchitis with large medium and small is engaged in
6. COPD pathology
Irreversible obstruction and development of emphysema
7. Complication of COPD
8. What causes hyper-resonant sound in percussion in chronic bronchitis?
Bronchial obstruction with air trapping
9. Type 1 allergic trigger for asthma
10. Auscultation for asthma
Polyphonic wheezes
11. Which clinical signs listed below may be considered as asthma complications?
Lung hyper-distension (air tapping) with horizontal position of ribs and diaphragm depression
12. Which one from symptoms may show complication of asthma?
puffed up chest – “barrel-kind” chest
13. Which lab test should be considered as specific for evaluating asthma exacerbation?
CRP (C-reactive Protein)
14. Spirometry result for asthma?
FEV1 ↓, FVC normal
15. Profile asthma Right Ventricle Hypertrophy, R/S<1 in V4-V6 leads P pulmonale (II, III, leads)

16. Bacterial infection for atypical pneumonia

Legionela pneumophyla
17. Bacterial infection for pneumonia and immune comprised patient
Pneumocysta carinii;
18. Auscultation for pneumonia
Bronchial sound and inspiratory crackles
19. Structural changes in lung tissue that underlies hypo-resonant lung and percussion in
Alveolar consolidation
20. Structural changes in lung tissue that underlies crackles in auscultation in pneumonia
alveolar edema
21. Biological risk for atherosclerosis
22. Life style risk factor for atherosclerosis
Diet rich in fat
23. Non-modifiable risk factor for atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis (clinically manifested) in first degree relatives
24. True clinical manifestation for atherosclerosis
Foot Gangrene;
25. Lab test for diagnosis of atherosclerosis
Lipid profile
26. Medication of treating of atherosclerosis
Lipid lowering drug
27. Pathogenesis of ischemic heart disease
Clinical syndromes characterized by myocardial ischemia, an imbalance between myocardial
blood supply and demand
28. Elevated O2 demand by myocardium
Arterial hypertension
29. Decreasing myocardial O2 supply?
Atherosclerotic stenosis of coronary artery lumen
30. Pure clinical manifestation of coronary artery disease?
Stable Angina
31. Method of investigation describes atherosclerosis of coronary artery?
32. Which medication lowers myocardium oxygen demand?
33. Main pathological mechanism for developing MI
Interruption of blood flow in coronary artery due to vessel-occluding thrombus formation
34. Clinical sign of MI
Intense, long-lasting retrosternal pain poorly affected or not affected by glyceryl trinitrate
35. Lab test of MI
36. 2 minor criteria for rheumatic fever
Prolonged PR and arthralgia
37. 2 major criteria for rheumatic
Myocarditis and chorea

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