Letter Essay

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Hey [Friend/Family Member],

May you be blessed to enjoy good health and a cheerful mind as always! I want to tell you about

some amazing stuff I’ve discovered during the last month or so on a course, I bet you find it

interesting as well. I couldn’t help telling you about a thing or two we touched upon in class

today as it was eye-opening and stuck with me.

1. Controlling Image

BE THE TEACHER: Controlling images work behind the scenes of society like a puppet master

controlling us through imposed strong stereotype on certain groups. It is worthwhile taking a

moment to consider how controlling images in this area influence the way in which women are

portrayed in the mass media (Shields 136). Many times people find themselves exposed to

gender images from TV shows to the latest ad. Women are commonly portrayed in confined

roles, upholding such clichés as the mother taking care of children, the object of seduction, or the

career-driven woman neglecting family life for corporate achievement.

Recognizing such controlling images helps us to cut through the mediated messages and

understand the embedded prejudices which determine how we see things. It represents a call to

consume media critically, interrogate the stories that are sold to us, and shake things up. Such

understanding allows us to transcend these stereotypes and promotes an unstereotyped depiction

of people in society.

WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO ME: I understood how much these images have been imbedded into

our culture and the way they affect our minds and lives. It forced me to reflect on the perceptions

I had and the daily messages I consume from the mainstream media.

WHY IT SHOULD BE IMPORTANT TO YOU: As I recalled, we were talking about the types of

bias and stereotyping you have experienced at your workplace. Grasping what controlling

images are can be useful if we want to liberate ourselves from these expectations and build more

accepting societies.

2. Reproductive Justice

BE THE TEACHER: Reproductive justice is about more than a mere choice. This addresses

broader racialized questions about access to resources for all to make their own choices on

reproduction, including around class or gender.

WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO ME: Moreover, this idea widened my thinking about reproductive

rights and regarded it as an aspect of broader social justice(Luna et al.,327). However, it goes

beyond individual decisions to providing an enabling environment where all people can enjoy

healthy and supported reproductive lives.

WHY IT SHOULD BE IMPORTANT TO YOU: “Recall when we talked about healthcare

access?” Reproductive justice ties into that. That’s making certain that every one of us enjoys

equal opportunities in planning for families and providing services.

3. White Privilege

BE THE TEACHER: White privilege is an unmerited benefit one gets for being seen as a white

person in a divided society that has races. Life might be not be a bed of roses for every white

person, however it means that the path has some particular difficulties which do not concern

them on behalf of race.

WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO ME: The idea made me to acknowledge my privileges and realize

that some of them are a result of systemic advantage. It is painful in order to make a person grow


WHY IT SHOULD BE IMPORTANT TO YOU: When it comes to social justice and equal rights,

this was the first thing that crossed our minds. It is important to understand white privilege as a

step towards dismantling of the systematic oppressions (Grapin et l.,504). This is a step in the

direction of our dream for a more equal country.

In conclusion,it is difficult to overstate the importance of that course for me; my perspective on

the world has never seen clarity as it does now because that lens refined all the shades and

hidden secrets. I admit that the conversations I had on controlling pictures, women’s body

autonomy, and anti-racism did not only expand my mindset but also triggered my thirst for

learning about what is invisible to the naked eye.These are just words, but these words help us to

understand and to separate society. I am happy to share these discoveries with you, not as a

teacher, but as another traveler through this exciting world of thoughts.” Honestly, I strongly feel

that our discussions on these issues would be illuminating, engaging, and most notably, a chance

to advance one another.

The reasons these discussions are gorgeous is that it can make one reflect within one self and

share experiences with other people. But, it is not about finding all the answers but about getting

outside of everything and feeling it out; expressing ourselves and listening to the words of others

as we go through these complicated questions. I cannot wait to listen to your opinion on the

above matters because I believe in what you do and we’ve had intense conversations before.

As such, let us make some time out and have a room for such discussions. There is no need for it

to be an affair, a sitting at a table — this can simply occur outdoors, or in a pleasant environment

where I feel comfortable with it — this can allow us to focus on the major things underneath it

all. However, I am convinced that the study of these subjects jointly will not only improve our

understanding but also strengthen our unity in dealing with complex circumstances. I take

pleasure in exploring these concepts together and unwinding the various meanings and

implications hidden within them. Please contact me as soon as you are ready for a journey of

minds with us.

Sending you lots of love,

[Your Name]

Work Cited

Grapin, Sally L., and Lindsay M. Fallon. "Conceptualizing and dismantling white privilege in

school psychology research: An ecological model." School Psychology Review 52.5 (2023):


Luna, Zakiya, and Kristin Luker. "Reproductive justice." Annual Review of Law and Social

Science 9 (2013): 327-352.

Shields, Vickie Rutledge. Measuring up: How advertising affects self-image. University of

Pennsylvania Press, 2013.

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