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The transportation sector refers to the industry responsible for moving people and goods from one place

to another using various modes of transportation, such as

cars, trains, planes, ships, and many more.

The transportation sector is related to the tourism industry because it enables people or travelers to arrive at their destinations using various modes of
transportation, such as cars, trains, planes, ships, and many more.

Pre-Industrial Travel System Era - In this era, people primarily relied on walking or riding animals like horses for transportation since there were still no cars, trains, or
airplanes. Roads were bumpy, so travel was slow. That's why people had to carry their stuff and rest at places like inns.

Early-Industrial Travel System Era - In the pre-industrial travel system era, people mainly used horses and boats to move things around. Roads weren't great, so travel
was slow. But during the early-industrial travel system era, they invented steam-powered trains and railways, which made moving things much faster and better.

Mature-Railway System Era - this is the era where trains ruled the transportation world since they became a primary means of transportation for both passengers and
goods, making long-distance travel more efficient. This was also the era where the partnership between hotels and the railway system started. For example, there
were already trains having a stopover in the hotels, especially for those people or travelers who were going to a casino.

Express-Travel System Era - this is the era where it became convenient for people or travelers to travel since there are only a few stopovers being made at the station
or terminal, making it faster for them to arrive at their destinations.

Automobile-Based Travel System Era - this is the era when cars became widely available and essential for transportation, making people buy and start using cars for
everyday travel since they realized that it is much cheaper and more convenient if they travel on their own than commute. Because of this, the roads and highways
were built all over, making it easy for everyone to drive.

Modern-Tourism Travel System Era - this is the era where there were significant advancements in travel infrastructure and technology. During this period, there was a
rapid expansion of air travel, with the introduction of jet engines making long-distance travel faster and more accessible. Additionally, car ownership during this era
continued to grow. That's why the construction of interstate highways revolutionized road trips and domestic tourism. The tourism industry in this era flourished due
to improved transportation options, making travel more convenient and enjoyable for people worldwide.

Over time, transportation has changed a lot. In the past, people mainly walked or used animals to travel. Then, the wheel was invented, leading to horse-drawn carts
and eventually steam-powered trains and ships. Cars and airplanes became common in the 1900s, making travel faster. Today, we have electric cars, fast trains, and
GPS technology, which makes it easier for us to travel all over the world.

Functional utility - usually when we go on travel, we are very particular with the performance or functionality of that mode of transportation. For example, if we are
riding on a bus, we usually want to know the departure and arrival time of it, the safety records if there is already a record of an accident in that bus, if the trip was
direct to our destination or if stopovers are being made to know if we will arrive early or not at our destination.

Aesthetic/emotional - choosing how you travel depends on how it looks (aesthetic) and how it makes you feel (emotional). For example, when we are riding in a
specific mode of transportation, we are very particular in terms of style, interior and exterior design, comfort and luxury it offers, as well as the safety of it. Another
example is when a person has a fear of riding public transit because he is scared that he might catch diseases from other people who are also riding in the same mode
of transportation as him.

Social/organizational - For example, based on sex/gender, it's common for most women to use public transportation at night due to safety concerns while men are
just okay or comfortable to walk at night. Another example is based on income, people with a higher income might choose to have their own car for convenience,
while people with a lower income might rely on cheaper options such as walking, biking, or public transit due to budget constraints.

Situational utility - people will select the mode of transportation based on the situation that they are in. For example, those people who are living in the mountains
prefer to ride on a habal-habal or motorcycle because it is the most convenient and accessible type of transportation for them based on their situation. In some cases,
those people who are living in Manila can select any type of transportation because based on their situation, any type of transportation is accessible to them.

Curiosity utility - some people select a transportation mode based on their curiosity because they want to explore something. For example, some people would like to
ride a train because they want to experience what it feels like or what kind of feeling would they feel if they rode a train.

Travel by train - it became common to other countries, particularly within the US, Canada, and Europe during the 19th and early 20th centuries because people can
travel to other countries because they only have borders since they are connected by land. However, in the Philippines, we are separated by water. So, traveling by
train is inconvenient for us, especially in traveling for long-distance.

Travel by ship - ferrying purely focuses on transporting passengers and goods from one port to another. However in cruising, aside from transporting its passengers, it
also focuses on providing a vacation experience to have fun and recreation for their passengers.

Cruise ship - it is convenient because it takes you to different destinations without transferring from one hotel to another and without having to pack and unpack your
things because you can just leave it inside the ship which is a less expensive and hassle-free way to explore multiple destinations in one trip. You can also enjoy various
activities, meals, and entertainment on board while traveling to new places.

Travel by automobile - car rental is borrowing a car for a specific period, like a day or a week, for personal or business purposes, where you pay to use it.

Travel by bus/motor coach - motor coach is a large comfy bus that can carry many people at once. People use it for things like group trips, tours, or long-distance

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