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Southern Alberta Institute of Technology

Student Success Plan

School of Manufacturing and Automation

School of Transportation

Personal Information

Student Name: Student ID:

Program: Email Address:

Year: Date:

Support Questions

Third Attempt Course:

During your previous attempts, did you ever reach out to your instructor for help?
Yes No

Have you reached out to an academic advisor before?

Yes No

Have you been in contact with accessibility services?

Yes No If no, would you benefit from connecting with accessibility services?

Have you been in contact with Lamb Learner Success Centre?

Yes No
Do you currently Work?
Yes No If yes, How many hours a week are you working?

Success Plan
Take a look at the resources at the end to help you answer the following questions.

What challenges are preventing you in succeeding in your course?

What can you do to overcome those challenges?

Please come up with five goals to help you succeed during your third attempt?






What is your plan of action to accomplish your goals?

I have met with my Academic Advisor and I agree to addressing the challenges outlined
and discussed:
Student Name and Signature:

Academic Advisor Name and Signature:

Academic Chair Name and Signature:

The Lamb Learner Success Centre:
 Link: Lamb Learner Success Webpage
 Link: Testing Services
 Link: Academic Tutoring
They can help you to:

• Arrange accessible accommodation

• Improve your study and problem-solving skills
• Need help with options to funding your education
• Connect students with free resources through the Early Alert Program
• Book a test at Testing Services
• Connect with a tutor or receive feedback on a writing assignment

Academic Coaching:
 Link: Academic Coaching
Sharpen your study skills and ease exam anxiety with support from an academic coach. An
academic coach is a pro when it comes to time management, note-taking, exam strategies and
lots more — and these pros are always ready to share tips.

You can book an appointment with an academic coach by following this link: Schedule a
meeting - Academic Coaching - On Campus - LibCal - Learner Services - SAIT

Accessibility Services:

 Link: Accessibility Services

Accessibility Services reduces barriers to learning at SAIT through:

• assistance with funding applications for services, equipment and technology

• equipment loans
• classroom and exam accommodations
• consultations and referrals

Achieve your academic best through a more accessible learning experience — we support
students with documented mobility, sensory (vision, hearing), learning, attentional,
neurological, psychological or temporary disabilities.

If you think you may have a condition affecting your learning but have not been formally
diagnosed, we may be able to arrange an assessment — contact us.

If you're looking for accommodation for religious observance, contact the Interfaith Centre.
Technical Support and Resources:

 Link: Computer and Technical Support

Technical support includes help with computer hardware and software technical problems,
email, audio-visual needs and more.

Student Development and Counselling:

 Link: Student Development and Counselling

 Link: Focus on well-being (
 Link: Sexual Assault and Violence (

They offer a range of online wellness workshops and self-help tools for when:

• You're feeling stressed or overwhelmed

• You need help working through a personal concern
• You need help with your school work and academics
• You're concerned about a friend

You can book an appointment or contact us by calling 403.284.7023 or on Microsoft Teams by

searching ‘Student Development and Counselling’.

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