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Assessment and Planning Measures of Success

Change Management Roadmap Training and Readiness Office Closed


Status Status Notes Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Stakeholder assessment Not started
Analysis of target audience Not started
Change impact and gap assessment Not started
Assessment and
Identify documentation updates to policies and proceedures Not started
Craft V1 process flow design and understand target state Not started
Communicate vision Not started
Change management plan Not started
Understand training and communications required Not started
Develop trainings / assets Not started
Update documentation (policies, procedures) Not started
Workforce alignment communications Not started
Share training invitations Not started
Training program Not started
Track training, adoption, and communications received Not started
Finalise data for reporting Not started
Draft and review reporting Not started
Monitor Ongoing Finalize change reporting Not started
Change and Host a workshop to improve change management process Not started
Metrics Document learnings Not started
Mitigate resistance and manage ongoing change Not started
Ensure documentation is kept current Not started
Change Impact Assessment
Program or Project Name
Date of 1st Assessment
Date Updated

Type of Impact
Level of Impact Summary of Communication Training Leadership Alignment /
Current State Future State Gap Scale of Change (e.g., people, organization, Timing of Impact Key Risks Roles Affected Number Affected
(High/Med/Low) Impact Requirements Requirements Requirements Collaboration
system or process)
Describe the Describe the future Describe the gap Enter organisation, Choose from the Impact Give an indication Enter H=High, Define how the What are the risks Indicate which Give an indicative If the impact can If the impact can Are there any Which other
current state / or new way / between current / team, site, program Categories listed below: of the time of M=Medium, or change will affect associated with the roles will be number of people be mitigated / be mitigated / leadership actions stakeholders will be
method / activity in activity that we future state. How or project Process - Number, complexity, change, e.g. Sep L=Low the stakeholder change that could affected. affected addressed with addressed with that could support involved? Do other
terms of Process, would like / expect can we address inputs/outputs, 2022, Q4 groups or affect the project's communication, training, provide the change - change teams
People and people to display that? interdependencies; People - individuals - what success? provide more more details. consider sponsors, need to be
Technology Skills, knowledge, behavior; will they need to details. Update Update Education execs, line informed/
Systems & Technology - know, do, use, Communication & & Training Plan. managers. involved?
Hardware, applications; comply with, etc. Engagement Plan.
Organization - Org structure,
reporting relationships,
workload, responsibilities, KPIs

Change Management Communications Plan

Change Project Name
Change Project Owner
Change Communications Approver(s)
Last Updated
Please identify the stakeholders for each communication, the reason for the communication, and a description of the required communication.

Estimated Targeted Reason for Methods of Sender of Key Messaging
Phase Communication / Event Status Copy
Date Stakeholders Communication Communication Communications (Align with ADKAR)
(Link to file)

Change announcement
and Planning
Stakeholder survey invitation

Training slide deck

Updated support documentation

Training program invitation

Monitor TBD
Change and
What is changing?
What can we do now and won't be What can't we do now and still What can we do now and still will be What can't we do now, but will be
Type of change Description of change
able to do in the future? won't be able to do in the future? able to do in the future? able to do in the future?

Job roles
Organisational structures
Performance measures
Plant, equipment & tools
Processes & procedures
Reward, recognition & remuneration
Systems (management systems)
Working conditions, hours of work, etc.
NOTE: This will change continually throughout the project. It's not 'set and forget'. Schedule time in your calendar to review this OFTEN!

Who is changing?
Mitigation & Leadership
How ready are they for the Level of power or Level of power or Level of interest in the Role in Change
Stakeholder Resistance Summary Strategy/Actions Status
change? influence for change influence for change change (RACI)
(ADKAR, etc.)
Training Needs Analysis Matrix key
Today's date: 7/08/2023

To change employee name and role fields, click the 'Employees' and 'Roles' tabs and enter data per instructions. Not assigned

To change the training expiry date, click in the cell and manually update the date. Complete and in-date

Due soon (less than 3 months away)


Staff member Induction Competency 1 Competency 2 Competency 3 Competency 4 Competency 5 Competency 6 Competency 7 Competency 8 Competency 9 Competency 10 Competency 11 Competency 12 Competency 13 Competency 14 Competency 15 Competency 16 Competency 17 Competency 18 [Training name] [Training name] [Training name]
Employee 1
Role 1 Yes 24/03/2021 1/08/2021 1/09/2021 1/10/2021 1/11/2021 1/12/2021 1/01/2022 1/02/2022 1/03/2022 1/04/2022 1/05/2022 1/06/2022 1/07/2022 1/08/2022 1/09/2022 1/10/2022 1/11/2022 1/12/2022
Employee 2
Role 2 Yes 1/07/2021 1/08/2021 1/09/2021 1/10/2021 1/11/2021 1/12/2021 1/01/2022 1/02/2022 1/03/2022 1/04/2022 1/05/2022 1/06/2022 1/07/2022 1/08/2022 1/09/2022 1/10/2022 1/11/2022 1/12/2022
Employee 3
Role 3 Yes 1/07/2021 1/08/2021 1/09/2021 1/10/2021 1/11/2021 1/12/2021 1/01/2022 1/02/2022 1/03/2022 1/04/2022 1/05/2022 1/06/2022 1/07/2022 1/08/2022 1/09/2022 1/10/2022 1/11/2022 1/12/2022
Employee 4
Role 4 Yes 1/07/2021 1/08/2021 1/09/2021 1/10/2021 1/11/2021 1/12/2021 1/01/2022 1/02/2022 1/03/2022 1/04/2022 1/05/2022 1/06/2022 1/07/2022 1/08/2022 1/09/2022 1/10/2022 1/11/2022 1/12/2022
Employee 5
Role 5 Yes 1/07/2021 1/08/2021 1/09/2021 1/10/2021 1/11/2021 1/12/2021 1/01/2022 1/02/2022 1/03/2022 1/04/2022 1/05/2022 1/06/2022 1/07/2022 1/08/2022 1/09/2022 1/10/2022 1/11/2022 1/12/2022
Employee 6
Role 6 N/A
Employee name
<Insert employee role> N/A
Employee name
<Insert employee role> N/A
Employee name
<Insert employee role> N/A
Employee name
<Insert employee role> N/A
Employee name
<Insert employee role> N/A
Employee name
<Insert employee role> N/A
Employee name
<Insert employee role> N/A
Employee name
<Insert employee role> N/A
Employee name
<Insert employee role> N/A
Employee name
<Insert employee role> N/A
Employee name
<Insert employee role> N/A
Employee name
<Insert employee role> N/A
Employee name
<Insert employee role> N/A
Employee name
<Insert employee role> N/A
Training Plan

Priority Identified skill gap Who needs training? Type of training Description of training Training providers Indicative cost Delivery dates

<insert a description of the <insert the name of the

<insert the training need> <insert name of employee> <insert the type of training> <insert cost of training> <insert delivery dates>
training> training provider>

e.g. conference, course

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