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INTRODUCTION ............................................... 3
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SOCIOPOLITICAL STRUCTURE .......................... 3 Catalyst Game Labs logo are a trademarks of
InMediaRes Productions, LLC in the United
TIMELINE: HOUSE MARIK ................................ 8
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THE FREE WORLDS LEAGUE MILITARY .......... 10 work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any
NOTABLE MILITARY UNITS OF THE FREE means, without the prior permission in writing
WORLDS LEAGUE .......................................... 13 of the Copyright Owner, nor be otherwise
GAME RULES ................................................. 18 circulated in any form other than that in
which it is published.
SAMPLE COMPANIES .................................... 20
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CREATING SCENARIOS................................... 21
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GENERAL RULES ............................................ 21 viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or
USING MAPSHEETS ....................................... 23
Special thanks to: the one who could have
said “No” but didn’t, and the one who didn’t
...................................................................... 23
need to say “Yes” but did.
EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE TO THE FREE To Xotl, for his invaluable work on variant
WORLDS LEAGUE MILITARY, 3025 ................ 24 availability.
To blacknova, for the excellent maps to order.
WHERE TO FROM HERE? ............................... 28 And all those who came before, who made
this universe and the material contained
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Army Report FWLM v1.3 generated 2010‐12‐02

crisis” and faced stubbornness from Parliament in such
areas as trade, industrial reconstruction and recovery of
The study of the Free Worlds League is a study of
lost technology.
paradox: although divided internally, the League
presents a united front to the other four Successor
States. The League is essentially mercantile‐oriented, PROFILE: JANOS MARIK
but is eminent in many fields of scientific and Title/Rank: Duke of Atreus, the Marik
technological investigation. In addition, in what is Position: Captain‐General of the Free Worlds League
possibly the most democratic state in the Inner Sphere, Birthplace: Marik
there have been more civil uprisings than in any other Age: 68
Successor State. Sex: Male
The Free Worlds League is the oldest Successor State,
being established by treaty in 2271. It consists of 333 Brief Personal History:
planets, each with its own government, culture, Janos is the oldest of the five current Successor State
economy, and political system. The overall leader is warlords. The Free Worlds League that he inherited
Captain‐General Janos Marik, the 68‐year‐old scion of from his father Stephan was a fragmented beast of
House Marik, whose members have ruled the Free disparate principalities and personalities, each
Words League for nearly eight hundred years. attempting to push the Parliament in its own direction.
Only a man of extraordinary diplomatic ability and vision
The recent Steiner‐Davion alliance, the most significant
could have harnessed these contentious individuals into
realignment of power within the Inner Sphere since the
a coherent unit, and Janos has hardly been that man. A
Succession Wars began, has forced House Marik to ally
moderately capable administrator and competent
with House Kurita’s Draconis Combine (a militaristic
tactician, he has sharp‐tongued impatience and an
police state) and Marik’s traditional enemy, House Liao’s
imperious demeanour that have alienated many
Capellan Confederation. How long such strange
(including his own brother Anton). His ambitious
bedfellows might remain allied is unknown, but forming
political agenda to bring the far‐flung worlds of his
a united front against the military power of House
domain under direct bureaucratic control has had little
Davion and the economic power of House Steiner is a
concrete success. The end result of his efforts has been
strong incentive to do so.
a series of abortive coups, assassination attempts, and
bloody rebellions that have drained the strength of
SOCIOPOLITICAL STRUCTURE entire generation of MechWarriors and made a sizable
Unlike most other Successor States, the Free Worlds dent in House Marik’s family wealth.
League has a strong representative tradition, which Janos’ one major concrete achievement has been the
dates back to the Treaty of Marik. The Document of signing of the Concord of Kapetyn, a treaty between
Incorporation, signed with the Treaty of Marik signed in Marik, Kurita, and the League’s long‐hated rivals, the
2271, established a Parliament as the Free World prolific Liao family, which has at least temporarily
League’s chief ruling body, and granted temporary removed the threat of war along the Capellan border.
authority to a “Captain‐General” in times of crisis. This However, even this move has caused political protest
kind of government was by no means revolutionary; by from some of the Marik’s most traditionally loyal
the late 23 century, there were numerous examples of supporters. MPs from the Duchy of Orloff and the Sirian
this sort of government. Concordance have loudly contended that the closing of
Under the original Document of Incorporation, the the Capellan front has eliminated the League’s best
authority of the Captain‐General lasted for only one chance for booty and territorial gains.
year. This severely constrained the holders of the Though Janos sired ten children by his two wives (and a
position; Parliament had the right to refuse to continue rumoured dozen or more unacknowledged bastard
a Captain‐General’s term of office by terminating the offspring), this profusion of heirs has clouded rather
state of crisis. However, in 2779, with the fall of the Star than clarified the question to Janos’ successor. His eldest
League and outbreak of the First Succession War the son Martin was assassinated in 3018. Gerald, his second
then incumbent, Kenyon Marik, forced the passage of son, was tried as a co‐conspirator of Duke Anton and
Resolution 288, giving the Captain‐General authority executed in 3015. Of the six children that survive today,
over the League, even including the summoning and only Duggan Marik is currently prominent in League
disbanding of Parliament, “for the duration of the crisis”. political or military circles and has been assumed by
Despite the vast authority granted by Resolution 288, many to be the heir to the Captain‐General’s baton.
Captains‐General have been plagued with administrative However, Janos has given no public support to Duggan’s
problems on and off the battlefield throughout the “long claim, leaving others, such as Janos’ nephew General
Duncan Marik, free rein to declare their own ambitions the Protectionist movement, and ultimately supported
for the throne. the terrorist group “Scourge of Death”. The massive
Personality: Motivations/Desires/Goals: retaliation by Captain‐General Geralk Marik ultimately
Since signing the Concord, Janos has escalated the drove out the ruling Selaj family, fracturing the Regulan
activities of SAFE along the Liao borders to keep an eye state and its network of allies.
on his new “allies”. He believes the cessation of Although the province has never truly recovered, it still
hostilities along one border and the establishment of maintains an influential place in League politics. In place
official relations with his enemy’s enemy (House Kurita) of the imperial Selaj family, numerous political machines
give him the best chance to stop his recent spate of rule the remains of Regulus, most recently the
military losses along the Steiner border. supremely venal Cameron‐Jones family, which seems
Manner: perfectly acclimated to the political environment of the
Janos has been deeply stung by his supporters’ lack of modern Free Worlds League.
faith and has withdrawn to a small circle of confidants Duchy of Andurien (opposition, 33 worlds)
whom he still trusts – Duke Christopher Halas of Since 2366, the Free Worlds League and the Capellan
Oriente, Parliamentary Speaker Hector Stewart, floor Confederation have fought over the province of
leader “Lefty” Eastwick, and his increasingly influential Andurien. Given to the Capellans in exchange for their
mistress, Bronwen Rasfani. joining the Star League, Andurien fell to Marik during
Special Skills/Powers: the First Succession War. At that time the rule of
Only a handful of people know or suspect that Janos has Andurien was granted to the Humphreys family, whose
actually chosen an heir – his seventh child Thomas scions Sir George and James helped forge the
Marik, who is currently stationed outside the League in foundation of the Free Worlds League in the 23 and
the service of ComStar as an Adept and Tech. The 34 centuries. Under the Humphreys aegis, Andurien
announcement of this decision, whether it is made has become one of the strongest provinces in the
before or after Janos’ death, is likely to astound many League, the bulwark of its rimward defences.
and could well foment another civil war. Unfortunately, the attitude of the Humphreys family
toward House Marik – and the trappings of Marik
authority – decayed rapidly over the years. Today, the
THE LEAGUE IN 3025 position is almost completely adversarial. During the last
At present, the Free Worlds League contains numerous few generations, the deterioration has been
factions, some supporting the Captain‐General and exceptionally rapid, as House Humphreys has begin to
some opposed. The provinces represented in Parliament make overtures to the Periphery state of Canopus in
mirror the fragmentation of society. Below are the order to strengthen its position within and without the
larger and more influential territories. Free Worlds. As long‐term rival of Oriente as well as
Marik Commonwealth (pro‐government; 70 worlds) Marik, Andurien is something of a wild card in Free
One of the three original states in the league, the Marik Worlds League politics.
Commonwealth has remained largely immune to
balkanisation. It is the political base for the Marik’s Duchy of Oriente (pro‐government, 40 worlds)
power, as the large, well‐trained Marik Militia is directly One of the three founding provinces of the Free Worlds,
responsible to the Captain‐General. Because it is located Oriente was once the League’s technological and
well within the boundaries of the League, this province industrial centre, the strongest and most unified
has suffered little from the vast destruction of the province in the League. The Succession Wars, however,
Succession Wars. The Commonwealth has the largest have ruined Oriente’s economy and industrial might. As
and most closely knit delegation in Parliament. the most populous province on the Capellan border, it
Principality of Regulus (opposition, 48 worlds) has been the target of numerous attacks from Marik’s
Regulus has a long and chequered history, One of the longtime enemy. Generations of young Oriente men and
three original states in the Free Worlds, the Principality women have been sacrificed to the bloodshed, including
was long the wealthiest province in the League. For the rulers of House Oriente, House Allison, the last of
centuries, however, Regulus was also the gathering whom perished in 2845. Since the death of the last
point for opposition to the government in Parliament. Allison, House Halas, a MechWarrior family originally
The always‐contentious Regulans were independent endorsed by the Marik, has ruled the province. The
from the start, always placing the interests of the province of Oriente’s thirst for revenge has made it
Principality ahead of those of the Free Worlds, and later, among the Marik’s closest allies in Parliament. This
the Star League. Exacerbated by economic losses in the position has also made the Oriente MPs opponents of
th the highly provincial Andurien bloc.
mid‐27 century, the Regulans were in the forefront of
Stewart Commonality (pro‐government, 18 worlds)
The fourth province to join the Free Worlds, the original
Stewart Commonality was annexed after its conquest in
2295. Whatever animosity resulted from that conquest
has long since dissipated, and the proud Stewart
heritage has a long legacy of support for House Marik.
Even the long Succession Wars have not diminished the
Stewart’s loyalty for the Captain‐General. The current
leader of the Stewart delegation is Hector Stewart, the
Earl of Stewart and Speaker of Parliament.


Draconis Combine
Lyran Commonwealth
The relationship between the Free Worlds and Draconis
The Free Worlds and the Lyrans are ancient enemies,
th has long been neutral, occasionally interrupted by
having become rivals in the mid‐24 century. Over the
periods of cordiality. During the Succession Crisis,
course of seven centuries, the long border between the
Captain‐General Kenyon Marik befriended Minoru Kurita
two states has been a constant source of contention; a
in order to thwart the peacemaking efforts of the Lyran
number of worlds along that border have been
Archon. Although this accommodation evaporated
exchanged dozens of times, and have suffered heavily
following the defeat of Stefan the Usurper, there has
always been relative peace between the two realms.
In the Free Worlds League, the Lyran Commonwealth is
Although the relationship between Kurita and Marik
(and nearly always has been) the enemy. The Capellan‐
seems even on the surface, Takashi Kurita is actually in
Free Worlds rivalry, which is older by nearly half a
control. Kurita dictated the terms of the Concord of
century, does not seem to excite as much ardour as the
Kapetyn, and was also able to include House Liao in the
Lyran one does. The average Free Worlder’s perception
process (despite the obvious consternation of Janos
of the Concord of Kapetyn is that it is a temporary truce
Marik). It is clear to the Marik that Maximillian is no
signed in order to obtain the alliance of the Draconis
more than a Kuritan catspaw.
Combine. By comparison, the thought of peace (much
less alliance) with the Lyrans is repugnant beyond Janos Marik respects Takashi Kurita, admiring not only
description. As the old Oriente saying goes, “Never turn the man but the way in which the Coordinator is able to
your back on a Capellan, but shoot a Lyran on sight.” direct the affairs of state. Certainly, the cordial
relationship between the two men makes a lasting
The war with Steiner has varied in intensity throughout
Marik‐Kurita treaty possible, even if the Capellan
the Succession Wars. Upon ascending to the Captain‐
“alliance” fails.
Generalcy, Janos Marik believed he had the capacity to
conquer his age‐old enemy, but fell short of the
resources to do so. Despite this, he has spared no effort
to propagandise the Free Worlds’ image as the
aggrieved enemy. When the Civil War broke out in 3014,
there was some concern that the Lyrans might try to
take advantage of the League’s internal strife, but the
war with Kurita prevented them from doing so. The
Treaty of Kapetyn has allowed the Captain‐General to
make plans against the Lyrans, but as yet he has been Federated Suns
unable to marshal the forces to undertake an extensive The location of the Federated Suns, beyond the Capellan
campaign. realm, has isolated it from significant interaction with
Capellan Confederation the Free Worlds League. However, the recent detente
The Capellan Confederation is a traditional enemy of the between House Davion and the Lyran Commonwealth
Free Worlds League. The Free Worlds press portrays has placed the Federated Suns in an adversarial position
that government as a deceitful, untrustworthy for to the Free Worlds. Furthermore, the Suns are the long‐
lacking principle and honour. Nonetheless, the term bitter enemies of the Draconis Combine, with
vicissitudes of the Succession Wars have made House which the Free Worlds League is now a hard and fast
Liao an ally. ally. The “friendship” between House Liao and the Free
As previously mentioned, the people of the Free Worlds Worlds certainly presents a tactical problem for Hanse
consider the current peace with the Capellans to be Davion.
temporary. Little love is lost between the two peoples, Though the Davion‐Steiner relationship has made them
and there are frequent “incidents” along the Capellan adversarial, Janos Marik has stated privately that, had
border involving both civilian and military personnel. circumstances not placed them on opposite sides, they
The enmity reflects the personal relationship between would have made staunch allies.
Janos Marik and Maximillian Liao. Janos has an intense ComStar
personal dislike, stemming from an almost paranoid The ComStar Order, the inheritor of the legacy of
mistrust for the Liao lord. Since his brother’s alliance Blessed Blake, has always professed neutrality in the
with the Capellans, he has held Maximillian personally conflicts between the five Successor States, but the
responsible for the Civil War and his brother’s death.
scions of House Marik have often speculated that the SUMMARY
Order has been less than neutral toward them. Psychohistorians in the ComStar order have been
In the late 2830s, the Marik launched an attack on the prophesying the demise of the Free Worlds League
Oriente A station, precipitating the ComStar War and a within the next generation for centuries, predicting
nearly two‐year‐long Communications Interdict. Though irreconcilable internal conflicts, the collapse of the Free
ComStar was fully compensated for the loss, the Worlds economy, and the shattering of the delicate legal
suspicion between the Captains‐General and the Order balance between the “temporary” Captains‐General and
has never fully subsided. Part of this is naturally due to the ever‐changing Parliament. The continuing industrial
the paranoia of House Marik. decline of Oriente (the Marik’s chief ally outside his own
The present Captain‐General harbours his own territories) and the increasing duplicity of Andurien (the
suspicions about the activities of ComStar. It is an open focus for opposition to the Marik’s authority) have
secret that ComStar was kept fully informed of the seemed to lend credence to this analysis.
activities of both sides during the year‐long war Despite this, reports of its death have been greatly
between Janos’ and Anton’s forces, and Janos suspects exaggerated, to paraphrase an ancient Terran wit. Free
that the Order may have had a hand in the affair. Since Worlders are fractious, parochial, contentious and
the end of hostilities, Janos has used SAFE to spread stubborn; they pledge their allegiance and follow their
disinformation in order to keep the Order from leaders from Oriente to the Abbey District, and they
infiltrating his own Intelligence operations. chafe under the continued rule from Atreus.
Nevertheless, it is important to realise that, beneath
that surface, they would rather hold the meanest
citizenship in the Free Worlds than patents of nobility in
the Lyran Commonwealth.
For example, when Anton Marik turned against his
brother in 3014, the Marik obtained substantial public
support not because Anton’s rebellion was perceived as
illegal or treasonous, but because Anton has sought help
from the hated Liao enemy. Ultimately, Anton became a
traitor in the minds of his countrymen. Because of this
attitude, the Free Worlds did not split into two opposing
parties over the rebellion, contrary to expectations.
There seems to be no indication that this condition will
change, and this humble observer believes that the Free
Worlds League will continue to exist for some time to
2086: The Western Alliance recasts itself as the Terran Alliance, 2475: Gathering a fleet in the Oriente system, Captain‐General
becoming the first widely accepted global government. Carlos Marik prepares to attack the Terran Hegemony. Hegemony
2108: TAS Pathfinder becomes the first manned ship using the intelligence services get wind of the planned assault and a
Kearny‐Fuchida (KF) drive to travel to another star, Tau Ceti. Hegemony fleet destroys the Marik forces at anchor. After this
debacle, Brion Marik stages a coup and deposes his older brother,
2123: Corporations begin building private FTL vessels. Among
who is certified mentally unstable.
those riding the industrial‐exploration wave is physicist‐
2478: Director Theodore Cameron of the Terran Hegemony and
industrialist Marshik Marik, who amasses a fortune and
Captain‐General Brion Marik of the Free Worlds League negotiate
establishes a colony named Marik.
a peace treaty.
2235: Humankind had spread to more than 600 colonies in a 120‐
2528: The Second Andurien War breaks out between the Free
light‐year sphere, a staggering eighteen colonies per year. Fifty
Worlds League and the Capellan Confederation.
colonies declare their independence from the Alliance, starting
the Outer Reaches Rebellion. 2530: The Magistracy of Canopus forms.
2238: Marik declares its independence from the Terran Alliance 2571: The Star League is formally established. Many view the era
of the First Star League as a golden age crowned with social,
2241: A Constitutional Convention on Marik adopts the proposals
technological and economic marvels. The reality is less rosy;
of Charles Marik, forming the Marik Republic (later the Marik
considerable conflict still existed and many areas still suffered
Commonwealth). Oriente gains its independence and begins to
hardships. Considering what followed, however, this view of the
create the Federation of Orient.
early Star League years has a certain validity by comparison.
2247: Formation of the Principality of Regulus.
2575: The Star League issues the Pollux Proclamation, demanding
2271: The Free Worlds League forms, the first of the non‐Terran
that the Periphery states join the League. The Periphery states
states to appear.
refuse, triggering the Reunification War.
2315: [22 July] Conflict breaks out on Terra. Fleet Admiral James
2577: The Taurian Concordat launches a preemptive strike against
McKenna stages a coup and establishes control, forming the
Star League forces. The Reunification War officially starts when
Terran Hegemony.
the Star League declares war on the Periphery states. [Captain‐
2316: The Free Worlds League and the Terran Hegemony General Marion Marik leads the SLDF Seventh Corps against the
negotiate the Treaty of Terra. Magistracy of Canopus.
2398: Kurnath Liao declares war on the Free Worlds League over 2579: Ian Cameron renounces the Ares Conventions for the
the Andurien planets, marking the start of the Age of War. The duration of the Reunification War. Marion Marik refuses to follow
campaign lasts six years and is regarded as a Free Worlds League suit.
2588: Remaining Magistracy worlds fall to Star League forces.
2398: The First Andurien War between the Free Worlds League
2597: The Reunification War ends.
and the Capellan Confederation
2604: The military occupation of the Magistracy of Canopus ends.
2412: The Ares Conventions are signed.
2607: The last Star League troops withdraw from the Periphery.
2420: Hostilities resume between the Lyran Commonwealth and
2630: Hyperpulse generators, a Marik invention, undergo their
the Free Worlds League. The introduction of the War Powers Act
first tests.
limits the Captain‐General’s control of the League and the
military. The Commonwealth cannot follow up its advantage 2667: Scourge of Death anti‐League terrorists surface in Free
because of its second front with the Draconis Combine. Worlds League.
2427: The Lyran Commonwealth turns its attentions back to the 2678: Scourge of Death terrorists bomb Marik estate, killing
Free Worlds League. Captain‐ General Terrence Marik and many members of House
2439: Scientists on New Earth unveil the first BattleMech, the
MCK‐5S Mackie. 2679: Selaj family implicated in Scourge of Death attacks. Free
Worlds forces raid Magistracy of Canopus and other local
2459: The Lyran Commonwealth first uses BattleMechs, smashing
Periphery worlds in a hunt for the Selaj.
Marik troops on Loric. Captain‐General Geralk Marik is crushed by
a Lyran ‘Mech. 2729: Elise Marik and her loyalists dissolve Parliament and arrest
many MPs, sparking a civil war.
2462: Defectors from the Commonwealth BattleMech plant on
Alarion give the Free Worlds League schematics and technical 2734: Free Worlds League civil war ends with the Treaty of
notes on the Lyran ‘Mech program. A Marik defector in turn leaks Verona. Bertram, son of Elise, is named Captain‐General and
this information to the Capellan Confederation. Council Lord.
2470: The Free Worlds League use BattleMechs for the first time 2738: Jonathan Cameron dies, succeeded by Simon Cameron as
during clashes on Alula Australis. First Lord of the Star League. Aleksandr Kerensky is named
Commander‐in‐Chief of the SLDF.
2751: Simon Cameron dies in an apparent accident on the Steiner (Tenth Battle of Hesperus). The Commonwealth attacks
asteroid of New Silesia in the Star’s End system of the Rim Worlds the Marik world of Kalidasa, using three of the regiments
Republic. His young son, Richard Cameron, becomes First Lord of previously guarding Hesperus II. The assault bogs down. With the
the Star League, with General Aleksandr Kerensky named as his Hesperus garrison under‐strength, Marik sends four ‘Mech
regent. regiments to attack Hesperus II (Eleventh Battle of Hesperus). The
Eridani Light Horse defeated the League advance.
2766: Stefan Amaris stages a bloody coup to seize control of the
Hegemony and the Star League. He executes Richard Cameron. 3000: [April] Unknown forces raid Kalidasa’s ‘Mech factory. The
The Council Lords refuse to accept Amaris as First Lord, but assault is eventually traced to the Federated Suns, prompting
neither do they support Kerensky and the SLDF in their efforts to SAFE to stage a covert six‐year campaign against Davion targets,
liberate Terra. passing blame onto House Liao.
2779: Stefan Amaris surrenders to the SLDF after a bitter 3002: Anton Marik becomes commander of the Capellan front and
campaign. launches assaults against Menkalinan and new Canton, both of
which bog down.
2784: Having gathered most of the surviving SLDF, Kerensky leads
a massive exodus into the Periphery and beyond. Parliament 3003: Willis Crawford, an ally of Anton Marik and the commander
passes Resolution 288, granting the Captain‐General broad of the Solaris debacle, is tried and executed for incompetence and
powers “for the duration of the crisis.” insubordination.
2785: Start of the First Succession War. Kenyon Marik declares 3006: Thomas Marik, son of Janos, enters ComStar.
Ares Conventions violated and claims the right to respond in kind. 3014: Anton Marik rallies his forces and proclaims himself
He and his successors prosecuted the War with fire and Captain‐General. Civil war breaks out in the Free Worlds League.
determination. No holds were barred; totally unrestricted warfare Andurien, Regulus and Sirius refuse to side with Anton. Regulus
includes widespread use of chemical, biological, nuclear and and Sirius eventually side with Janos, but Andurien remains
orbital weaponry. The gains, though considerable, are shattered neutral.
by these weapons. 3015: Anton Marik orders Jaime Wolf to disperse the Dragoons
2830 Start of the Second Succession War. With the horrors of the among his troops. Wolf refuses. Anton Marik arrests Joshua Wolf
First Succession War still fresh, the Second was a more restrained and 27 other members of the Dragoons for treason. They are later
affair, but various political and military disasters left the Free executed. Among those killed are Jaime Wolf’s wife and two
Worlds League weak and cost it almost all of its First Succession daughters. Wolf’s Dragoons descend on New Delos, led by the
War gains. Black Widows. Anton Marik is killed and his troops annihilated.
2837: Liao troops land on Cursa, allegedly in reaction to a secret The rebellion ends. House Marik employs Wolf’s Dragoons.
message sent by the FWLM via ComStar. Charles Marik orders the 3019: Wolf’s Dragoons, working for the Free Worlds League, raid
Oriente HPG destroyed in response. ComStar counters with a Hesperus II (Thirteenth Battle of Hesperus). They come within
Communications Interdict. Lacking command and control, the miles of their objective before being forced to retreat.
FWLM is thrown into disarray, and loses almost all the gains of the 3020: Katrina Steiner issues her famous Peace Proposal to the
First Succession War over the next eighteen months. leaders of the other four Houses. None but Hanse Davion take her
2866: Start of the Third Succession War. The long haul of the Third seriously. Secret negotiations begin between Houses Steiner and
Succession War more resembled a series of smaller conflicts than Davion.
a single war. Of considerably lower intensity that the First and 3022: [13 October] In response to the alliance between the
Second Succession Wars, it saw a return to something like the Federated Suns and the Lyran Commonwealth, Houses Liao, Marik
Ares Conventions. By its end, many campaigns had devolved into and Kurita sign the Concord of Kapteyn to form their own alliance.
small‐unit actions rather than regimental operations.
3025: End of the Third Succession War.
2867: A Marik assassin using stolen plans of the secret passages in
the Royal Palace on Tharkad attempts to kill Archon Elizabeth
Steiner. The BattleMechs guarding the Throne Room stop him.
Political fallout from the attempt prompts a League
rapprochement with House Kurita.
2997: Free Worlds forces attack Hesperus II. They are defeated by
the Fifteenth Lyran Guards, commanded by Colonel Katrina
The Free Worlds League can currently muster MILITARY UNIFORMS
approximately 60 full ‘Mech regiments (including The garb of the League’s military forces is decidedly not
contract mercenaries) and about 700 regiments of uniform. Each of the League’s three major provincial
infantry, armour, aerospace support, naval, local powers – Marik, Oriente and Andurien – has evolved its
garrison and special services personnel. Of these forces, own clothing traditions, styles and colors. The situation
however, only about 40 percent of the ‘Mech units and is further complicated by the fact that many warriors
50 percent of the non‐‘Mech units are under the direct find standard issue uniforms “confining” or
control of the Captain‐General. The remainder of the “inadequate”, and improvise their own personal battle
units are provincial forces, whose primary allegiances lie garb. When seen together on a parade ground, the
with the leader of their planetary ruling House, and effect is not unlike the billilboo bird (the Regulan
whose availability to the League war effort varies from peacock) showing its plumage – a shimmering profusion
Captain‐General to Captain‐General and even from year of colors that leaves the unsuspecting onlooker dazed
to year. and confused.
The Captain‐General’s chief administrative and planning Consequently, inexperienced enemy reconnaissance
body is known officially as the League Central patrols often have difficulty identifying Marik forces.
Coordination and Command (LCCC), and colloquially as
the “seven sons of Solon” or the “dark circle”. This body
Uniforms of the Free Worlds League Military
is responsible for the strategic planning and support of
all military operations.

Within the provinces of the Free Worlds League, there is
considerable variation in the organisation of military
ranks and titles. In the course of seven centuries,
numerous Captain‐Generals have sought in vain to
impose a regularised scheme. The traditions built up
over hundreds of years make the task of simplification
and regularisation almost impossible.

Comparative Ranks
Marik Andurien Oriente
Officer Ranks
Captain‐General Major General
General Lieutenant General
Colonel Colonel Colonel
Lieutenant ‐ ‐
Force Commander Major Major
Captain Flag Captain Captain
Lieutenant, sg Lieutenant Lieutenant, sg
Lieutenant, jg Lieutenant, jg

Enlisted Ranks
‐ Master Banner Banner
‐ Banner ‐
Sergeant Major ‐ Sergeant Major
Master Sergeant ‐ Master Sergeant
Staff Sergeant Serjeant ‐
Sergeant Junior Serjeant Sergeant
‐ Thegn ‐
Corporal Corporal Corporal
Private, FC Private Private, FC
Private ‐ Private From top left, clockwise: MechWarrior,
infantryman, technical support, AeroSpace pilot
MechWarriors Armor
MechWarriors of the Free Worlds League wear uniforms Armour units vary widely in size, depending on the
resembling those of the other Successor States. The composition of units assigned to them. Heavy tank
extremely hot environment inside the ‘Mech cockpit regiments consist of 60‐80 tanks, their crew and repair
forces the MechWarrior to wear a cooling jacket, which technicians. Light tank/patrol regiments consist of
covers the torso. A wide utility belt with the eagle of the between 100‐120 combat and reconnaissance vehicles.
Free Worlds League encircles his waist. Units allow Both type of units contain a total complement of 1,200‐
MechWarriors to stylize their neurohelmets however 1,600 men, under the command of a Major or Force
they desire; most, however, sport the eagle on the front. Commander.
Biofeedback apparatus, connected to various parts of Aerospace
the body, plugs into the back of the neurohelmet. Aerospace units (JumpShips, DropShips and Aerospace
Conventional Troops Fighters are still organised under the official term
Infantry, artillery and armoured crew uniforms differ “fleets”, even though the term has had little practical
less between provinces than those of other branches of meaning since the destruction during the Second
the military. All such troops, regardless of provincial Succession War of the FWLS Pleiades and FWLS
affiliation, wear a full‐length coverall covered by a Arcturus, the last surviving star cruisers of the once‐
combat vest, helmet, gloves, and boots. The League‐ magnificent Marik warship flotilla.
issue boots are made of leather or tham‐hide with thick
rubber soles and extend almost to the knee.
Fighter Pilots The Free Worlds League was never a leader in Successor
Free Worlds League Aerospace Pilots wear a jumpsuit State military production, though its output of Merchant
that totally covers the body. Interwoven in the suit are and Explorer class JumpShips and Fury, Triumph, and
many sensors and regulators that ensure that high‐g Condor Class DropShips was second to none. Instead,
maneuvers have no ill effects on the pilot’s body. the League always relied on its trading acumen, to
Although lightweight, the suit is extremely thick to ensure that its borders were defended with the most
protect the pilot from the frequent jostling inside the up‐to‐date equipment available.
cockpit. Naturally, the colors and frills of the uniform
The Free Worlds League has neither the active
depend on the pilot’s principality.
technological strivings of House Davion, the raw
Support Personnel industrial and natural resource base of House Steiner, or
Tech, astechs and other support personnel wear the the extreme centralisation of power of House Kurita. As
same basic garb. The outfit consists of a yellow a result, House Marik’s ‘Mech and conventional force
synthweave coverall, which is thick enough to protect firepower has steadily weakened, leaving the League
the wearer from acid spills but thin enough to allow increasingly vulnerable to assault. The Marik’s push to
ease of movement and comfort while working in stifling reopen military trade with the Capellans and Andurien’s
environments. The coverall has many pockets and loops efforts to rebuild the BattleMech production facility on
to hold tools, small parts and portable computers. Irian will only partially stem this tide.
‘Mech Production
UNIT STRUCTURE The Free Worlds presently has 17 fully or partly
The structure of individual League units varies according operational ‘Mech production facilities. Another seven
to the branch of service involved, as described below. production lines are currently shut down (due to
BattleMech component shortages) or disabled. Twenty‐four
A full‐strength regiment consists of 108 BattleMechs, 18 different ‘Mech types are currently manufactures in the
AeroSpace Fighters, and a full complement of support League, with its most common being Stingers, Wasps,
personnel (Techs, Scouts, Engineers, etc). Regiments are Orions, Griffins, Hermes IIs, Locusts, Wolverines and
commanded by Colonels, with battalions under the Warhammers.
command of a Captain or Major. As previously noted, the Free Worlds League has had a
Infantry serious shortage of assault ‘Mech production capacity
Infantry divisions consist of roughly 8,000 soldiers and for the past 20‐25 years. In 3025, League plants have
officers, ordered into either four or five regiments. only four active production lines of this type. As a result
Division commanders are generally colonels, with of this problem, the League’s assault battalions have
Lieutenant Colonels commanding regiments. Gun become increasingly populated with Orions,
batteries are normally assigned at the battalion level. Warhammers, and other lighter ‘Mechs, placing them at
a distinct disadvantage against equivalent units from the
Lyran Commonwealth, which are well stocked with new high‐quality jumpsails. However, the sails are prone to
Zeuses and Goliaths. maintenance problems, keeping the League’s drydock
League manufacturers that support the ‘Mech facilities busy.
production industry are in better shape than the primary Other Military Equipment
producers themselves. The Oriente and Leyda ‘Mech The Galleon light tank, backbone of the League’s armour
repair facilities, which served the Star League Regular battalions, is produced in large quantities at three
Army during the Reunification War, still remain among facilities. Both the M4T laser rifle (produced by Austen
the most efficient repair depots in the galaxy. Vale Ordnance) and the more recently designed
Even in these sectors, however, problems prevail. The Derenforth rifle (manufactured by Armstrong Industries)
Free Worlds League has had a chronic shortage of new have had spotty battlefield records. Most infantry
and replacement PPCs for almost a century,, which has commanders prefer to outfit their men with Steiner or
forced it to replace PPCs with LRMs or heavy lasers on Kurita laser rifles, leading to an active black market in
several of its ‘Mechs. At present, the one operational such weapons.
PPC plant at Campbelton cannot come close to meeting STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES
demand, which has driven Marik to cement a risky trade The state of the Free World League’s military forces in
agreement with Liao for 500 PPCs from the Ceres Metals 3025 mirrors the League’s current status within the
plant on Sarna. Both SAFE and ROM agents have Inner Sphere. As the preeminent builder of new and
reported a large number of new PPCs sighted during reconditioned DropShips and AeroSpace Fighters, the
Andurien military maneuvers on Xanthe III. Speculation Captain‐General and his provincial “allies” field the most
is that the long inactive Magna Metals PPC factory on flexible and most mobile armed force remaining in the
Lopez has been secretly reactivated, and Andurien has post‐Star League galaxy. The actual size and might of
stockpiled its output in violation of Resolution 288. Marik’s ‘Mech and conventional armour units, however,
Like every other Successor State, the League also cannot match up against those of the other Successor
occasionally lacks gyros, replacement myomers, and States.
reactor shielding. Recently a large number of shielding Except for the period between 2953‐68, when it
failures has prompted the Ministry of Energy to controlled the Liao Atlas and Victor production facility
investigate possible improprieties in the production on Carver V, the only new assault ‘Mechs produced by
practices of the Kerr‐McGinniss plant on Umka. This has the Free Worlds League during the past century have
partially satisfied the company’s small but vocal been Awesomes, BattleMasters, and Goliaths. As a
opposition, whose rallying cry “A thousand years of bad result, the League’s regular regiments have become
press can’t be all wrong!” may bear more than a germ of increasingly dominated by medium, 45‐60 ton ‘Mechs
truth. like the Phoenix Hawk, the Hunchback and the home‐
AeroSpace Craft Production grown Hermes II. Their armour units usually consist of
Even though the League has suffered substantial losses light support vehicles like the 30‐ton Galleon tank. This
to its AeroSpace production capacity during the mix of units allows the Free Worlds to respond quickly
Succession Wars, it still maintains its reputation as “The to opportunities along its borders to conduct rapid,
Gateway to the Stars”. The League has ten active quick‐strike raids behind enemy lines. Nevertheless,
DropShip/JumpShip manufacturing facilities, and eight they are ill‐suited for close, pitched battles against
other factories manufacturing AeroSpace Fighters. tightly massed forces and have had spotty success in
The Free Worlds retains only three facilities (at full‐scale invasions of enemy worlds.
Clipperton, Tamarind and Loyalty) capable of producing The separation of forces into League and provincial units
a Star Lord or Monolith JumpShip, and only a handful of has turned major military operations into administrative
Techs who possess the technological know‐how to nightmares and made coordination a virtual
supervise such a complex operation. Following the lead impossibility. Conversely, this provincial self‐reliance,
of House Davion, Janos Marik has convinced Parliament coupled with frequent civil unrest, has prompted the
to fund the creation of a University of Science to prevent League’s major worlds to maintain garrisons in a state of
these skills from completely dying out. readiness seldom seen in the other four Successor
Because of the complex nature of the technologies States. The net result has been a military structure
involved, most replacement parts for JumpShips, capable of defending its own territories, often in the
DropShips and Aerospace Fighters are manufactured at face of extraordinary opposition, but which has been
the primary production facilities. One notable exception less successful in attaining the type of conquests
to this rule is Forerunner, A.G., a longtime producer of required to win the Succession Wars.
2ND FREE WORLD GUARDS to assume the number of the famed 4 regiment, who
fell heroically while counterattacking a Liao invasion
(“EVER FAITHFUL”) force in 2840 (during the ComStar war). Despite his
CO: Colonel Josiah Kimbolton
anger at the unit’s effrontery, Duncan is too practical to
Experience Level : Veteran
waste valuable ‘Mechs (even salvaged ones) to satisfy a
‘Mech Weight: Medium
personal pique.

Unit Profile: Unit Colors:

The first ‘Mech unit to be specifically commissioned by The Fourth does not use the standard Marik Militia paint
Parliament was the Second Free Worlds Guards, created scheme. Instead, the 'Mechs of the Fourth use a blue‐and‐
by the Defense Act of 2464. The 2 has a strong white pattern for parade colors with their insignia, a 'Mech
stepping on a tank, displayed prominently on the chest.
tradition that instils considerable pride in the few
admitted to its ranks.
Today, the 2 consists of three battalions of medium
‘Mechs along with a reconnaissance company of light
‘Mechs, light AeroSpace Fighters, and a fire lance of
assault ‘Mechs. The 2nd attracts the best technical
support personnel.
The commander of the 2nd Guards is Josiah Kimbolton, a
much‐decorated soldier. Kimbolton holds a
Distinguished Service Award set off by two diamonds,
representing more than 10,000 tons of documented
kills. He is a superb field commander, though he is
politically naive, and seems to be somewhat unequal to
the task of planning overall campaigns.
Unit Colors:
The parade colors of the Guards are a mix of white and
purple paneling, with black accents.
Unit Insignia:
The insignia of the Free Worlds Guards is a yellow, red
and black shield held aloft by silver wings. All Guards
units carry this marking, on the right leg of 'Mechs, the
tail plane of aerospace craft or the forward glacis of
vehicles. The insignia of the Second Guards is a cluster of
planets connected with golden chains
A Whitworth medium ‘Mech of the 4th Marik Militia
Unit Insignia:
FOURTH”) Each 'Mech displays the Marik Militia crest ‐ a stylized
CO: Colonel Vernon Cherenkov
Marik Eagle on a red and blue background ‐ on its left
Experience Level: Green
arm or weapons pod. The 'Mechs of the Fourth display
‘Mech Weight: Light
their insignia, a 'mech stepping on a tank, prominently
on the chest.
Unit Profile:
This recently commissioned regiment has been slapped
together from the salvaged remains of Anton Marik’s
defeated forces and parts seized by the 6 Militia during
its deep raid on Nanking in 3021. Its manpower shares
equally questionable parentage, consisting mostly of
raw Academy graduates and misfits from other Militia
regiments who General Duncan Marik wanted out of his
hair. TO the General’s horror, the new unit has elected
6TH MARIK MILITIA Unit Insignia:
Each 'Mech displays the Marik Militia crest ‐ a stylized
(“THE KEYSTONE YEOMANRY”) Marik Eagle on a red and blue background ‐ on its left
CO: Colonel Boris Ames‐Marik arm or weapons pod. The insignia of the 6th Militia
Experience Level: Veteran
shows an archer holding a drawn longbow.
‘Mech Weight: Assault


The 6 is clearly the shining gem of the Marik Militia. (“HOPE OF GLORY”)
Specially designed for major invasion and assault CO: Colonel Eve Hansi
operations, it carries enough aerospace firepower to Experience Level: Regular
rule the planetary skies in most engagements and has ‘Mech Weight: Medium
the enviable luxury of fielding three full‐strength
battalions of assault ‘Mechs. The aptly names Death Unit Profile:
Watch Brigade, an elite assault battalion, is especially th
Commissioned during the Canopus War, the 4 Brigade
effective when held in reserve and committed to the has many combat stripes to its credit. However, the unit
fray when a weak spot in the enemy line is exposed. is severely understrength because General Waslewski
Colonel Ames‐Marik, the swarthy scion of one of the discovered a plot against the Free Worlds government
Marik clan’s oldest cadet lines, is an efficient but rather involving several MechWarriors of the 4 . As a result, he
colorless man who seems to be interested only in doing has been conducting a series of investigations and court‐
his job and being left in peace between assignments. martials to uncover the traitors. The inquiries of SAFE
Indeed, with the promotion of the unit’s crusty former have increased the 4 ’s distrust of the central
CO Saj Rahal to the post of Marshall of Oriente, the only government.
th th
real “character” left in the 6 ’s ranks is Captain Dick When at full strength, the 4 Brigade is well‐equipped,
“Diver” Dickson, a long‐term member of Whilhelm’s Fire with a light battalion of Locust, Spider and Hermes II
Battalion. Dickson has a near‐fatal affection for using his ‘Mechs, and two medium battalions with a
jump‐jet equipped Ostroc in the dangerous “Death from preponderance of Wolverine‐M Mechs. The two
Above” maneuver. medium battalions have heavy fire lances consisting of
Unit Colors: one Trebuchet, one Archer, and two Centurions.
The Marik Militias use a color scheme first seen in 2620 ‐ Command of the 4 is presently in the hands of Colonel
purple with red accents on the right side and blue on the Eve Hansi, a SAFE officer detached from the Dark
left. Shadows Battalion, who served for a time with the 4
Fusiliers before joining Intelligence.
Unit Colors:
The Fusiliers' parade color is dark green, with pale green
highlights and black edging.
Unit Insignia:
The insignia of the Fusiliers is a black rectangular box
emblazoned with a stylized version of the red‐and‐green
Calloway Orchid The regiments insignia consists of a
lance flying a pennant emblazoned with the Fusiliers'


CO: Colonel Bradford Holmes
Experience Level: Regular
‘Mech Weight: Medium

Unit Profile:
The unit insignia of the Iron Guards bears the legend
“Never Surrender”. This attitude epitomises the long
A Marik Militia Trebuchet medium ‘Mech tradition of the regiment, which has served both the
Border Protectorate and the Free Worlds faithfully for
nearly five hundred years. Because this all‐volunteer
unit is often used as a spearhead, personnel turnover is
great; members are a curious combination of grizzled 2ND ORIENTE HUSSARS
MechWarriors and young, talented ‘Mech pilots.
Officers in the Iron Guards often use somewhat
CO: Colonel Caleb “Mad Dog” Covaleski
unorthodox tactics to achieve objectives, relying on the
Experience Level: Regular
skills of their unique charges.
‘Mech Weight: Light
Unit Colors:
The parade colors of the Protectorate Guard are purple Unit Profile:
and powder‐blue. The blue forms the base color with nd
The 2 Hussars has a well‐earned reputation for taking
key panels highlighted in purple. Black edging completes the normal craziness associated with the lifestyle of a
the paint scheme. MechWarrior one step beyond. Often, the unit employs
Unit Insignia: highly unorthodox strategies (especially for a lightly
The Guard's insignia is a Zeus BattleMech, mainstay of armoured unit without artillery support) to gain their
House Steiner, overlaid by glowing red cross hairs. The objective. Though the unit’s long‐haired, boisterous
Iron Guard insignia consists of a BattleMech foot commander “Mad Dog” Covaleski gets most of the
trampling a mailed fist, the traditional emblem of House credit for engineering the 2nds’s unconventional
Steiner reconnaissance and intelligence gathering, the men of
the unit know that the real mastermind behind their
operations is chief scout Calderon “Silent Cal” Benge, a
SECOND SIRIAN LANCERS slender, shy young man of 27. Cal’s aversion to the
(“THE DOG STAR CORSAIRS”) limelight has thus far concealed the fact that he is one of
CO: Colonel Jenny Twofeathers the most ingenious military tacticians of the current age.
Experience Level: Regular Unit Colors:
‘Mech Weight: Heavy The Hussars use a wide range of field camouflage
schemes but most often favour a two‐tone green paint
Unit Profile: scheme‐‐dark on the lower parts, lighter on the top‐‐for
The three much‐battered regiments of the Sirian Lancers vehicles and 'Mechs.
are the sole remains of the once‐great MechWarrior
legions of Sirius, who, in the height of the Star League’s
greatness, once fielded almost a dozen regiments of
crack BattleMechs. Sirius’ once‐mighty ‘Mech factories
have long ago been reduced to rubble, though its Star
League designed ‘Mech repair depot still remains fully
Recently, the bulk of the Lancers’ best warriors and
best‐maintained ‘Mechs have been transferred into the
nd nd
2 Lancers. The 2 ’scommander, Jenny Twofeathers is
a proud and beautiful woman whose traces back to the
tribal chiefs of the Sioux Indians of Terra.
Unit Colors:
The Second Lancers' BattleMechs, vehicles and fighters
bear ochre‐red paint schemes with green highlights.
A light Hermes ‘Mech in 2nd Oriente Hussars colors
Unit Insignia:
Mechs, vehicles and personnel of all Sirian Lancer
Unit Insignia:
regiments display a common insignia composed of a
Units of the Oriente Hussars display their group insignia
flaming lance set against a triangle.
prominently, usually on the upper torso of a BattleMech
or the turret‐front of armour units. The insignia depicts
a stylized white Oriente Hawk, its torso on a red
background surrounded by a golden box. The wings of
the hawk extend beyond the box reaching across a
green, lozenge‐shaped background. The Second Hussars'
regimental insignia shows a short man with a small knife
chasing a BattleMech.
CO: Colonel Sigurd McDowell Regardless of the storms and controversies that swirl
Experience Level: Regular about the Hussars, its 1 regiment has been a
‘Mech Weight: Medium formidable fighting force. For the past six years, it has
been ably commanded by Colonel Tomaso Kinchuhara, a
Unit Profile: wiry veteran who rose to prominence during the 1 ’s
st th
The 1 Grenadiers are commanded by Colonel Sigurd furious two‐day duel with the 17 Skye Rangers in the
McDowell, a member of the Order of the Saber whose Battle of Kendrew’s Crossing. Tomaso is a stern
military record is a shining testament to bravery, valour disciplinarian, who expects his men to keep their ‘Mechs
and perseverance. Unlike many units, the 1 has neither and gear as well‐maintained as his own Orion. Despite
hereditary nor appointed leadership. Instead, the his gruffness, he is well‐respected by his men because
commander of the unit is chosen every two years by he sets the same rules for officers, MechWarriors and
election, with each lance allowed a single ballot. Any support personnel alike, and judges his men by results
warrior in the regiment may be elevated to command rather than personalities. For example, to lead the
the unit. Elected after five years as commander of the 1 Eastern Star Strike Battalion he chose Major Vic “The
Grenadier’s Strike Battalion, McDowell has served four Ripper” Davis. Davis is little more than an animal off the
two‐year terms. battlefield, a crude and sadistic boor whose violent
Unit Colors: temper has propelled him into countless bar fights and
The Orloff Grenadiers use a two‐tone green paint scheme duels, but he is also the best pilot in the unit. His battle
for their parade colors. The legs and lower torso of each instincts seem infallible, and his bravery in the cockpit
'Mech are painted drab olive‐green, while a brighter lime‐ his battered Cyclops has been demonstrated time and
green covers the upper torso, arms and head. time again.
Unit Insignia: Unit Colors:
The Grenadiers' insignia shows a pair of lances against a For ceremonial purposes the Hussars paint their machines
yellow and red disc. Beneath the lances is inscribed the an orange‐brown with off yellow highlights. Some sub‐units
motto : Guerra cominciata, inferno scatenato (War from the lance level up paint their machines a monotone
commenced, hell unchained) The regiment's insignia shows color such as tan, olive, or grey when in combat, while
a rifle and a sword, crossed over the Orloff yellow and red others stick to the parade scheme
disc. Unit Insignia:
The Regulan Hussars regimental banner consists of a bat‐
winged banshee standing on a map of the Principality of
Regulus. The design is usually displayed on the left torso
and arm of the unit's BattleMechs and on the side of

The Orloff Grenadiers field a captured BNC‐3E Banshee


CO: Colonel Tomaso Kinchuhara
Experience Level: Elite A CDA‐2A of the 1st Regulan Hussars scouting
‘Mech Weight: Heavy
The Regulan Hussars regimental banner consists of a
CO: Colonel Gary “Lights” Carter
bat‐winged banshee standing on a map of the
Experience Level: Veteran
Principality of Regulus. The design is usually displayed
‘Mech weight: Light
on the left torso and arm of the unit's BattleMechs and
Unit Profile: on the side of vehicles
The 4th Hussars is a light, quick‐strike force best used
for recon and deep penetration raids. The unit possesses
a substantial number of Hermes lis equipped with Irian
BattleMechs' advanced ESR sensory and long‐range
communications systems. The unit's Techs are justly
proud of their ability to keep these delicate systems
operational, which even some members of the current
IBM technical design staff cannot match.
The unit's commander, Gary "Lights" Carter, is an
enigmatic man of 34 who is equally loved and hated by
the MechWarriors who fight under his banner. On the
one hand, he is a savvy tactician who has learned well
the tactics of Lyran and Capellan units and has been able
to use this knowledge to outguess his enemy on the
battlefield. On the other hand, he is a shameless
publicity hound, who never misses an opportunity to
blow his own horn to vidtape war correspondents. His
nickname, a derisive short form of the old Terran video‐
maker's cry "Lights! Camera! Action! ," is testimony to A Wyvern medium ‘Mech advances against hostile fire
the way many of his men view his headline‐grabbing

Unit Colors:
The 4th Regulan Hussars use a tan and brown
camouflage with maroon highlights. Some
MechWarriors paint a Kukri on the hip of their 'Mech.
The following rules are optional, and may be used when DETERMINE MECHWARRIOR/VEHICLE
creating House Marik‐themed units for the 3025 era. The
following tables provide ways of generating lances, CREW SKILL LEVEL
companies and battalions representative for that era.
Roll 2D6 and apply any modifiers listed below to determine
pilot/crew skill level:
ASSIGNMENT Result MechWarrior/Crew quality
2 or less Green
To determine the weight class of a BattleMech assigned to a 3 Green
particular unit, roll 2D6, apply any modifiers listed below, 4 Green
and determine the result on the table below. 5 Green
6 Regular
7 Regular
Result Equipment Weight category
8 Regular
2 or less Light
9 Veteran
3 Light
10 Veteran
4 Light
11 Elite
5 Light
12 or more Elite
6 Medium
Modifiers (cumulative)
7 Medium
8 Heavy
9 Medium • If parent unit is equipment weight Light: ‐1
10 Heavy • If parent unit is equipment weight Heavy or
11 Assault Assault: +1
12 or more Heavy • If parent unit is experience level Green: ‐1
• If parent experience level is Veteran or Elite: +1
Modifiers (cumulative)
These skill levels translate into the following game statistics:
• If parent unit is equipment weight Light: ‐1
• If parent unit is equipment weight Heavy or Skill Level Piloting Gunnery
Assault: +1 Elite 3 2
• If parent unit is experience level Green: ‐1 Veteran 4 3
• If parent experience level is Veteran or Elite: +1 Regular 5 4
Green 6 5
Example: Alex wants to roll up a lance belonging to the
Second Sirian Lancers (“The Dog Star Corsairs”). The
regiment has Regular experience, and is classed as Heavy DETERMINE EQUIPMENT:
for ‘Mechs. Alex adds +1 to all dice rolls, and gets 7(+1),
4(+1), 9(+1) and 6(+1) – this results in the lance containing Roll 2D6 on the appropriate tables below to determine
two Heavy ‘Mechs, a medium ‘Mech and a light ‘Mech. Such what ‘Mech or vehicle is issued:
mixed lances are common in the armies of the Successor
States in 3025.
2D6 Light ‘Mechs Medium ‘Mechs Heavy ‘Mechs Assault ‘Mechs
2 UrbanMech UM‐R60 [504] VL‐2T Vulcan [642] ON1‐V Orion [1298] STK‐3H Stalker [1624]
3 LCT‐1E Locust [553] VL‐2T Vulcan [642] CRD‐3R Crusader [1317] CP‐10‐Z Cyclops [1317]
4 SDR‐5V Spider [622] TBT‐5N Trebuchet [1191] QKD‐4G Quickdraw [1192] LGB‐7Q Longbow [1618]
5 FLE‐15 Flea [430] PXH‐1 Phoenix Hawk [1041] CRD‐3R Crusader [1317] THG‐10E Thug [1501]
6 LCT‐1V Locust [432] HBK‐4G Hunchback [1041] ON1‐K Orion [1429] AWS‐8Q Awesome [1605]
7 WSP‐1A Wasp [384] HER‐2S Hermes II [784] ARC‐2R Archer [1477] STK‐3F Stalker [1559]
8 STG‐3R Stinger [359] WVR‐6M Wolverine [1291] TDR‐5S Thunderbolt [1335] BLR‐1G BattleMaster [1519]
9 FS9‐H Firestarter [694] GRF‐1N Griffin [1272] WHM‐6R Warhammer [1299] LGB‐0W Longbow [1337]
10 JVN‐10N Javelin [594] SHD‐2H Shadow Hawk [1064] RFL‐3N Rifleman [1039] BNC‐3E Banshee [1422]
11 STG‐3G Stinger [497] PXH‐1 Phoenix Hawk [1041] GLT‐4L Guillotine [1400] AS7‐D Atlas [1897]
12 WSP‐1A Wasp [384] CDA‐2A Cicada [659] WHM‐6R Warhammer [1299] AWS‐8R Awesome [1470]


2D6 Light Vehicles Medium Vehicles Heavy Vehicles Assault Vehicles
2 Harasser (Laser) [321] Hetzer [574] AC2 Carrier [403] Demolisher [981]
3 Scorpion (SRM) [373] Hetzer [574] LRM Carrier [833] Schrek PPC Carrier [935]
4 Galleon GAL‐100 [309] Vedette [475] Bulldog (AC2) [556] Partisan [673]
5 Saracen [673] Vedette [475] Manticore [993] Demolisher [981]
6 Pegasus [649] Vedette [475] SRM Carrier [816] Ontos [938]
7 Scorpion [306] Vedette [475] Bulldog [605] Ontos [938]
8 Galleon GAL‐100 [309] Vedette [475] LRM Carrier [833] Ontos [938]
9 Harasser [413] Vedette [475] Manticore [993] Demolisher [981]
10 Saladin [596] Vedette [475] Bulldog (LRM) [748] Partisan (LRM) [1021]
11 Scimitar [532] Maxim [949] Pike [648] Behemoth [1173]
12 Harasser (LRM) [412] Vedette (AC2) [458] Von Luckner VNL‐K65N [1100] Ontos (LRM) [1164]
The following units are provided as examples of typical Free
Worlds League BattleMech forces in 3025.


Experience class: Regular
‘Mech Weight class: Regular

Command Lance:
ON1‐K Orion (BV 1429)
AWS‐8Q Awesome (BV 1605)
ARC‐2R Archer (BV 1477)
TDR‐5S Thunderbolt (BV 1355)
Lance BV: 5836
Attack Lance:
WVR‐6M Wolverine (BV 1291)
HKB‐4G Hunchback (BV 1041)
HER‐2S Hermes II (BV 784)
FS9‐H Firestarter (BV 694)
Lance BV: 3810
Recon Lance
PXH‐1 Phoenix Hawk (BV 1041) CLNT‐2‐3T Clint
LCT‐1E Locust (BV 553)
WSP‐1A Wasp (BV 384)
Lance BV: 2337
Company BV: 11983
Experience class: Green
‘Mech Weight class: Light

Command lance:
GHR‐5H Grasshopper (BV 1427)
HBK‐4G Hunchback (BV 1041)
VND‐1R Vindicator (BV 1024)
SDR‐5V Spider (BV 622)
Lance BV: 4114
Fire Lance:
AWS‐8Q Awesome (BV 1605)
CPLT‐C1 Catapult (BV 1399)
TBT‐5N Trebuchet (BV 1191)
QKD‐4G Quickdraw (BV 1192)
Lance BV: 5387
Recon Lance:
ASN‐21 Assassin (BV 749)
CDA‐2A Cicada (BV 659)
CLNT‐2‐3T Clint (BV 901)
HER‐2S Hermes II (BV 784)
Lance BV: 3093
Company BV: 12594

(Note: this company has been made entirely from

miniatures available in the Classic BattleTech Introductory
Box Set, and the Classic BattleTech 25th Anniversary Box Set,
AWS‐8Q Awesome
which also include full Record Sheets for these units.)
This section provides additional rules and tables that TYPES OF SCENARIOS
players can use to quickly generate BattleTech scenarios. The following paragraphs contain brief descriptions and
Using this system, players can generate relatively victory conditions for each type of scenario. Each
balanced scenarios in short order. By combining the description includes the special rules used to play that
various scenario types with mixes of units and scenario type, along with guidelines for force
mapsheets, players can create a nearly infinite number composition and victory conditions.
of different scenarios.
Note: Many of the scenarios mention using equal
BATTLE VALUE SYSTEM: numbers of units. This is a general rule of thumb to help
The Battle Value (BV) system provides a numerical balance a scenario that applies to an equal number of
rating (a “point system”) that represents the damage the same type of units. For example, if Player A has four
capabilities and survival potential of every BattleTech ’Mechs and Player B has four combat vehicles, most
unit. BV can be with this section to generate an even likely Player A will have an unfair advantage. To correct
more balanced scenario, increasing every player’s this problem, players should work to make sure that
enjoyment of the game. each side has an appropriate number of the same type
Battle Values are provided for all units listed in this Army of units when choosing and assigning forces
Report, These assume the unit is manned by a STANDUP FIGHT
MechWarrior or vehicle crew with Regular skills. If the In a stand‐up fight, the simplest and most common
crew quality is changed, the BV of that unit needs to be scenario, two forces of roughly equal size square off
recalculated; rules to do so are provided below. against each other. Only one side leaves the field alive.
Force Composition: Both sides should have the same
GENERAL RULES number of units.

Unless otherwise noted in the specific rules for each Battle Value: If you are using the BV system, each side
scenario type, the following rules apply to all BattleTech should have an equal allotment of points. For example,
scenarios created with this system. an appropriate number of points for each side in a
lance‐on‐lance battle is 4,000 to 6,000 points.
Victory Conditions: The scenario ends when all the units
The mission‐generation rules are written for two‐player
on one side have been destroyed or retreated off the
scenarios. If more than two individuals are playing,
map. The surviving side at the end of the scenario wins.
simply divide all the players into two opposing teams.
Players can use these rules to set up games involving HOLD THE LINE
three or more sides, but such games tend to get In a hold‐the‐line scenario, the defending player must
complicated and the players must determine how to fend off a larger attacking force. The defending units
apply the rules in various situations. may not intentionally leave the boundaries of the
playing area for any reason.
1. First, choose a scenario type Force Composition: Set the attacking player’s force at
twice the size of the defender’s force. Players may use
2. Next, select and place the mapsheets
any size forces they wish, as long as the attacker’s force
3. Then determine the force composition is twice as large as the defender’s. Set the experience
4. Finally both players roll 2D6 to begin. levels of the defending player’s forces at one level
The player with the higher result chooses his home map higher than those of the attacker. For example, if the
edge—the edge of the map where his units will enter. attacking force consists of regular units, the defender
The opposite edge becomes the opposing player’s home uses veteran units.
map edge. A player’s units can safely exit the map only Battle Value: If you are using the BV system, the point
through that player’s home edge. Roll Initiative for the value of the defending force equals that of the attacking
first turn per standard rules. All units start play off the force, though the defending force must be only half as
map, unless a specific scenario states otherwise. A large as the attacking force. In addition, each defending
player’s units may enter the map on any hex along the unit is upgraded one skill level for free (eg. Green to
player’s home edge, regardless of terrain, provided the Regular, Regular to Veteran, Veteran to Elite), rather
unit can legally enter that hex. Each unit must enter the than the experience‐level increase.
map on a full hex nearest the home edge, and that hex
counts as its first hex of movement.
Victory Conditions: The scenario ends when all the units mapsheets, simply use all available mapsheets. Place the
on one side have been destroyed or retreated off the mapsheets in a single, long row with their short edges
map. touching.
If the defenders destroy a number of opposing units Next, both players roll 2D6. The player who gets the
equal to or greater than the number of defending units higher result may choose to play the defender or the
that started the scenario, the defending player wins. For attacker. The attacker then chooses one of the narrow
example, if the defending player begins with a single edges of the map as the place from which his forces will
lance (four units), he can claim victory if he manages to enter. The attacker’s home edge is the one opposite the
destroy four or more attacking units. In all other cases, entry edge. The attacker’s objective is to exit his forces
the player whose forces survive or control the map at at his home map edge.
the scenario’s end wins. The defender may set up his forces in any hexes on the
In an extraction scenario, the attacking player attempts Force Composition: Both sides should have the same
to extract a target, such as a secret weapon, an number of units.
important diplomat or a computer memory core, from Battle Value: If using the BV system, each side should be
behind the defender’s lines. After the players roll dice worth the same number of points.
and select their home map edges, the attacker secretly
Victory Conditions: The scenario ends when all the
chooses a target hex for the extraction. The target hex
defending units have been destroyed or retreated off
must be within four hex rows of the defender’s home
the map, or when all attacking units have retreated,
edge and cannot be within four hexes of any other map
been destroyed or been crippled. Units become crippled
edge. The attacker then writes down the target hex’s
when they lose one or more legs or their gyros are
number and mapsheet name on a slip of paper, which
destroyed. Attacking units may intentionally exit the
he folds and gives to a neutral party for safekeeping (or
map only at their home edge; a unit exiting from any
the defending player can simply put the paper in his
other edge has retreated.
pocket without looking at it).
If all the attacking units survive and exit at their home
The attacking player can reveal the target hex to the
edge, the attacking player wins a Decisive victory. If all
defender during any End Phase, but must reveal the
the attacking forces are destroyed or crippled, or none
target hex if an attacking unit ends the turn in the target
exit at their home edge, the defending player wins a
hex. Any attacking unit can pick up the extraction target
Decisive victory. If the players meet neither of these
by occupying the target hex during an End Phase. In
conditions, consult the Breakthrough Victory Points
addition, a unit that retrieves the target can pass it to
Table to determine each player’s Victory Points.
any friendly unit in the same hex or an adjacent hex
during any End Phase. Breakthrough Victory Points Table

If a unit carrying the extraction target is destroyed, place Attacking Player

the slip of paper in the hex previously occupied by the Each attacking unit that safely exits at home 2VP
unit. Any unit in play can retrieve the target by edge
occupying the target hex during any End Phase. Each defending unit destroyed 1VP
Force Composition: Both sides start with an equal Defending Player
number of units.
Each attacking unit destroyed or crippled 3VP
Battle Value: If using the BV system, each side should be
Each attacking unit forced to retreat off the map 2VP
worth an equal number of points.
The player with the most points wins a Marginal
Victory Conditions: If the attacker can move a unit
carrying the extraction target off his home map edge, he victory.If both players score the same number of Victory
Points, the scenario ends in a draw.
wins the scenario. Otherwise, the defender wins.

In a chase scenario, the attacker’s forces must race
In a breakthrough scenario, the attacking player’s forces
across the map to reach their DropShip before a larger
have become trapped behind enemy lines. To reach
safety, the units must cross the map and break through force of pursuing defenders can reach them. Chase
scenarios use the same rules as breakthrough scenarios,
the defender’s forces. Use one more mapsheet than the
standard single map for every four units. For example, if with the following exceptions. The defending player
does not deploy his forces until Turn 2. During Turn 1,
eight units will be in play, use three mapsheets rather
attacking units may enter and move unopposed per
than two. If you have fewer than the needed number of
standard rules. The defending units enter during the
Movement Phase of Turn 2, from the same map edge as
the attacking units.
Force Composition: Set the defender’s force at twice BATTLE VALUE
the size of the attacking force. For example, if the Battle Value is most useful when comparing forces of
attackers form a single lance, the defending force should similar sizes – eg. One ‘Mech, lance or company against
contain two lances. another ‘Mech, lance or company. As long as the
number of units, or sum of the Battle Value of the units,
Battle Value: Under the BV system, the defending force
on both sides is within 10% of each other, then the
should be worth twice the point value of the attacker’s
battle can be considered balanced.
Not all BattleMechs are created equal – some are more
USING MAPSHEETS powerful than others. A heavy lance will have an
Before selecting mapsheets, determine how many you advantage over a medium lance in most circumstances.
want to use. For most BattleTech play, an appropriate Similarly, not all MechWarriors are created equal, either
ratio is one mapsheet for every four units. For example, – an elite MechWarrior can use a lighter ‘Mech to clean
a scenario that pits one lance of attackers against one up an assault, in the right circumstances.
lance of defenders (eight units total) works best with Example: Alex’s 2nd Company, 2nd Battalion, 4th
two mapsheets. A scenario that pits one company of Fusiliers of Oriente are having combat with Chris’ DCMS
attackers against a company of defenders (twenty‐four forces of the 1st Company, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Sword of
total units) works best with six mapsheets. Different Light. The BV of Alex’s company is 11,983; the BV of
scenarios may work best with other mapsheet/unit Chris’ company is 12330. As these are within 10% of
ratios, so check the scenario type description. each other, no adjustments are required.
SELECTING MAPSHEETS Example 2: Alex’s recon lance (BV 2337) ends up facing
To begin selecting mapsheets, the players roll 2D6. The Chris’ medium lance (BV 3,900) If an even fight is
player with the higher result picks one mapsheet of their desired, then it will be necessary to increase the strength
choice from those mapsheets available to the players. of Alex’s forces.
The other player then selects a mapsheet from those
remaining. The players continue to alternate choosing
All BV values are given assuming that the pilot of the
mapsheets until the number required have been
unit has Regular skills. You can increase (or decrease)
the BV of a unit by increasing the skill level of the pilot
LAYING OUT MAPSHEETS by the following values:
To begin laying out mapsheets, the players roll 2D6. The • Regular to Elite BV x2.1
player with the higher result places the first selected
• Regular to Veteran BV x1.5
mapsheet on the table or floor. The other player then
places the next selected mapsheet. The players continue • Regular to Green BVx0.85
to alternate laying out the remaining mapsheets. Example: In order to help balance the scenario, Chris
Each mapsheet must be placed with one of its short elects to make 2 of the MechWarriors in his medium
edges touching the short edge of a mapsheet already lance have Green skill levels. This reduces his lance total
placed or with one of its long edges touching the long BV to 2607. Alex then elects to make all his recon lance
edge of a mapsheet already placed. In addition, unless pilots Veterans, which increases his lance total BV to
players agree otherwise or the specifics of a scenario call 3506. As these are now within 10% (360) of each other,
for an unusual set‐up, the mapsheets must form a and agreeable to both sides, the battle may now
continuous rectangular or square playing area. Within commence – Alex pitting his hardened veterans’ skills
these and any guidelines provided in the scenario type against the heavier opponents facing them.
The Random Assignment Tables on page 18 include A fair way to ‘spice up’ a FWLM unit either rolled from
those unit types found in more or less every regiment of the RATs, or assembled from the RATs by battle value, is
the Free Worlds League Miliitary. However, they do not to use these guidelines:
list all types of equipment which a League BattleMech or
vehicle unit may include. The section below provides • For every four common ‘Mechs or vehicles
more details on the less frequently seen equipment also used by one player in a game, one can be
fielded by the FWLM. swapped for an uncommon variant of the
same unit.
COMMON, UNCOMMON AND RARE • For every twelve common units used by one
For the sake of this Army Report, BattleMechs and player in a game, one can be swapped for a
vehicles are classified into three groups based on the different uncommon ‘Mech or vehicle of the
likelyhood of encountering them in the FWLM: common, same tonnage.
uncommon and rare units.
• Common units ‐ featured on the FWLM 3025 Example: take the 1st Company, 3rd Battalion, 4th Marik
RATs above, and highlighted like this below ‐ Militia shown on page 19. Herb, playing this force, could
tend to be manufactured in the Free Worlds, reasonably swap his Hunchback HBK‐4G, for the HBK‐3P
and can reasonably be found in any FWLM variant, as long as he didn’t swap any other ‘Mechs in
unit. It is relatively easy to obtain ammunition, his command lance. He could also choose to swap the
spares, and whole replacement units for Awesome AWS‐8Q for a Victor VTR‐9A – but not for a
common units. Cyclops CP‐10‐Q, which is 10 tons heavier, or for a King
• Uncommon units ‐ those listed below, but not Crab KGC‐0000, which is not available to Marik
highlighted ‐ may have been captured, MechWarriors.
converted from factory standard, welded
together by battle salvage, etc, and are much (Note: at the end of the day, your game of BattleTech is
less likely to be encountered in League forces. your game. You’re free to allow whatever units appear
While not impossible, it is much harder to find in your games, provided both players agree. If Herb
spare parts, let alone replacements for really wanted to field a King Crab as one of his units, and
uncommon units. his opponent Joel is agreeable given he can balance his
force’s BV accordingly, then there’s no problem.
• Rare units – those not listed below. Such units
are normally impossible to make, maintain or
Full details of these ‘Mechs and vehicles, and all their
even obtain in the Free Worlds League.
variants, can be found in Technical Readout: 3039, and
Record Sheets: 3039.
Light BattleMechs Medium BattleMechs
Battle Battle
Unit Name Tons Value Unit Name Tons Value
Flea FLE-15 20 430 Assassin ASN-21 40 749
Flea FLE-4 20 432 Cicada CDA-2A 40 659
Locust LCT-1E 20 553 Cicada CDA-2B 40 626
Locust LCT-1V 20 432 Cicada CDA-3C 40 771
Locust LCT-3V 20 490 Clint CLNT-2-3T 40 770
Mercury MCY-98 20 553 Hermes II HER-2M 40 910
Stinger STG-3G 20 497 Hermes II HER-2S 40 784
Stinger STG-3R 20 359 Sentinel STN-3K 40 652
Wasp WSP-1A 20 384 Vulcan VL-2T 40 642
Falcon FLC-4N 30 610 Vulcan VL-5T 40 942
Hermes HER-1A 30 601 Whitworth WTH-1 40 982
Javelin JVN-10N 30 594 Whitworth WTH-1S 40 917
Spider SDR-5V 30 622 Phoenix Hawk PXH-1 45 1041
UrbanMech UM-R60 30 504 Centurion CN9-A 50 945
Firestarter FS9-H 35 694 Centurion CN9-AH 50 945
Jenner JR7-D 35 875 Chameleon CLN-7V 50 999
Ostscout OTT-7J 35 596 Hunchback HBK-4G 50 1041
Panther PNT-9R 35 769 Hunchback HBK-4H 50 1067
Hunchback HBK-4J 50 1143
Hunchback HBK-4N 50 1087
Hunchback HBK-4P 50 1138
Hunchback HBK-4SP 50 1043
Trebuchet TBT-5J 50 1191
Trebuchet TBT-5N 50 1191
Dervish DV-6M 55 1146
Griffin GRF-1N 55 1272
Kintaro KTO-18 55 1187
Scorpion SCP-1N 55 1019
Shadow Hawk SHD-2H 55 1064
Wolverine WVR-6M 55 1291
Wolverine WVR-6R 55 1101
Heavy BattleMechs Assault BattleMechs
Battle Battle
Unit Name Tons Value Unit Name Tons Value
Champion CHP-2N 60 1116 Awesome AWS-8Q 80 1605
Ostroc OSR-2C 60 1228 Awesome AWS-8R 80 1470
Ostroc OSR-2L 60 1233 Awesome AWS-8T 80 1593
Ostroc OSR-2M 60 1239 Awesome AWS-8V 80 1510
Ostroc OSR-3C 60 1288 Charger CGR-1A1 80 981
Ostsol OTL-4D 60 1308 Goliath GOL-1H 80 1449
Ostsol OTL-4F 60 1264 Thug THG-10E 80 1501
Quickdraw QKD-4G 60 1192 Victor VTR-9A 80 1236
Quickdraw QKD-4H 60 1242 Victor VTR-9A1 80 1302
Quickdraw QKD-5A 60 1196 Victor VTR-9B 80 1378
Rifleman RFL-3N 60 1039 Zeus ZEU-6S 80 1348
Crusader CRD-3R 65 1317 BattleMaster BLR-1G 85 1519
Thunderbolt TDR-5S 65 1335 Crockett CRK-5003-0 85 1704
Archer ARC-2R 70 1477 Longbow LGB-7Q 85 1618
Grasshopper GHR-5H 70 1427 Longbow LGB-OW 85 1337
Grasshopper GHR-5N 70 1511 Stalker STK-3F 85 1559
Guillotine GLT-4L 70 1400 Stalker STK-3H 85 1624
Warhammer WHM-6R 70 1299 Stalker STK-4N 85 1558
Marauder MAD-3M 75 1335 Cyclops CP-10-Q 90 1584
Marauder MAD-3R 75 1363 Cyclops CP-10-Z 90 1317
Orion ON1-K 75 1429 Banshee BNC-3E 95 1422
Orion ON1-V 75 1298 Banshee BNC-3M 95 1595
Orion ON1-VA 75 1328 Banshee BNC-3Q 95 1394
Atlas AS7-D 100 1897
Light Vehicles Medium Vehicles
Battle Battle
Unit Name Tons Value Unit Name Tons Value
Savannah Master Hovercraft 5 215 Hetzer Wheeled Assault Gun 40 574
Swift Wind (ICE Variant) 8 83 Condor Heavy Hover Tank 50 653
Swift Wind Scout Car 8 83 Drillson (SRM Variant) 50 926
APC (Hover) 10 102 Drillson Heavy Hover Tank 50 949

Maxim Heavy Hover

APC (Tracked) 10 142 Transport 50 764
APC (Wheeled) 10 157 Vedette (AC/2 Variant) 50 458
Heavy Hover APC 20 188 Vedette Medium Tank 50 475
Heavy Tracked APC 20 206

Heavy Wheeled APC 20 189 Heavy Vehicles

Packrat LRPV PKR-T5 20 344 Unit Name Tons Value
Skulker Wheeled Scout Tank 20 314 AC/2 Carrier 60 403
Harasser (Laser Variant) 25 321 Bulldog (AC/2 Variant) 60 556
Harasser (LRM Variant) 25 412 Bulldog (LRM Variant) 60 748
Harasser Missile Platform 25 413 Bulldog Medium Tank 60 605
J. Edgar (Flamer Variant) 25 454 LRM Carrier 60 833

J. Edgar (Machine Gun

Variant) 25 482 Manticore Heavy Tank 60 993
J. Edgar Light Hover Tank 25 544 Pike Support Vehicle 60 648
Mobile Headquarters 25 319 SRM Carrier 60 816

Scorpion Light Tank (SRM

Variant) 25 373 Brutus Assault Tank 75 1115
Von Luckner Heavy Tank
Scorpion Light Tank 25 306 VNL-K65N 75 1100
Galleon Light Tank GAL-100 30 309 Zhukov Heavy Tank 75 920
Galleon Light Tank GAL-200 30 345

Hunter Light Support Tank 35 648 Assault Vehicles

Pegasus Scout Hovertank 35 640 Unit Name Tons Value
Plainsman Medium
Hovertank 35 600 Demolisher Heavy Tank 80 1037

Saladin Assault Hover Tank 35 596 Partisan (AC/2 Variant) 80 580

Saracen Medium Hover Tank 35 673 Partisan (LRM Variant) 80 1021
Scimitar Medium Hover Tank 35 532 Partisan Heavy Tank 80 673
Striker (LRM Variant) 35 605 Schrek PPC Carrier 80 935
Striker Light Tank 35 564 Ontos (LRM Variant) 95 1164

Ontos Heavy Tank 95 938

Behemoth (Flamer Variant) 100 1129
Behemoth Heavy Tank 100 1173
So, you’ve begun to learn about the Free Worlds League
Military, but want to know more – about the Free Worlds
League, and about the other Successor States that are its
foes? There’s a wide range of BattleTech products to help
you discover the BattleTech universe.

• The BattleTech Introductory Box Set includes

everything you need to play – complete
introductory rules, including ‘Mech construction
rules; 2 high‐quality double‐sided game maps;
and 24 high‐quality plastic BattleMech
miniatures. Leap into the action!
• Handbook House Marik gives you everything you
want to know about the Free Worlds League in
3067 – its history, culture, sociopolitical structure
and its military might, together with full maps
and illustrations.
• Total Warfare takes your game to the next level
the complete rules for warfare, 31st Century
style. Learn how to fight not only with
BattleMechs and armor – add AeroSpace
Fighters, Battle Armor, infantry, submarines,
DropShips and Jumpships to your games!
• Technical Readout: 3039 is your invaluable guide
to the weapons of warfare in the 31st century.
TRO: 3039 includes full descriptions, art, and
game details for the late Succession Wars era.
• Record Sheets 3039 provides playing details for
all variants of the ‘Mechs and combat vehicles
discussed in this Army Report.

There’s also lots of free information out there for you! is your one‐stop entry to the
BattleTech Universe. In particular,
• Leap Into the Action! – download free copies of
the BattleTech Introductory Rules, Universe
Guide, and more!
• The Universe – find out more about the history of
the BattleTech universe and its factions
• The BattleTech Forums – join other BattleTech
fans and players from around the world!

BattleCorps is the official source for BattleTech fiction and

scenarios. It’s also home to the BattleShop, your online
store for BattleTech products.

High quality metal miniatures can be bought on‐line

from Iron Wind Metals, or from any good friendly local
game store.

Ask your store owner to contact Publisher Services, Inc

(PSI) at for details on how to
stock BattleTech products!

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