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Survey Map

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1:50 000 Scale
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Elevations in metres – Contour interval: 10 m

Eau  Drinking water Cl. Clinic
installation Couv. Convent
Rau Brook Déb. Landing stage Motorways Main Secondary Linking Local Roads with traffic
Ab. Abbey Éc. School roads roads roads roads restriction
Anc. Former Fme Farm Dual carriageways
Bég. Convent M.C. Town hall Roads with 4 or more lanes
Bne Post Min Mill Roads  8 m wide
Calv. Wayside cross Pol. Integrated Roads  4 m and  8 m wide (and/or 2 or 3 lanes)
Carr. Quarry police force
Chap. Chapel or shrine Pp. Fire station Road  4 m wide (and/or 1 lane)
Chât. Castle Sabl. Sandpit Parking: with/
Road number – Exit
without petrol station

Earth track Bridge

Footbridge – Lock – Ship-lift – Wherry, ferry Sand, salt marsh

Path: (a) stepped – (b) paved – (c) unpaved Visible pipeline Sports complex – Football pitch – Sports ground

High voltage line

Railway: single track – multi-track – H.S.L. Rocks – Dunes – Spoil heap – Tumulus

Built-up area: (a) high – (b) moderate density Military risk zone, restricted access
Railway: with tunnel
Wall – Paved embankment – Row of trees
(c) Isolated building without function specified
(a) Sidings – (b) Station – (c) Halt (d) Isolated building with a specified function Embankment, crest – Dyke or earth bank – Steep

Level crossings – NE: Not electrified Industrial, agricultural, commercial building (a) Contour – (b) Intermediate contour – (c) Index contour

Contour interval is 10 metres

Cable transport – Conveyor belt Silo, storage tank – Miscellaneous buildings

Spot height – Height rounded to the metre
(a) (b) (c) Drinking water installation – building – Water tower
(a) (a) Bridges – (b) Viaduct – (c) Tunnels Geodetic point: elevated – at ground level
Church – Church out of use – Chapel

Religious building – Religious monument

International boundary
Monument – Castle – Tower – Cooling tower
a. River wider than 50 m Regional boundary
Windmill – Paddle wheel – Wind turbine
b. River 25 m to 50 m wide Provincial boundary
c. River 15 m to 25 m wide Chimney stack – Outstanding tree – District boundary
Telecommunication mast or tower
d. River 3 m to 15 m wide Municipal boundary
e. Stream
Lighthouse – Signal light – Heliport
f. Intermittent stream
Stone – Kilometre marker
g. Lake/Pond
h. Swamp, marsh
Cemetery – Ruin – Greenhouse
i. Spring, resurgence, sink-hole, well
NGI – reproduced with the authorization of the Belgian National Geographic Institute
j. Breakwater, pile construction Deciduous trees – Conifers – Mixed woodland
Any reproduction or adaptation in any form is forbidden
l. Dam
Orchard/tree nursery, Park National Geographic Institute – Brussels

Heath/moor – Brush Technical information on the development and the making of this map can be found on

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