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Part 2: CliftonStrengths Assessment and Personal Mission Statement (100 Points)

CliftonStrengths is an instrument from Gallup that helps you identify 5 themes or talents that you can
later develop into strengths. By leveraging these talents and strengths, you can increase your chances of
success in your pursuits.

• Make sure you provided your COLS 101 faculty member with a copy of your CliftonStrengths
results in Week 2.

• In week 2, you reflected on how your CliftonStrengths talents/themes helped you be successful
in the past and the present; now . . . we want to turn to the future. Respond to the following
questions in approximately 500 words total:

• Considering all that you learned in this course and your 5 talents/themes, how will you
approach your studies in the future to maximize your chances of success? create lists
and use things to organize

• How will you use your talents/themes to guide you professionally in the longer term?
label them the best you can and place things in

• How does knowing your dominant talents/themes change how you think about your
major, your future profession, and yourself personally? knowing what i struggle and
what im good at and can work through them hard ones

• The Career/Transfer Exploration Online Module introduced you to the author of the book Start
with Why, Simon Sinek, and the importance of understanding your "why" (or your purpose). Not
only does knowing your "why" lead you to pursue the things that give you fulfillment, it serves as
a reference point, allowing you to measure your progress and know when you are meeting your

So, keeping in mind your strengths and the values that we explored this semester (see Academic
Advising Online Module week 3), write a personal mission statement (one or two sentences)
that summarizes your why. A mission statement describes how you want to live your life (your
purpose). For example, in the television show Star Trek, its mission was "to explore strange new
worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before."
Notice their mission declares their purpose, not where they expect to be in the future, which
would be a vision statement.

Of course, your priorities will shift over time with different life experiences, so think of your
mission statement as a living document, something that can and will change with time.
Therefore, please keep a copy of your mission statement and plan to revisit it, reflect on your
priorities, and make changes every year or two.

Use the templates on the next page to help you create your personal mission statement that
reads as you would like it. Shorten them, change the order of elements in the sentence, mix
them up, add something . . . you decide, it's your mission statement. Your final statement
should be no longer than one to three sentences.

Mission Statement Templates

Use one or two of the template examples below to help create your one to three sentence mission
statement. Please do not just fill in the blanks; use these to help you but not limit you—have fun.

• To … [stay organized ] … so that … [I can find them easier ]. I will do this by … [labeling
them ].

• I value [family and friends ] because … [they help me out in diffiult times ]. Accordingly, I will
… [be thankful for them hug them tell them i appricate them]."

• To develop and cultivate the qualities of … [manging time ] … that I admire in … [my friend ]
… so that … [have lists of things to do].

• To live each day with … [staying organized ] … so that … time to do more things than being
cluttered ]. I will do this by … [putting them in folders ]."

• To appreciate and enjoy … [the outside the nature ] by … [take walks more ].

• To treasure above all else … [family ] by … [cherish the moments ].

• To be known by … [family ] … as someone who is … [thoughtful … by … [friends ] … as

someone who is … [caring ] …; … .

**Remember, your final mission statement should be no longer than three sentences.

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