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(A) Reading

(1) Read and choose the correct answer to complete the text:
(breakfast – do – bed - my)
I get up at six o'clock. I wash ………..…. face. I have …………… seven.
I get dressed. I go to school at seven thirty. I ……….….my homework in
the evening. I watch TV at night. I go to ……………….. at ten o'clock.

(2) Read and match A with B:

1- I want to play football, a- large, flat feet.
2- Camels have b- at the post office. 6
3- We send letters c- the walls strong.
4- A builder makes d- but I hurt my leg.
e- at the supermarket

(3) Read the text and answer the questions:


I'm Noha. I went to the zoo last week. I went with my family. I went there by
car. I arrived there at ten o'clock. I saw the lion and the tiger. I saw many
birds. I was very happy. It was a nice day. We took many photos. We went
home at seven p.m.
- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- The text is mainly about a visit to the…………..….
a- museum b- zoo c- park d- desert
2- Noha went to the zoo………………..
a- by herself b- alone
c- on foot d- with her family
3- Noha saw ……. at the zoo.
a- animals b- cars c- birds d- a & c
4- Noha went back home ………
a- in the morning b- in the afternoon
c- in the evening d- at dawn
Cairo Governorate First Term Exam 2023
(B) Writing 4
(4) Choose the correct form of the following sentences from a, b, or c:
1- is – next to – the – The school – museum.
a- The school the next to is museum.
b- The school is next to the museum.
c- The school next to the is museum.
2- faster – are – than – Cars – bikes.
a- Cars are faster than bikes.
b- Cars bikes are than faster.
c- Cars faster than are bikes.

(5) Choose the correct order of the following scrambled sentences to form
a meaningful paragraph from a, b, c or d:
1- I watched a match there.
2- Yesterday, I went to the stadium.
3- Then, I went to bed.
4- After the match, I went back home.
a- Yesterday, I went to the stadium
Then, I went to bed.
I watched a match there.
After the match, I went back home.
b- Yesterday, I went to the stadium.
I watched a match there.
After the match, I went back home.
Then, I went to bed.
c- After the match, I went back home.
Yesterday, I went to the stadium.
I watched a match there.
Then, I went to bed.
d- Then, I went to bed.
After the match, I went back home.
Then, I went to bed.
Yesterday, I went to the stadium.
(A) Reading 8
(1) Read and choose the correct answer to complete the text:
(playing – like – in - with)
My favorite sport is football. I ……………. football very much. I play
it once a week. I play it well. I play football …………..… my friends.
I play it …………... The club. I play it in the evening. I like it very
much. It's fun. I enjoy………..….. football.
(2) Read and match A with B:

1- Cotton a- a cake yesterday. 6

2- I'm good at b- dress at the party.
3- I will wear a striped c- grows in the Nile Delta.
4- My mother was making d- is a kind of food.
e- playing squash

(3) Read the text and answer the questions: (6M) 6

Cairo is the capital of Egypt. It's s a busy city with about 20 million
people live and work there. People can have a nice sight seeing in Cairo.
You can take the subway or drive a car to the museum. You can catch a
taxi to get to the Cairo Tower. It's the tallest place in Cairo. You can see
all the city from it. The pyramids and Sphinx stand for the great ancient
Egyptians. You can ride a bus to get there. The Giza Zoo is full of lots of
animals. It's a good place for a trip.
- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- The text is mainly about……….
a- Alexandria b- Cairo c- Giza d- Aswan
2- Cairo is a/an ……………City.
a- amazing b- busy c- small d- a & b
3- The sphinx is a/an………….
a- Pyramid b- museum c- statue d- temple
4- You can see a lot of animals at the ………
a- zoo b- museum c- tower d- pyramids
(B) Writing 4
(4) Choose the correct form of the following sentences from a, b, or c:
1- have – some – juice – like – I'd – to.
a- I'd like to have some juice.
b- I'd like have to some juice.
c- I'd have like to some juice.
2- your – should – wear – You – uniform - school.
a- You should wear your uniform school.
b- You should wear your school uniform.
c- You wear should school your uniform.

(5) Choose the correct order of the following scrambled sentences to form
a meaningful paragraph from a, b, c or d:
I ordered fish and rice there
I ordered salad, too.
After I had my meal, I went back home.
Yesterday, I went to a restaurant.
a- After I had my meal, I went back home.
Yesterday, I went to a restaurant.
I ordered fish and rice there
I ordered salad, too.
b- Yesterday, I went to a restaurant.
I ordered fish and rice there.
I ordered salad, too.
After I had my meal, I went back home.
c- I ordered salad, too.
Yesterday, I went to a restaurant.
After I had my meal, I went back home.
I ordered fish and rice there.
d- I ordered fish and rice there.
After I had my meal, I went back home.
Yesterday, I went to a restaurant.
I ordered salad, too.
(A) Vocabulary and structures
(1) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- I borrow books at the…………
a- library b- bank c- zoo d- museum
2- He had two ……… of meat.
a- cups b- slices c- cans d- glasses
3- She has a toothache, so she went to the……….
a- bakery b- supermarket c- dentist d- pavement
4- Ali is not in ………
a- light b- night c- sight d- right
5- It's cold today. It's 12…………
a- degrees b- marks c- pounds d- kilos
6-………… there a tree in front of your house?
a- Does b- Is c- Do d- Did
7- How ……….cups of coffee did he have?
a- much b- often c- many d- old
8- She goes to school by…………
a- myself b- himself c- herself d- itself
9- ……….. Noha ever wear a wig?
a- Is b- Do c- Was d- Does
10- She takes medicine………. a week.
a- one b- two c- once d- Three

(2) Choose the odd word:

1 played cook see go 5

2 in one from on
3 chicken rice milk meat
4 Ali dog cat lion
5 small mall big short
(B) Reading
(3) Read the passage and answer the questions: 8

I'm Ali. I love my school very much. My school is next to my house. I go to

school on foot. I go to school by myself. I go to school at seven o'clock. I study
English, Arabic, math, science and art. My favorite subject is English. I want to be
a doctor when I grow up. My school is clean and nice. I go home at two o'clock.
- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: Cairo Governorate
1- The text is a/an………….
a- passage b- email c- letter d- form
2- Ali is a/an……….
a- doctor b- teacher c- student d- chef
3- Ali's favorite subject is…………..
a- math b- English c- science d- art
4- Ali goes to school ……….
a- by bus b- by car c- by bike d- on foot

(C) Writing 4
(4) Choose the correct form of the following sentences from a, b, or c:
1- is - a car - There - in - the - street.
a- There is a car in the street.
b- There is the street in a car.
c- There is in a car the street.
2- had - bottles - two - of - water - I
a- I water two had of bottles.
b- I had two bottles of water.
c- I had water two of bottles.

(6) Choose the correct punctuated sentence from a, b or c:

it s open daily 3
a- its open daily. b- It's open daily c- It's open daily.

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