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No.: K.01/FKIP-IG/UnmasDps/I/2020

The Head of English Language Education Study Program Faculty of Teacher

Training and Education Mahasaraswati Denpasar University clarifies that the


NPM :1701882030188
Semester : VII F

has already proposed a Skripsi proposal title in academic year 2020/2021:

In accordance with the consideration of designing the final assignment as one of the
requirements to get the bachelor degree in English Language Education, I here by
state that the Skripsi proposal title which has been proposed is APPROVED for
further examined in the course of Seminar onProposal.
Thus, this letter of approval is made to be used as appropriate.

Denpasar, 6th June 2020

Head of English Language Education

Study Program,

I GdePutuAgusPramerta, S.Pd.,M.Pd.
NPK. 82 8813 400


COVER ...............................................................................................................

INSIDE COVER ................................................................................................. i

APPROVAL SHEET...............................................................................................ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... iii

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................... 1

1.1 Background of the Study .................................................................... 1

1.2 Research problem ............................................................................... 4

1.3 Objective of the Study ........................................................................ 4

1.4 Limitation of the Study ....................................................................... 4

1.5 Significance of the Study ................................................................... 5

1.6 Definition of Key Term ...................................................................... 6


2.1 Theoretical Review ............................................................................. 7

2.1.1 Speaking Skill ...................................................................... 7

2.1.2 Presentation,Practice,and Production .................................... 9

2.1.3 Assessing Speaking ............................................................ 12

2.2 Empirical Review ............................................................................ 14

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD........................................................... 16

3.1 Subject of the Study ......................................................................... 16

3.2 Research Design .............................................................................. 16

3.3 Research Procedure ......................................................................... 18

3.3.1. Initial reflection ................................................................. 18

3.3.2 Planning ............................................................................ 18

3.3.3 Action ............................................................................... 19

3.3.4 Observation ....................................................................... 21

3.3.5 Reflection .......................................................................... 21

3.4 Research Instrument ........................................................................ 21

3.4.1 Test .................................................................................... 22

3.4.2. Questionnaire .................................................................... 24

3.5 Data Collection ................................................................................. 24

3.6 Data Analysis .................................................................................. 24

3.7 Success Indicator ............................................................................. 25

REFERENCES .................................................................................................. 26



1.1 Background of the Study

Speaking is one of basic skills of language learning that should be mastered
by students in order to communicate in english fluently and clearly. Now days
english in Indonesia is particular, english is the foreign language which has been
taught in formal school. Learning a language is actually learning to develop
communication skills by using that language orally. Speaking implicate interaction
with one or more participants. (Harmer, 2001:271). Speaking takes place
everywhere and will become parts of our daily activities. In speaking, students have
to understand about what they want to say to the listeners in order to make them
easily catch the ideas, feeling and thought. Students also share information to other
through communication and must be able to give clear information to the people
who interact and communicate with them.
Speaking is the highest target in learning English because it has distinctive
role as the key of communication. By mastering speaking skill, people can carry
out conversation, express the feeling and idea and exchange the information. In fact,
speaking requires not only how to produce the specific points of language such as:
grammar, vocabulary, sound, pronunciation, intonation, stress, but also include
nonverbal communication, such as eye-contact, gesture, facial expression and body
language. Hybel (2001:45) states that speaking is any processes in which people
share information, ideas and feeling; it involves all of body language mannerism
and style or anything that adds meaning to a message.
Students will be considered to have a skill in English if they can use spoken
language or communicate in English fluently. However, to achieve this highest
target of English is not an easy thing because when the students practice speaking,
they must speak and think about the component of speaking at the same time. In
speaking, speaker needs to focus on what he/she wants to talk about because
speakers do not only consider about what the topic is about but they also should
give feedback to the partner who the speakers talk. Speaking is also described by
Luoma (2004:1) as an important part of the curriculum of language teaching.

However, the students have several problems in speaking skill such as lack of
motivations in learning English, afraid of making mistake. Moreover, the way of
the teacher teaches English in the class also can be a problem for the students in
learning English because of inappropriate techniques used by the teacher in
teaching speaking skill. Therefore, teaching speaking should be focused on giving
students opportunity to speak and practice their English rather than emphasizing
what English is. Where as, teaching English as a foreign language requires the use
of effective learning methods, techniques, language games, or activities that
promote the speaking skill. One of the ways to motive students to speak is
implementing right and interesting technique in teaching speaking.
Based on the preliminary observation which will be carried and by
interviewing the teacher, he often used monotonous technique in this case he used
conventional techniques namely a performing monologue which made most
students easily got bored and looked monotonous one because most students have
to memorize the answer or the dialogue without comprehending it. The teacher just
presented material, and explained it and then followed by performing the
monologue in front of class. This technique made the students did not perform their
full potential in analyzing the information or facts which performed through
monologue; thus, this technique leads to boredom when it would be done
repeatedly. It became just part of the daily routine, performing monologue. In
teaching learning process, especially in this 2013 curriculum the teacher should be
the facilitator that stimulates the students to become more spontaneous and active
in good interaction among the students themselves in order to reach the learning
objectives. Based on the interview with the English teacher, the researcher figured
out that the students had difficulties mostly in fluency, vocabulary, pronunciation
and grammar when they spoke in front of the class and they were not confident.

The weakness on the teaching technique that was applied by the teacher. The
teacher only gave the students limited opportunity to speak the language. They
perform in front of class but they seemed just to read the monologue or memorize
the monologue without analyzing it. These caused the students unconfident in
delivering their own ideas when they spoke in English. This was the main problem
faced by students in improving their speaking skill. The students did not have

enough opportunity to speak their own ideas which caused their low ability in
speaking and lost in the middle of monologue caused by missing the words,
language expressions or sentences they memorize or they forgot what they had
written when performing in front of the class.
Based on the statemen above, the researcher highly will teach speaking
through PPP technique for the solution of that crucial problem of students in SMAN
6 Denpasar. PPP as a technique for student’s practice in speaking English could
positively support the teaching and learning process of speaking. PPP is a technique
that can be used to motivate and help the students in improving student’s speaking
skill. In addition, it also allows students to be creative and to themselves in another
person’s place for a while. By implementing PPP technique, students will more
active in speaking class, students also have deeper understanding and about the
materials that thought by the teacher.
According to harmer (2007;64) states that PPP tehnique is a variation on
audiolingualism is the procedure most often referred to (since the addvent of
communicative language teaching) as PPP,which stands for presentation,
practice,and production. This grew out of structural situation situational teaching
whose main departure from audiolingualism was to place the language in clear
situation contexts. In this procedure the teacher introduces a situation which
contextualises the language to be taught. On the other side PPP tehnique is various
cristism have been leveled against PPP, including it is fixed sequence of learning,
eacher-centredness and linearity, controlled introduction of language structures and
limited focus in communication. It means that PPP tehnique can be used to help the
students to speak fluently and it will motivate and stimulate the students to become
active learners.
By implementing PPP tehnique the students will more active in speaking
class, students also have deeper understanding and about the materials that thought
by the teacher. There are some strengths of PPP such as, students will be motivated
and interests in speaking skill, and students can be esay to improve speaking skill
in the learning process. The students can express their own ideas without think
mistake. Teaching speaking through Presentation, Practice and Production can
makes the students to be more active during the learning process because they have

a chance to express their own ideas. It is an excellent technique to be implemented
in the classroom because students could give more contribution. In conclusion, it is
expected the problem faced by students can be solved through PPP.
Based on the reasons above, the researcher is interested in the real
implementation of PPP technique in order to improve speaking skill of the tenth-
grade students of SMAN 1 UBUD. Furthermore, PPP technique one of the teaching
speaking technique to make the speaking skill of the students will be improved.
Therefore, the researcher would conduct a research entitled “improving speaking
skill of the tenth-grade students of SMAN 6 Denpasar in academic year 2017/2018
through PPP technique”.

1.2 Research Problem

Based on those conditions, there are some problems of students’ speaking
skill. Some problems were indentified as follows: The students’ speaking ability
was very low, and the students are shy to speak english and also the teacher uses
monotonous tehnique. To keep away any mistakes of students, the research problem
should be clearly formulated. As what has been mentioned previously that the tenth-
grade students of SMAN 6 Denpasar in academic year 2020/2021 have the
difficulties particularly on how to implement PPP in developing students speaking
skill. Moreover, they have little chance to get involved in speaking activities.
Therefore, the research problem can be formulated as follows: can speaking skill of
the tenth grade students of SMAN 6 Denpasar in academic year 2020/2021 be
improved through PPP?

1.3 Objective of the study

The goal of any activities which are related to specific investigation are
intended to find out a scientific solution about the research problem that has been
previously formulated and determined. In addition, the objective of the study is that
a purpose of which the researcher plans to do or after the study which is line with
the background and the research problem is conducted. Base on the research
problem, the objective of the study is intended to figure out whether or not the use
of PPP can improve speaking skill of the tenth-grade students of SMAN 6 Denpasar

in academic year 2020/2021. Thefore, the use of PPP in the present study is
expected to effectively can improve the students’ speaking skill

1.4 Limitation of the study

Limitation of the Study The limitation of the study is very essential to make
discussion about research problem more specific and avoid a broad discussion.
Speakıng has broad and wide scope of coverage thus the researcher needs to
narrow down the area of this study. Therefore, in order to focus on a specific area
of speaking skills and to avoid misunderstanding and misleading in doing
classroom action research the research should be limited. In the present study, it
was Iımited on improving speaking skill of the tenth grade students of SMAN 6
Denpasr in academic year 2020/2021 through PPP tchnique. As the school under
study used 2013 curriculum and based on the syllabus of the tenth grade student
on the first semester, the present research was mainly focused on the fourth main
competency and basic competency stated on the syllabus.
The fourth main competency would be concerned on tryng, processing, and
presenting in concete domain and abitract domain based on the materials which
have been learned at school and other leaning sources from theoretical pont of
View. The basic competency 4.14 competency 4.14. The fourth main competency
will be concerned on trying, processing, reasoning, and presenting the material in
the form of concrete domain (using, explaining, stringing up, modifying, and
constructing) and abstract domain (writing, reading, calculating, drawing and
composing) in line with the material which will have been learned at school.
Therefore, the speaking skill in the present study is restricted on speaking
performance by doing presentation, practice and production in a short monologue
which the topic is to describe about descriptive text (people, animal and thing) and
it related with daily life. In performing the monolgue the students woul be perform
one by one. Furthermore, it should fulfil criteria of the scoring rubric which is
mainly focused on elements of speaking such as grammar, fluency, and

1.5. Significance of the Study

The present study was focused on the implementation of Presentation,

Practice, and Production(PPP) technique in order to improve the speaking skill of
the tenth grade students of SMAN 6 Denpasar in academic year 20120/2021. The
adventages is expected to give beneficial contribution to SMAN 6 Denpasar both
theoretical and practical significance in relation with the teaching and learning p
rocess it help students to improve their speaking skill , both theoretically and
practically that is briefly elucidated as follows

Theoretically, the present study is aimed at strengthening the theories used,

particularly the theories of speaking, classroom action research, Presentation,
Practice,and Production (PPP) technique. Furthermore, it is to prove that a
particular theory used in the present study will be effective. It is also to strengthen
the empirical reviews. Besides, this research is expected to give a profitable
description for any further researcher who wants to study the same case. This study
will become a helpful information and useful reference to the next study. The
finding of this research will also enrich new theory to the english teacher of SMAN
6 Denpasar about the influence of using PPP to improve students’ speaking ability.
Practically, the outcome of this research study is expected to give feedback to
general especially in educational environments, such as for teachers, students and
other researchers. Firstly, to the teacher the research is expected to be able to
improve the knowledge of the teacher in order to develop the teaching of speaking
skill. Practically, the findings of this research are expected to be beneficial for the
English teachers, students and other researchers. For the English teachers, the
findings of this study can be used as evidence that PPP technique s one of the
effective techniques to improve students' speaking skill. This technique can give a
useful contribution in teaching reading because teachers can modify this technique
with another technique and also to widen their knowledge to be crèative to apply
the technique in order to improve the students' learning achievement. Furthermore,
PPP technique also can make the atmosphere in the teaching-learning process more
active and interesting. For the students, the outcomes of the present study are
expected to be able to solve the students problem in learning speaking Finally, for

the other researchers, the findings of this study can motivate the next researchers to
add more good idea.

1.6 Definition of the key Term

During the research, the researcher used several specific terms that were
related to this study. The term in scientific research sounds complicated to the
readers they are too broad and the definition does not give clear clarification. In
order to avoid any confusion and misunderstanding among the readers, the
researcher clarified what the key terms in this study they were speaking skill and
PPP. Moreover, the key terms that were used by the researcher in the present study
were operationally and clearly defined as follows:
1. Speaking skill is operationally defined as the skill of the tenth-grade
students of SMAN 6 Denpasar in academic year 2020/2021 in
constructing and performing a short descriptive monologue especially
in describing person, animal and thing based on the element of speaking
which will be assessed through some criteria such as; fluency,
comprehension, and as grammar.
2. Presentation, Practice,and Production (PPP)
PPP is an oral lesson which aims to teach new stucture of funtion is often
divided into three stages, commonly known as the presentation stage,
the practice stage, and production stage. In presentation stage, the
teacher begins the lesson by explaning the material. In the practice stage,
the students practice the new language in a controlled way and they can
speak based own their ideas. In production stage, the students are
encourage to use th new language in a free away or in similiar context
introduced by the teacher.


2.1 Theoretical Review

The scientific study is very formal work on all grounds that should be
important extracted from theories of the related study. In the present research, there
will be a number of theoretical reviews which are believed as basis of the research.
A scientific study should be undertaken based on some relevant theoretical reviews.
The present study would also be conducted based on review and discussion of some
related theories. This research would concern with the implementation of
Presentation, Practice, and Production (PPP) technique in teaching speaking.
Theories and empirical studies are much needed as the reference and basic
understanding in establishing the present research. The following theoretical
reviews which would be elaborated are (1) speaking skill (2) PPP, (3) and
assessment of speaking skill.

2.1.1 Speaking Skill

Speaking is a main component in a language. Language has to be spoken.
That’s why, in English language, learners should master this skill to master a
language. Speaking will connect people all over the world. By speaking, people can
give their information and ideas to other people. There are several experts who
define speaking in different definitions. According to Louma (2009:10), speaking
is a process of person who uses their voice to speech meaningfully. In line with
Chaney in Kayi (2006) state that speaking is the process of building and sharing
meaning with verbal and nonverbal symbols, in a variety of contexts. If students
can speak English clearly and fluently may help them to communicate and up to
date information easily. In addition, Speaking is productive aural or oral skill and it
consists of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning.
Speaking is one of the skills that have to be mastered by students in learning
English. According to Hughes(2003:113) stated that the objective of speaking skill
is to develop the ability to interact successfully using the language and that is
involves comprehension as well production it means that speaking skill is very

crucial because speaking is more than the ability to form grammatically correct
sentences and then to pronounce. If students can speak English clearly and fluently
may help them to communicate and up to date information easily. In addition,
Speaking is productive aural or oral skill and it consists of producing systematic
verbal utterances to convey meaning. Speaking is the way in which the speakers
express and exchange thoughts and feeling through using language (Dash,
2013:67). It means that speaking such a must activity that people do in their daily
life where people express their feeling using language as well speaking is one of the
most difficult aspects for students to master.
According to Louma (2004) speaking skill have become the first priority to
be taught between the four skilss since the communicative approach
implementation has been influential in foreign language learning. Speaking is also
one of the language skills that play an important role in communication human
beings, especially in verbal communication. Besides, students also should be
mastered in vocabulary because by having vocabulary and good grammar they can
speak well and clearly. Accoring to Nunan( 2003) states speaking is a productive
oral skill that consists of producing systematic verbal expression to transfer
meaning. Speaking is a way to utter the feeling and mind by using language. Based
on Harmer (2001) speaking skill view from the communicative aspect has two
difeferent aspects. First, accuracy, including the correct use of vocabulary,
grammar, pronunciation practiced through controlled and guided activities. Second,
fluency that is the skill to make the speaker is going to speak.
Hughes (2003:113), stated that the objective of speaking skill is to develop
the ability to interact successfully using the language and that this involves
comprehension as well as production. It means that speaking skill is very crucial
because speaking is more than the ability to form grammatically correct sentences
and then to pronounce them. For a start, speaking is interactive and requires the
ability to co-operate in the management of speaking turns. In these circumstances,
spoken fluency requires the capacity to marshal a store of memorized lexical chunks
and the nature of speaking process means that the grammar of spoken language
differs in a number of significant ways from the grammar of written language.
Speaking is a skill which needs to be developed and practiced independently of the

grammar curriculum (Thornbury 2005:4). The ‘grammaring’ of each utterance is
also constrained by how much information can be held in working memory at any
one time. One-way speakers compensate for limited planning time is to use what is
called an add-on strategy.
According to chastain (2004) states that speaking is a productive skill since it
produces idea, message, and suggestion and we nee to practice it. To increase the
skill in communicating in english. When teaching and learning process, the students
should be active in the activity. They are expected to be shy and afraid in expressing
their own ideas. In additin, ccording to Guang (2007: 1) speaking is the ability to
express one self or communicate orally by using a language. It means that speaking
is an interactive process for producing, receiving, and processing information.
Furthermore, the students are expected to use language proficiency well. Through
speaking, learners need intonation, stress, pronunciation, grammar, and expression
to express their idea or opinion

Richards (2008:19) states that speaking is an activity that someone uses to

communicate each other. Furthermore, speaking skill seems very important because
it influences daily life. On the other hand, speaking is the way for interacting with
each other, expressing ideas, giving suggestions and comments, and sharing
information. Therefore, the teacher should provide and give more opportunities
and talking time for the students in speaking class, create the best environment for
them, and motivate them in order to encourage them to be braver and feel confident
to express their ideas and opinions in communicating process. In addition, it is also
supported by looking at the aim of learning a language that is communicating using
the language fluently. The teacher allows the students to express themselves freely
without having interruption

Based on those several expert statements, it can be concluded that speaking

skill is the most important and difficult skill to learn because it is a productive skill.
Moreover, the teacher should give attention to all aspects that will help students to
achieve a success in speaking such as the task that is used must be at appropriate
level for students in communication to express and convey the ideas, meaning,
information and one’s thoughts in spoken language. Therefore, speaking skill
should be taught to the students since they enter elementary school. The teacher

also has to emphasize on elements that construct speaking to make clear
understanding to students in learning process.

2.1.2 Presentation, Practice, Production

PPP technique is a common way to introduce a new idea in speaking to
students in a classroom. PPP technique in English teaching has three steps that help
the students learn, practice and produce a new language. Harmer (2007) states that
PPP stands for Presentation, Practice and Production, seems like manipulating the
language into a real conversation. PPP technique is a common technique in
communicative language teaching that is implemented through the progression of
three sequential stages. The used of PPP is still used today because the
implementation of PPP proved to be beneficial at lower levels..
According to Harmer (2007;64) states Presentation Practice and Production
(PPP) in British-based teaching and elsewhere is the procedure most often reffered
to as PPP, which stands for Presentation, Practice, and Production. In this procedure
the teacher introduces a situation which contextualises the language to be taught.
The language, too, presented. Later the students, using the new language, make
sentences of their own, and this is reffered to as production. It means that PPP there
are three steps: Presentation, Practice, and Production, this procedure the teacher
presented, than the students practice the language using accurate reproduction
teachniques such as choral repitition. It is a good place to start in terms of applying
good communicative language teaching in the classroom.
In addition Harmer explains Presentation, Practice, Production (PPP) as follows:
a. Presentation
Presentation is the practice of showing and explaining the content of
a topic to an audience or learner. It represents the introduction to a lesson,
and necessarily requires the creation of a realistic (or realistic-feeling)
"situation" requiring the target language to be learned. This can be achieved
through using pictures, dialogs, imaginations or actuals "classroom
situations". The teacher checks to see that the students understand the nature
of the situation, and then builds the "concept" underlying the language to be
learned using small chunks of language that the students already

know.Having understood the concept, students are then given the language
"model" and engage in choral drills to learned statement, answer and
question forms for the target language. This is a very teacher orientated
stage where error correction is important.
b. Practice
Practice is learning by repetition. Practice usually begins with what
is termed "mechanical practice" open and closed pair work. Students
gradually move into more "communicative practice" involving procedures
like information gap activities, dialog creations and controlled role plays.
Practice is seen as the frequency device to created familiarity and
confidence with the new language, and a measuring stick for accuracy. The
teacher still directed and corrected at this stage, but the classroom is
beginning to become more learned-centered.
c. Production
Production is the act of making products (something, goods and
services). It is seen as the culmination of the language learning process,
whereby the learners have started to become independent used of the
language rather than students of the language.The teacher's role here is to
somehow facilitated a realistic situation or activity where the students
instinctively feel the need to actively apply the language they have been
practicing. The teacher does not correct or become involved unless students
directly appeal to him/her to do so.

According to Pollard (2008) states that PPP stands for presentation, practice,
and production. It proved to be beneficial at lower levels and is still widely used
today. Presentation involves, as the name suggests, presenting a language point.
This is usually done by the teacher. Presentation might be similar to the audio-
lingual approach through the use of pictures and focused learning. It can also be
achieved through explanation and demonstration. Practice refers to controlled
practice it involves students using the target language in a controlled way. This
might involve drills, controlled written and speaking activities, and repetition.
Production refers to freer practice; students use the target language in sentences of

their own. They might also combine it with other language they know. It is not the
same as free speaking practice. For example, after studying “have you ever”
question forms to talk about experiences (e.g. have you ever been to Mexico? have
you ever eaten snails?) students work in pairs to ask each other about their own
experiences. The structure “have you ever” will be the same throughout, but the
vocabulary will vary. This is known as freer practice.

In addition, Harmer (2001:82) states that PPP stands for Presentation,

Practice, and Production; in other words, it has three stages in language teaching.
The three steps, presentation, practice and production, can be described as
follows:Presentation, in this step, the presents the material as creative and
interesting as possible to attract the students’ attention to the materials which are
going to be discussed. It can be done through brainstorming or asking some
questions that relate and direct the students to the learning material to be taught so
that the students are ready to continue to the next phase. Practice,in this stage is the
segment where reinforcement is conducted by giving the students practices. When
the teacher gives the students practices, without humiliating them and guide them
to study English correctly. Production, in the last stage of the PPP in which the
students are given a chance to practice or use the material taught. In other words,
the students should be more active while the teacher just pay corrected at the end of
the practices.

2.1.3 Assessing Speaking

Assessment is a process of collecting and analyzing the data to measure the

result of students’ achievement. Assessment is an important thing in teaching and
learning process. The assessment activities were applied to achieve, analyze, and
interpret data about the results of students’ progress in the teaching-learning process
systematically and continuously. By assessing the students, teacher can measure
how far the students understand the material that has been given in the teaching-
learning process. The results of the assessment can be used as the reflection to the
teacher whether or not the technique is effective. Assessing speaking is challenging

because there are many factors that influence the impression of how well someone
can speak a language in communication.

Luoma (2004: 4) states that assessing speaking is a process with many stages.
At each stage, people act and interact to produce something for the next stage.
Therefore, assessment can be in the form of self assessment, pair assessment, and
journal to measure students' attitude. It can also be written test, spoken test, and
assignments to measure their knowledge. To measure the students' skills, the
assessment can be in the form of practicum and portfolio. The result of assessment
is used as feedback. Some people might be tempted to think of testing and assessing
as synonymous terms, but they are not.

Brown (2004: 40) states the assessment is a popular and sometimes

misunderstood terms in current educational practice. Assessment has some
purposes such as: describing students' mastery in competency achievement, helping
students understand themselves and solving their problems. Finding learning
difficulties then render any helps both remedial and enrichment, finding out
weaknesses and difficulties of teaching and learning process is also the purposes of
doing assessment. In this present study, the researcher with respect on the statement
above would focus on testing the subjects' performance in speaking skill.

Assessment have important role in teaching and learning activities.

By assessing students, the teacher knows how far students improve their skill and
how far the students understood about the material that explained by the teacher.
This is one of the most important aspects of teaching to test the students’
comprehension. Fulcher and Davidson (2006:196) state that assessment becomes
not so much a desecrate set of activities, but rather a way of looking at the evidence
available from learning activities that focus students’ practice as learners and
researchers. Thus, in teaching and learning process the students have to be more
active to practice what the teacher explains in the classroom. Luoma (2004:1) states
that speaking skills are an important part of the curriculum in language teaching,
and this makes them important object of assessment as well. Assessing speaking is
challenging; however, there are so many factors that influence how well students
can speak a language.

Harmer (2001: 100), states that the teacher gives the students assessment of
how well they have done, whether during a drill or often a longer language
production exercise. Therefore, based on the explanation above, the researcher
would like to assess the students' speaking performance during they were speaking
in front of the class and also assess their performance in their final project. In
assessing speaking. there are some components that influence the monologue
performance. In the present study, the researcher wants to assess only three criteria
in scoring the students performance to make the researcher more focused in
assessing the students performance. The three criteria mentioned above are fluency,
comprehension, and grammar. According to Brown (2004), the explanations of
those criteria can be elaborated as follows:

1. Fluency
Fluency is the way people using the language quickly and confidently
with few unnatural pauses. Oral fluency is the main characteristics of
the speaker performance. Fluency is the ability to make a natural
conversation in the oral communication with the real expression.
2. Comprehension
It refers to the students' expression and understanding the monologue
also the content should be clear.They can understand and
comprehend the monologue well and the content is clear. The
sentence is related each other between one sentence to the other
3. Grammar
The students are expected to be able to perform the monologue
grammatically. Grammar will help the students to combine the words
to be a sentence correctly that can make other people understand
about the meaning of the sentence in the monologue.

The function of assessment is as a guide to reinforcing teacher’s priorities and

helping the students to identify what activities, knowledge, and understanding are
centrally important to their progress. Assessment of the students should be

explicitly linked to the learning process and outcomes of their degree programs are
not much an invitation to teacher work these things out for themselves at first sight
In this classroom action study, the researcher will carry a series of test during
teaching learning process to assess the students’ speaking ability. In the present
study, the researcher used a scoring rubric to score the achievement of the students
in speaking, especially in performing a short descriptive monologue . The
researcher used an analytical scoring rubric.The criteria of giving score are:
grammar is the appropriate structure or grammar in constructing the dialogues to
avoid misunderstanding; fluency is the speed and the flow of the students’ speech
in performing the dialogues.

2.2 Empirical Review

Empirical review is the review of the relevant research that has been
conducted; in which it reviews the previews research that relevant with the present
research. In conducting this study, researcher wants to improve the students
speaking skill trough PPP technique. There are other researches that used PPP
technique in teaching learning process which can improve the students speaking
skill. The researcher uses those previews studies which used as a basic
consideration to conduct this present study. The related study which are used as
references are described in chronological order below

The first research was conducted by Ferminus (2013) entitled "Improving

speaking skill of the tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Gianyar in Academic Year
2012/2013 Through PPP technique." The objective of the study was planned to
figure out the effectiveness of PPP technique in teaching speaking to the tenth grade
students of SMAN 6 Denpasar. The results showed that students’ speaking skill can
be improved after they were taught by implementing PPP. The improvement of the
students’ achievement also could be seen from two cycles conducted. Furthermore,
in this study, the PPP technique contributed positive things to improve students’
interest in performing their speaking skill.

The second research was conducted by Effendi (2015) entitled "Improving

Speaking Skill through PPP Technique to the Eighth Grade Students of SMAN 3
UBUD in Academic Year 2014/2015. The objective of the study was to figure out

the effectiveness of PPP technique in teaching speaking to the tenth grade students
of SMAN 3 Ubud in academic year 2014/2015 In addition, the researcher found
that the findings showed that the students’ speaking skill of the tenth grade
students of SMA N 3 Ubud in Academic Year 2014/2015 can be significantly
improved by implementing the PPP technique.
The researcher above gained the same results in which the findings showed
that after conducting two cycles there were constant improvements after the
researcher applied PPP technique, the students had a positive response. The
strengths of both study are the technique that they used to teach the speaking skill
is appropriate for the students, so the students were successful to improve their
speaking skill by using PPP technique. However, in implementing the technique
both researchers did not mention the steps of PPP clearly, so it made the students
confused about the activity and they were difficult to develop their ideas In the
present study, the researcher would more generalize the topic which was going to
be taught such as how to describe person and animal. And the reseacrher would
applying the technique based on Harmer (2007). Therefore, the students could get
a new variation language about how to describe person and animal.



3.1 Subject of the Study

The subjects of this research were the tenth grade students of SMAN 6
Denpasar. The subjects of the study will be the students of class X C IPA in
academic year 2020/2021.which consisted of 32 students as the subjects of the
study. The 32 students are chosen which have low speaking skill based on the result
of interview was done with the English teacher. Therefore, PPP Technique will
apply to improve the students’ speaking. .Moreover, the results showed that most
of XC students had difficulties in speaking skill . These results showed that their
speaking performance still had some problems. They were difficult in delivering
their ideas, fluently, comprehensively, and grammatically. Therefore, a further
study was carried out by applying ppp as a teaching technique to improve students'
speaking skill.

3.2 Research Design

The present study which dealt with improving speaking skill of the tenth
grade students of SMAN 6 Denpasar in academic year 2020/2021 through PPP
technique. The research design which was used in this present study was classroom
action research. Classroom action research concerned to study the problem of the
subjects in teaching learning process and to solve the problem with the effective
teaching in conducted in the classroom. Moreover, action research can be a very
valuable way to extend the teaching skills and gain more understanding of the
teachers .
Action research (for that matter all kinds of research) is more than just doing
activities. It is a form of practice which involves data gathering, reflection on the
action as it is presented through the data, generating evidence from the data, and

making claims to knowledge based on conclusions drawn from validated evidence
(McNiff and Whitehead 2002:16). In short, it can be defined as a research
conducted by the teacher to find out the problems. The significance of classroom
action research is changing learning behavior, improving professional competency,
upgrading self-confidence, and developing knowledge. In education, action
research can be applied to such areas as curriculum development, teaching
strategies, and school reform. Classroom action research involves teachers in their
classrooms and can groups of teachers examining common issues to improve
classroom practice or to improve practices in the school.

In education, action research can be applied to such areas as curriculum

development, as a teaching strategy for professional development, and school
reform. Classroom action research involves teachers in their classroom and group
of teachers examining common issues to improve classroom practice or to improve
practices in the school. Cohen et al. (2007:300) state that action research starts with
the small cycle of planning, acting, observing and reflecting. Classroom action
research can be used as a research design. The classroom action research makes use
of research design which is based on the collection of the data of pre-test and post-
test. On the other hand, the researcher does not just do research but also as a
facilitator and observer in order to make the research done
Moreover, Ary at all. (2010:518-519) state that the action research process
involves planning, action, observing and reflection. Planning is developed for
taking action and or for gathering information and data in order to observe the
practice. In action, the researcher implements the plans or changes a practice and
collects data. Data may be collected from a variety of sources. In observation, the
researcher synthesizes and analyzes the data. Key issues related to the problem are
identified. Therefore, this leads for doing the reflection once more in the next step.
Reflection is experience and percept ions that are used to identify an area of focus
based on a problem. Time is taken to review what is already known about the
problem or focus area and to learn more about the problem.

The present classroom action study concerned with the improving speaking
skill of the tenth grade students of SMAN 6 Denpasar in academic year 2020/2021
through PPP technique. The classroom action research was divided into some cycles

where each cycle consisted of two sessions. Each cycle consisted of four
interrelated activities, such as: planning, action, observation, and reflection. Cycle
I could become a continuing or iterative process, which returns until the action
research achieves a satisfactory outcome. Thus, the study could be then stopped. To
make it apparent, the design of the present action research can be clearly presented as
the following chart

3.3 Research Procedure

This research action is primarily intended to find out whether or not speaking
skill of the tenth grade students of SMAN 6 Denpasar in academic year 2020/2021
be improved through PPP technique. The teaching and learning process in this
classroom action study will be divided into some cycles where each cycle consisted
of two sessions. Each session consisted of four interconnected activities, such as:
planning, action, observation and reflection. Moreover, in order to collect the pre-
existing ability of the subjects’ speaking, initial reflection is firstly carried out.
Those steps could be briefly described as follows;

3.3.1. Initial reflection

Initial reflection is very important and being the first step in research prcedure
of classroom action research. In the present study, This initial condition means that
the first condition of the students before the teaching and learning process was
conducted. In this stage, the technique was not implemented yet towards the

subjects. The researcher did a research in SMAN 6 Denpasar because the subjects
in that school still had some problems in learning English, especially when they
learned about speaking. The problem was known by doing interviews to the English
teacher of SMAN 6 Denpasar. Therefore, the researcher administered pre-test to
the subjects in order to measure the prior knowledge of the subjects in speaking
skill. The result of the pre-test was used by the researcher as important and basic
consideration in designing planning in order to improve speaking skill of the tentth
grade students of SMAN 6 Denpasar through PPP which would be discussed in the
next section.

3.3.2. Planning
In order to be success of the action study, the researcher will make
instructional planning for whole session. The present study is substantially base on
the fact that the subject under study have low speaking skill. the subject of this
classroom action research is the tenth-grade students of SMAN 6 Denpasar in
academic year 2020/2021. To help the students in solving the problem, the
researcher will use PPP as teaching strategy in teaching speaking skill to the
students. It is strongly hope that this strategy will be effective and efficient in
helping the subjects to solve and improve their speaking skill. The researcher will
plan the following instructional mean activities, such as
1. Preparing teaching materils or lesson plan: Designing lesson plans or
setting up teaching scenarios of the present classroom action study
based on the syllabus which used of SMAN 6 Denpasar. The research
will design and plan for two lesson plans or teaching scenarios since
the action study is design in two cycles with four sessions. The
researcher will try the best to create communicative classroom
activities in order to help the students to improve and enhance their
speaking skill through PPP. In line with time schedule each session or
meeting is plan to last for about 90 minutes
2. Constructing post-test. This post-test was administered at the end of
every cycle. The result of administering the post-test is aimto measure
the students' learning progress in speaking skill.

3. The next activities are constructing questionnaire to the subjects under
study. The questionnaire will be given to the subjects at the end of the
cycle. The administration of the questionnaire is actually intending to
quantitatively measure the changing learning behaviors of the subjects
in improving speaking skill through PPP technique.

3.3.3 Action
Action refers to what the researcher do in the classroom and how the class
would be managed. This is an important activity that the researcher conducted in
this study. The researcher conducted the lesson plan or teaching scenario in the
classroom. Action was related to what the researcher has planned in the lesson plan.
In this section, the researcher applied PPP technique in teaching learning process of
speaking skill. In relation with improving students’ Speaking skill of the tenth-
grade students of SMAN 6 Denpasar in academic year 2020/2021, the classroom
activities were divided into three parts, namely pre-activity, whilst-activity, and
post-activity, which are briefly elaborated as follow;
Pre-activity, now days the teaching and learning process is implemented
trough online, and the researcher will use Google meet to connect with the students.
So, in pre activity was the beginning with the researcher ask the students to join in
Google meet. After all the students joined, the researcher tried to worm up the
subjects’ prior knowledge by giving some questions related to the topic that would
be discussed. Therefore, this activity was done to lead the subjects’ attention to the
material and the increase their interest, so they can be involved in the learning
process actively. This study will concerned on teaching speaking especially in
finding general information, specific information, textual meaning, and textual
references of reading texts. In addition, the researcher also stated the outline of the
materials and explained about the activity which would be discussed generally
during the teaching learning process
In whilst activity, the researcher acted like a teacher. The whilst-activity was
divided into four activities: observing, questioning, exploring and associating, and
communicating. In observing, the researcher shares an example of Descriptive
monologue text to be discussed and explained through share screen in Google meet.

The researcher then asked the subjects to read the example of descriptive text. In
questioning, the researcher stimulated the subjects to ask about difficulties that they
found after they read the text. The next activity was exploring and associating. I this
phase, the researcher asked the students to practice their descriptive monologue. .
Then, the teacher described and set up the situation that the students should know
before making PPP. The researcher will introduce PPP strategy itself to the students.
Then, tell them how the steps of PPP strategy. The researcher will be modeled the
activity to ensure that students understand how to use the strategy. In
communicating, the researcher asked the students to perform their description
through google meet base on the topic.

The last phase is post-activity. In the post activity, the researcher asked the
subjects about their difficulties during the teaching and learning process after
applying PPP technique. After that the researcher and the subject concluded
teaching and learning process. The subjects also identified obstacles which were
faced during the teaching learning process and the researcher gave feedback and
reinforcement on subjects’ statements about their obstacles. Then the researcher
provided post-test for the subjects. The post-test was used to measure the subjects’
progressing achievement in speaking. At the end, the researcher closed the lesson
and sign that the teaching learning process which has been conducted had finished

3.3.4 Observation

In this investigation, the researcher acted as the teacher as well as the

observer. In the observation, the researcher observed the subjects' learning progress
in speaking skill through PPP. In the observation, the researcher also observed the
subjects' responses toward the implementation of PPP in teaching speaking. As the
observer, the researcher also observed the process of learning in the classroom, and
how far the subjects gave their positive responses toward the implementation of
PPP. Observing the weaknesses of the PPP in learning process was also the
researcher's focus in this observation. Besides, the researcher also observed the
subjects' weaknesses in receiving the material through PPP whether they are already
focused or not in receiving the material.

3.3.5 Reflection

In reflection, the researcher evaluated the changes of the subjects' success in

learning English. The data from post-test was the important part of reflection. The
purpose of reflection will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of PPP in improving
the subjects' speaking skill. Therefore, the result of the reflection will used as a
feedback to the researcher. If there was no change of the subjects learning progress
during the teaching and learning process by using PPP, the researcher should fix the
weaknesses of the previous action. Thus, the researcher should revise the previous
planning. The revised planning will used in the next session of the next cycle in
teaching and learning process through PPP in order to solve the subjects' problem
in speaking skill.

3.4 Research Instrument

In collect the data, some research instruments will be make. The research
instruments are tools which will use by the researcher to collect the require data
were used to know whether the subjects speaking skill can be improved after
applying PPP. The selection and construction of appropriate, valid and reliable
research instrument will be very essential step of a scientific investigation, this is
on account of the fact merely valid and reliable research instruments will use to
collect the valid and reliable require data for the study undertaken. The study will
deal with research question: can speaking skill of the tenth-grade students of
SMAN 6 Denpasar in academic year 2020/2021 be improve through PPP?
Therefore, Research instrument was an instrument which was used by the
researcher to collect the data. In collecting the data, there were two instruments
used in this study, they were tests and questionnaire. The research instruments of
this classroom action study would be briefly described as follows:

3.4.1 Test

The researcher will use lesson plan in order to remind the activities which will
be done during the observation. In the lesson plan the researcher can find each
activity as well as the estimate time, so the researcher will manage the time well.
This lesson plan finds really helpful because it consists of the objective of the study
as well as the material and rubric to score the student. In this research, the tests
consisted of pre-test and post-test. Pre-test is used to know the prior ability of the
subjects before doing the action in the classroom. It is purposed to measure the
subjects’ pre-existing speaking skill.

In addition, the researcher used a short monologue performance to assess the

subjects’ speaking skill. In administering pre-test and post-test, the researcher asked
them to prepare a short monologue that would be performed. The researcher asked
them to perform the monologue one by one and the monologue that would be
performed was suitable with their own experience. The researcher asked them to
prepare a short monologue in three (2) minutes based on the situation and perform
their short monologue for three (3) minutes through google meet. Both pre-test and
post-test were scored by using a scoring rubric which was adapted from Brown
(2004:172).which can be seen in the following table:

Tabel 3.1

Scoring rubric of speaking Performance

Criteria Score Description

Fluency 5 The student is able to continue speech without too much
4 The student's fluency is a little disruption by language
3 The student's fluency is quite often disturbed by language
2 The student often hesitates and stops because of limited
1 The student often speaks in incomprehensive language
and often stops speaking while doing the monologue
Comprehension 5 The student can express and understand the monologue
well and the content is clear.
4 The student comprehends the whole monologue although
there is repetition in certain part.
3 The student comprehends the monologue but there are
some repetitions
2 The student is difficult to follow what she / he said
1 The student does not comprehend although in simple
Grammar 5 The student makes a few mistakes in speaking and it is
4 The student sometimes makes some mistakes but it does
not influence the meaning
3 The student often makes grammar mistake that influence
the meaning.
2 The student makes a lot of grammar mistakes that block
the meaning and often rearrange the sentence

1 The student has bad grammar mistake so it becomes so
hard to understand.

3.4.2 Questionnaire
The questionnaire will be used to find out the students’ achievement after the
treatment given to know the subjects' responses toward the implementation of PPP
techicque in teaching speaking. The questionnaire will administer at the end of the
class. The questionnaire also will give to the students in order to get some
information which relate to students’ feelings and interest towards the PPP will
apply. Furthermore, the questionnaire will be written in Indonesian. Since
questionnaire will be implemented, it will require the subjects to generously select
one of five choices: strongly agree (Sangat Setuju/SS), agree (Setuju/S), undecided
(RaguRagu/RR), disagree (Tidak Setuju/TS), strongly disagree (Sangat Tidak

3.5 Data Collection

Collecting the data in the present study was an important step in order to
answer the research problem under the study especially in speaking skill. In
addition, in order to gather the data needed from the subjects in the teaching and
learning process, the researcher administered the research instrument to the
subjects of the study. The data collection strategy would enhance the accuracy,
validity, and reliability of the research findings. It helps the researcher to produce
good quality of the research. In the present study, there were two kinds of
instruments that were used by the researcher to collect the data of the classroom
action research; they were tests (pre-test and post-test) and questionnaire to the
tenth grade students of SMAN 6 Denpasar The process of collecting the data could
be described as follows;
The first is pre-test, pre test will given to find the pre-existing subjects’
ability in speeaking skill. Pre test will be conducted before the technique is applied.
After the teaching and leaming process was started by implementing the technique,

the requred data are then collected by using post test that will be given in the end
of the cycle after teaching speaking skill to the subjects through PPP tecnique to
improve their speaking ability. This the test conducted to measure the subjects’
achievement after the technique is applied. The data from the post test will show
the students improvement in speaking skill when the PPP technique is applied.
The last is administering questionnaire. Finally, the questionnaire will give at the
end of the cycle in order to know the subjects’ responses about the implementation
of PPP technique in improving students’ speaking skill.
Moreover, In the process of data collection there were some research
instruments used by the researcher to gather the primary data of the present study,
they were pre-test and post-test. The required data were completely needed. Thus,
the data required to answer the research problem were collected by administering
the research instrument to the subjects. Meanwhile, the supporting data wil be
collected by administering the questionnaire to the subjects at the end of the last
cycle in order to know the subjects’ responses toward the implementation of PPP
tecnique in the classroom.Therefore, there were considerably three kinds of data
obtained from obtainined the present classroom action research, such as the

1) data indicating the subjects' pre-existing speaking ability

2) data showing the subjects' progress achievement in speaking ability
3) data showing the subjects' responses on the implementation of PPP

3.6 Data Analysis

The most important data require will answer the research question under study
collect through administering IR or pre-test and R or post-test. Some supporting
additional data will gather through administering questionnaire to the subjects
under study that will be X IPA class students of SMAN 6 Denpasar. Pre-test will
be gather to know the pre-existing speaking skill of the subject before the
implementation the technique and post-test will be gather to know the achievement
of the subjects after being taught speaking skill through PPP. The supporting
additional data were gathered through administering the questionnaire to the
subjects under study, the tenth grade students of SMAN 6 Denpasar. The aim is to

know the subjects’ responses on the implementation of PPP as a teaching technique
that will be used by the researcher in improving speaking. The data are calculated
through mean scores formula to consisted of average score of the students
achievement in speaking skill. The researcher would objectively define the
characteristic of each student’s speaking ability weather they achieved or not. The
researcher defined the category of total score as follow:

1. The data which were collected by administering pre –test and

post-test were analyzed by using the following formula:



M = Mean score

Σ x = Total scores

N= Total of subjects

2. The data which were resulated from the quisionnare were also
descriptivly analyzed by using the following formula:

Total Responses of an Item

Percentage = Total Responses of all itemsx 100%

3.7 Success Indikator

The success indicator in this study will be achieved when the subjects under
study will have already fulfilled the minimum passing grade of English lesson.
Based on the 2013 curriculum that will used in SMAN 6 DENPASAR. The
minimum score which will be considered to be the minimum passing grade of
English mastery was 72. Furthermore, based on minimum passing grade of the
subject, the research could be stopped when 80% all of subjects under study could
achieve the minimum passing grade. It meant 26 subjects of the total 32 subjects in
the classroom should pass the minimum passing grade. Then researcher will end
the the study and the research will be considered as successful


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