Understanding of Methods-750 Word

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Commentary on the essay

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Commentary on the essay

The essay explains the feelings and thoughts of older people, particularly Mrs. Johnson and Mr.

Thompson, about getting older, health problems, and social concerns. The main way used to get

this smart information is by talking with both people. The exact words from Mrs. Johnson and

Mr. Thompson help us understand the hard parts about getting old and making decisions in your

later years.

Understanding of Methods (Tools) Employed in Interview

Verbatim Responses: The use of direct answers in this kind of interview helps a lot to

show what Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Thompson thinks or feels, just like they said it themselves

(Matthews, B. & Ross,2010). The essay gives readers a true and unaltered view of the

interviewees' thoughts about aging, health problems and challenges in society. This is done by

using their exact words. This method makes the information more real. It lets us show their

emotions and feelings clearly. When we say things exactly as someone tells us, it helps readers

understand their feelings better. This makes the connection more strong and quick.

Open-ended Questions: Including open-ended questions in the interview process is done on

purpose and with a plan. The interviewers use questions that don't have specific answers to make

Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Thompson feel comfortable sharing their ideas openly. Unlike questions

that ask for a specific answer, open-ended ones make you think and talk more about the topic

themselves (Matthews, B. & Ross, 2010). This way lets people talk openly about aging, health

and social problems. It helps them share their stories of struggles and successes using their own

words. Asking questions that do not have a set answer helps to get the full range of ideas from

people being interviewed.


Qualitative Analysis: The piece looks closely at the interview answers from Mrs. Johnson and

Mr. Thompson, focusing on finding themes and patterns in what they say. Qualitative study is

good for looking at personal feelings and finding hidden meanings in the stories told by people

being interviewed. The essay looks at big ideas and repeating themes. It doesn't just show single

answers, but it goes deeper to discover the special perspectives of the people being

interviewed. This way helps us to see clearly how confusing it can be when we get older and

make decisions later in life. It also shows how different everyone's experience is, from one

person to another. Quality study is an important way to find hidden stories that might not show

up with counting methods themselves (Matthews, B. & Ross, 2010). Basically, using the exact

words from answers and asking open ended questions help make interviews for essays richer and

more detailed. These ways together make investigating the thoughts and feelings of older people

on aging, health problems, and social issues better. They improve truthfulness, completeness and


Rationale for Choice of Methods

Picking interviews is the main way because it's a good fit to look at what people have

done, how they feel, and what they think. Direct answers from Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Thompson

help us understand their thoughts better, making the information about ageing, health problems

and community issues more interesting. The research used different types of questions in the

interview process to get deeper insights into what people think. Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Thompson

can share their experiences clearly with open-ended questions, helping them understand the

depth of their feelings about getting older and related problems better.The use of a quality

approach, especially through talks, is pushed by the complicated nature of getting older, health

issues and society's matters. Qualitative ways are great for finding out personal feelings and

showing hidden themes. They help us understand the many complex parts of growing older

better. The essay uses a qualitative approach to help understand the topic fully.

Awareness of Potential Strengths/Limitations of Chosen Methods


Richness of Data: Direct answers are a strong point because they give lots of specific

details. This helps readers to understand the small details and complex ideas of the people being

interviewed. Using words exactly makes the information real; it improves the story with special

ways of speaking from people being interviewed.

Personal Connection: The use of personal stories makes a strong bond between the listeners and

those being interviewed. This method helps Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Thompson have a kind

understanding of the situations they talk about. People can easily link to the personal tales,

making the effect of the details stronger.

In-depth Exploration: The good thing about using questions that don't have a right answer is it

lets us delve deeper into the topic. By asking open-ended questions, we can explore the many

different aspects of aging and related topics. This way helps us understand fully what the people

being interviewed think and feel.


Subjectivity: One problem can come from possible personal opinions in direct

answers. Because of someone's own opinions, these reactions might not be fair. This makes us

worry if the results can apply to everyone. The subjective nature of the interviews makes people

see things differently when listening to the views of those being questioned.

Limited Quantitative Data: Another problem could be not having enough numbers. While

qualitative methods give depth, they might not give the numbers needed for statistical study and

wide application. This issue might stop us from making wider guesses about numbers or patterns.

Interviewer Bias: The chance of an interviewer being biased makes the information less

dependable. If the person talking in the interview is unfair or changes questions, it could affect

what Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Thompson say. This bias might affect the fairness and

trustworthiness of the information gathered.


In conclusion, asking questions in interviews and using a qualitative approach helps to

fully understand what older people think and feel about getting older, their health problems and

any wider issues facing society. The paper shows a careful look at the chosen ways, recognizing

their good side which gives deep and personal information. However, it also knows about

possible shortcomings related to feelings' subjectivity and using not exact data.


Matthews, B. & Ross, L. (2010) Research Methods: a practical guide for social sciences Harlow:
Pearson Longman

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