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The Digestive System Organ

Scanning 8
Mei Zhang

The objective of this chapter is how to learn to operate scanning of the
digestive system organs and read the image figures, which contains the
contents of the scanning method, section structures, measuring method as
well as normal and clinical application value of the liver, gallbladder, bile
ducts, pancreas, spleen, stomach, duodenum, jejunum, colon and rectum
accompanied by 67 pictures of sonograms and 63 pictures of schematic
diagrams. The patient’s position, preparation, the location and direction of
the transducer are described in the scanning methods. Transverse, longitu-
dinal, and oblique scanning methods are introduced. The section struc-
tures show every organ plane in the image figures. The measuring methods
and normal describe the specification requirement of measurements in
standard section and the normal range. One of the most characteristic in
this atlas is the clinical application value which introduces the details of
what diseases can be diagnosed by this section. The liver scanning includes
the scans on the subxiphoid, right intercostal space, and right subcostal.
The image figures, color Doppler flow images, and pulsed Doppler wave-
form of the portal vein, hepatic arteries, hepatic vein, and inferior vena
cava are also provided.

M. Zhang
Ultrasonic Diagnosis Department,
Beijing Royal Integrative Medicine Hospital,
Beijing, China

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. and People’s Military Medical Press 2018 203
M. Zhang (ed.), Atlas of Human Body Ultrasound Scanning,
204 M. Zhang


AA abdominal aorta P pancreas

AG adrenal gland (SAG`suprarenal gland) PB pancreatic body
Ao aorta PH pancreatic head
Au antrum PHA proper hepatic artery
BL bladder. Ps psoas major
Bo bowel PST prostate
CBD common bile duct PT pancreatic tail
CA celiac artery PV portal vein
CHD common hepatic duct QL quadrate lobe
CHA common hepatic artery RA renal artery
CL caudate lobe. RAG right adrenal gland
Co colon RSG right suprarenal gland
DAo descending aorta RHA right hepatic artery
Dia diaphragm RHD right hepatic duct
DU duodenum RHV right hepatic vein
E esophagus RK renal kidney
GB gallbladder RL right liver
HA hepatic artery RPV right portal vein
IVC inferior vena cava RRA right renal artery
LA left atrium RRV right renal vein
LAD left adrenal gland RV renal vein
LAG left suprarenal gland S Sinus
LHA left hepatic artery SB body of stomach
LHD left hepatic duct SF fundus of stomach
LHV left hepatic vein SMA superior mesenteric artery
LLV left lateral ventricle SMV superior mesenteric vein
LK left kidney SpA splenic artery
LL left liver SpV splenic vein
LPV left portal vein S spine
LRA left renal artery Sp spleen
LRV left renal vein SVC superior vena cave
LTH ligament teres hepatis St stomach
M Medulla VL venose lig
MHV middle hepatic vein
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 205

1 Liver Scanning

1.1 Longitudinal Scanning

of the Liver Through
the Abdominal Aorta

Fig. 8.1 Longitudinal

section of the liver and
the abdominal aorta


206 M. Zhang

1.1.1 Scanning Method 1.1.3 Measuring Method and Normal

The patient should be on fast for 8–12 hours with Measuring anteroposterior diameter of the left
a supine position. Probe is placed vertically in the hepatic lobe from the top of anterior capsule to
middle line of the subxiphoid. the posterior capsule. Anteroposterior diameter
should be less than 7 cm in the normal liver.
1.1.2 Section Structure
Longitudinal sections of the left hepatic lobe, the 1.1.4 The Clinical Application Value
abdominal aorta and oblique section of the This plane is the standard section for measuring
esophagus. anteroposterior diameter of the left liver lobe.
The size, shape, and parenchyma echogenicity of
the liver are observed.
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 207

1.2  ongitudinal Scanning of the

Liver through the Inferior
Vena Cava on Subxiphoid

Fig. 8.2 Longitudinal

scanning of the liver
through the inferior vena
cava on subxiphoid



208 M. Zhang

1.2.1 Scanning Method 1.2.4 Clinical Application Value

The patient should be on fast for 8–12 hours with The placeholder lesions, expansion, narrowness,
a supine position. Probe is placed vertically in the blood clots, etc, in the inferior vena cava such as
subxiphoid, slightly inclined to the right. Budd-Chiari’s syndrome are diagnosed by this
1.2.2 Section Structure
Longitudinal section of the quadrate lobe, caudate 1.2.5 Notice
lobe, and inferior vena cava (posterior liver seg- Diameter of the inferior vena cava changes with
ment) and oblique scan of the portal vein, middle breathing, narrows when exhaling, and widens
hepatic vein, and common bile duct are shown. when inhaling.

1.2.3 Measuring Method and Normal

Measuring the diameter of the inferior vena cava
(segment of the posterior liver and segment of
entering the right atrium).
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 209

1.3  ransverse Scan of the Left

and Right Liver Through the
Porta Hepatis on Subxiphoid

Fig. 8.3 Transverse

scan of the left and right
liver through the porta
hepatis on subxiphoid.
Note: 1 umbilical and
sagittal, 2 the external
inferior branch of left
portal vein, 3 the
external superior branch
of the left portal vein, 4
right hepatic bile duct,
and 5 left hepatic bile


5 2
4 3

210 M. Zhang

1.3.1 Scanning Method 1.3.3 Measuring Method and Normal

The patient should be on fast for 8–12 h with a Measuring the right and left portal vein inner diam-
supine position. Probe is transversely placed on eter, its normal value should be less than 0.8 cm.
the level of the subxiphoid, scanning slightly
oblique to the right posterior. The patient should 1.3.4 Clinical Application Value
be in full and suspended inspiration to make the This section can be used to determine location of
liver move down. the left lobe diseases. To observe the region of the
porta hepatis, measuring the right portal vein and
1.3.2 Section Structure left portal vein. The bifurcation of the portal vein
Major structures: the porta hepatis, right portal separating the caudate lobe from the quadrate
vein, and left hepatic portal vein. Ancillary lobe. Sagittal segment of the left portal vein is the
areas—the right and left liver lobe, oblique sec- boundary of the left interior lobe and the left
tion of the caudate lobe and quadrate lobe, infe- exterior lobe.
rior vena cava, umbilical and sagittal section of The caudate lobe is located between portal
the left portal vein, and left intrahepatic bile duct. vein and inferior vena cava.
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 211

1.4  ransverse Scanning of the

Left Hepatic Lobe Through
the Left Portal Vein Branches
by Subxiphoid

Fig. 8.4 Transverse

section of the left
hepatic lobe through the
left portal vein branches
by subxiphoid. Note: 1
umbilical and sagittal, 2
the external inferior
branch of left portal
vein, and 3 the external
superior branch of the
left portal vein

1 LL


212 M. Zhang

1, Sagittal segment of the left portal sagittal vein tal segment can be a congenital variant. It will be
2, Left external-internal branch of the portal vein wide in the case of portal vein hypertension
3, Left external-superior branch of the portal patients. The thickness of the caudate lobe is
vein. measured, and its normal upper limit is 3 cm.

1.4.1 Scanning Method 1.4.4 Clinical Application Value

The patients should be on fast for 8–12 h with a (1) Positioning of the left lobe lesion location.
supine position. Probe is put horizontally at the The sagittal segment of the left portal vein will
level of subxiphoid to scan toward the separate the left interior lobe from the left exte-
posterior-superior. rior lobe. Link line of the left hepatic cross-sec-
tional and midpoint attachment of left portal vein
1.4.2 Section Structure branches separates the left exterior-superior lobe
Major areas are the left hepatic lobe and left and the left inferior lobe. (2) Observing the left
portal vein branches. Ancillary areas are the portal branch whether it appears dilated or nar-
transverse section of the inferior vena cava, left row, with the presence of emboli, (3) and whether
lobe oblique section, sagittal section of the sag- there is dilation of the left intrahepatic bile duct.
ittal segment of the left portal, longitudinal sec- (4) The inferior vena cava obstruction, severe cir-
tion of the left external-superior branch and left rhosis, or morphological change of the liver can
external-internal branch, and left intrahepatic cause caudate lobe enlargement.
bile duct.

1.4.3 Measuring Method and Normal

The inner diameter of the sagittal segment of the
left portal vein is measured; generally the sagittal
diameter should be less than 1.0 cm, but the sagit-
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 213

1.5  ongitudinal Scanning of the

Left Hepatic Lobe Through the
Caudate Lobe and Medial Lobe

Fig. 8.5 Longitudinal

scanning of the left
hepatic lobe through the
caudate lobe and medial
lobe. Note: 1 umbilical
and sagittal of left portal

214 M. Zhang

1.5.1 Scanning Method 1.5.3 Measuring Method and Normal

The patient should be on fast for 8–12 h with a Measuring the anteroposterior diameter of the
supine position. Probe is placed in the middle caudate lobe. It should be less than 3 cm in the
line of the subxiphoid vertically. normal liver.

1.5.2 Section Structure 1.5.4 The Clinical Application Value

Major structures: longitudinal section of the left This is a standard section for measuring the
hepatic lobe, caudate lobe, and venose ligamen- anteroposterior diameter of the caudate lobe. To
tum. Ancillary areas oblique section of the portal observe the size, shape, and echogenicity of the
vein, inferior vena cava, and common bile duct. hepatic parenchyma of the caudate lobe.
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 215

1.6  blique Scanning of the Left

External Hepatic Lobe

Fig. 8.6 Oblique

scanning of the left
external hepatic lobe.
Note: 1 umbilical and
sagittal section of the
left portal vein


1 P

216 M. Zhang

1.6.1 Scanning Method 1.6.3 The Clinical Application Value

The patient should be on fast for 8–12 h with a To observe the size, shape, and parenchyma
supine position. Probe is placed on the subxi- echogenicity of the left external lobe of the liver,
phoid transversely. especially to observe the area near the external
edge of the left external hepatic lobe to distin-
1.6.2 Section Structure guish the mass in the liver from that outside.
Oblique section of the left external hepatic lobe,
caudate lobe, umbilical, inferior vena cava and
sagittal section of the left portal vein.
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 217

1.7  blique Scanning of the Left

Hepatic Lobe and Caudate

Fig. 8.7 Oblique scan

of the left hepatic lobe
and caudate lobe.
Note: 1 umbilical and
sagittal section of left
portal vein, 2 the
external superior branch
of the left portal vein,
and 3 the enternal
branch of left portal vein

3 1
QL 2

218 M. Zhang

1.7.1 Scanning Method anterior to the inferior vena cava is separated

The patient should be on fast for 8–12 h with a from the left lobe by the fissure for the ligamen-
supine position. The subxiphoid transverse scan- tum venosum.
ning is made, and the direction of the acoustic
beam is toward the posterior-superior. 1.7.3 The Clinical Application Value
To observe the size, shape, and parenchyma
1.7.2 Section Structure echogenicity of the left lobe and caudate lobe of
Transverse-oblique section of the left hepatic the liver. To determine whether there is diffused
lobe and caudate lobe. Sagittal segment and or space-occupying lesions in those area. The
transverse segment of the left portal vein, inferior caudate lobe may be enlarged in some patients
vena cava, and abdominal aorta. The caudate lobe with hepatic cirrhosis.
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 219

1.8  ongitudinal scanning of the

hepatic left lobe and the
ligament teres hepatis by

Fig. 8.8 Longitudinal

scanning of the hepatic
left lobe and ligament
teres hepatis. Note: 1
umbilical and sagittal
section of the left portal



220 M. Zhang

1.8.1 Scanning Method 1.8.4 The Clinical Application Value

The patient should be on fast for 8–12 h and Paraumbilical vein reopens in the patient of por-
should be in a supine position. Probe vertically is tal hypertension as a tubulous anechoic area,
placed in middle line of the subxiphoid. arises from the left portal vein through the liga-
ment teres hepatis to the interior anteroinferior
1.8.2 Section Structure edge of the left lobe, and then runs down along
Longitudinal section of ligament teres hepatis the anterior abdominal wall to the navel. Color
which arises from the left portal vein to the Doppler blood signal can be shown by
anteroinferior edge of the left lobe. Longitudinal CDFI. Ligament teres hepatis which locates in
section of the caudate lobe, the quadrate lobe, the left longitudinal furrow of the liver is a land-
and the sac segment of the left portal vein. mark of the bounder of the left internal lobe
(medial lobe) and left external lobe.
1.8.3 Measuring Method and Normal
Measuring anteroposterior diameter of the cau-
date lobe. It should be less than 3 cm in the nor-
mal liver.
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 221

1.9 Oblique scanning of the

ligament teres and the left liver by

Fig. 8.9 Oblique view

of the ligament teres and
the left liver by
subxiphoid scan



222 M. Zhang

1.9.1 Scanning Method of the left hepatic lobe, right lobe, abdominal
The patient should be on fast for 8–12 h with a aorta, and esophagus.
supine position. Transducer is placed transversely
in the middle line of the subxiphoid. The sound 1.9.3 The Clinical Application Value
beam should be posterior-superior in direction. The ligament teres hepatis is a bounder mark of
the left internal lobe and left external lobe. As a
1.9.2 Section Structure hyperechogenic structure, it should be distin-
The ligamentum teres hepatis which is located guished from hemangioma as well as calcifica-
in the left longitudinal fissure of the liver tions. In patients with portal hypertension, the
appears as a bright echogenic focus on the paraumbilical vein can be shown in the oblique
sonogram and is seen as a rounded termination section of ligament teres hepatis which is a round
of the falciform ligament. Oblique section of anechoic area and can be filled by color Doppler
left internal and external lobe. Oblique section blood signal in the condition of CDFI.
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 223

1.10 Oblique scanning of the liver

through the gallbladder and inferior
vena cava by the right subcostal

Fig. 8.10 Oblique scan

of the liver through the
gallbladder and inferior
vena cava by the right
subcostal margin


224 M. Zhang

1.10.1 Scanning Method 1.10.3 The Clinical Application Value

The patient should be on fast for 8–12 h with a In this section, the straight-through cable of the
supine position. Probe is transversely placed to gallbladder and the inferior vena cava through the
the right subcostal margin and parallel to it. liver is a mark of the middle line of the liver and
so as a boundary of the left lobe and right lobe.
1.10.2 Section Structure
Oblique transverse section of the liver, gallblad-
der, inferior vena cava, and venous ligament.
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 225

1.11  blique Scanning of the Liver

through Hepatic Veins and
the Second Porta Hepatis on

Fig. 8.11 Oblique scan

of the liver through
hepatic veins and the
second porta hepatis on





226 M. Zhang

1.11.1 Scanning Method middle hepatic venous diameter 0.5–0.9 cm, and
The patient should be on fast for 8–12 h with a right hepatic vein diameter 0.4–0.9 cm.
supine position. Probe is transversely placed on
the level of the subxiphoid, scanning slightly 1.11.4 Clinical Application Value
oblique to right posterior. The patient should be (1) Observing the area near the second porta
in full and suspended inspiration to make the hepatis and the area near the diaphragmatic top of
liver move down. the liver. (2) Determining if there are dilation, nar-
rowness, or presence of emboli in the inferior
1.11.2 Section Structure vena cava or hepatic veins. (3) The middle hepatic
Oblique views of the liver, the hepatic veins, and vein is a boundary of the right hepatic lobe and
inferior vena cava. Diaphragmatic top area of the left hepatic lobe; the left hepatic vein is a bound-
liver near the second porta hepatis. ary mark of the left internal lobe from left external
lobe; the right hepatic vein is the boundary mark
1.11.3 Measuring Methods of the right anterior lobe and right posterior lobe.
and Normal
Measuring diameter of three hepatic veins. 1.11.5 Notes
Measurement should be made in the point of dis- Hepatic veins can enter the inferior vena cava
tance 1–2 cm from the inferior vena cava. The nor- directly, or two branches merge into one and then
mal value: left hepatic vein diameter 0.5–0.9 cm, enter the inferior vena cava.
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 227

1.12  ransversely Scanning the

Upper Part of the Porta Hepatis

Fig. 8.12 Transversely

scanning the upper part
of the porta hepatis


228 M. Zhang

1.12.1 Scanning Method 1.12.3 Measuring Method and Normal

The patient should be on fast for 8–12 h with a Measuring the left and right portal vein and
supine position. Probe is placed at the level of the hepatic duct. RPV and LPV normal value is 0.8–
right subcostal transversely, scanning slightly 1.3 cm; larger than 1.3 cm is abnormal. The right
oblique to posterior-superior. The patient can be and left hepatic duct inner diameter should be
in full and suspended inspiration to make the less than ≦0.3 cm.
liver move down.
1.12.4 Clinical Application Value
This section can be used to observe porta hepatis
1.12.2 Section Structure structure and anatomical relation, to judge
Major structures: the porta hepatis, right portal whether there are abnormals in right portal vein
vein, and left hepatic portal vein as well as the and left portal vein as well as right hepatic duct
right hepatic duct and the left hepatic duct accom- and left hepatic duct such as expansion, narrow
panying. Ancillary areas—the right and left liver or space-occupying lesions.
lobe, oblique section of the caudate lobe and
quadrate lobe, inferior vena cava, umbilical and
sagittal segment of left portal vein, and left intra-
hepatic bile duct.
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 229

1.13  ransverse-Oblique View

of the Left Liver Through
Longitudinal Section of the Left
Hepatic Vein on the Subxiphoid

Fig. 8.13 Transverse-

oblique view of the left
liver through
longitudinal section of
the left hepatic vein on
the subxiphoid



230 M. Zhang

1.13.1 Scanning Method hepatic vein blood flow can be measured by

The patient should be on fast for 8–12 h with a pulsed Doppler.
supine position. Subxiphoid scanning toward left
posterior-superior should be performed. Probe is 1.13.4 Clinical Application Value
horizontal. (1) The main left hepatic vein traveling in the left
fissure of the liver is a useful landmark for sepa-
1.13.2 Section Structure rating the left interior lobe from the left exterior
The transverse-oblique section of the medial and lobe. Its distal segment and larger branches run-
lateral segment of the left lobe. Longitudinal view ning in the left interlobe fissure are a useful land-
of the left hepatic vein. The segment of the left mark for separating the left exterior-superior
hepatic vein drains into the inferior vena cava. The segment from the left exterior-inferior segment
transverse view of the inferior vena cava. of the left lobe. (2) To observe whether there are
dilation, narrowness, or presence of emboli in the
1.13.3 Measuring Method and Normal left hepatic vein.
Measuring inner diameter of the left hepatic vein
generally should be less than 1.0 cm. The left
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 231

1.14  blique Scanning of the Right

Liver Through the Porta

Fig. 8.14 Oblique scan

of the right liver through
the porta hepatis




232 M. Zhang

1.14.1 Scanning Method 1.14.3 Measuring Method and Normal

The patient should be on fast for 8–12 h. Subcostal Measuring inner diameter of the portal vein and
scanning should be performed with the patient in right portal vein. Generally portal vein diameter
a left lateral decubitus or supine position. Deep should be measured outside the porta hepatis and
inspiration can make the liver move down as an should be less than 1.3–1.4 cm; right portal vein
acoustic window. should be less than 1.0 cm.

1.14.2 Section Structure 1.14.4 Clinical Application Value

Major areas: longitudinal section of the portal This is the standard scan of the porta hepatis, being
vein and right portal vein, gallbladder, inferior used to observe the portal vein, right portal vein,
vena cava. and liver parenchymal near the porta hepatis.
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 233

1.15  ongitudinal Scanning of

the Liver Through the Middle
Hepatic Vein on Subxiphoid

Fig. 8.15 Longitudinal

scanning of the liver
through the middle
hepatic vein on



234 M. Zhang

1.15.1 Scanning Method cava. Its diameter should be less than 1.0 cm
The patient should be on fast for 8–12 h and take generally.
a supine position. Probe is sagittally obliquely put
to the subxiphoid toward slightly right posterior- 1.15.4 Clinical Application Value
superior with an oblique angle about 15–20°. (1) The hepatic vein and gallbladder can be
shown simultaneously in this section which is a
1.15.2 Section Structure landmark of the middle line of the liver which
The longitudinal view of the middle hepatic vein can be used as a dividing line of the right lobe
including its segment of draining into the inferior and right lobe. (2) To diagnose hepatic vein
vena cava. The liver parenchyma near the second lesions. (3) To determine the location of the
porta hepatis and dome near the diaphragm. hepatic space-occupying lesion and the relation-
ship between the lesion and the hepatic vein.
1.15.3 Measuring Method and Normal
Measuring inner diameter of the middle hepatic
vein at point that is 1–2 cm from the inferior vena
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 235

1.16 Longitudinal Scanning

of the Right Liver through
the Porta Hepatis

Fig. 8.16 Longitudinal

section of the right liver
through the porta hepatis




236 M. Zhang

1.16.1 Scanning Method 1.16.3 Measuring Method and Normal

The patient should be on fast for 8–12 h. Subcostal Measuring inner diameter of the right portal vein,
scanning should be performed with the patient in its normal value should be less than 1.0 cm.
a left lateral decubitus or supine position. Taking Pulsed Doppler gets the right portal vein flow
a deep inspiration so that the liver moves down as spectrum and blood flow velocity at this section,
an acoustic window, making the liver imaging and its normal value range is 15–20 cm/s.
more clear.
1.16.4 Clinical Application Value
1.16.2 Section Structure This is a standard scan of the porta hepatis. The
Major areas: longitudinal section of the right right portal vein and liver parenchymal near the
liver and right portal vein. Oblique scan of the porta hepatis are observed. It is also used to
inferior vena cava, common hepatic artery, and determine whether the portal vein, common
right hepatic biliary duct. Sagittal section of the hepatic artery, and right hepatic biliary duct have
pancreatic head. dilation and to determine whether there is abnor-
mal echogenicity in them.
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 237

1.17  blique Scanning of the Right

Anterior Liver and the Left
Medial Lobe of the Liver by
Right Intercostal Space

Fig. 8.17 Oblique view

of the right anterior liver
and the left medial lobe
of the liver by right
intercostal space.
Note: 1 Branch of RPV,
2 Branch of MHV, and 3
Branch of LPV




238 M. Zhang

1.17.1 Scanning Method cava, branch of the right hepatic vein, and left
The patient should be on fast for 8–12 h. Supine. hepatic venous branch.
Probe is placed inside the right midclavicular
line, the fifth to sixth intercostal space trans- 1.17.3 The Clinical Application Value
versely, scanning toward the right posterior-supe- Scanning the right anterior lobe and left lobe on
rior for the right anterior lobe and toward the left the upper area of the liver, especially to observe
posterior-superior for the left medial lobe. the lesion of the right anterior lobe and left medial
lobe. This section shows the boundary area of left
1.17.2 Section Structure lobe and right lobe, and should be observed
Oblique section of the right anterior lobe and left carefully.
lobe of the liver, right portal vein, inferior vena
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 239

1.18 Oblique Scanning

of the Dome Area in the Right
Liver from the Right
Intercostal Space Approach

Fig. 8.18 Oblique scan

of the dome area in the
right liver from the right
intercostal space
approach. Note: 1 The
inferior lobe of right


240 M. Zhang

1.18.1 Scanning Method 1.18.3 The Clinical Application Value

The patient should be on fast for 8–12 h with a The abnormality in the dome area near the dia-
supine position. Probe is placed transversely to phragm of the right liver, the right hepatic sub-
the right fourth or fifth intercostal space between capsular lesion, and the fluid collection under
the anterior axillary line and midclavicular line the right diaphragm as well as in the right pleu-
and scanning toward the right posterior. ral cavity can be diagnosed by this section. The
lesions in this area is near the edge of the right
1.18.2 Section Structure liver, are not easy to be scanned, or may be
The dome area of the right hepatic lobe near the overlooked.
diaphragm. The right inferior diaphragm space
and right inferior lobe of the lung can be shown.
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 241

1.19  blique Scanning of the Right

Liver Through Right the Portal
Vein by the Right Subcostal
Space Approach

Fig. 8.19 Oblique scan

of the right liver through
right portal vein by right
subcostal spaces
approach. Note: 1
Anterior branch of RPV,
2 Posterior branch of


242 M. Zhang

1.19.1 Scanning Method 1.19.3 Measuring Method and Normal

The patient should be on fast for 8–12h and in a Measuring inner diameter of the right portal vein
supine position. Probe is placed in the right mid- and the right intrahepatic duct. Inner diameter of
clavicular line seventh or eighth intercostal spaces, the right portal vein should be 0.6–1.2 cm. Inner
scanning toward right posterior-superior. diameter of the duct should be less than 0.3 cm.

1.19.2 Section Structure 1.19.4 The Clinical Application Value

Longitudinal section of the right portal vein and its The right portal vein, right intrahepatic duct and
branches, oblique scan of the right anterior lobe and its branches, as well as their location relationship
the right posterior lobe of the liver as well as the can be shown in this plane. We can also observe
gallbladder. A cross section of the right hepatic vein. the size, shape, and parenchyma echogenicity of
The intrahepatic duct accompanying the right portal the right liver.
vein can be shown clearly if its branches are dilated.
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 243

1.20  ongitudinal Scanning of the

Right Liver and Right Kidney
from the Right Subcostal

Fig. 8.20 Longitudinal

plane of the right liver
and right kidney from
the right subcostal



244 M. Zhang

1.20.1 Scanning Method echogenicity of the right liver.(2) Because the

The patient should be on fast for 8–12 h and in a liver and kidney fossae locates at the lowest area
supine position. Probe is placed in the right sub- of the abdominal cavity, if effusion appears, it
costal sagittally, about 1 cm from the right mid- would be shown here the earliest in supine posi-
clavicular line and perpendicular to the horizontal tion. (3) Generally, the right liver visceral sur-
line. That patient keeps breathing in can make the face closes to the upper pole of the right the
liver move down to facilitate in obtaining the kidney. Retroperitoneal space-occupying lesions
largest anteroposterior diameter of the right liver. can increase the distance between the right liver
and the kidney. (4) To be used to make a differ-
1.20.2 Section Structure ential diagnosis among the liver, right kidney,
Longitudinal section of the right hepatic lobe and and right retroperitoneal lesions. When the
right kidney. The right liver and right kidney fos- patient takes a deep breath, the lesion in the liver
sae between the right posterior lobe of the liver or in the kidney could move with the breath, but
and the upper pole of the right kidney. the lesions located at the retroperitoneal would
not move.
1.20.3 Measuring Method and Normal
Measuring the largest anteroposterior diameter of 1.20.5 Notes
the right hepatic lobe from the top of the anterior We think that the largest anteroposterior diam-
capsule to the posterior capsule. Anteroposterior eter measurement of the liver is very important
diameter should be less than 14 cm in the normal in estimating the size of the right liver lobe
liver. because it can gave the real right liver size with
a minimum error and can make up for the defi-
1.20.4 The Clinical Application Value ciency of the largest oblique diameter measure-
(1) This is a standard section for measuring ment. The normal anteroposterior diameter of
anteroposterior diameter of the right liver lobe. the right liver is about 12–14 cm, > 14 cm for
To observe the size, shape, and parenchyma anomalies.
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 245

1.21  blique Scanning of the Right

Liver Through Right Hepatic
Veins on Subxiphoid

Fig. 8.21 Oblique

scanning of the right liver
through right hepatic veins
on subxiphoid. Note: 1
hepatic vein





246 M. Zhang

1.21.1 Scanning Method 1.21.3 Measuring Method and Normal

The patients should be on fast for 8–12 h and in a Measuring the largest oblique diameter of the
supine position. Probe is put horizontally toward right hepatic lobe, it should be less than 14 cm.
the right posterior-superior at the level of Measuring inner diameter of the right hepatic
subxiphoid. vein.

1.21.2 Section Structure 1.21.4 Clinical Application Value

Major areas: right hepatic lobe, right hepatic This is the standard plane for measuring the larg-
veins, and inferior vena cava. est oblique diameter of the right hepatic lobe.
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 247

1.22  ongitudinal Scanning 1

of the Right Liver Through
the Porta Hepatis on the Right

Fig. 8.22 Longitudinal

scan of the right liver
through the porta hepatis
on the right subcostal


248 M. Zhang

1.22.1 Scanning Method 1.22.3 Measuring Method and Normal

The patient should be on fast for 8–12 h. Subcostal The portal vein diameter should be measured out-
scanning should be performed with patient in a side the liver and should be less than 1.4 cm; right
left lateral decubitus or supine position. Having a portal vein should be less than 1.0 cm. Pulsed
deep inspiration so that liver moves down as an Doppler achieves portal vein flow at this section.
acoustic window.
1.22.4 Clinical Application Value
1.22.2 Section Structure This is a standard scan of the porta hepatis. It is
Major areas: longitudinal section of the right used to observe portal vein, right portal vein, and
liver, portal vein, and right portal vein; oblique liver parenchymal near the porta hepatis and to
scan of the inferior vena cava, proper hepatic determine whether the portal vein, common
artery, common hepatic artery, and right hepatic hepatic artery, and right hepatic biliary duct have
biliary duct; sagittal section of the pancreatic dilation and whether there is abnormal echo-
head. genicity in them.
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 249

1.23  ongitudinal Scanning 2

of the Right Liver through
the Porta Hepatis

Fig. 8.23 Longitudinal

section 2 of the right
liver through the porta
hepatis on the subcostal



250 M. Zhang

1.23.1 Scanning Method portal vein flow at this section. The inner diame-
The patient should be on fast for 8–12 h. Subcostal ter of the common bile duct can be measured.
scanning should be performed with the patient in
a supine or left lateral decubitus position; deep 1.23.4 Clinical Application Value
inspiration makes the liver go down as an acous- This is the standard scan of the porta hepatis,
tic window. which can be used to observe the portal vein,
right portal vein, common bile duct, hepatic
1.23.2 Section Structure artery and liver parenchymal near the porta hepa-
Major areas: longitudinal section of the right liver, tis, and to determine whether the portal vein,
right portal vein; oblique scan of the inferior vena common hepatic artery, and right hepatic biliary
cava, hepatic artery, and common biliary duct; duct have dilations and whether there is abnormal
sagittal section of the pancreatic head. echogenicity in them and to observe the size,
shape, and parenchyma echogenicity of the right
1.23.3 Measuring Method and Normal liver and to determine whether there is lymph-
Generally the right portal vein diameter should adenhypertrophy in area of the porta hepatis.
be less than 1.0 cm. Pulsed Doppler can achieves
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 251

1.24 Transverse Scanning

of the Porta Hepatis
from the Right Subcostal

Fig. 8.24 Transverse

scan of the porta hepatis
from the right subcostal



252 M. Zhang

1.24.1 Scanning Method Ancillary areas: transverse section of the gall-

Patient should be on fast for 8–12 h. Subcostal bladder neck, pancreatic neck, right anterior lobe,
transversely scanning of porta hepatis should be and left internal lobe of the liver.
performed with patients in a left lateral decubitus
or supine position; deep inspiration makes the 1.24.3 Clinical Application Value
liver go down as an acoustic window. To observe gallbladder neck diseases which may
not be found by the standard longitudinal scan-
1.24.2 Section Structure ning and to show the position relationship of the
Major areas: transverse section of the portal vein, portal vein, common bile duct, and proper hepatic
common bile duct, and proper hepatic artery, artery.
which have been referred to as the Mouse Sign by
Bartrum and Crow.
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 253

1.25  ransverse Scanning of the

Right Liver and the Right
Kidney from the Right

Fig. 8.25 Transverse

scanning of the right
liver and the right
kidney from the right


Dia Ps

254 M. Zhang

1.25.1 Scanning Method 1.25.3 The Clinical Application Value

The patient should be on fast for 8–12 h with a (1) To show the posterior lobe of the liver espe-
supine position. Probe is placed in the right sub- cially lower edge angle lesions, (2) to show the
costal transversely, scanning from above to below. right costal-diaphragmatic angle pleural effusion,
That the patient keeps breathing in will make the (3) to show the location relationship of the right
liver move down and will be shown clearly. posterior lobe of the liver and the right kidney, (4)
and to show the liver and the kidney fossae.
1.25.2 Section Structure
Transverse section of the right posterior hepatic
lobe, pole of the right kidney, and costal-dia-
phragmatic angle.
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 255

1.26  blique Scanning of the Right

Liver Through the Dome
of the Right Diaphragm
from the Right Subcostal

Fig. 8.26 Oblique scan

of the right liver through
the dome of the right
diaphragm from the
right subcostal


256 M. Zhang

1.26.1 Scanning Method 1.26.3 The Clinical Application Value

The patient should be on fast for 8–12 h and The dome area of the right liver near diaphragm,
should be in a supine position. Probe is trans- the right hepatic subcapsular lesions, subphrenic
versely placed at the right side of subxiphoid par- abnormal and right pleural effusion can be shown
allel to the right costal arch and toward the right by this section. The lesions that are located to the
posterior. edge of the right liver are so difficult to be
scanned and may be overlooked.
1.26.2 Section Structure
The dome area of the right hepatic lobe near the
diaphragm. The right inferior diaphragm space
and the right inferior lobe of the lung.
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 257

1.27 Longitudinal Scanning

of the Common Hepatic
Artery and Splenic Artery
from the Upper Abdomen

Fig. 8.27 Longitudinal

scanning of the common
hepatic artery and
splenic artery from
upper abdomen





258 M. Zhang

1.27.1 Scanning Method artery and proper hepatic artery are 0.39 ± 0.07 cm
The patient should be on an empty stomach for and 0.33 ± 0.07 cm, respectively.
8–12 h, with a supine position. Probe is put on the
subxiphoid. After showing the standard trans- 1.27.4 Clinical Application Value
verse scan of the pancreas, probe will scan toward (1) To judge whether the hepatic artery is
the posterosuperior so that longitudinal section of obstructed or whether there a presence of anasto-
the common hepatic artery and splenic artery can motic stenosis or thrombosis by this section in
be obtained Major area: longitudinal section of liver transplant patients. That color blood flow
the common hepatic artery and splenic artery. interrupts or cannot be shown, and the hepatic
artery blood flow that cannot be measured will
1.27.2 Section Structure indicate vascular stenosis or occlusion. (2) The
Longitudinal section of the common hepatic hepatic artery blood flow velocity will be a quick
artery, proper hepatic artery, splenic artery, and compensatory in the primary hepatocellular car-
celiac artery is shown. The upper edge of the pan- cinoma or portal venous obstructive diseases
creas and cross section of the inferior vena cave such as portal vein thrombosis or tumor emboli.
and abdominal aorta. (3) In patients with splenomegaly, the splenic
artery may be dilated and velocity will be quick.
1.27.3 Measuring Method (4) If the lymph nodes in the abdomen and retro-
and the Normal peritoneum were enlargement they can be dis-
Measuring the inner diameter of the common played around the celiac artery, hepatic artery, or
hepatic artery, proper hepatic artery, and splenic splenic artery by this section.
artery. The inner diameter of the common hepatic
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 259

1.28  ommon Hepatic Artery

Blood Flow Spectrum

Fig. 8.28 Common

hepatic artery blood flow

1.28.1 Scanning Method 1.28.3 Clinical Application Value

The patient should be on fast for 8–12 h and take (1) By this section we can judge whether the
a supine position. Probe is put on the subxiphoid, hepatic artery is unobstructed and whether there
showing longitudinal section of the common is a presence of anastomotic stenosis or thrombo-
hepatic artery. The Doppler sample volume is put sis in the patients who received liver transplant.
in the middle cavity of the common hepatic That color blood flow interrupt or cannot be
artery. Measuring angle is less than 60°. shown, and the hepatic artery blood flow that
cannot be measured will indicate a vascular ste-
1.28.2 Measuring Method nosis or occlusion. (2) The hepatic artery blood
and the Normal flow velocity will be quicken compensatory in
Showing pulse Doppler blood flow spectrum and primary hepatocellular carcinoma or portal
measuring blood flow velocity and resistance venous obstructive diseases such as portal vein
index. Normal: 91.1 ± 24.9 cm/s. The blood flow thrombosis or tumor emboli.
of the hepatic artery appears to have three upward
peaks and a low resistance index.
260 M. Zhang

1.29 Longitudinal Scanning

of the Proper Hepatic Artery
from Upper Abdomen

Fig. 8.29 Longitudinal

scanning of the proper
hepatic artery from
upper abdomen


8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 261

1.29.1 Scanning Method proper hepatic artery are 0.39 ± 0.07 cm and
The patient should be on fast for 8–12 h with a 0.33 ± 0.07 cm, respectively.
supine position. Probe is put on the subxiphoid.
After showing longitudinal scan of the common 1.29.4 Clinical Application Value
hepatic artery, probe will scan toward the right (1) To judge whether there are obstruction and
posterosuperior so that longitudinal view of the whether there is a presence of anastomotic ste-
proper hepatic artery can be obtained. nosis or thrombosis of the hepatic artery by this
section in liver transplant patients. That color
1.29.2 Section Structure blood flow interrupts or cannot be shown, and
Longitudinal section of the common hepatic artery the hepatic artery blood flow that cannot be
and proper hepatic artery is shown. The common measured will indicate a vascular stenosis or
hepatic artery gives off the gastroduodenal artery occlusion. (2) The hepatic artery blood flow
in the right outside the pancreatic head and then velocity will be a quick compensatory in the
becomes a proper hepatic artery. Oblique section primary hepatocellular carcinoma or portal
of the inferior vena cava and right liver, right portal venous obstructive diseases such as portal vein
vein, and celiac artery. The upper area of the pan- thrombosis or tumor emboli. (3) In the patients
creatic head. Cross section of the abdominal aorta. with splenomegaly, splenic artery may be
dilated and velocity will be quick. (4) If the
1.29.3 Measuring Method lymph nodes in the abdomen retroperitoneal
and the Normal appear enlarged, they can be displayed around
Measuring the inner diameter of the common the celiac artery, hepatic artery, or splenic artery
hepatic artery and proper hepatic artery. The by this section.
inner diameter of the common hepatic artery and
262 M. Zhang

1.30  he Proper Hepatic Artery

Blood Flow Spectrum

Fig. 8.30 The proper

hepatic artery blood flow

1.30.1 Scanning Method 1.30.3 Clinical Application Value

The patient should be on fast for 8–12 h with a (1) In liver transplant patients, we observe the
supine position. Probe is put on the subxiphoid, hepatic artery to judge whether there are
showing longitudinal section of the proper obstructed hepatic artery or whether there is a
hepatic artery. The Doppler sample volume is put presence of anastomotic stenosis or thrombosis
in the middle cavity of the proper hepatic artery. by this section. That color blood flow is inter-
Measuring angle is less than 60°. rupted or cannot be shown, and the hepatic artery
blood flow that cannot be measured will indicate
1.30.2 Measuring Method vascular stenosis or occlusion. (2) The hepatic
and the Normal artery blood flow velocity will quicken compen-
Pulsed Doppler blood flow spectrum is shown. satory in the primary hepatocellular carcinoma or
Blood flow velocity and resistance index are portal venous obstructive diseases such as portal
measured. Normal: 82.2 ± 20.8 cm/s. The hepatic vein thrombosis or tumor emboli.
artery blood flow appears to have three upward
peaks and a low resistance index.
8 The Digestive System Organ Scanning 263

1.31  ortal Vein Blood Flow

Spectrum from Right
Subcostal Margin

Fig. 8.31 Portal vein

blood flow spectrum
from right subcostal

1.31.1 Scanning Method 1.31.3 Measuring Method

Patient should be on fast for 8–12 h. Subcostal and the Normal
scanning should be performed with patient in a Showing pulsed Doppler blood flow spectrum
left lateral decubitus or supine position. Showing and measuring blood flow velocity of the portal
oblique scan of the right liver through the porta vein; normal is 15–20 cm/s or 23.8 ± 4.9 cm/s
hepatis. The Doppler sample volume is put in the (zhangmei 1993).
middle of the cavity of the portal vein. Measuring
angle is less than 60°. 1.31.4 Clinical Application Value
(1) In patients with portal hypertension, portal
1.31.2 Section Structure vein blood flow slows down and pulse will disap-
The blood flow moveform of the portal vein is pear. (2) To diagnose portal venous obstructive
gentle and consecutive, appears small pulse with diseases such as portal vein thrombosis or tumor
breathing rhythm. emboli.

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