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Dear Mayor,

We are an association called: ´´Protect the stray animals! ´´

We urgently ask you to solve the problems with stray animals in our city
There last month there have been lots of stray animals all over the street so we are very
concerned about it. We need to take action as earty as possible!!
Stray animals are a very big threat in the city, and also is a threat for their lives. They go
from one place to another and sometimes they stay in very dirty places as dumps where
they can catch lot of illnesses and transmit they to people. They can also cause traffic
accidents or can be dangerous for the citizens in the street.
This is why we ask that you take measures, such as hiring an animal shelter as soon as
possible, to prevent the problem from becoming more serious.
We, from our association, have decided to organize a concert in order to raise money for
building a new shelter so they be safe.
We wait your answer
Yours sincerely,
The protect the stray animal association.

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