Sindayen Ianweils Ele082 Lab-8

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College of Engineering and Architecture

Department of Electronics Engineering

ELE 082
Circuits 1 for Electronics Engineering
1st Semester, 2023-2024

Laboratory Application Report No. 8

Capacitors and Inductors

Presented by

Sindayen, Ian Weils.

Presented to

Engr. Stephanie M. Macanlalay

October 28, 2023

I. Objectives

1. Describe the basic behavior of capacitor and inductors;

Laboratory Application Report No. 8
Capacitors and Inductors

2. Determine the equivalent series and parallel combinations of each;

3. Find the division of voltage among capacitors in series; and

4. Examine the steady state behavior of simple RLC circuits.

II. Conceptual Framework

The inductor behaves identically to the resistor in terms of series and parallel combinations. That is,the
equivalent of a series connection of inductors is simply the sum of the values. For a parallel connection of inductors
either the product-sum rule or the “reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals” rule may be used. Capacitors, in
contrast, behave in an opposite manner. The equivalent of a parallel grouping of capacitors is simply the sum of the
capacitances while a series connection must be treated with the product-sum or reciprocal rules.

For circuit analysis in the steady state case, inductors may be treated as shorts (or for more accuracy, as a
small resistance known as the coil resistance, Rcoil, which is dependent on the construction of the device) while
capacitors may be treated as opens. If multiple capacitors are in series, the applied voltage will be split among them
inversely to the capacitance. That is, the largest capacitors will drop the smallest voltages.

III. Materials and Procedures


(1) Adjustable DC Power Supply

(1) Digital Multimeter

(1) 4.7 kΩ

(1) 10 kΩ

(1) .1 μF

(1) .22 μF

(1) 1 mH

(1) 10 mH


1. Using an RLC meter, measure the values

of the two capacitors and two inductors and
record them in Table 13.1. Also, measure the
equivalent DC series resistance of the two
inductors and record them in Table 13.1.
Using these values, determine and record the
theoretical series and parallel combinations
specified in Table 13.2.

2. Connect the two capacitors in series and

measure the total capacitance using the RLC
Laboratory Application Report No. 8
Capacitors and Inductors

meter. Record this value in Table 13.2. Repeat this process for the remaining combinations in Table 13.2. Also
determine and record the deviations.

3. Consider the circuit of Figure 13.1 using E = 5 volts, C1 = .1 μF and C2 = .22 μF. Determine the voltage across
each capacitor and record these values in Table 13.3.

4. Build the circuit of Figure 13.1 using E = 5 volts, C1 = .1 μF and C2 = .22 μF. Measure the voltage across each
capacitor and record these values in Table 13.3. Also determine and record the deviations.

5. Consider the circuit of Figure 13.2 using E = 10 volts, R1 = 4.7 kΩ, R2 = 10 kΩ, C = .1 μF and L = 1 mH.
Determine the steady state voltage across each component and record these values in Table 13.4.

6. Build the circuit of Figure 13.2 using E = 10 volts, R1 = 4.7 kΩ, R2 = 10 kΩ, C = .1 μF and L = 1 mH. Energize
the circuit. It will reach steady state in less than one second. Measure the steady state voltage across each component
and record these values in Table 13.4. Also determine and record the deviations.

IV. Observations / Output

The data derived from both theoretical calculations and experimental measurements consistently show very
minimal or practically negligible variations. Any discrepancies observed are typically associated with minor errors
related to components or analysis. This overall consistency serves to confirm our understanding of the circuit and
the underlying processes.

In each results table, the emphasis is on demonstrating the interconnectedness of each component and how
they respond to different variables. When arranged in series and parallel configurations, inductors behave similarly
to resistors, whereas capacitors exhibit distinct behavior. In some cases, a specific section of the circuit may lack a
numerical value or may not have experimental significance, which is a result of its interaction with other elements
and aligns with the intended function of capacitors and inductors.

V. Data and Results


Table 13.2
Theoretical Capacitance
.1 uF in Series
Ctotal= 1 1
C1 C2
Ctotal=(.22 uF−1+.1 uF−1)−1
Ctotal=6.875∗10−8 F
.1 uF in Parallel
Ctotal= C1+C2
Ctotal= .22uF + .1uF
Ctotal=3.2∗10−2 F

Deviation Formula
Deviation = Theoretical Value – Measured Value
Deviation = 3.2 * 10 ^-2 F - 3.2 * 10 ^-2 F
Laboratory Application Report No. 8
Capacitors and Inductors

Deviation =0
Table 13.3
Theoretical Steady State Voltage
Q=5V* 6.875∗10−8 F
Q=3.4375∗10−7 F

3.4375∗10 F
VC1= 1.56 V

3.4375∗10 F

Deviation Formula
Deviation = Theoretical Value – Measured Value
Deviation =1.56 V - 1.56 V
Deviation =0


Component Experimental Rcoil

.1 µF 8.389 MF X

.22 µF 8.389 MF X

1 mH 0 5

10 mH 0 5
Table 13.1

Pairing Theory Experimental Deviation

.1 μF series .22 μF 6.875 * 10 ^-8 F 6.875 * 10 ^-8 F 0

.1 μF parallel .22 μF 3.2 * 10 ^-2 F 3.2 * 10 ^-2 F 0

1 mH series 10 mH 0.011 H 0.011 H 0

1 mH parallel 10 mH 909.091 µH 909.091 µH 0

Table 13.2
Laboratory Application Report No. 8
Capacitors and Inductors

Voltage Theory Experimental Deviation

VC1 1.56 V 1.56 V 0

VC2 3.44 V 3.44 V 0

Table 13.3

Voltage Theory Experimental Deviation

VR1 3.198 V 3.198 V 0

VR2 6.802 V 6.802 V 0

VC 6.802 V 6.802 V 0

VL 0 0 0

Table 13.4
VI. Analysis and Discussion


1. Does the value of Rcoil appear to be correlated with the inductance value?
- Indeed, there is a clear correlation associated with the characteristics of the coil. To be more specific, the number
of coils wound within the coil plays a significant role in determining its inductance. This relationship between the
coil's coil count and its inductance value is crucial for understanding how inductors function.
2. How do capacitors and inductors in series and in parallel compare with resistors?
- We calculated the series and parallel values of capacitors and inductors using the same approach employed for
connecting resistors in series and parallel.
3. In a series combination of capacitors, how does the voltage divide up?
- In a series arrangement of capacitors, the method for finding the overall voltage across them is somewhat similar to
calculating voltage in a resistor network, although it doesn't require applying the voltage divider rule directly. In this
scenario, the total voltage across the capacitors must equal the end voltage outcome.
4. For DC steady state analysis, what can be said about capacitors and inductors?
- When a circuit is in a steady state, it means that all currents and voltages have reached a stable condition, and there
is no ongoing net change. In this particular circuit, it seems that the inductor is essentially bypassed or short-
circuited in the steady state. The voltage across resistor 2 equals the voltage across the capacitor, while the voltage
across the inductor remains at zero. This is because, in a steady-state situation, the inductor functions as a short
5. Does the value of Rcoil seem to have much impact on the final circuit? Why/why not?
- The voltage across the inductor being zero implies that, in the provided circuit or situation, the inductor is
essentially not affecting the circuit's behavior. Nevertheless, this observation is essential in grasping a fundamental
aspect influencing inductance. The number of coils or turns within an inductor is a crucial factor determining its
inductance level. In simpler terms, the greater the number of coils or turns in an inductor, the higher its inductance.
This connection is inherent to how inductors operate.

VII. Conclusion

In conclusion, the laboratory experiment involving inductors and capacitors has deepened our comprehension of
these fundamental electrical components. We used a combination of theoretical calculations and practical
measurements to investigate their behavior within electrical circuits.
Laboratory Application Report No. 8
Capacitors and Inductors

The experiment underscored the direct relationship between the number of coils in an inductor and its inductance,
with more coils resulting in higher inductance values. This demonstrates the critical connection between the physical
attributes of inductors and their electrical properties

Furthermore, the experiment shed light on how capacitors and inductors operate concerning voltage distribution and
their behavior in steady-state conditions within circuits. Capacitors store charge and energy, while inductors resist
changes in current.

In essence, this hands-on laboratory experience has not only enhanced our understanding of inductors and capacitors
but has also underscored their significance in various electrical applications. This knowledge is of great value to
engineers and designers as they tailor these components to meet the specific requirements of electrical systems.

VIII. References

ELE 001: ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT 1, Laboratory Exercise #13

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