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Quantitative Research Article Appraisal Matrix

(Complete one form per study)

PICOT Question:
For Among mature individuals experiencing prolonged discomfort (excluding cranial pain), does the application of
psychological interventions, when contrasted with customary care, contribute to enhanced results in pain administration?
Article Citation (APA): 1. Williams, A. C. C., Fisher, E., Hearn, L., & Eccleston, C. (2020). Psychological therapies for the
management of chronic pain (excluding headache) in adults. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 8(8), CD007407.

Qualitative or Quantitative Study? The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews is known for gathering and scrutinising
quantitative studies, particularly randomised controlled trials (RCTs).

Purpose of Study Research Study Aims: Sampling Variables: Statistical

Study: Design: question/Hypothesis(es) technique, Independent/Dependent Analysis:
(specify : Sample size, :
type of characteristic
design) s
Systemati To assess the impact of To The study Independent Variable: Meta-
to evaluate c Review psychological therapies systematicall involves a Implementation of analysis is
the and Meta- on the management of y review systematic psychological therapies likely
effectiveness Analysis chronic pain in adults, existing review and employed to
of excluding headaches. literature on meta-analysis, Dependent Variable: Pain combine and
psychologica psychological so it includes a management outcomes in analyze data
l therapies in therapies for broad range of adults with chronic pain from
the treatment chronic pain. studies. The multiple
of chronic To conduct a sample size studies. This
pain in meta-analysis and involves
adults, to quantify characteristics statistical
excluding the overall would depend techniques to
headaches. effect of on the provide a
psychological individual quantitative
Quantitative Research Article Appraisal Matrix
(Complete one form per study)

therapies on studies summary of

pain included in the the overall
outcomes. review. effect of
l therapies on
chronic pain
Are the results valid/trustworthy and credible? Explain.

The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews is recognized for its meticulous methodology. The incorporation of randomized
controlled experiments in a systematic examination amplifies the reliability of the findings. Nevertheless, the soundness and
dependability of the outcomes also hinge on the caliber of the specific investigations encompassed within the review.

What were the results of the study?

The precise findings necessitate extraction from the Cochrane evaluation. Typically, the outcomes encompass the overarching impact
magnitude of psychological interventions on outcomes associated with enduring pain and any subgroup analyses executed.
How will the results assist me and/or my colleagues in improving clinical practice?
The precise findings necessitate extraction from the Cochrane evaluation. Typically, the outcomes encompass the overarching impact
magnitude of psychological interventions on outcomes associated with enduring pain and any subgroup analyses executed.

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