Script For Wedding

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Title: [Couple's Names] Wedding Ceremony

Opening: Soft music plays as guests take their seats.

Officiant: Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends, welcome to the joyous union of [Bride's
Name] and [Groom's Name]. We gather here today to celebrate their love, commitment, and
the beginning of their journey together.

Processional: The bridal party and the bride make their entrance.

Officiant: As we witness the beautiful procession, let us remember the significance of this day—
the joining of two lives and the creation of a new family.

Welcome and Introduction: The officiant welcomes everyone and introduces the couple.

Officiant: Before we begin, [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name] would like to express their
gratitude to all of you for joining them on this special day. Today is a celebration of love,
friendship, and the promise of a shared future.

Acknowledgment of Loved Ones: Couple may choose to acknowledge or remember loved ones
who are not physically present.

Officiant: As we gather here, [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name] carry the love and memories
of those who have touched their lives. Though not physically present, their spirits are with us,
and we honor their memory.

Declaration of Intent: The officiant asks the couple about their intentions.

Officiant: [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name], have you come here freely and without
reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage?

Couple: We have.

Exchange of Vows: Couple may choose to recite traditional or personalized vows.

Officiant: [Bride's Name], please share your vows with [Groom's Name].

Bride: I, [Bride's Name], take you, [Groom's Name], to be my lawfully wedded husband. I
promise to love you, cherish you, and stand by you in times of joy and sorrow. You are my heart,
my partner, and my best friend.

Similar vows are exchanged by the groom.

Ring Exchange: Couple exchanges rings.

Officiant: These rings are symbols of your unending love and commitment to each other. May
they remind you of the promises you have made today.

Pronouncement: The officiant officially declares the couple married.

Officiant: By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may seal
your vows with a kiss.

The Kiss: The couple shares their first kiss as a married couple.

Presentation of the Couple: The officiant introduces the newlyweds.

Officiant: Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to present for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. [Last

Recessional: The couple, now married, exits followed by the bridal party.

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