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BSENT 2-2 NOVEMBER 22, 2023


Cite one current and socially relevant ethical issue in the Philippine society and fill out the necessary
data using the chosen ethical issue in order to resolve the moral controversy at hand.

Make sure there will be no duplication of ethical issue among you. It is imperative that you have to
announce to the class and agreed among yourselves which ethical issue you will be assigning to

Current and Socially Relevant Ethical Issue: POLITICAL CORRUPTION

1. Objective Information Political corruption refers to the use of powers by government
officials or their network contacts for illegitimate private gain. This
can also include the misuse of public resources for personal
benefit. It bound various illicit activities within the political sphere,
such as bribery, lobbying, extortion, nepotism, embezzlement, and
other forms of dishonesty and stealing conduct. The negative
consequences of political corruption extend beyond individual
actions, posing a threat to the integrity of governmental institutions
and the overall health of a society.

Even though some criminal cases about this ethical issue are very
obvious, statistics are challenged to compile due to some of the
cases' secretive nature of such activities and the reluctance of
individuals involved to disclose information. Some of them have a
higher power that’s why their actions can't be easily exposed. In
addition, inconsistencies in definitions, reporting practice, and legal
frameworks across different countries contribute to difficulties in
accurately quantifying the prevalence of political corruption.
However, controversial statistical disparities may arise from
variations in the willingness of nations to address corruption,
prosecute offenders, and enforce anti-corruption measures.

So, in understanding political corruption it requires consideration of

cultural, legal, and historical contexts, as perceptions of corrupt
behaviour may vary across societies. The concept acknowledges
that corrupt acts may not always be explicitly illegal but can still
contravene ethical standards and compromise the public interest.

2. Definitional/Conceptual Political corruption is a societal malaise that inflicts enduring

Clarity damage on the fabric of governance and public trust. The
consequences of political corruption extend far beyond the
immediate transgressions, leaving an indelible mark on the
political, economic, and social well-being of a nation. The
conceptual clarity surrounding political corruption encompasses a
spectrum of deleterious effects that permeate various aspects of
In terms of definition and conceptual clarification when addressing
political corruption, as it spans a spectrum of illicit activities that
undermine the integrity of political systems. At its core, political
corruption involves the abuse of power, influence, or resources by
individuals in positions of authority for personal gain or to benefit a
specific group. These activities deviate from the intended purpose
of public service, eroding the public's trust in the institutions
designed to represent their interests.

Political corruption is not confined to a particular geographical or

administrative level; it permeates all levels of governance, from
local governments to national institutions. Local corruption can
affect community development projects, compromising the
equitable distribution of resources and impeding progress. On a
national scale, corruption can have far-reaching consequences,
influencing policy decisions, economic development, and the
overall stability of a country. Understanding the broad spectrum of
corrupt practices is essential for creating effective strategies to
combat corruption and promote good governance.

The defining feature of political corruption lies in its deviation from

the principles of serving the public good. When individuals
entrusted with public office prioritize personal interests or the
interests of a select few over the welfare of the entire populace, it
results in a betrayal of the public trust. Defining and conceptualizing
political corruption with clarity is the first step in developing
measures to prevent, detect, and address corrupt practices within
political systems.

3. Examples and Counter An illustrative example of political corruption involves a government

Examples official accepting bribes in exchange for influencing policy
decisions in favour of a particular individual or group. In this
scenario, the public official, who is entrusted with the responsibility
of shaping policies for the common good, succumbs to personal
interests or external pressures. This act not only compromises the
integrity of the decision-making process but also distorts the
intended purpose of public service.

Consider a hypothetical situation where a multinational corporation

seeks regulatory exemptions for environmentally harmful practices.
To secure favourable policy decisions, representatives of the
corporation offer substantial financial incentives to a government
official responsible for regulatory oversight. In return, the official
manipulates the policy-making process to grant the corporation
leniency, ignoring the potential ecological consequences. This
transaction exemplifies political corruption, as the public official
prioritizes personal gain over the public's welfare, jeopardizing
environmental sustainability for the benefit of a select few.

In contrast, to counter this example of political corruption would be

a public servant who consistently acts in the best interest of the
public, refraining from personal gain or favoritism. For instance,
imagine a government official responsible for allocating funds to
public education. To be specific, those LGUs who allocated funds
for scholarships and for TESDA and ALS. Despite facing pressure
from a well-connected private education company offering financial
incentives for preferential treatment, the public servant steadfastly
adheres to principles of fairness and allocates resources based on
merit and the needs of the broader community. This
counterexample highlights the importance of individuals in
positions of power prioritizing the public good over personal gain
and resisting external influences that could compromise the
integrity of their decision-making.

4. Arguments Political corruption poses a serious threat to the very foundations

of a functioning and just society. One compelling argument against
political corruption centers on its corrosive impact on the principles
of fairness, justice, and equal opportunity. When public officials
engage in corrupt practices, they undermine the democratic ideals
of representation and accountability. This erodes the fundamental
trust citizens place in their government and can lead to a
breakdown of the social contract between the governed and the

Moreover, political corruption diverts public resources away from

essential services and infrastructure projects that benefit the
broader population. Funds intended for healthcare, education, and
public welfare are often misappropriated for personal gain or
directed towards projects with little or no public benefit. This
misallocation perpetuates social and economic disparities,
hindering the pursuit of equitable development and exacerbating
existing inequalities within society.

As we decline the action of political corruption, it also emphasizes

its adverse effects on economic growth and foreign investment.
Corruption introduces uncertainty and unpredictability into
business environments, deterring both domestic and international
investors. This impedes economic development and innovation, as
resources are allocated based on personal connections rather than
merit. In the long run, economies affected by corruption are likely
to experience reduced competitiveness and decreased
opportunities for sustainable growth.

Additionally, political corruption undermines the rule of law,

creating a culture where individuals believe they can act with
impunity. When public officials are perceived as being above the
law or immune to consequences, it fosters a climate of lawlessness
and weakens the institutions responsible for upholding justice. This
erosion of the rule of law not only undermines the credibility of legal
and judicial systems but also comprises the overall stability and
security of a nation.

5. Valid Moral Principle In the context of the Philippines' political landscape, fostering a
culture of integrity, justice, and public service among politicians
becomes paramount in fighting against political corruption. The
moral principle of integrity, particularly the commitment to
upholding obligations despite personal inconvenience, is a
cornerstone for ethical governance. Politicians must recognize that
their roles come with a moral duty to the public, transcending
personal interests. Additionally, integrity demands consistency in
behavior, aligning actions with ethical standards even when faced
with challenges or temptations. Politicians, as public servants,
should embody this principle by refraining from engaging in corrupt
practices and ensuring that their decisions prioritize the welfare of
the people over personal gain. This commitment to integrity
establishes a foundation of trust between elected officials and the
public, fostering transparency and accountability within the political

With the second concept which is justice, I think it is also crucial for
them to recognize this principle that states that “Equals should be
treated equally and unequal’s unequally.” Politicians must
advocate for and implement fair and equitable policies that benefit
society as a whole, ensuring that resources are distributed based
on need and merit rather than personal connections. Upholding
justice requires a commitment to dismantling systems that
perpetuate corruption and creating an environment where
everyone is held accountable, regardless of their position or

Furthermore, the principle of public service should guide politicians

in their decision-making processes. Understanding their roles as
servants of the public, politicians must prioritize policies that
address the needs of the citizens, promote social welfare, and
contribute to the overall development of the nation. By embracing
the ethos of public service, politicians can actively work towards
eradicating corruption, placing the interests of the people at the
forefront of their political agendas. That’s why those public servants
have the same principle which is “Serve above self.”
Moral Decision: In light of the ethical issue of political corruption within the context
of the Philippines' economic situation, I am resolutely committed to
taking a stand against this pervasive problem. Recognizing the
critical importance of positions of power and influence in shaping
the nation's trajectory, I firmly believe that those entrusted with
such responsibilities must prioritize the welfare of the citizens over
personal gain.

In addressing the ethical imperative of curbing political corruption,

individuals in positions of authority must refrain from engaging in
practices that undermine the trust bestowed upon them by the
public. Instead, they should channel their efforts towards fortifying
the foundations of our nation by ensuring that resources,
particularly those derived from the hard-earned taxes of citizens,
are utilized for the collective benefit of society.
Transparency must be at the forefront of this ethical commitment.
Elected officials and leaders should actively promote openness in
governmental processes, allowing the public to have a clear view
of how their contributions through taxes are utilized. By fostering
transparency, we not only build trust between the government and
its citizens but also create a system of checks and balances that
acts as a deterrent against corrupt practices.

Moreover, recognizing the impact of political corruption on the

future generation, it is imperative to take proactive measures to
mitigate its effects. This involves implementing stringent anti-
corruption policies, advocating for ethical leadership, and fostering
a culture of accountability within governmental institutions. It is a
collective responsibility to pave the way for a more transparent,
just, and equitable society that prioritizes the long-term well-being
of the nation and its citizens.

In conclusion, my moral decision on fighting against political

corruption is grounded in the principles of prioritizing public welfare,
promoting transparency, and safeguarding the interests of future
generations. It is through these ethical commitments that we can
work collectively to mitigate the adverse effects of political
corruption and contribute to the sustainable development of our
beloved Philippines.


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