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Project 1:
Dr. Will Kurlinkus
Stage 1:
Empathize and
+ Who are our users, what do they
want (goals) and what are their
pain points?
+ What is the problem we are trying
to solve?
+ What is our unique value added?
Pieces of the portfolio: creative
brief, personas, user story/scenario,
journey map.
In Your Small Groups Help One Another
Select Which App You Should Develop
Design an audio-tour
app for an art gallery
What is a Design
+ What user tasks should the design
solve? Describe the deliverables: an
app that…
+ What is your target audience? Who
are your ideal users?
+ Who are the competitors and what
differentiates your product from
+ What are the timeline and budget?
+ Deliverables: You’ll know the project
is done when you have created?
In Canva: Create the Most
Basic of Design Briefs

+ Your name
+ Your design challenge
+ Your target user(s)
+ The final due date of this
+ List of deliverables
+ List of opening questions
Gallery Vox: Art Gallery Audio-Tour
+ Designer: Will Kurlinkus Deliverables:

+ Task: Design an audio-tour app for an art gallery + 1. Mobile App Project Personas

+ Target Users: Art buyers interested in local art + 2. Mobile App User Journey Map

+ Due Date: 10.27.23 + 3. Mobile App User Problems

+ 4. Mobile App Competitive Audit and Report

Initial Research Questions: + 5. Mobile App Storyboards

+ What are the different types of art gallery visitors (buyers, browsers, children, + 6. Mobile App Digital Wireframes
+ 7. Mobile App Low-Fidelity Prototype
+ What is the goal of an art gallery--introduce artists, sell art, promote a local artistic
community. + 8. Mobile App Research Plan

+ Who listens to audio tours at the gallery and who doesn’t? Who might be + 9. Mobile App Usability Study
encouraged to?
+ 10. Mobile App Research Presentation
+ How can we make pre-existing audio-tour experiences better? What are pre-
existing apps?

+ What are the different navigation types we could use: geofencing, user directed
by map or display, QR code.
Stakeholder Map:
Who does this
project matter to?
Describe the current situation and a few research goals you’d like to find
out about it.
Describe •I want to identify what interests people in buying local art in Norman, Oklahoma?
•I want to identify what frustrations or gaps prevent people from doing so.

Initial User
Research: Describe 4 target participant characteristics of your interviewees.

What is the
•Art buyers in norman Oklahoma: interested in local artists (their stories), might visit the
Describe main street art galleries during art walk,
•norman is a college town so erudite professors,
•middle aged to older, interested in local subject matter,
•cosmopolitan but getting used to living in a small oklahoma town, often international

Situation? Write 4 brief & open-ended interview questions for those users.
•Tell me a story about the art you've bought over the last 5 years?
Write •What interests you about local artists--can you give me one or two examples?
•Walk me through your art buying decision making processes: how does it work?
•When do you visit art galleries? What is your typical art gallery visit like?
•What would make the art gallery experience more enjoyable for you? What might you
like to learn about the pieces you see or the artists hosted there?
Fly on the wall
can help: As Can
Digital Fly On The
Wall (reviews)
Homework: answer the research
questions to create 3 basic user bios
(think different types of users/needs).
+ Age: 44
+ Education: PhD in History
+ Hometown: Norman, OK
+ Family: Lives with partner
+ Occupation: Cook

Elliot is a professor of history who lives in a small city, Norman OK, and researches “the west”. On the weekends, Elliot travels around Oklahoma’s small towns with his wife, visiting vintage
shops and looking for western memorabilia. He loves the hunt for a good piece of art and once he finds a piece he likes he really digs in, trying to learn everything he can about the artist—even
going so far as to seek them out and talk to them if they are still alive. Elliot’s priority is balancing work and studies with quality time spent on his hobbies and with loved ones.

1. Tell me a story about the art you've bought over the last 5 years?
As you might guess, the art I collect is primarily western oriented/themed in subject. Cowboys, mesas, etc. Increasingly, however, I’m less interested in western subject matter and more
interested in local artists. So, for instance, about 7 months ago I bought a piece by an artist from Chicasha Rob Briscoe, who does this amazing water colors.

2. What interests you about local artists--can you give me one or two examples?
Sure, um, I think what interests me is their relationship to space and place. I’m always looking for scenes of the west, obviously. But different interpretations on that theme. Unique approaches,
unique styles. So, Briscoe’s water colors, for instance, are really dark—night scenes—that’s opposed to maybe the typical dusty sepia tones others might use to represent the west.

3. What is your typical art gallery visit like?

The travel there is important to me—so is talking to people around. I’ll usually browse, then talk to the owner for a while, building relationships with the curator/owner as well as the artists if
possible is important to me because I’m definitely a repeat buyer and will go back to the same places if I can.

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