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Section 1: Implement information and knowledge management systems 3

Section 2: Assist stakeholders to use information and knowledge management systems 10
Section 3: Monitor and review use of the information and knowledge management systems 16


Section 1: Implement information and knowledge
management systems
Complete the table to describe your organisation’s operations and information and knowledge
management systems.

What activities and Forrester is an UK-based company that creates technology research
processes take place in reports and provides advisory services and technology conferences. The
your organisation? company also provides analysis in technology areas including computing,
software, networking, the Internet and telecommunications. The company's
clients include senior management, business strategists and information
technology professionals. In general, Forrester projects how technology
trends will impact businesses, consumers and society as a whole.

Which information and In 2023, the Forrester report on agile knowledge management positioned
knowledge management knowledge management’s success as an agile practice instead of the
systems are already in waterfall approach that organizations have embraced for decades.
use in your Modern, resilient operations have organizations embracing agility to drive
organisation? innovation while simultaneously seeking to eliminate waste, improve
productivity, and create value.


Do research to identify
and summarise at least
three additional data and
knowledge management
systems that already
exist which may be
useful to the
Attach proof of your
research (e.g. screen
shot of internet search)
to this section of your


Complete the table to describe the information and knowledge management systems that will be

Information management Knowledge management

system system

The Forrester Wave™ is a Transformative = Create

Describe the system.
guide for buyers considering Knowledge From Facts And
their purchasing options in a Procedures From Policies
technology marketplace and
is based on our analysis and
opinion. To offer an equitable
process for all participants, Generative = The Power Of The
Forrester follows a publicly First Draft
available methodology, which
we apply consistently across
all participating vendors.
Sometimes, vendors decide Machine Learning = Continuous
not to participate in the formal Improvement With And Without
Forrester Wave evaluation Human Effort
process. In these instances,
Forrester evaluates the
vendor according to The
Forrester Wave™ Vendor Synthesis = Training With
Participation Policy . Internal And External Content
Without Human Effort
The Forrester Wave uses a
transparent methodology to
compare the players in a
software, hardware, or Conversational = Easy-To-
services market so our clients Understand Language Improves
can make well-informed End User Self-Service
purchasing decisions. The
Forrester Wave offers two
major benefits to clients: our
detailed analysis of vendors’
products and services, based
on transparent criteria, and an
Excel spreadsheet that allows
clients to easily compare
products and develop custom
shortlists according to their
own requirements. We
evaluate products that are
generally available no later
than the time of the Wave
questionnaire due date.

In order to treat all vendors

equally, a Forrester analyst
will decline client engagement
(e.g., inquiries, advisory, etc.)
if the client is a vendor that
the analyst is currently
evaluating in a Wave, and if
the engagement pertains to
the same market.


Information management Knowledge management
system system

List at least three system key  Establish an evolving Transactions with an end user
performance indicators (KPIs). learning system to meet or customer (ITSM, ESM, CRM,
future changes and stay etc.),
 Reach a new vision of
marketing performance Wokers need to provide
and optimized ROI! feedback and self-review
 Average Time for
Advantage of the capabilities of
generative AI and large
language models (LLM)

List at least two stakeholders Investors Government bodies

who will use the system.
Creditors Council members


Complete the table to summarise the legislative requirements for implementing and using information
and knowledge management systems within your organisation.

You may use the following links to access various Information Management legislative, regulatory and
standard requirements:

Summarise applicable An Act to make provision in relation to the recovery of damages for
legislation (at least one) death or personal injury caused by the fault of a person; to amend
the Legal Profession Act 1987 in relation to costs in civil claims;
and for other purposes.

Summarise applicable The Act makes the National Archives responsible for: -Identifying
regulations (at least one) the archival resources of the Commonwealth (that is,
Commonwealth information of enduring value) - Preserving and
making publicly available

Summarise applicable Knowledge Management Refer to the Codes of Practice used in

standards and codes (at least your organisation, or as relevant to an industry you are familiar with
and specify the state you are in Knowledge Acquisition

Privacy and Freedom of Information : Code of Health and

Community Rights and Responsibilities

What are the implications for

LLMs are limited by the quality and accuracy of the data used for
your organisation if new training and cannot understand the context. Generative AI
legislation or regulations related responses are only as reliable as the information that the LLM has
to information and knowledge been trained on. Most organizations have data integrity problems.
management are introduced Therefore, it is vital for users to critically evaluate the provided
(provide at least two examples)? information and seek confirmed sources when necessary.


It is clear to us and many others that generative AI can significantly
impact an organization’s ability to create, improve, find, and
transfer knowledge across the enterprise. Over the coming
months, we will continue exploring and sharing these possibilities.
With the pace of change, we could quickly accelerate how
knowledge management works in a matter of months or weeks.
We have already seen demonstrations of what the future looks like.
It is crazy. It is wild. And as knowledge management enthusiasts,
we can’t wait to see how it can help knowledge workers be more

Complete the table to identify and summarise organisational requirements for the implementation and
use of the proposed information and knowledge management systems.

Summarise the requirements of at least one of Jay Pattisal, VP, Principal Analyst has also
your organisation’s existing policies and implemented a information management system
procedures for information management.
which is a generative AI, named DALL-E 2 to
Attach proof of your organisation’s policies and manage the proficiency of marketing strategy.
procedures to this section of your portfolio.
This include

Complicated Algorithm to research new

consuming trends by using machine learning and
natural language to combine information that
already has online and from there, create an
corresponding survey

AI and Automation procedure to combine services

and technology

Summarise the requirements of at least one of Jay has instructed Liana Forrester (General
your organisation’s existing policies and Manager) to implement the systems at both
procedures for knowledge management.
branches in Sydney and US to ensure that staff
Attach proof of your organisation’s policies and are adequately trained to use the systems.
procedures (e.g. screen shot of internet search)
Implementation should be done by sending an
to this section of your portfolio.
email to store managers that explains the two
systems and providing links to the relevant
systems. Jay reminded Liana to emphasise the
relevant policies and procedures linked to the two


The knowledge management system should:

 Always be accessible to relevant


 Be updated to contain up-to-date

information on a monthly basis

 Provide opportunity for collaboration

between store managers.

The information management system should:

• Be simple and easy to use

• Allow store assistants to search for

existing customers

• Allow multiple users to access the information at

the same time.

Do research and summarise at least two Devoted customers will pay 50% to 200% more to
examples of best-practice Information and stay with your brand. Inspiring and maintaining
Knowledge Management Policies and such loyalty requires your organization to master
Procedures. the discipline of customer experience (CX), which
Attach proof of your research (e.g. screen shot of necessitates a shift from the “quick fix” mentality
internet search) to this section of your portfolio. to a continuous transformational effort.
As the next era of digital unfolds, consumer
expectations will evolve at an unprecedented
pace, creating more demand than ever for high-
quality, seamless digital experiences. To win and
retain more customers today and accelerate
future profitability, brands must overcome their
own digital divides.

How can your organisation’s policy and procedure Forrester Decisions for Digital Business &
be improved to be more in line with the best Strategy helps leaders meet the needs of today’s
practice examples? empowered consumers while reimagining the role
of digital experiences and expertise to drive future
Forrester Decisions for Customer Experience
empowers CX leaders to mature their
organization and fuel predictable business
growth. With a combination of bold vision, curated
tools and frameworks, and hands-on guidance,
you’ll deliver experiences intentionally created to
drive loyalty across customers’ most meaningful

Complete the table to summarise system implementation.


Note: You may choose to implement the systems separately or at the same time. You may also address
problems simultaneously or separately.

Information management Knowledge management

system system

How did you implement the Requirements and guidance use

system according to legislative the term ‘management system’
and organisational rather than ‘quality assurance’.
requirements? The term ‘management system’
reflects and includes the initial
Attach proof of how you
concept of ‘quality control’
implemented the system to this
(controlling the quality of products)
section of your portfolio (e.g.
and its evolution through ‘quality
draft email to relevant
assurance’ (the system to ensure
stakeholders, screen shot of
the quality of products) and ‘quality
uploaded system etc.)
management’ (the system to
Note: you may need to attach manage quality). For organisations
a variety of proof (e.g. email as operating low power research
well as screen shot of reactors with a limited number of
uploaded system) depending experimental facilities, there are
on your organisation’s significant differences in the type
requirements. and extent of the controls that
need to be applied in comparison
with those operating high power
research reactors with an
extended number of experimental
facilities and an increased demand
for isotope production or other
irradiation services. Consequently,
the scope, extent and details of the
management system can be
established and implemented
using a graded approach.

 Use continuous
What problems did you Client management data as
improvement processes
encounter as you implemented to soften culture the database was too large
the system? shock. Successful CRM and there was no software that
requires an organization to had the capacity to hold the
Note: You must encounter at learn and accept new data
least two problems across the business processes and
implementation of both supporting technologies,
systems. One problem must which is never easy. As a
require technical assistance manager of IT quality at a
public-sector company put
and one problem should it, "Our greatest difficulty
include new was changing the culture
priorities/demands. of our users." Use quick
wins to gain support for
the new CRM system and
continuous improvement
to keep interest high.
 Overcome adoption
issues by letting users


Information management Knowledge management
system system

functionality. Employees
won't adopt new CRM
processes and
technologies that do not
have a clear benefit for
users and that aren't
properly socialized. A
CRM architect at a media,
entertainment, and leisure
firm told us that "end user
adoption is always difficult,
especially with our sales
team." Enterprises should
ensure that users have
opportunities to influence
application functionality
and enhancements.
 Plan carefully to
facilitate changes in
management and
employee behaviors. An
organization's top
executives set the tone for
a customer-centric culture,
one that emphasizes the
need to adopt new
processes and tools to
serve customers more
effectively. Employees
look at the behaviors of
the senior leadership team
to determine which
activities are valued and
which aren’t
Identify at least four  Improve accuracy of data Once problems or issues have
contingency plans (across both entry been identified and changes
systems) that may be used to identified then an action plan
address the issues or problems  Upgrading hardware or would need proposing for the
you encountered. software recommendation of
 Further learning and
development strategies

 Changes to system


Information management Knowledge management
system system

 There’s no tunnel,
Address implementation the It includes a search feature so
there’s no light. There is
issues and problems. no finish line where users can get answers to
change stops and a new, specific solutions as well as
Note: You must seek technical
stable normal begins. The top articles and product-
assistance from a technical goal of digital specific navigation. In addition,
specialist for at least one transformation is more and
the sidebar links to a Tableau
problem. You must adjust faster change, creating a
more adaptive, creative, community so users can
implementation plans to meet
and resilient organization. bounce ideas off others, and it
new demands or priorities for
Traditional change also includes other customer
at least problem. management targeted at education features like
Attach proof of how you bringing an organization
classroom training, e-
from one steady state to
assessed a technical specialist learnings, training videos, and
another is insufficient.
to this section of your portfolio Shying away from webinars.
(e.g. online chat screen shot, adjusting incentives in line
recording of telephone with the change targets
conversation etc.). means reinforcing old
muscle memory.
Attach proof of how you  Not everybody wins. Not
adjusted the implementation wanting to address difficult
plans to meet new demands or messages is human. But
it’s not good leadership.
Employees know that not
everybody wins in
transformation. Skills lose
relevance, team structures
are shaken up, and the
threat of layoffs is always
looming over the initiative.
It is hard to trust
leadership and buy into
the initiative if
communication focuses on
the benefits only and does
not address the obvious

 If incentives don’t
change, behaviors won’t
either. Organizations
develop a certain muscle
memory about “how things
are done around here.”
measurement and
incentives cement routine
behaviors by rewarding
staff accordingly.
Changing routines is hard,
but chances of success
increase if behavioral
change is rewarded and
incentivized with adjusted


Information management Knowledge management
system system

 You can indeed

overcommunicate. The
old notion of “you cannot
overcommunicate” is a
severe mistake. Too many
change management
efforts rely on firehose,
repetitive outbound
communication, hoping
the message will stick
eventually. Successful
transformation leaders
listen more and talk less,
targeting their
communication strategy
toward the specific
concerns they’ve identified
with a solid listening

 C-suite backing is not

enough. Relying on senior
executive buy-in only
creates a missing link in
change management.
Middle management plays
a crucial role in driving and
contextualizing the
transformation within their
teams. Transformation
leaders therefore need to
create buy-in from middle
management and provide
them with the information
and tools they need to be
effective change leaders
within their remit.

Attach: Proof of organisational policies and procedures ☐

Proof of data and knowledge management systems


Proof of industry best practise research ☐

Proof of information management system implementation ☐

Proof of knowledge management system implementation ☐

Proof seeking technical specialist assistance ☐

Proof of how you adjusted the implementation plans to ☐


meet new demands or priorities

Proof of Organisational Policies and Procedures


Proof of Data and Knowledge Management Systems Research


Proof of Industry Best Practise Research


Proof of Information Management System Implementation

From: General Manager

Subject: Information Management System Implementation

Dear CEO,

I hereby informing you that information management system has been implemented and
now running well in our workplace environment.

For organisations operating low power research reactors with a limited number of
experimental facilities, there are significant differences in the type and extent of the
controls that need to be applied in comparison with those operating high power research
reactors with an extended number of experimental facilities and an increased demand
for isotope production or other irradiation services

Please give your review and approval regarding this. I’ll look forward hearing from you,
thank you.

Best regards,

General Manager


Proof of Knowledge Management System Implementation

From: General Manager

Subject: Knowledge Management System Implementation

Dear CEO,

I hereby informing you that knowledge management system has been implemented and
now running well in our workplace environment.

The Forrester selection process may be streamlined with statistics from the records
gadget, as it may be viable to define a job description well aligned with the firms required
for each feature and it's going to also be possible to evaluate what the modern-day
capabilities needs are for each sort of professional.

Please give your review and approval regarding this. I’ll look forward hearing from you,
thank you.

Best regards,

General Manager


Proof Seeking Technical Specialist Assistance


Proof of How You Adjusted the Implementation Plans to Meet
New Demands or Priorities


Section 2: Assist stakeholders to use information and
knowledge management systems
Complete the table to show how you encouraged the use of the systems throughout the organisation.
Note: You may choose to promote and support the systems separately or simultaneously.

Information management Knowledge management

system system

1. Commerce platforms  Providers cover a

How did you promote the
offer embedded wide range of
system within your organisation promotions engines, but functionalities,
(e.g. bulletin post, general staff their effective channel is depending on the
email, poster for office notice usually limited to the
provider type.
board, social media post etc.)? owned website only —
and they’re only
Attach proof of how you available as part of the  All categories of
promoted the use of the commerce solution. providers can deliver
systems to this section of your
Businesses that require on user-defined
unified, omnichannel special pricing by
portfolio. promotions and offer customer/segment,
management should onsite promotional
look elsewhere. messaging, and built-
2. Loyalty platforms in reporting
include these tools dashboards. But you
embedded within their won’t find AI-
greater solutions. Many generated dynamic
sell them as stand- offers and promotions
alone tools as well,
from commerce or
though businesses may
derive more value from
promotions stand-
these systems when alone providers —
using them in these deeper features
conjunction with more can be found in
tools from the vendor. loyalty-based
3. There is a small market
systems. And very
of specialized promotion few providers offer
and offer management industry or
“only” tools. Digital performance
businesses may enable benchmarking.
these solutions for
omnichannel promotion
and offer management,
similar to stand-alone
solutions from loyalty


Information management Knowledge management
system system

What document did you The Identify Stakeholder The introduction of systems
produce for stakeholders to process has a single output brings the need of learning to
refer to when using the system which is the creation of a the users and stakeholders
(e.g. fact sheet, user manual or stakeholder register. The impacted by the system. It's
process flow-chart poster etc.)? stakeholder register is the basis important to identify what the
for planning, managing and learning needs are prior to
Make sure you use clear and
controlling project stakeholders making changes or introducing
detailed language to convey the
which will be an ongoing project in your system. An organisation
information and system
responsibility. However, should allow enough planning
requirements explicitly.
PMBOK® does not give an time to be able to develop
Attach proof of your written example of a stakeholder learning activities that will
document to this section of the register, only the general upskill, the staff and
portfolio. categories to include. Due to the stakeholders to address the
sensitive nature of the contents, learning needs identified.
the stakeholder register is
probably an item that should be
kept confidential within the
project team although there is a
possibility that making it visible
might help the project instead of
creating resentment from
resistant stakeholders.


Complete the table to identify further learning requirements of the stakeholders.
Note: You have already identified the stakeholders in Section 1 of the Project Portfolio. You may choose
to address the learning needs of the individuals separately or together as a group in a single activity (e.g.
face-to-face training session).

Information management Knowledge management

system system

What are the learning needs of The Stakeholder Needs and Stakeholder needs are
the stakeholders for using the Requirements (SNR) Definition transformed into a formal set of
system? Process uses the ConOps, or stakeholder requirements,
Strategic Business Plan (SBP), which are captured as models
and the life-cycle concepts as or documented as textual
guidance. The requirements requirements in and output
engineer (RE) or business typically called a Stakeholder
analyst (BA) leads stakeholders Requirement Specification
from the business operations (StRS), Stakeholder
layer through a structured Requirement Document (StRD)
process to elicit stakeholder or similar. That transformation
needs—in the form of a refined should be guided by a well‐
OpsCon (or similar document) defined, repeatable, rigorous,
and other life-cycle concepts. and documented process of
The RE or BA may use a fully or requirements analysis. This
partially structured process to requirements analysis may
elicit specific needs, as involve the use of functional
described in models such as flow diagrams, timeline analysis,
user stories, use cases, N2 Diagrams, design reference
scenarios, system concepts, missions, modeling and
and operational concepts. simulations, movies, pictures,
states and modes analysis, fault
tree analysis, failure modes and
effects analysis, and trade

Do research and summarise at  Innovative approaches for addressing their target groups,
least four industry-appropriate by providing for example: more attractive education and
innovative learning activities or
training programmes, in line with individual needs and
methods that may be used meet
the learning needs. expectations; use of participatory approaches and digital
methodologies; new or improved processes of recognition
Attach proof of your research
(e.g. screen shot of internet and validation of competences; greater effectiveness of
search results) activities for the benefit of local communities; new or
improved practices to cater for the needs of targets groups
with fewer opportunities and to deal with differences in
learning outcomes linked to the geographical and socio-
economic disparities; new approaches to address social,
ethnic, linguistic and cultural diversity; new approaches to
better support competitiveness and employment in
particular at regional and local level; recognition of


Information management Knowledge management
system system

excellence in service and solve the issues during the

service delivery.

 A more modern, dynamic, committed and professional

environment inside the organisation: ready to integrate
good practices and new methods including digital
capabilities into daily activities; open to synergies with
organisations active in different fields or in other socio-
economic sectors; strategic planning of professional
development for staff in line with individual needs and
organisational objectives;

 Increased capacity and professionalism to work at

repairing standard level: improved management
competences and internationalisation strategies; reinforced
cooperation with and/or other socio-economic sectors.
partners from other countries, other fields of education,
training and youth

Which learning activities or Each department requires Face to face for sales and
methods will you use (e.g. face- different training method marketing as employees from
to-face training, coaching, these 2 departments happen to
Overall, on-the-job training is
screen recording showing the conversate with customers on
the best solution. In some
use of the system, on-the-job regular basis so face to face
cases, few departments need
training etc.)? training is an optimal choice
some in-dept training such as
Note: You should choose at screen recording, for example
least one learning activity. You IT)
may combine the learning
activity for both systems. Your
chosen activity (or activities)
should provide an opportunity
share information, build strong
work groups and avoid
behaviours that are not
conductive to a productive
environment (such as
encouraging a competition
between stakeholders).

Explain how your chosen Leadership and management style that encourages teamwork,
activity (or activities) will share open and honest communication is vital to creating a positive
information, build strong work feeling in the workplace. Open and honest communication also
groups and avoid behaviours means that regular audits are taken to evaluate how people are
that are not conductive to a interacting with each other, feedback is welcomed and taken on
productive environment? board, and opportunities for social interaction are enabled. These
can include coffee mornings, team getaways and family weekends.
This gives an opportunity for team members to nurture and foster


Information management Knowledge management
system system

connections outside of work. Continued learning opportunities

enabling team members to assess their inherent unconscious and
implicit biases that can impact their interactions with other
employees are crucial. Also, strict no tolerance open door policies
and complaint procedure for workplace bullying is crucial for
creating a positive collaborative environment.

Complete the table to summarise your meeting with stakeholders to negotiate final learning activities.
If the meeting has not been viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of the meeting (e.g. video
recording) to this section of your portfolio.

Who did you meet with? Liana Forrester

What learning needs were identified? Ten percent of operational processes will use
LLM-infused AWA digital coworkers.

Operational tasks are internal activities that sell,

deliver, tailor, or support a product or service and
include general administrative, maintenance, and
support processes. AI to automate these internal
processes was the top choice from our survey of
data analytics leaders, ranking ahead of customer
experience, business agility, security, new
revenue opportunity, and other investment areas.
LLMs, coordinated by AWAs (digital coworkers),
will power 10% of these operational process
automations, drawing investment away from
transformation initiatives that garner most of the
LLM hype. LLMs with the greatest ROI will be
company-specific and domain-specific.

What did you negotiate? Liana organises a meeting with all general
managers from other branches across the globe
via Zoom to pass down training options and plans


What feedback did you provide to the After a period of time, the learning had been
stakeholders to improve their own or workgroup completed. Liana sent an email to staff members
requesting feedback. He received the following

Hi Liana

Thanks the video was great – just a bit long. If I

need to, I’ll go back and check the detail at a later


Craig E Clair

Hi Liana

Thank you for the training material. In future,

could you please provide a series of shorter
videos. That way I can access the information I
need more easily.

Kind regards,

Christine Polewarczyk

Summarise the agreed learning activities. Leading firms will accelerate transformative
automation efforts in 2024 fueled by a new round
of AI enthusiasm. This will alter investment in
process automation methods and tool selection.
Advances in physical automation and practical
application of large language models (LLMs) in
operational enterprise use cases will also boost
physical and cognitive automation. Enterprises
that get ahead of these trends will balance the
risk and reward of automation.

Explain how you read verbal and non-verbal During every face-to-face meeting, you are
signs. required to demonstrate effective interpersonal
and communication skills including:

 Speaking clearly and concisely

 Using effective non-verbal

communication skills to encourage
audience interest


 Responding to questions

 Asking questions to seek feedback

Use of active listening techniques to confirm and

clarify understanding. Throughout every meeting,
maintain sensitivity to any specific needs and any
cultural, family and individual differences that the
customer may have, and incorporate these into
your behaviour. Assess whether the customer’s
needs are urgent to identify priorities for service

Complete the table to show how you facilitated the learning activities.

What resources are required for your negotiated  multimedia, applications, software,
learning activities (consider human, financial and platforms
physical resources)?  social media
 digital learning resources including
video, audio, text, websites,
animations and images

How did you secure the resources (e.g. email to Implemented the resource request form
relevant managers requesting time to train with include type of the resource , reason
stakeholders, request for venue booking, confirm
the resources are required and date the
budget allocation with finance department etc.)?
launched the activities such as Physical –
Attach proof of how you secured the resources to
training in the room to conduct training on
this section of your portfolio.

How did you organise the learning activities (e.g. Social Engagement LinkedIn, Facebook,
calendar invite sent to stakeholders for training, and other social media outlets are full of
draft email to stakeholders requesting time
industry information (sometimes hidden
suggestions for coaching sessions, notify
stakeholders that they are required to watch an behind the photos of a friend’s lunch).
instructional video etc.) Encourage your employees to connect
Attach proof of how you organised the learning online with your company and other


activity to this section of your portfolio. industry leaders to stay on top of the
latest news and trends.

Attach proof of how you facilitated the learning

activities to ensure stakeholders can use the
information and knowledge management systems
(e.g. run a face-to-face workshop or email an
instructional video to the stakeholders).

Complete the table to show how you monitored the effectiveness of the learning activities.

How did you seek feedback from the stakeholders There are many ways to collect and share
about how successful the learning activities feedback from stakeholders, depending on
were? context, resources, and preferences. Using online
tools, such as surveys, forms, or portfolios, to
Attach proof of how you sought feedback (e.g. via
gather and display feedback digitally, also using
survey or face-to-face conversation).
face-to-face methods, such as presentations,
conferences, or exhibitions, to facilitate and
showcase feedback in person. Using a
combination of both online and face-to-face
methods to increase feedback diversity and
accessibility. For example, by using online
surveys to collect feedback from a large number
of stakeholders and then use face-to-face
conferences to share and discuss the feedback in

Summarise the feedback you received, including: Strengths: ERP are connection all the processes

 learner’s experience in the company therefore no part is able to be

 degree of success of the activity (or
activities) Limitations: Sometimes the process get stuck and
 recommendations for future improvement. commit the whole process Cost is very low More
benefits and disadvantages. Errors detected can
be fixed.

 Use of advance and scientific

technologies and algorithms to make
ERP more efficient.

Use of VPN would improve the performance of

the system


Document the effectiveness of the leaning activity The automation currently is running extremely
(or activities) in a written document to your slow due to lack of GPT. Difficulties to log in the
superior (e.g. CEO, general manager etc.).
system. The system occasionally jumps back to
Include a summary of the feedback and
recommendations for future improvements to the the login screen when trying to access a client file
learning activities. The suggestions for the improvement of ERP
Make sure you use clear and detailed language to system are
suit the audience. Also adhere to your
 Use of advance and scientific
organisation’s document requirements (e.g.
templates, style, formatting etc.). technologies and algorithms to make
ERP more efficient.
Attach proof of your written document to this
section of the portfolio.  Use of VPN would improve the
performance of the system

Operational equipment would be easily controlled

if connecting the performance to the system.

Attach: Proof of system promotion ☐

Written support document ☐

Proof of innovative learning activities or methods


Proof of stakeholder meeting. ☐

Proof of how you secured the resources ☐

Proof of how you organised the learning activity ☐

Proof of how you sought feedback ☐

Proof of written document (learning outcomes) ☐

Proof of System Promotion

To: Staff

From: General manager

Subject: System promotion

Dear all,


We have implemented a new system called “work better together and do the right
things” for this month team collaboration.

“To work better together” means bringing up these dissatisfactions, frustrations and
fears in a safe and non-threatening way. Some theories of group work, like Tuckman’s
stages of group development, suggests that to be performing, people working together
will go through inevitable ups and downs and experience what he calls the “storming”
stage, in the initial phases of work.

If we don’t allow ourselves the opportunity to share concerns and voice opinions, even
when they go against the group, the accumulation of frustrations may cause prolong
conflicts, ill feelings towards one another and low productivity.

Please acknowledge this email. If you have further question, feel free to ask me.

Best regards,

General Manager


Written Support Document


Proof of Innovative Learning Activities or Methods Research


Proof of Stakeholder Meeting


Proof of How You Secured the Resources


Proof of How You Organised the Learning Activity
To: HR Manager

From: General Manager

Subject: requesting time suggestions for coaching sessions

Dear HR Manager,

Please provide me with the schedule needed for the coaching sessions intended for the
staff. I need the schedule to make an arrangement to the learning plan. I’ll look forward
for your reply, thank you.

Best regards,

General Manager


Proof of How You Sought Feedback
To: Staff

From: General Manager

Subject: Seeking Feedback

Dear all,

I would like to ask your feedback to measure the success of the learning activities.
Please answer these questions and send it to me as soon as you finish answering.

The questions are:

1. What can our company do to help you grow professionally?

2. What are your career goals within our organisation?

3. What specific job skills would you like to develop?

4. Were there any clues as to how future training sessions could be improved?

5. Which learning needs did the training fail to meet?

I’ll look forward for your reply, thank you.

Best regards,

General Manager

Proof of Written Document (Learning Outcomes)

To: Staff

From: Liana Forrester

Subject: An instructional video


Dear all,

Please acknowledge this email according to our recent project. Following us the link to
an instructional video relating the information and knowledge management.

If you have any question or finding issue opening the video, feel free to ask me. Thank

Best regards,

Liana Forrester

General Manager


Section 3: Monitor and review use of the
information and knowledge management systems
Complete the table to show how you collected information about the implemented information and
knowledge management systems’ effectiveness.

Information management Knowledge management

system system

 Webinars and
What information is available Monitoring the effectiveness of
speeches. Hour-long
about the effectiveness of the sessions with a learning activities is only useful
system? Forrester expert
if you use the data that is
educate your
stakeholders or collected and documents from
customers on critical
the feedback processes you
trends and the latest
practices. implement.

 Workshops. Half- or You may use the feedback you

full-day sessions align collect to:
your stakeholders to a
single vision, learning
 update and improve the
about industry trends
and best practices. learning activities
 In-depth
projects. Ranging from
 suggesting further learning
one to six months,
consultants partner activities to meet learning
with you and your
objectives not achieved
team to execute a
strategic initiative or
design and or develop new
create custom content.
learning activities to support the

How did you collect the 1. Surveys As you can see there is a lot to
information (e.g. survey, review, therefore, evaluation of
observation, retrieving system Surveys are physical or digital a management system should
data etc., faults register)? questionnaires that gather both follow clear processes and
qualitative and quantitative data
from subjects. One situation in procedures, using objectives
Attach proof of how you
which you might conduct a and performance indicators to
collected the information to this
survey is gathering attendee measure the benefits or factors
section of your portfolio (e.g.
feedback after an event. This that are causing the system to
photo of you reviewing a faults can provide a sense of what fail.
register). attendees enjoyed, what they
wish was different, and areas in
which you can improve or save
money during your next event
for a similar audience.

2. Interviews and Focus


Interviews and focus groups


Information management Knowledge management
system system

consist of talking to subjects

face-to-face about a specific
topic or issue. Interviews tend to
be one-on-one, and focus
groups are typically made up of
several people. You can use
both to gather qualitative and
quantitative data.

Through interviews and focus

groups, you can gather
feedback from people in your
target audience about new
product features. Seeing them
interact with your product in
real-time and recording their
reactions and responses to
questions can provide valuable
data about which product
features to pursue.

3. Observation

Observing people interacting

with your website or product can
be useful for data collection
because of the candor it offers.
If your user experience is
confusing or difficult, you can
witness it in real-time.


Complete the table to show how you used one or more digital technology applications or tools (e.g. MS
Excel) to manipulate, represent and communicate the information obtained in the step above.

Do research to identify at least A key trend in innovation and technology is 3D printing which is
two new digital technologies used to formulate prototypes. This technology has been impactful
and applications that may be in the biomedical and industrial sectors
used to manage, manipulate
and communicate the
information you’ve collected. Like AI and Machine Learning, Robotic Process Automation is
Note: You may also include another technology that automates jobs. RPA is the use of software
tools/functionality within existing to automate business processes such as interpreting applications,
applications that you are processing transactions, dealing with data, and even replying to
unfamiliar with (e.g. snipping emails. RPA automates repetitive tasks that people used to do.
tool, pictograms, word salad,
new graphs in MS Excel, word
Attach proof of your research
(e.g. screen shot of internet
search) to this section of your

Use at least one digital Although Forrester Research estimates RPA automation will
technology tool(s) or threaten the livelihood of 230 million or more knowledge workers or
application(s) to manipulate, approximately 9 percent of the global workforce, RPA is also
represent and communicate the creating new jobs while altering existing jobs. McKinsey finds
information you’ve collected. that less than 5 percent of occupations can be totally automated,
but about 60 percent can be partially automated.
Attach proof of how you used
the tool to this section of your

Complete the table to evaluate the systems’ effectiveness.

Information management Knowledge management

system system

Analyse the system’s Online Survey Questionnaires and face to

performance against the KPIs face interview
determined in Section 1.


Information management Knowledge management
system system

What are the system’s Forrester wave methodology is Fast and customer revisiting
strengths? because of the time of service
making it easier to create better

experiences for end users. The

Forrester report rightfully

emphasizes digital experience

creation, and highlights Acquia's

strengths and investment in

developer tools and no-code

marketing solutions for creating

digital experiences.

Because Drupal is at the core of

Acquia’s content management

offering, Acquia customers have

never needed to choose

between a solution that

empowers marketers and one

that gives developers maximal


Drupal offers tens of thousands

of modules (components),

enabling business teams to

quickly assemble or compose

next-generation experiences.

And Drupal being open source

provides technology teams

maximum flexibility and

interoperability with no vendor



Information management Knowledge management
system system

What are the system’s The software also has Information

limited repository professionals need to
scalability, and features understand the IT and
restricted enterprise security risks of allowing
information lifecycle ForresterWave to
management flourish in the
organisation, as it
always runs the risk of
"taking over your IT

How can the system be Content-based Deep learning systems

filtering recommends are a form of content-
content and products based filtering where
with similar attributes to techniques such as
those that the customer natural language
uses processing and
computer vision identify
text, audio, image, and
Collaborative other unstructured
filtering relies on data attributes to deliver
from similar users to similar
surface related content recommendations.
and products

learning systems
recommendations by
experimenting and
learning in a feedback

Attach: Proof of how you collected information ☐

Proof of research on new digital technologies and ☐



Use of digital tool/application. ☐

Proof of How You Collected Information


Proof of Research on New Digital Technologies and Applications

Use of Digital Tool/Application.



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