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Ribosome profiling analysis of human skeletal

muscle identifies reduced translation of
mitochondrial proteins with age

Ravi Tharakan, Ceereena Ubaida-Mohien, Yulan Piao, Myriam Gorospe &

Luigi Ferrucci

To cite this article: Ravi Tharakan, Ceereena Ubaida-Mohien, Yulan Piao, Myriam Gorospe
& Luigi Ferrucci (2021) Ribosome profiling analysis of human skeletal muscle identifies
reduced translation of mitochondrial proteins with age, RNA Biology, 18:11, 1555-1559, DOI:

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Published online: 21 Jan 2021.

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2021, VOL. 18, NO. 11, 1555–1559


Ribosome profiling analysis of human skeletal muscle identifies reduced translation

of mitochondrial proteins with age
Ravi Tharakana,b, Ceereena Ubaida-Mohiena, Yulan Piaob, Myriam Gorospeb, and Luigi Ferruccia
Translational Gerontology Branch, National Institutes of Health, Baltimore, MD, USA; bLaboratory of Genetics and Genomics, National Institute on
Aging Intramural Research Program, National Institutes of Health, Baltimore, MD, USA


With advancing age, human muscle loses strength and function, but the molecular causes of these Received 15 August 2020
losses are unknown. Skeletal muscle shows an age-dependent decline in the levels of different proteins, Revised 8 January 2021
but whether such decline is associated with reduced translation has not been studied. To address this Accepted 9 January 2021
gap of knowledge, we used the technique of ribosome profiling to study translation in muscle from
middle-aged and old individuals. Using ribosome occupancy as a measure of translation status, several Ageing; skeletal muscle;
mRNAs showed differential translation with age. Older age was associated with lower translation of translation regulation;
myosin and titin isoforms and more broadly with the translation of proteins involved in oxidative ribosome profiling
phosphorylation encoded by the mitochondrial genome. Based on our findings, we propose that
mitochondrial proteins are less translated in old skeletal muscle.

Introduction, results, discussion transcript the ratio of translating mRNAs with overall mRNAs
present in the tissue.
Several lines of research suggest that the regulation of
Briefly, muscle biopsies were performed from vastus later­
protein translation is important for human longevity.
alis and each sample was split for both RNASeq and ribosome
Treatment with the drug rapamycin, a caloric restriction
profiling (Figure 1A). For ribosome profiling, muscle was
mimetic that prolongs life span in animal models, functions
immersed into a polysome preparation buffer containing
at least in part by reducing protein translation [1,2]. In
cycloheximide to fix ribosomes in place before digestion
C. elegans, lowering protein translation by either drug
with RNase I. Protected ribosome footprints were then
treatment or RNAi targeting ribosome components was
extracted in Trizol, purified using a Qiagen RNA kit, and
found to enhance longevity [3–6]. Similarly, in
finally isolated on a denaturing gel. In parallel, Total
D. Melanogaster, a mutation in the translation factor 4E-
RNASeq libraries were digested with proteinase K, and full-
BP decreases translation, reduces protein aggregation in
length RNA was isolated using the Qiagen Fibrous RNA kit.
muscle and increases longevity [7]. The mechanisms
Ribosome profiling (RiboSeq) libraries were single-end
whereby lowering translation promotes longevity are not
sequenced to a depth of 150 to 250 million reads, while
understood, and it is unknown whether modifications of
Total RNASeq libraries were paired-end sequenced on
translation occur during human ageing.
a NextSeq to a depth of 600 to 800 million reads. All reads
To address this gap of knowledge, we analysed the transla­
were then aligned to the known protein-coding gene tran­
tional profiles of skeletal muscle biopsies from three middle-
scriptome using Ensembl hg38.
aged and two old human subjects. The middle-aged subjects
To look systematically at the global relationship between
were 43 years old (y.o.) (Caucasian female), 46 y.o. (Caucasian
transcription and translation in our samples, we first calcu­
male), and 41 y.o. (African American female), and the old
lated the number of reads aligning to each known human
subjects were 83 y.o. (Caucasian female) and 85 y.o.
transcript (TPM, transcripts per million) for both the ribo­
(Caucasian male). Transcript-specific translation was globally
some profiling and the Total RNA libraries. In Figure 1B, each
evaluated by ribosome profiling, a technique that identifies
dot represents normalized read counts for ribosome profiling
ribosome-protected mRNA fragments by RNASeq analysis.
(y-axis, RiboSeqTPM) and their relationship with normalized
The identification of ribosome-protected mRNAs segments
read counts for Total RNA (y-axis, RNASeqTPM) for each
provides evidence that a certain mRNAs is engaged in active
transcript isoform, and shows the extent to which RNA
translation at a given point in time in a given cell or tissue.
expression and translation are related. Looking across all
Ribosome profiling and total RNA profiling were performed
transcripts and all samples, we observed a general correlation
side-by-side by using RNASeq analysis to estimate for each
between mRNA levels and levels of ribosome occupancy, but

CONTACT Luigi Ferrucci Translational Gerontology Branch, National Institute on Aging Intramural Research Program, NIH 251
Bayview Blvd, Baltimore, MD 21224
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed here.
© 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Figure 1. Workflow of ribosome profiling experiment and ribosome occupancy analysis. (A) Bergström needle biopsies from vastus lateralis muscles were obtained
from healthy adults. Samples were collected from three middle-aged and two old individuals, as shown. Ribosome profiling and Total RNA libraries (RiboSeq and
RNASeq, respectively) were prepared. The bioinformatic workflow for the ribosome profiling data filtered out contaminating non-coding RNA sequences, in particular
rRNAs, tRNAs, snRNAs, and snoRNAs, and then aligned the RiboSeq reads to the known transcriptome. In parallel, Total RNASeq data was aligned to the
transcriptome. Finally, translational efficiency (TE) was calculated for each known transcript by finding the ratio RiboSeq/RNASeq. TE was then compared between
muscle from younger and older participants. (B) Overall distributions of ribosome profiling and Total RNA sequencing data. The scatterplots show, for each known
transcript, the normalized level of reads from the ribosome profiling libraries in transcripts per million (TPM) in the y-axes (RiboSeqTPM) and the RNA sequencing in
the x-axes (RNASeqTPM). The y-axis represents the level of ribosome occupancy and hence translation level, while the x-axis is a representation of the steady-state
levels of mRNAs in the cell (the balance between mRNA transcription and mRNA degradation). Highlighted are the transcripts whose translation was significantly
different between younger and older individuals: red dots represent mitochondrial transcripts, which cluster together and were decreased with age, green dots
represent mRNAs showing decreasing translation in older muscle, and blue represent mRNAs showing increased translation in older muscle. Descriptions of
significantly changed transcripts are found in Table 1.

also some transcripts which had substantially higher or lower are components of oxidative phosphorylation complexes [9].
ribosome binding than others. Importantly, we found that Since 7 out of these 13 mRNAs appeared less translated, our
mitochondrial transcripts, which are translated by mitochon­ data suggest that mitochondrial transcripts are poorly trans­
drial ribosomes, were abundantly recovered by our protocol lated in older human skeletal muscle. The remaining six
(Figure 1B, green dots). mitochondrial mRNAs also decreased in translation with
The ratio between ribosome profiling reads and Total RNA age, although not an extent to reach statistical significance
reads is an estimate of the probability of ribosome binding to (Table S1). Additionally, we found that translational engage­
a given transcript and represents the translational efficiency ment of myosin heavy chain 4 (MYH4) and two isoforms of
(TE) of that transcript. We asked whether there were specific titin (TTN), two protein components of sarcomeres, were
transcripts whose TE was different according to age. We lower with older age. The ribosome occupancy on mRNAs
divided the samples into two age groups of young (ages 43, encoding three transcription factors was also significantly
41 and 46) and old (ages 83 and 85). Fifteen transcripts were associated with age; two of them increased with age
significantly differentially translated between age groups [Poly(rC) binding protein 2 (PCBP2) and Kelch like family
(Table 1). Consistent with previous reports of decreased over­ member 31 (KLHL31)] and one of them decreased with age
all skeletal muscle translation with age [8], we found that 13 [Zinc finger BED-type containing 9 (ZBED9)]. When exam­
of these 15 transcripts were less translated in muscle from ining the positions of the ribosome footprints on these tran­
older participants. Interestingly, 7 of the mRNAs displaying scripts, we do not find patterns suggesting ribosomal pausing,
reduced ribosome engagement in old muscle were encoded by as the ribosomal profiling reads appear to be evenly distrib­
the mitochondrial genome (mtDNA). The mtDNA contains uted along the transcripts in both the young and old samples
only 37 genes, of which 13 are protein-coding; all 13 proteins (Supplemental Data S1). Of the two transcripts whose

Table 1. Transcripts with translational efficiency significantly different between age groups. Negative fold changes indicate lower translation with older age and,
viceversa, positive fold changes indicate higher translation with older age. Significance was tested using a Wald test with Benjamini-Hochberg adjustment.
Transcript Ensembl Adjusted Gene Transcript
Identifier log2 (Fold Change) P-value Name Name
Reduced with Age
ENST00000361381.2 −1.70662 0.028 MT-ND4 Mitochondrially encoded NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase core subunit 4
ENST00000361899.2 −1.72477 0.032 MT-ATP6 Mitochondrially encoded ATP synthase membrane subunit 6
ENST00000361739.1 −2.07291 0.007 MT-CO2 Mitochondrially encoded cytochrome c oxidase II
ENST00000361390.2 −2.12031 0.007 MT-ND1 Mitochondrially encoded NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase core subunit 1
ENST00000361789.2 −2.14707 0.010 MT-CYB Mitochondrially encoded cytochrome b
ENST00000362079.2 −2.2179 0.007 MT-CO3 Mitochondrially encoded cytochrome c oxidase III
ENST00000361624.2 −2.29835 0.010 MT-CO1 Mitochondrially encoded cytochrome c oxidase I
ENST00000514057.1 −2.8333 0.014 MTATP6P1 MT-ATP6 pseudogene 1
ENST00000524745.2 −3.76914 0.040 ZBED9 Zinc finger BED-type containing 9
ENST00000615779.5 −4.2267 0.040 TTN Titin
ENST00000540040.2 −4.59802 0.001 MTRNR2L1 MT-RNR2 like 1
ENST00000255381.2 −4.69351 0.032 MYH4 Myosin heavy chain 4
ENST00000591111.5 −6.51863 0.010 TTN Titin
Increased with Age
ENST00000550733.1 5.594702 0.007 PCBP2 Poly(rC) binding protein 2
ENST00000407079.1 4.250734 0.041 KLHL31 Kelch like family member 31

ribosome occupancy increased with age, one, KLHL31 mRNA, Our results further suggest that mitochondrial biogenesis in
contains an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) [10], while the skeletal muscle decreases with age at least in part through
other, PCBP2 mRNA, encodes an IRES trans-activating factor a decline in mitochondrial translation. Furthermore, it is possi­
[11], suggesting cap-independent translation might increase ble that the observed age-associated changes in mitochondrial
overall. The transcripts showing increased translation with age translation occur in other tissues, since mitochondrial dysfunc­
did not share other common features such as upstream open tion is widely observed across ageing tissues. The regulation of
reading frames or long untranslated regions. The mechanism the mitochondrial translation machinery remains poorly under­
of these changes will be investigated in future work. stood. While cytosolic translation is regulated by translation
We and other labs have documented a decline in mito­ activators and repressors, typically by binding to the 5ʹ untrans­
chondrial proteins in skeletal muscle with age [12,13]. Our lated regions (5ʹUTRs) of cytosolic mRNAs, mitochondrial
current study suggests that such a decline may involve mRNAs do not have 5ʹUTRs [17], and it is thus unclear how
a decrease in the translation of mtDNA-encoded proteins. their translation is modulated. Only one factor, translational
Several studies have examined changes in the translation of activator of COX I (TACO1), has so far been identified as
mitochondrial proteins with age using isotopic labelling of a regulator of mitochondrial mRNA translation, but its mole­
protein translation [14–16]. In Rooyackers et al., human sub­ cular mechanism of action is unknown [18]. Progress towards
jects were given an infusion of labelled amino acid; analysis of elucidating how mitochondrial translation is regulated will help
mitochondria from muscle biopsies showed reduced incor­ to identify the molecular factors responsible for the mitochon­
poration of the label and hence reduced translation [15]. drial decline in ageing skeletal muscle.
Using a similar approach, Miller et al. fed mice with heavy-
isotope water, then analysed the mitochondrial fraction for
isotopic incorporation and found increased translation with Experimental procedures
age [16]. However, these studies cannot differentiate the Human subjects and biopsies
translation rates of specific mRNAs, since the label is deliv­
ered to the whole animal. To our knowledge our study is the Study participants were from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study
first to examine the translation of specific mitochondrial of Ageing, a longitudinal study of ageing supported by the
mRNAs in ageing skeletal muscle. In another study using rat National Institute on Ageing. Muscle biopsies were obtained
liver, Marcus et al. isolated mitochondria from liver samples from healthy individuals as previously reported[19]. Briefly,
and then incubated inner-membrane fractions to label new after anaesthetization with 2% Lidocaine, a 6-mm Bergström
translation, finding a decrease in mitochondrial translation biopsy was used to obtain 200 to 400 mg of tissue, which was
with age. Our ribosome profiling data from ageing human then snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored until further
skeletal muscle are in line with this latter study, as we find processing. Before thawing, muscle tissue was pulverized into
specific decreases in the translational engagement of mtDNA- a powder using a liquid nitrogen cooled mortar.
encoded components of the mitochondrial proteome, but no
significant differences in the translation of mitochondrial
Ribosome profiling, preparation of RNASeq libraries, and
proteins encoded by the nuclear DNA. We found no changes
in the levels of mRNAs encoding protein components of the
mitochondrial ribosome (Table S2), suggesting that the To prepare ribosome profiling RNASeq libraries, a protocol
decrease in mitochondrial translation is not due to an overall based on Ingolia, et al. [20], was used with some modifications.
decrease in the production of mitochondrial ribosomes. First, pulverized muscle powder was fully homogenized by

trituration in a polysome buffer containing 20 mM Tris-Cl, pH tRNAs, snRNAs, snoRNAs, are also bound to the ribosome
7.5; 150 mM NaCl; 5 mM MgCl2; 1 mM dithiothreitol; and itself and should not be considered translated sequences [21].
100 mg/ml cycloheximide (Sigma-Aldrich). The lysate was then Therefore, the ribosome profiling reads were first aligned to
cleared by centrifugation at 20,000 x g for 10 minutes at 4°C, a database of known human rRNAs, tRNAs, snRNAs and
then treated with 1% NP-40 (Sigma-Aldrich) and Turbo DNase snoRNAs and any aligning reads were filtered out. The average
(ThermoFisher) at 25 U/ml for 10 minutes on ice, and cleared rate of contamination across all libraries is shown in Figure 1.
again by centrifugation at 20,000 x g for 10 minutes at 4°C. The The filtered reads from the ribosome profiling libraries
RNA concentration was then measured using Qubit High (RiboSeq) as well as the Total RNA (RNASeq) reads were
Sensitivity RNA kit according to the manufacturer’s protocol, aligned to the Ensembl human transcriptome (Homo_sapiens.
and RNase I (ThermoFisher) was added to a concentration of GRCh38.cdna) using Salmon [22]. Finally, the translational
1 µg RNA:10 units RNase I. Digestion was performed at room efficiency of each transcript was determined by taking the
temperature with agitation for 45 minutes. The digestion was ratio of the ribosome profiling reads to the Total RNA reads
stopped with 200 U of RNase inhibitor (SuperaseIn, for each transcript, and the two age groups were compared
ThermoFisher) and the digested sample was layered over 1 ml using RiboRex, with transcripts [23]. Transcripts were included
of 1 M sucrose cushion containing RNase inhibitor in a 13-mm in the analysis only if they were detected in all five samples and
x 51-mm ultracentrifugation tube (Beckman-Coulter), and above a minimum TPM of 0.001 in RiboSeq. Upstream open
ribosomes were then pelleted by ultracentrifugation in a TLA reading frames and untranslated region lengths were deter­
100.3 rotor for 2 hours at 70,000 rpm at 4°C. The resulting mined using Ensembl Human (GRCh38.p13) genome annota­
pellet was then resuspended in Qiazol (Qiagen), purified, and tions. For mitoribosome expression analysis, results of Salmon
separated on a 15% TBE-urea gel. Footprint size selection, alignment were analysed for differential expression with
dephosphorylation, and linker ligation were performed accord­ DESeq2 [24,25].
ing to the Ingolia procedure with the following modifications:
footprint sizes were selected between 28 and 34 nucleotides, the
Universal miRNA Cloning Linker (NEB) was used, and T4
RNA Ligase 2, truncated K227Q (NEB) was used. For rRNA This work was supported in its entirety by the National Institute on
depletion, the RiboZero kit (Illumina) was used after linker Aging Intramural Research Program, NIH. We would like to acknowl­
ligation, using the manufacturer’s protocol, with 8 µl of rRNA edge the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging subjects and team for
the muscle biopsy samples. We would also like to acknowledge Nicholas
removal solution, 18 µl of RNase-free water, and 4 µl RiboZero Ingolia and William Wood for technical advice and assistance.
buffer, for a total volume per sample of 40 µl. The reaction was
then purified using the RNA clean and concentrator-5 (Zymo),
eluting into 10 µl water. Reverse transcription, circularization, Funding
and PCR amplification were performed according to Ingolia
This research was supported by the Intramural Program of the National
et al., except that CircLigase 2 was substituted and ATP omitted Institutes of Aging.
from the circularization reaction. Ribosome profiling libraries
were sequenced using an Illumina HiSeq 2500, single-end, 75-
bp reads, with a maximum depth per sample of between Author contributions
150 million and 250 million reads. R. Tharakan, M. Gorospe, and L. Ferrucci conceived and designed the
To prepare Total RNASeq libraries, pulverized tissue was project. R. Tharakan and Y. Piao performed ribosome profiling experi­
homogenized in a buffer containing proteinase K. Digestion ments. R. Tharakan, C. Ubaida-Mohien, and L. Ferrucci analyzed data.
was performed at 55°C for 10 minutes. Samples were then All authors contributed to writing of the manuscript.
extracted using the Qiagen Fibrous Tissue kit. Total RNAs
were then extracted using the Qiagen Fibrous Tissue kit. After Data availability statement
quality checking on the Agilent Bioanalyzer, the rRNA was
Raw RNASeq datasets from all samples, both RiboSeq and TotalRNASeq,
depleted using the RiboMinus kit according to the manufac­ are openly available in NCBI GEO at with
turer’s protocols. cDNA was prepared using a NuGen Ovation accession number GSE152558.25
RNA-Seq system V2 and fragmented by sonication using
a Biorupter for library preparation. Libraries were prepared
using the Illumina TruSeq ChIP library preparation kit. RNA- Disclosure of potential conflict of interest
seq libraries were sequenced paired-end on an Illumina No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
NextSeq, with a read depth between 600 million and
800 million reads.

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