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1. Which of the following is a priority action for a nurse during the preoperative phase?

- A) Administering postoperative medications

- B) Ensuring the surgical consent form is signed
- C) Preparing the operating room equipment
- D) Assessing vital signs after surgery
Rationale: B) Ensuring the surgical consent form is signed is a priority to confirm informed
consent before any surgical intervention.

2. What is the primary purpose of the intraoperative phase in perioperative nursing

- A) Postoperative assessment
- B) Surgical site preparation
- C) Surgical intervention
- D) Pain management
Rationale: C) The intraoperative phase involves the actual surgical procedure, making
surgical intervention the primary purpose.

3. During the intraoperative phase, which team member is responsible for maintaining
the sterile field?
- A) Surgeon
- B) Circulating nurse
- C) Anesthesiologist
- D) Surgical technologist
Rationale: D) A surgical technologist is responsible for maintaining the sterile field during

4. Which action by the nurse is most important immediately postoperatively?

- A) Documenting the surgical procedure
- B) Administering prescribed pain medication
- C) Providing oral fluids
- D) Removing surgical dressings
Rationale: B) Administering prescribed pain medication is a priority to ensure patient comfort
and manage postoperative pain.

5. What is the primary purpose of incentive spirometry in postoperative care?

- A) Promoting lung expansion
- B) Monitoring vital signs
- C) Assessing surgical site drainage
- D) Reducing surgical site infection
Rationale: A) Incentive spirometry is used to promote lung expansion and prevent atelectasis

6. When should a nurse initiate deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis for a
postoperative patient?
- A) Preoperatively
- B) On the first postoperative day
- C) Once the patient is ambulatory
- D) Immediately after surgery
Rationale: A) DVT prophylaxis is often initiated preoperatively to reduce the risk of blood clot

7. Which action by the nurse is essential when caring for a patient with a surgical wound
- A) Milking the drain tubing to facilitate drainage
- B) Keeping the drain below the level of the wound
- C) Emptying the drain when it is half full
- D) Securing the drain with tape to prevent movement
Rationale: B) Keeping the drain below the level of the wound helps facilitate proper drainage
and prevent backflow.

8. During the immediate postoperative period, which assessment finding should be

reported to the healthcare provider promptly?
- A) Mild swelling at the surgical site
- B) Capillary refill time of 3 seconds
- C) Blood pressure decrease of 10 mm Hg
- D) Temperature elevation of 1°F
Rationale: C) A significant drop in blood pressure should be reported promptly as it may
indicate hemorrhage.

9. Which nursing intervention is most effective in preventing postoperative wound

- A) Administering prophylactic antibiotics preoperatively
- B) Frequent dressing changes
- C) Allowing fresh air to circulate around the wound
- D) Applying sterile adhesive strips
Rationale: A) Administering prophylactic antibiotics preoperatively is the most effective
measure in preventing wound infection.

10. Which of the following is an example of a sterile surgical hand scrub technique?
- A) Scrubbing hands for 15 seconds with soap and water
- B) Using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer for 10 seconds
- C) Vigorously scrubbing hands and forearms with a brush for 5 minutes
- D) Rinsing hands with warm water for 30 seconds
Rationale: C) Vigorous scrubbing of hands and forearms with a brush for a specific duration
is part of a sterile surgical hand scrub.

11. What should the nurse do if a surgical instrument is dropped on the floor during
- A) Rinse it with sterile water
- B) Wipe it with a sterile cloth
- C) Re-sterilize it before use
- D) Continue using it as long as it appears clean
Rationale: C) Any instrument that falls to the floor during surgery should be considered
contaminated and re-sterilized before use.
12. Which action by the circulating nurse is correct during the surgical time-out
- A) Reviewing the patient's medical history
- B) Verifying the patient's identity
- C) Counting surgical instruments
- D) Administering anesthesia
Rationale: B) Verifying the patient's identity is a crucial step in the surgical time-out
procedure to ensure the correct patient and procedure.

13. What is the primary purpose of the surgical mask worn during surgery?
- A) Protecting the patient from infection
- B) Preventing contamination of the sterile field
- C) Filtering out surgical smoke
- D) Providing oxygen to the surgical team
Rationale: B) Surgical masks are worn to prevent contamination of the sterile field by the
surgical team's respiratory secretions.

14. Which action should the nurse prioritize when caring for a patient who is
experiencing malignant hyperthermia during surgery?
- A) Administering a muscle relaxant
- B) Cooling the patient rapidly
- C) Administering pain medication
- D) Administering a blood transfusion
Rationale: B) Cooling the patient rapidly is essential in managing malignant hyperthermia, as
it can be life-threatening.

15. What is the primary purpose of using a warming blanket on a postoperative patient?
- A) Providing comfort
- B) Preventing hypothermia
- C) Reducing pain
- D) Promoting sleep
Rationale: B) The primary purpose of using a warming blanket is to prevent postoperative
hypothermia in the patient.

16. During the postoperative assessment, the nurse notes that a patient's surgical wound
is warm, red, and swollen. What is the most likely explanation for these findings?
- A) Normal wound healing
- B) Surgical site infection
- C) Allergic reaction
- D) Hemorrhage
Rationale: B) Warmth, redness, and swelling at the surgical site can be indicative of a
surgical site infection.

17. During the preoperative assessment, the nurse identifies that the patient has an
allergy to latex. What is the nurse's priority action?
- A) Document the allergy in the patient's chart.
- B) Notify the surgeon immediately.
- C) Ensure that all latex-containing items are removed from the OR.
- D) Administer an antihistamine to the patient.
Rationale: The correct answer is B. Notifying the surgeon is the priority to ensure that latex-
free precautions are taken during surgery to prevent an allergic reaction.

18. What is the primary purpose of surgical hand hygiene?

- A) To remove visible dirt and debris from the hands.
- B) To reduce the risk of postoperative infection.
- C) To soften the skin and prevent dryness.
- D) To improve handgrip strength.
Rationale:The correct answer is B. Surgical hand hygiene aims to reduce the risk of infection
for both the surgical team and the patient.

19. A patient is scheduled for abdominal surgery. Which nursing action is essential to
prevent hypothermia during the perioperative period?
- A) Administering antipyretic medications.
- B) Providing warm blankets in the preoperative area.
- C) Keeping the operating room temperature high.
- D) Using a cooling blanket intraoperatively.
Rationale: The correct answer is B. Providing warm blankets in the preoperative area helps
prevent hypothermia, as patients are at risk of losing body heat during surgery.

20. What is the primary purpose of the surgical timeout procedure?

- A) To provide a break for the surgical team.
- B) To verify the patient's identity and surgical site.
- C) To discuss the surgical plan with the patient.
- D) To update the surgical schedule.
Rationale: The correct answer is B. The surgical timeout is crucial for ensuring patient safety
by verifying the patient's identity and the correct surgical site.

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