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Kidnappings for Ransom

An Undergraduate Case Study

Presented To

Faculty of College of Nuevo Zamboanga Inc.

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree






December 2024


THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND __________________________________ I

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY_____________________________________________ II

RESULTS ________________________________________________________________ III

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS_________________________________IV

BIBLIOGRAPHY __________________________________________________________ V



Kidnapping for ransom is a serious problem in many parts of the world, including the

Philippines. This criminal activity often involves the abduction of individuals, who are then held

captive until a ransom is paid for their release. The problem is particularly acute in the southern

part of the country, where terrorist groups such as the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) are active.

The motives behind kidnapping for ransom in the Philippines are complex and multifaceted.

In some cases, the perpetrators are motivated by financial gain, using the ransom money to fund

their operations or personal interests. In other cases, the kidnappings are carried out as a form of

political or ideological statement, aimed at destabilizing the government or promoting extremist


The tactics used by kidnappers in the Philippines vary, but often involve the use of force and

intimidation to coerce their victims into complying with their demands. In some cases, the

kidnappers use sophisticated techniques such as surveillance and intelligence gathering to plan

and execute their operations.

The impact of kidnapping for ransom on individuals and society as a whole is significant.

The victims and their families are traumatized by the experience, and the payment of ransom

money can contribute to the perpetuation of criminal activities and the funding of terrorism.

The Philippine government and security forces have implemented various measures to

prevent and address kidnapping for ransom cases. These include the establishment of specialized

anti-kidnapping units within the police and military, the enactment of laws and regulations to

address the problem, and the implementation of community-based programs to raise awareness

and prevent such incidents from occurring.

Overall, the problem of kidnapping for ransom in the Philippines is a complex and

challenging issue that requires a coordinated and multi-pronged approach to address. By

understanding the motives, tactics, and impact of this criminal activity, we can work towards

developing effective strategies to prevent and address it, and promote peace and security in the



To conduct research on the problem of kidnapping for ransom in the Philippines, a

qualitative research methodology was employed. This involved the collection and analysis of

data from various sources, including academic literature, media reports, and government


The research focused on identifying the motives and tactics used by kidnappers in the

Philippines, as well as the responses of the government and security forces to such incidents. The

research also aimed to identify the impact of kidnapping for ransom on individuals and society as

a whole.

Data was collected through a systematic review of academic literature on the topic, as well

as a review of media reports and government documents related to kidnapping for ransom cases

in the Philippines. The data was then analyzed using a thematic analysis approach, which

involved identifying key themes and patterns in the data.

The research was limited by the availability and reliability of data on kidnapping for ransom

cases in the Philippines. Due to the sensitive nature of the topic, some data may be incomplete or

inaccurate. Additionally, the research was limited by the scope of the study, which focused on the

Philippines and did not include other countries where kidnapping for ransom is also a problem.
Despite these limitations, the research provides valuable insights into the problem of

kidnapping for ransom in the Philippines. By understanding the motives, tactics, and impact of

this criminal activity, policymakers and security forces can work towards developing effective

strategies to prevent and address it, and promote peace and security in the country.



The results of the research on kidnapping for ransom in the Philippines revealed several key


Firstly, the research found that the problem of kidnapping for ransom in the Philippines is

complex and multifaceted, with various motives and tactics used by perpetrators. Financial gain

was found to be a common motive, with some kidnappers using the ransom money to fund their

operations or personal interests. Political and ideological motives were also found to be a factor,

with some kidnappings carried out as a form of protest or to promote extremist ideologies.

Secondly, the research found that the tactics used by kidnappers in the Philippines vary, but

often involve the use of force and intimidation to coerce their victims into complying with their

demands. In some cases, the kidnappers use sophisticated techniques such as surveillance and

intelligence gathering to plan and execute their operations.

Thirdly, the research found that the impact of kidnapping for ransom on individuals and

society as a whole is significant. The victims and their families are traumatized by the

experience, and the payment of ransom money can contribute to the perpetuation of criminal

activities and the funding of terrorism.

Fourthly, the research found that the Philippine government and security forces have

implemented various measures to prevent and address kidnapping for ransom cases. These

include the establishment of specialized anti-kidnapping units within the police and military, the

enactment of laws and regulations to address the problem, and the implementation of

community-based programs to raise awareness and prevent such incidents from occurring.

Overall, the research highlights the need for a coordinated and multi-pronged approach to

address the problem of kidnapping for ransom in the Philippines. By understanding the motives,

tactics, and impact of this criminal activity, policymakers and security forces can work towards

developing effective strategies to prevent and address it, and promote peace and security in the




Kidnapping for ransom is a significant problem in the Philippines, often involving terrorist

groups. The motives and tactics used by perpetrators are complex and multifaceted, with

financial gain, political and ideological motives, and the use of force and intimidation being

common factors. Studying these cases can shed light on the motives, tactics, and responses to

such criminal activities.

Based on the findings of the research on kidnapping for ransom in the Philippines, several

conclusions and recommendations can be made. Firstly, it is clear that this problem requires a

coordinated and multi-pronged approach to address, involving the government, security forces,

and civil society. Effective law enforcement and security measures are crucial to prevent and

address kidnapping for ransom cases. This includes the establishment of specialized anti-

kidnapping units within the police and military, the enactment of laws and regulations to address
the problem, and the implementation of community-based programs to raise awareness and

prevent such incidents from occurring.

Secondly, it is important to address the root causes of kidnapping for ransom, such as poverty,

inequality, and political instability. This involves promoting inclusive economic growth and

social development, and addressing the underlying socioeconomic and political factors that

contribute to the problem. By addressing these root causes, it is possible to prevent individuals

from resorting to kidnapping for ransom as a means of financial gain or as a form of protest.

Finally, there is a need for continued research and analysis on the problem of kidnapping for

ransom in the Philippines, in order to develop effective strategies and policies to prevent and

address the problem. This includes the collection and analysis of data on kidnapping for ransom

cases, as well as the evaluation of existing policies and programs aimed at addressing the


In conclusion, kidnapping for ransom is a serious problem that requires a comprehensive and

coordinated approach to address. By understanding the motives, tactics, and impact of this

criminal activity, policymakers and security forces can work towards developing effective

strategies to prevent and address it, and promote peace and security in the country.

• Kidnappings for ransom continue to pose a significant threat in the Philippines, driven by

motives of financial gain and targeting high-profile individuals. This case study highlighted the

importance of a swift and coordinated response from the authorities to ensure the safe release of

the victim and apprehension of the perpetrators.

•The successful resolution of the case was attributed to the effective collaboration among law

enforcement agencies, the utilization of intelligence resources, and the application of tactical

measures during the rescue operation. The authorities were able to track down the kidnappers,

negotiate with them, and execute a successful rescue mission.

• However, this case also reveals certain vulnerabilities and areas for improvement. The fact that

kidnappings for ransom continue to occur implies that criminal groups and terrorist organizations

are still able to operate and evade capture. Therefore, it is crucial to address the root causes and

underlying issues contributing to these crimes.


1. Strengthen International Cooperation: Kidnapping for ransom cases often involve

transnational criminals and networks. Strengthening cooperation and information-sharing

with neighboring countries and international law enforcement agencies is essential to

effectively combat this crime. This includes joint investigations, intelligence sharing, and

coordinated operations.
2. Enhance Community Engagement: Engaging with local communities is essential to

gather intelligence and prevent kidnappings. Authorities should establish trust and build

relationships with communities, encouraging them to report suspicious activities and

providing them with the necessary support and resources for self-protection.

3. Improve Public Awareness and Education: Raising public awareness about the dangers of

kidnappings for ransom can help individuals and businesses take necessary precautions to

prevent becoming targets. Educational campaigns and workshops should be conducted to

provide knowledge on personal security measures, including risk assessment, emergency

protocols, and response strategies.

4. Strengthen Prosecution and Punishment: To deter kidnappers, it is vital to ensure that

those involved in these crimes face swift and severe punishment. This includes the

establishment of specialized courts and the provision of resources to expedite trials.

Additionally, efforts should be made to disrupt the financial networks used by kidnappers

through enhanced financial intelligence and asset tracing.

5. Improve Victim Support and Rehabilitation: Kidnapping victims often suffer from

physical and psychological trauma. It is crucial to provide them with comprehensive

support, including medical assistance, counseling, and reintegration services. This

support should extend beyond the immediate aftermath of the ordeal, recognizing the

long-term impact on the victims’ lives.

BIBLIOGRAPHY (2020). Philippines still ‘high-risk’ for kidnapping, says int’l report. Retrieved



BBC News. (2016). Kidnapping in the Philippines: In a snap. Retrieved from

PNP Anti-Kidnapping Group. (n.d.). About the PNP Anti-Kidnapping Group. Retrieved

ABS-CBN News. (2020). Kidnappings on the rise in the Philippines, says expert. Retrieved


says-expert (2021). Police vow to solve kidnapping cases, set up tracking team. Retrieved



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