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Sample (Informants/Interviewees)
The results of the interviews showed how executives in nonprofits rationalize decisions
prior to, during, and subsequent to organizational crises. Particularly, nonprofit leaders'
definitions of organizational crises and perceived traits of successful crisis leaders helped shape
their opinions of crisis leadership. Participants also replied to questions and participated in sense-
making exercises to help researchers draw a picture of organizational crises and emergency
management techniques. The leaders of nonprofits identified five key traits that are essential to
operational crisis leadership in non-profit organizations: being an effective strategic, team
player, transparent with participants, and rapid Nonprofit leadership's ideas of teamwork
expanded beyond cooperation to abilities related to self-worth. The concepts of sense-making
and sense-giving have been arranged in order according to the degree to which they were

Nonprofit executives emphasized in particular that good crisis managers never "put
themselves before anything else." In a crisis scenario, you immediately are required to make
certain that your staff members [are well] because they are their human resources, says Nicole,
the original founder of a crisis management organization. Leaders of nonprofit organizations also
concurred that managing a team requires a people-centered approach and that human capital
inside organizations is frequently "the most significant piece of the solution in a crisis."

A sample taken from among crisis communication experts, decision-makers, and the
general public. Based on statistical power calculations and the requirement for acceptable
representation across pertinent demographic factors, the sample size will be chosen. In order to
determine if the organization's crisis communication strategies to combat false news online
followed frameworks, paths, or recommendations provided by SCCT, research based on the
document data that was available was utilized for the final qualitative sample (interviews). In
addition, the responses of those surveyed to DCCM and the pentagram graph were examined
using a systematic method of theme analysis on the data gathered from the interviews. Searches
for words and data reduction procedures, which are used to create models that provide answers to
real-world issues and may also be utilized to investigate themes that are more general than the
individual background, were two of the many justifications for using thematic analysis. By
identifying and analyzing patterns (themes) present in the qualitative data, thematic analysis
gives researchers a method to examine rich qualitative data. The study of themes is also
recommended when extra non-theme-based and quantitative data concerns need to be taken into
account; as a result, this approach is appropriate and practical for use in sequential mixed-
methods research.

The interviews, which were conducted in pairs of participants from various sorts of
connections, including friends, parents and children, and coworkers, were part of a larger
research looking at social media use. Only those who were on social networking sites often were
questioned. Each pair's participation had social media connections as well. In order to capture the
social aspect of information sharing on social media, this sample approach was used. The
interviews were done by a pair of research assistants following a methodology. The respondents'
definitions of false news and methods for identifying it were among the topics covered in the
questionnaire. For this particular study, those who participated were first asked to share some
instances of fake news they had come across on social media, such as stories they had shared or
received from others. They were then questioned about how they had discovered or realized that
these stories were false, and finally, they were asked to describe what they had done, if anything,
after confirming the stories were false and why. For the purpose of analyzing the data, the
interviews' transcripts, which comprise text data from over forty minutes of interviews, were

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