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Womanism and feminism

Womanism and feminism are both movements that advocate for gender
equality, but they have different focuses and perspectives. Womanism
specifically centers the experiences and struggles of Black women, while
feminism is a broader movement that addresses the oppression of all
Two examples of literary texts that highlight womanism are:
1. "In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens" by Alice Walker - This collection
of essays explores the intersectionality of race, gender, and class in the
lives of Black women and how their experiences have been marginalized
within feminist movements.
2. "Sister Outsider" by Audre Lorde - This collection of essays and
speeches addresses the unique struggles faced by Black women and
advocates for a womanist perspective that centers their experiences.

Two examples of literary texts that highlight feminism are:

1. "The Second Sex" by Simone de Beauvoir - This seminal work in
feminist philosophy examines the ways in which women have been
historically oppressed and marginalized within society.
2. "The Handmaid's Tale" by Margaret Atwood - This dystopian novel
explores a society where women are stripped of their rights and autonomy,
highlighting the dangers of patriarchal control.
These examples demonstrate how womanism and feminism address gender
inequality from different perspectives, with womanism specifically
centering the experiences of Black women within the broader struggle for
gender equality.

Baneen Hamoudi – fourth stage

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