Potential Research Areas

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Research areas

 Swimming pool water-quality status and implications on public health

 Risks of enteric disease from consumption of vegetables irrigated with partially treated
 Level of stress in post graduate students towards exams and dissertation submission period AAU
 Effect of exercise on weight improvement in a cohort of GYM users at Bole Rock.
 How city people are dealing with growing threat of Heat stroke and dehydration in Addis
 Human health in Water and Development
 Health system readiness to deal with growing climate change impacts that affect children’s
 Application of technology to prevent water-related diseases
 Application of epidemiological methods (disease determinants, surveillance,
descriptive/analytical epidemiology, modeling to prevent water-borne diseases
 Application of biostatistics for waterborne diseases
 Development of guideline for Swimming pool water-quality standard to prevent public health
 Ethiopia’s guideline on quality of production and monitoring of bottled water for consumption
 Ethiopia’s readiness to prevent and manage water-related disease outbreaks
 Occupational health risk of sanitation workers in Addis Ababa
 Investigate the issues around sanitation and gender in Addis Ababa
 Investigate situation of toilets in public areas in Addis Ababa and their risk of contamination -
vis-à-vis Sanitation and health guideline of WHO.
 Water (WASH) and Climate Change
 Water (WASH) and NTD
 Water (WASH) and emergencies
 Water (WASH) and Cholera – The environmental factors that enhance recurrent cholera
epidemics in Ethiopia
 Water (WASH) and AMR
 Water (WASH) and MNCH
 Water (WASH) and health care waste management
 Water quality surveillance
 Water (WASH) and Nutrition
 Thorough analysis of Ethiopian JEE scores vis-à-vis IHR framework: Progress, challenges and
ways forward
 Ethiopian airlines and preparedness to prevent transmission of infectious diseases
 Ethiopia’s capacity in Detecting, reporting and responding of Waterborne Outbreaks: Case of
Cholera epidemic management in Addis Ababa
 WASH-related emergencies and outbreaks in Ethiopia
 Waste water epidemiology- detecting pathogens in wastewater as surveillance strategy
 Health care worker infection of COVID-19 (cohort study)
 The influence of lack of water and sanitation on spread of COVID
 Interaction of COVID-19 with other water-borne diseases
 Challenges of achieving reasonable control measures such as hygiene, physical distancing and
adherence to confinemento9..i
Recommendation to AAU water institute

o To pilot a water-abundant kebele and see the implications for public health outcomes.
Operational definition of water-abundant kebele is all people will access safe water, all
water sources will be protected, all waters will be treated, high sanitation and hygiene
o Addis Ababa University Institute of Water Resources can play a leading role in sanitation
and hygiene of Addis Ababa city
o Water Institute should also play better role in Sheger beautifying project initiated by the
PM as there is a significant component that has to do with wastewater treatment
o Plan to write a book on Water and Public Health in the context of Ethiopia
o The institute can also play a leading role in national or subnational researches to do with
o There is a need to play more active role in industrial park building so that wastewater
treatment is adequately planned for, there is capacity to monitor, there is technology
transfer in treating wastewater, etc

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