19DCE068 - IOT - Case Study

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Devang Patel Institute of Advance Technology and Research (DEPSTAR)

Department of Computer Engineering

CE444-Internet of Things
Case Study Assignment
Student Name Shrey Arvindkumar Mistry
Roll No. 19DCE068
CASE STUDY TITLE IOT for the future of smart Agriculture
Summary Through the application of cutting-edge IOT technology in the
realm of agriculture, including the use of real-time vehicles,
wireless technology, Software Define Networks (SDN), and
cloud/fog computing to cluster data and process that data.
Additionally, they divided this application into the primary seven
categories. starting with intelligent monitoring, intelligent water
management, intelligent harvesting, intelligent supply chain, and
intelligent agricultural practices. Along with that, they classified

Issue to be resolved First of all, the farm owner found it to be a very laborious process
(At least five Sentence) to handle the classification issue of the data that was collected
from farm fields. Therefore, it can be resolved by combining IOT
devices with cloud computing. In addition to this, farmers
previously were unable to monitor their crops, including when to
water plants, how much fertilizer is on hand, and other pertinent
information. With the aid of the smart monitoring system that I
indicated below in the other information, this issue was resolved
in that paper.

Numerous years of professional expertise were necessary for the

crop disease, but the disease prediction can partially reduce this
The main 3 people can be benefited by this -
Beneficiaries 1.) Farmers
2.) Middleware Companies
3.) customers who buy the products
Impact over
The farmer was the primary beneficiary of this development
Beneficiaries because they received more crops during the growing season. In
addition, the distributors have advanced with the aid of clever
(At least five Sentence)
supply chain management. Now they can quickly determine who
planted the crops or goods and where they are sold.
Devang Patel Institute of Advance Technology and Research (DEPSTAR)

Department of Computer Engineering

Blockchain and RFID (product identification) can both be used for

this (For the tracing). By using RFID and other IOT sensors,
customers may also determine a product's origin and owner and
have visibility into the quality of the goods.

Technologies to build IOT sensors and actuators were necessary for the smart field
monitoring. As an illustration, consider radio frequency
( Write specific
identification (RFID), agricultural robots, driverless tractors,
detailing of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), and unmanned aerial aircraft
(UAVs). All of these gadgets fall under the networking interface.
WiFi, ZigBee, Bluetooth, and NFC are required for short-range data
transmission. Additionally, for long-range applications like SigFox,
NB-IOT, and cellular areas like 3G and 4G networks. SDN
networking, cloud computing, and fog computing at the service
Required protocols include HTTP, CoAp, MQTT, AMQP,and DDS..

Any other information With the aid of these new techniques, it is now possible to
(Any Relevant thing collect data from IOT smart devices and upload it to a cloud
which you want to add) platform where we can quickly identify and categorize the
data in accordance with our needs and use that information to
direct farmers and users to take the appropriate actions for
their crops.
Farmers may now easily keep an eye on their farms thanks to
smart monitoring systems that include:
1) Crop monitoring
2. Livestock surveillance
3.) Monitoring the environment
4.) Detection of Unauthorized Actions
5.) Motion detection

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